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我国在经济飞速发展的同时,能源的消耗也在增长。生物柴油的出现不仅有效缓解了我国能源消耗过高的紧张局面,在环保方面也具有显著成效。作为能够代替柴油的生物柴油的出现,国内外对其的研究与应用也在深入。本文主要讲述生物柴油的生产工艺和目前我国生物柴油的发展现状以及未来我国生物柴油的发展趋势。  相似文献   

潇河 《中国石化》2005,(7):19-19
生物柴油是清洁的可再生能源,它以大豆和油菜籽等油料作物、油棕和黄连木等油料林木果实、工程微藻等油料水生植物以及动物油酯、废餐饮油等为原料制成的液体燃料,是优质的石油柴油代用品。生物柴油是典型“绿色能源”,大力发展生物柴油对经济可持续发燕尾服,推进能源替代,减轻环境压力,控制城市大气污染具有重要的战略意义。  相似文献   

生物采油是清洁的可再生能源,它以大豆和油菜籽等油料作物、油棕和黄连木等油料林木果实、工程微藻等油料水生植物以及动物油脂、废餐饮油等为原料制成的液体燃料,是优质的石油柴油代用品。生物柴油是典型的“绿色能源”,大力发展生物柴油时经济可持续发展,推进能源替代,减轻环境压力,控制城市大气污染具有重要的战略意义。  相似文献   

闵恩泽教授是我国炼油催化应用科学的奠基者,石油化工技术自主创新的先行者,绿色化学的开拓者,在国内外石油化工界享有崇高的声誉。从石油催化剂的研发,到催化材料的发明、绿色化学的应用,再到现在的生物质能源开发,闽院士从未停止过在科研领域的耕耘与播种。他希望利用此次的奖金研究“新的生物柴油生产工艺,以及如何用生物柴油生产高价值的化工产品,让生物柴油在经济上站住脚”。在闵老荣获国家最高科学技术奖之际,本刊特邀记者陈伟立就国内外生物质能源的发展情况采访了闵老。闵老告诉我们,他下一步的目标是在“生物质资源生产车用燃料”领域中进一步突破,让中国不再惧怕油价飙升和大量进口石油的挑战。  相似文献   

中科院西双版纳热带植物园生物能源组日前在生物柴油制备及副产物甘油高附加值转化方面取得新进展。新工艺在获得高转化率生物柴油的同时,还充分利用了副产物甘油,使生物柴油生产链更加完整。该生物能源组经过大量实验研究,提出生物柴油与乳酸联产的新工艺——以固体硅酸钠为催化剂,联合催化油脂酯交换反应和副产物甘油水热反应,同时获得生物柴油和乳酸。科研人员以植物油为初始原料,经煅烧硅酸钠转酯化催化制备生物柴油,生物柴油得率可达99.6%,催化剂重复利用次数达6次。  相似文献   

6月6日,位于江苏省镇江新区国际化学工业园区的江苏恒顺达生物能源有限公司生物柴油项目举行试投产仪式。这标志着镇江新区大港朝着打造环保再生型生物柴油基地迈出重要的步伐。江苏恒顺达生物能源有限公司生物柴油项目主要以废弃油脂为生产原料,采用欧美先进的生物柴油生产技术生产环保再生燃物柴油,其产品属于“绿色能源”,不但能解决汽车尾气排放污染问题,  相似文献   

文冠果——理想的生物柴油木本原料   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
开发和利用生物柴油是发展生物质能源的重要组成部分。随着生物柴油产业的发展,木本油料植物作为生物柴油原料在中国受到越来越多的重视。其中,文冠果就是一种理想的生物柴油木本原料。  相似文献   

正青岛绿巨人生物能源有限公司是一家生物能源领域的初创公司,它创建了中国首家生物能源行业的物联网平台——中国生物能网(www.zgswncom)。生物能源通常指的是通过生物或化学的途径,将能源作物、玉米、秸秆、畜禽粪污、餐厨废弃物、市政污泥等有机质转化成生物燃气、生物柴油和燃料乙醇等可再生的清洁能源。开发和使用生物能源,是全球顺应可持续发展的一项重要举措。伴随互联网时代的到来,物联网、云计算、大数据等正在颠覆传统产业。能源生产  相似文献   

