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生命周期评价(LCA)是目前最具有说服力的量化评价环境影响的方法,可对整个过程中可能发生资源消耗和环境污染物排放的环节进行量化分析,从而确定该种产品是否对环境产生负担,并能直观地了解到这种负担的多少。LCA作为一种评价产品、工艺过程或活动的有用的环境管理工具,目前已被政府和企业广泛采用。本文总结了瓦楞纸、发泡聚苯乙烯、聚乙烯的生命周期评价研究现状,并给出建议。  相似文献   

废弃混凝土处理过程的环境影响是辅助废弃混凝土管理决策的重要依据。采用生命周期评价方法,对废弃混凝土再生骨料利用、再生原料利用、基础填料利用和填埋四种方式的环境影响,进行了核算。其中,生命周期影响评价方法采用中点法计算生命周期环境影响状况,并通过社会支付意愿的概念将生命周期影响状况结果转化为以货币价值表示的单一环境影响分值。结果表明:在材料替代的前提下,废弃混凝土再生骨料利用的环境影响最低,最能体现废弃混凝土的资源价值。目前西宁市建筑垃圾填埋弃置的收费标准,不能弥补填埋造成的环境影响,亦不足以改善废弃混凝土的再生利用。  相似文献   

刘斌 《国际石油经济》2012,20(7):65-67,112
针对各油气田企业强化完整项目管理,追求投资高回报的现状,从全生命周期的界定入手,研究探索项目全生命周期经济评价方法与评价指标体系,根据项目周期的阶段性差异把全生命周期分为前期论证阶段、项目运行阶段和项目结束后三个阶段,提出了每个阶段的评价方法与指标,打破了“就项目而评价项目”的传统评价模式,创建了“多层次、多角度的全方位经济评价方法”,体现了建设项目的综合经济效益,为老油田提高投资回报奠定坚实的评价基础.此外,文章还结合辽河油田SAGD项目实证了该评价方法的实用性.  相似文献   

以冶金行业长材生产经营项目为例,研究长材主体设备从项目主体设备筹划、设计、制造、安装、使用、维护、更新改造到报废的整个生命周期内有效简单快捷的投资决策评价方法。利用全寿命周期费用效益法和权衡分析法进行评价时,也可作为项目决策经济分析方法的补充,从而实现"先进适用、经济合理、安全可靠、节能环保"的基本要求,达到寿命周期效益最大化为目的。  相似文献   

煤炭资源开发的环境影响调控   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
煤炭在我国的能源生产与消费结构中占有相当大的比重,将来一段时期内也将占据主导地位。然而,煤炭在生产、运输与消费过程中对环境造成了很大影响与破坏。本文提出了煤炭矿区环境影响评价的概念、评价原则,建立了评价指标体系,并在煤炭产品生命周期清单分析的基础上,应用模糊综合评价的方法建立了煤炭矿区环境影响评价模型.结合鸡西矿区进行实证研究与分析,  相似文献   

为了减少聚酯树脂产品在生命周期过程中造成环境污染,文章应用生命周期评价(LCA)方法,主要分析了聚酯树脂在原材料获取阶段、生产制造阶段、运输阶段的碳排放当量。通过聚酯树脂(产品)环境影响评估软件,建立了聚酯树脂产品的生命周期模型。结果表明:聚酯树脂产品对环境造成的主要影响中,在生产制造阶段影响最大,其次是原材料获取阶段、运输阶段。最后对聚酯树脂生命周期的各个阶段提出了改进方案。  相似文献   

尝试设计一套囊括煤炭开采、洗选、运输各环节的技术经济评价模型,在投资估算、经济评价、能耗评价等方面形成较为完善的评价指标体系,实现评价全过程的标准化和自动化,为煤炭企业项目决策以及相关课题研究提供支撑。建模过程搜集了大量设计数据样本和生产数据样本,并采用多种分析方法,并对模型评价结果与样本数据进行了对比分析。  相似文献   

LN G接收站的安全设计基于项目本质安全性和整个生命周期管理过程开展,在项目生命周期的各个阶段安全设计的内容各有侧重,本文从LN G接收站各个设计阶段的输入和输出的内容出发,探讨LN G接收站安全设计的设计策略及管理模式。  相似文献   

随着城镇建设的快速发展,建筑垃圾剧增,对环境和社会的影响越加严重,建筑垃圾的减量化、资源化和再利用成为建筑业可持续发展亟待解决的问题.免烧免蒸砖是一种替代传统粘土实心砖的新型墙体材料,有利于节能、节地、利废,促进循环经济发展,具有良好的经济效益和社会效益.文章通过对建筑垃圾制免烧免蒸砖生产工艺的调查,系统分析了生产过程的各项环境排放因素,并运用生命周期评价理论和方法,对其生产过程的环境影响进行定量研究和综合测算.针对建筑垃圾制免烧免蒸砖的生产过程中主要环境影响因素,包括温室气体和粉尘的排放等,提出了改进建议.  相似文献   

