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<正> 随着我国入世进程的加快和国际、国内市场的融合,钢铁企业的经营活动将面临许多新问题,产品营销工作也已进入了所谓“情感化”的时代,关系营销、交易营销和战略营销的思想业已形成,营销的创新将直接关系到企业的市场份额和企业的竞争实力,而服务营销则是面对竞争的一种创新思路。服务营销是把服务与产品、品牌、生产过程和营销战略相融合,把服务的理念融入到企业生产、销售的各个环节中,融入到产品及企业形象当中去。  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,服务营销学研究的广度和深度都在持续延展。对专业学术期刊进行内容分析,是了解学术研究历程及其发展趋势的重要途径。学术界对服务营销学类顶级专业期刊近10年发表的学术论文,进行了系统的内容分析和概括总结,揭示了国外服务营销学界的最新研究进展及其研究焦点的演变规律,为我国服务营销学的科学研究和管理实践提供了有益的借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

姜悦 《中国纺织》2005,(9):174-175
让我们来整理一下凌乱的思路,到目前为止,我们已然知道的有多少营销理论呢?从4P到4C到4R乃至4V,从品牌营销、服务营销、社会营销、关系营销、事件营销、整合营销、绿色营销,到网络营销、数据库营销,概念一个接着一个,令人目不暇接.最近在营销学思想阵营里又多了一个成员,取名"水平营销"(lateral marketing),提出这个概念的人正是有"现代营销学"之父称号的菲利普·科特勒.  相似文献   

4Ps营销组合理论已经成为营销学经典范式,各种营销组合学说层出不穷。文章对消费品营销、关系营销、工业品营销、服务营销、网络营销中新出现的营销组合理论进行评述,对营销组合理论总的发展特点进行总结。  相似文献   

打造营销全面监控平台   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
营销监控中心是以整合信息资源为基础,站在建立“以客户为中心”为目标的战略高度上,在科学发展观的指导下树立科学经营与营销的工作理念,将分散的信息资源集成为一个公共的监控平台,赋予原有信息资源新的生命,实现对营销业务全局的总览,切实提高营销工作的业绩和效率。营销监控中心建设的核心。  相似文献   

何谓电力数字营销  建立在“数字电力”基础之上的“电力数字营销”,其主要内容是:把以客户为中心作为出发点,综合利用大容量数据存储和管理技术,基于宽带网的计算机通信技术和互联网技术,最大限度地开发、整合电力营销各信息管理系统和电力企业内部的各种信息资源,通过网络化共享,建立以数字化为根本特征的信息营销系统,为客户提供可供选择的报装、缴费、投诉、报修、查询、反馈、个性化服务等直效服务。  以客户为中心的电力数字营销系统是由一个中心、三大层面而构成的。即电力营销数据中心;客户服务层(电力电子商务、…  相似文献   

岳占仁 《IT经理世界》2011,(14):89-90,88
强调人文精神和社会价值为什么会成为营销新趋势?“营销4.0”的概念意义何在?针对“数字一代”的有效营销策略是怎样的?让我们聆听“市场营销学之父”菲利普·科特勒的观点。  相似文献   

分析成功品牌的营销历程.我们不难归纳出这样一个共性的规律.其营销活动都经历三次跳跃.功能依次演变.层层推进:消除陌生感;拉近距离感:营造归属感。对比分析,或许能为成长中的品牌提供一些启发.也可借机检验一下我们的营销活动是否出现偏差。  相似文献   

1.内核部分:企业营销的内核属“精神文化层”。它要求全体职工(特别是营销人员)牢固树立起“以市场为导向,以客户为中心”的现代营销意识。供电企业的营销战略、经营目标、服务方针都要紧紧围绕这个意识而发散展开。这个意识是对整个营销工作的开展有着重大导向作用的软件部分,故应高度重视并努力培养这种意识。  相似文献   

现代商业银行和工商企业一样存在营销活动,只是银行经营的业务和行业的特征有别于工商企业,银行的产品是服务,可以是通过某种金融工具提供的有形服务,也可以是一些如咨询等的无形服务。这使商业银行的营销具有“服务营销”和“两极营销”等特点,其营销行为也就不同于工商企业,具有特殊性。一直以来,我国  相似文献   