江苏经济长期以来存在着资源与产业规模不匹配的内在矛盾,一方面,江苏是重量级的工业大省,另一方面,又是不折不扣的能源资源小省,目前,近80%的能源需要从省外调入.为缓解能源消费需求的巨大压力,江苏省十分重视推进生物柴油产业的发展,努力确立生物柴油产业在国内市场的领先地位,并通过技术和产业优势,把握生物柴油发展的主导权,现已取得明显成效.  相似文献   

<正>综合效益突出且被各方寄予厚望的生物柴油产业,正在遭遇前所未有的发展困境。生物柴油是以"地沟油"等废弃油脂和油料作物为原料生产的可再生液体燃料,具有十六烷值高、无毒、低硫、可降解、无芳烃等特点,可与石化柴油混配使用或直接替代,是典型的绿色环保可再生能源。因此,世界各国纷纷将生物柴油作为新能源发展的重要方向之一。在我国,发展生物柴油更有"一石二鸟"的特殊价值。因"地沟油"能够成为制取生物柴油的原料,处理得  相似文献   

酸含量测定方法对比及其对生物柴油调合燃料质量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对生物柴油调合生产过程中由于酸含量测试方法差异而引起质量波动的问题,分析了GB/T 264-1983、GB/T 4945-2002、GB/T 7304-2000、GB/T 258-1988、GB/T 5530-2005、GB/T 9104-2008等涉及矿物柴油、生物柴油、抗磨剂等调合组分的质量标准中酸含量测试方法中的溶剂、滴定剂、终点判定等因素,指出了不同方法的优势和使用体系。生物柴油调合燃料(B5)生产中原料酸含量表征方式的不统一,密度的差异影响产品酸值合格率的控制。统一酸含量表征方式,选用适宜的试验方法,调整酸含量内控指标,根据矿物油密度优化调合比对控制生物柴油调和燃料(B5)酸值指标、稳定产品质量具有积极作用。  相似文献   

生物柴油制备方法的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物柴油作为一种绿色的可再生能源,正逐步成为替代化石能源的研究热点。其制备分物理和化学两大类,在化学法中尤以酯交换法工业应用最为广泛。重点讨论了不同催化剂及其工艺路线下,酸、碱催化剂和生物酶等3种催化剂在酯交换过程中的应用,并对这些制备方法的优劣进行了初步的总结。  相似文献   

Facing a huge fiscal burden due to imports of its entire petroleum demand in the face of ample supply of agricultural land to produce biofuels, Zambia has recently introduced a biofuel mandate. However, a number of questions, particularly those related to the economics of biofuels, have not been fully investigated yet. Using an empirical model, this study analyzes the economics of meeting the biodiesel mandate using soybean oil. The study finds that meeting the biodiesel mandate would reduce social welfare, mainly because of the welfare loss to fuel consumers and net reduction in foreign exchange earnings due to soybean oil imports. However, if Zambia increases its domestic soybean supply, as well as oil yield, soybean-based biodiesel is likely to be welfare-beneficial. The country’s welfare is found to be the highest under expanded soybean production and its domestic processing but with no biodiesel mandate.  相似文献   

Production of biodiesel is technologically simple, and the process of value addition – from the cultivation of oilseeds to oil extraction and transesterification – is straightforward. There is, however, great variation in the socioeconomic configuration of this value chain. In some regions of India, the cultivation of tree-borne oilseeds is organised in a social forestry mode, in which poor landless people are paid to perform reforestation tasks and receive usufruct rights to collect oilseeds; in other regions, peasant cooperatives, subcontracting arrangements between farmers and transnational corporations, or large-scale plantations are promoted. There are also many different end uses and ways of processing biodiesel, from village-level projects for rural off-grid electrification to large scale processing. This article explains how five Indian states have developed biodiesel policies that reflect different political goals and favour different constituencies, reflecting the states’ specific socioeconomic structures, power relations norms.  相似文献   