环境绩效评价的引入和推广使建筑业越来越关注其自身活动对环境的影响。迄今,学术界对环境绩效评价的研究成果显著,不仅基于自然环境、社会环境、经济环境的三角关系形成可持续性评价的研究领域,还基于项目全生命周期管理创立了全生命周期评价的理论体系。基于文献综述和问卷调查,设计出一套适用于建设项目的环境绩效指标,并分析各指标的数据可获得性、重要性及应受关注度,为国内建设项目更加科学地进行环境绩效评价提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

This study uses life cycle assessment methodology to quantify the energy use, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and water use of processed tomato products grown, processed, and consumed within the Great Lakes region of the United States, and tomato products produced in California and then shipped to the Great Lakes region for consumption. The purpose is to assess the potential for regional food systems to reduce selected environmental impacts, particularly the energy and GHG footprints, of consumer-ready, processed food products, when compared to national-scale food systems in which consumer products are shipped long distances. The study also examines the role of different types of food processing in influencing life cycle energy use, water use, and emissions.Our results indicate that California-produced conventional and organic tomato paste and canned diced tomatoes are almost equivalent in energy use and GHG emissions to regionally produced and consumed products, but use of developed water resources is significantly higher for California-grown products. California tomato production benefits from higher per hectare yields and soil amendments with lower carbon dioxide emissions. These efficiencies substantially offset the added energy use and GHG emissions associated with long-distance shipment of products to the Great Lakes region, as long as shipments are made by rail rather than by truck. Paste, the more processed and concentrated product evaluated, amplifies any environmental advantages or disadvantages accrued in the field production stage, due to its raw tomato to finished product ratio of 6:1, suggesting that comparative regional advantage can play a role in lowering life cycle environmental impacts of highly condensed foods shipped long distances.  相似文献   

Animal husbandry, aquaculture and fishery have major impacts on the environment. In order to identify the range of impacts and the most important factors thereof, as well as to identify what are the main causes of the differences between products, we analysed 52 life cycle assessment studies (LCAs) of animal and vegetal sources of protein. Our analysis was focused only on land requirement and carbon footprints.  相似文献   

Advances in sustainable purchasing put pressure on firms to evaluate and demonstrate the sustainability of their products and services. In this paper, we coin the term sustainable value proposition, develop a process framework for building sustainable value propositions, and illustrate its application with two technology-intensive offerings. By integrating the literature on sustainable marketing and customer value propositions with life cycle assessment methodologies, we build a process framework that can be applied to demonstrate and evaluate the economic, environmental and social benefits of industrial products and services. The framework comprises 1) identification of potential impacts, 2) identification of key value creation mechanisms, 3) choosing key indicators, 4) life cycle modeling, and 5) life cycle value demonstration. Through two case studies, we examine the development of sustainable value propositions in two industry sectors: metallurgical and automotive. The results highlight the value provided to customers through the combination of direct economic benefits and derivative benefits of reduced environmental and social impacts. Our paper contributes to the growing field of sustainable marketing by offering guidelines on how to integrate sustainability with the marketing and purchasing of technology-intensive offerings. In addition, we offer guidelines for how to construct sustainable value propositions that resonate with customers.  相似文献   

Fisher FG 《Food Policy》1986,11(4):274-278
The state government of Victoria, Australia, recently prepared a discussion paper towards a regional food and nutrition policy. This evaluation finds it deficient in various ways. The critique contains recommendations for the building of a national food policy. The commission report displays a lack of a systems view of the problem of nutrition, which would recognize a diversity of influences on eating (e.g. social frameworks and frameworks by which we think and know). Linear causality is not an adequate concept. Agribusiness impacts heavily on the environment. In the case of meat production, inputs to production far exceed food energy outputs. Disposal of the by-products of meat production is also more problematic. The way to impact on these wasteful and destructive industrial practices is to consume less meat. Additives in food are a serious problem not well enough addressed. This and other processing increase the cultural perception of foodstuffs as human artifacts. Awareness of the cultural role of foods would allow Australians to cope with industry campaigns promoting meat and processed foodstuffs. There should be more attention to mutual impacts of environment, consumptiuon, and additives and processing. Food from low in the food chain (cereals, seafood) should be promoted not as substitutes but as foods in their own right. Commission recommendations should deal with questions such as nutritional information labeling of foods, and especially an attempt to foster consciousness of the environmental impact of food consumption: Government policy should be mindful to the extent possible of the impact on poor areas of the world of wasteful food consumption in Australia. Proposals for action should benefit from the impact of several fields of expertise beyond health, agriculture, consumer affairs and others; for instance, anthropology or environmental science.  相似文献   