为了提高燃油的蒸发效率,研究混合燃料的蒸发过程与机理,搭建液滴悬挂式蒸发试验装置对丁醇-麻疯树生物柴油混合液滴进行实验,利用高速摄像机记录BUT00,BUT20,BUT40和BUT60 4种丁醇-麻疯树生物柴油混合液滴蒸发过程形态和直径的变化,探究丁醇掺混比例对液滴蒸发特性的影响,并采用MATLAB代码处理液滴图像。针对试验过程中可能产生的误差,进行不确定度分析,验证数据的重复性,消除统计误差。实验结果表明:在环境温度873 K下,麻疯树生物柴油(JME)的液滴寿命为5.989 s/mm2,随着丁醇质量分数的增加,液滴寿命相应减少,BUT00液滴寿命约为BUT60液滴寿命的1.43倍;混合液滴的平均蒸发率K会随着掺醇比例的提高而显著增大,BUT60掺混比例的混合液滴对液滴的蒸发速率促进作用更明显,因此将该掺混比例的燃料应用于内燃机中,可以更好地实现空气-燃料混合,提高内燃机的燃烧效率。研究结果为丁醇-麻疯树生物柴油混合液滴在燃烧装置中的应用提供了数据支撑,对于优化发动机设计具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The biofuels industry in both the UK and the EU as a whole has expanded significantly in recent years in response to various EU biofuel policy initiatives. Further expansion of biofuel demand will increase the impact of the biofuels sector on agricultural markets. This paper examines the impact that increasing levels of first generation biofuel demand to 10% of total transport fuel use in the UK and other EU Member States would have on agricultural markets within the EU and specifically the UK using a partial equilibrium modelling system. Increasing overall biodiesel demand raises demand for vegetable oil and oilseed and in turn their prices. The increased grain demand in response to the increased bioethanol demand is mostly sourced from changes in EU net trade.  相似文献   

Various methods exist for managing the planning, cost estimating, scheduling and statusing of new product development projects. David Boag and Brenda Rinholm investigate whether the use of formal management procedures and structured frameworks are the most effective methods for achieving control over new product development activities. This article describes the new product development management practices of 33 small and medium-sized high technology companies. The authors employ a judgmental procedure to group the firms into three stages of development for their management of new products. Findings indicate that success at new product development is greater for more formalized companies than for companies which are less formalized or which use informal methods.  相似文献   

The importance of customer input in the development of very new products   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This research explores the acquisition of customer input and its importance in the development of very new products. Data were gathered on 55 product development projects from the computer telephony integration industry – a new industry experiencing rapid technological change. The data were used to test hypotheses concerning the relationships between product newness, the importance of customer input in the development process, and the use of customer intensive market research methods. We found that the importance of customer input increases with market newness of a product up to a point and then drops off for very new products, whereas the importance of customer input increases with technological newness of a product without dropping off. We also found that the importance of customer input significantly increases the use of customer intensive market research methods; whereas, neither market nor technological product newness in themselves had much direct effect on research methods.  相似文献   

Scholarly and practitioner literature have both described the potential benefits of using methods associated with a “design thinking” approach to develop new innovations. Most studies of the main design thinking methods—needfinding, brainstorming, and prototyping—are based either on analyses of experienced designers or examine each method in isolation. If design thinking is to be widely adopted, less‐experienced users will employ these methods together, but we know little about their effect when newly adopted. Drawing on perspectives that consider concept development as broadly consisting of a divergent concept generation phase followed by a convergent concept selection phase, we collected data on 14 cases of novice multidisciplinary product development teams using design methods across both phases. Our hybrid qualitative and quantitative analysis indicate both benefits and limits of formal design methods: First, formal design methods were helpful not only during concept generation, but also during concept selection. Second, while brainstorming was valuable when combined with other methods, increased numbers of brainstorming sessions actually corresponded to lower performance, except in the setting where new members may join a team. And third, increased team reflexivity—such as from debating ideas, processes, or changes to concepts—was associated with more successful outcomes during concept generation but less successful outcomes during concept selection. We develop propositions related to the contingent use of brainstorming and team reflexivity depending on team composition and phase of development. Implications from this study include that novice multidisciplinary teams are more likely to be successful in applying design thinking when they can be guided to combine methods, are aware of the limits of brainstorming, and can transition from more‐ to less‐reflexive practices.  相似文献   

Portfolio management for product innovation – picking the right set of development projects – is critical to new product success. This article reports on the new product portfolio practices and performance of a large sample of firms in North America. Reasons why portfolio management is important are identified, followed by the relative popularity of the different portfolio techniques: financial methods are first, followed by business strategy methods, bubble diagrams and scoring models. Next, how the various portfolio methods fare in terms of six performance metrics is probed. Financial methods, although the most popular and rigorous, yield the worst results overall, while top performing firms rely more on non‐financial approaches – strategic and scoring methods. The details of how some of these more popular methods are employed by firms to rate and rank development projects are also provided. Finally, managerial implications, including suggestions for making portfolio management more effective in industry, are outlined.  相似文献   

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