基于LMDI模型的CO2排放影响因素研究——以江苏省为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用Kaya及其扩展模型将CO2排放影响因素划分为产业能源强度、生活能源强度、能源结构、产业结构、人均产出、人居收入和人口总数7个方面。根据1995~2009年江苏省一、二、三产业和居民生活部门的12种能源消费数据,利用LMDI模型分解计算出7个因素的CO2排放量和贡献值。研究结果表明,1995~2009年江苏省CO2排放量总体呈上升趋势;人均产出、人居收入和人口总数对CO2排放起到正向驱动作用,产业能源强度、生活能源强度、能源结构、产业结构起到负向驱动作用,人均产出和产业能源强度分别是影响CO2排放的正向和负向主导因素。降低CO2排放量,需要通过提高产业能源强度、调整产业结构、能源结构和促进居民生活方式和消费模式的转变,要坚持计划生育的基本国策。  相似文献   

能源经济环境模型是研究宏观政策影响、能源经济环境综合评价等的重要分析工具。介绍了能源经济环境模型中应用最为广泛的一般均衡(CGE)模型、技术模型及混合模型。结合文献着重分析了模型的发展趋势,包括开发综合评价模型、处理不确定性问题及技术变化内生模拟、细化重要部门等方面。最后指出应重视基本模型的能力建设,积极参与国际合作。  相似文献   

基于价值工程的建筑节能方案优选研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
随着能源危机的日益凸显,建筑节能已经提上日程。如何在成本控制的范围内,选用合适的建筑节能材料和建筑节能技术变得越来越重要。这就要求对各种建筑节能方案进行比选,从而找出经济效益、环境效益和社会效益最优的方案。文章将从建筑节能方案的综合效益出发,构建一套建筑节能方案综合评价指标体系,运用层次分析法赋予不同权重,进行方案的功能评价,再引入价值工程的方法,从全寿命周期角度进行建筑节能方案的优选。  相似文献   

Hydrogen is a basic product of the (petro-)chemical industry. Furthermore it can be used as a fuel for vehicles. One main advantage of hydrogen as a fuel for drive trains is the possibility to reduce greenhouse gas emissions significantly compared to fossil fuels and avoid other local emissions. Against this background, the goal of this paper is to compare fuel cells driven by hydrogen in respect of environmental parameters. The emissions of these options are not only produced during driving and therefore this paper applies a cradle to grave approach (i.e. life cycle assessment). Greenhouse gas emissions and acidification as well as nitrogen oxides are analysed. To allow a fair comparison in total ten different systems including fossil fuels are analysed (five with hydrogen and five alternatives). That includes the entire life cycle of the car (i.e. production, use, and disposal) assuming a defined amount of kilometres to be driven during the technical lifetime. For a full assessment the energy needed to produce and run the car, the fuel production as well as the fuel distribution are considered. The results show that electrical drive trains could reduce specific greenhouse gas emissions significantly if renewable sources of energy are used. For the acidification some fossil options were better than options powered by renewable energies.  相似文献   

Palm oil is a cooking oil and food ingredient in widespread use in the global food system. However, as a highly saturated fat, palm oil consumption has been associated with negative effects on cardiovascular health, while large scale oil palm production has been linked to deforestation. We construct an innovative fully integrated Macroeconomic-Environmental-Demographic-health (MED-health) model to undertake integrated health, environmental, and economic analyses of palm oil consumption and oil palm production in Thailand over the coming 20 years (2016–2035). In order to put a health and fiscal food policy perspective on policy priorities of future palm oil consumption growth, we model the implications of a 54% product-specific sales tax to achieve a halving of future energy intakes from palm cooking oil consumption. Total patient incidence and premature mortality from myocardial infarction and stroke decline by 0.03–0.16% and rural-urban equity in health and welfare improves in most regions. However, contrary to accepted wisdom, reduced oil palm production would not be environmentally beneficial in the Thailand case, since, once established, oil palms have favourable carbon sequestration characteristics compared to alternative uses of Thai cropland. The increased sales tax also provokes mixed economic impacts: While real GDP increases in a second-best Thai tax policy environment, relative consumption-to-investment price changes may reduce household welfare over extended periods unless accompanied by non-distortionary government compensation payments. Overall, our holistic approach demonstrates that product-specific fiscal food policy taxes may involve important trade-offs between nutrition, health, the economy, and the environment.  相似文献   

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