Marketing costs are usually not clearly defined. This depends partly on the fact that the marketing department is not identical with the marketing function of the firm. Marketing activities may also be carried out by the managing director, service engineers, and others. In fact, everybody with customer contact influences sales. This is especially evident in service firms where the same person may produce as well as market and administrate. In this article, marketing cost concepts for professional service firms are developed and their practical application is discussed. The purpose of these concepts is to help professional service firms evaluate their marketing efforts and determine marketing strategies.  相似文献   

Market intelligence helps ensure that R&D efforts are focused on customer needs. In turn, R&D supplies the information necessary for gaining competitive advantage through advances in product and process technology. However, improved R&D–marketing integration means more than simply involving additional marketing personnel in product development. We must focus on identifying and achieving the desired level of integration. Jozée Lapierre and Brigitte Hénault present the results of a study examining the R&D–marketing interface in a large Canadian telecommunications company. Their study explores managers' perceptions of interfunctional integration during the planning and implementation of new services. The goal of this study is to identify the critical integration areas and managers' satisfaction with the organization's current level of integration. Network (i.e., technical) and marketing managers differ substantially in their perceptions of the required level of integration. However, they agree on the five most important areas of interfunctional integration: marketing involvement in establishing service development schedules; information transfer from marketing to network on competitors' moves; information transfer from marketing to network on customer requirements for new services; information transfer from network to marketing on network availability for providing evolved services; and information transfer from network to marketing on network restrictions affecting performance, after-sales servicing levels, and service pricing. In other words, network and marketing managers view information transfer between their groups as requiring the highest integration level. Both groups agree that their budgeting activities do not require as much integration as other activities. Managers from both groups are generally dissatisfied with the current level of interfunctional integration. Marketing managers are far more dissatisfied than network managers in most areas of integration explored in this study. However, network managers are more dissatisfied than their marketing colleagues in all areas involving the transfer of information from marketing to network.  相似文献   

本文以服务营销组合策略为依据,简述新疆移动通信有限公司概况,分析新疆移动乌鲁木齐市场服务营销组合现状并从中发现问题,然后以乌鲁木齐市消费者需求为出发点,提出新疆移动乌鲁木齐市场服务营销组合策略的改善意见,为提高服务水平、企业竞争优势提供可行性依据。  相似文献   

Should firms adopt sustainable marketing policy and develop green products? Most popular press says yes, but industry remains slow to act upon such initiatives. Drawing upon recent research in the Industrial Marketing Management Sustainability Special Issue, this research investigates the impact of green initiatives on firm performance and how the related commitment of resources impacts the effectiveness of those initiatives. The goal of this paper is to explore the effectiveness of green marketing on firm performance, in terms of financial performance, market performance, and service quality. Further, resource commitment is examined as a possible boundary condition of these relationships. Using multi-source data, the findings suggest that the commitment of proper resources is critical to the success of any green initiative. This study also supports the notion that being the first firm in an industry to initiate a green program provides few tangible benefits. More importantly, even firms with an environmental focus neglect to realize superior performance unless the specific strategy is matched with consistent support from top management.  相似文献   

Despite all best efforts, the design process often leads to the introduction of products that do not meet customer expectations. Although the design team typically applies customer-related information from several sources, the product design somehow fails to satisfy customer requirements. Clearly, we need to develop a better understanding of the process by which designers in large development organizations transform information about customer requirements into the final design specification. To improve our understanding of this process, Antonio J. Bailetti and Paul F. Litva examine design managers' perspectives on the sources of customer requirement information. During the evolution of a product design, the design team applies information that is endorsed by marketing and product management. Common sources of such information include commercial specifications, inferences from existing products and services, deployment studies, and external standards. When this management-endorsed information is deemed inadequate, designers supplement it by creating and sharing their own customer-related information. This local information includes the results of benchmarking function and performance, the designers' perceptions of a service provider's installed base of equipment, and validations of intermediate designs. Marketing and product management cannot easily review the local information that designers create and share in evolving a final design. This article highlights the importance of creating mechanisms for ensuring that customer requirement information from various sources is internally consistent. To meet this goal of consistency, organizations must ensure that customer requirements information produced by marketing satisfies the information processing requirements of the design community. In addition, the knowledge that designers actually apply to produce a design must incorporate customer requirement information endorsed by marketing and product management at all stages of product development.  相似文献   

This introduction to the special issue on ‘Project Marketing and the Marketing of Solutions’ starts by highlighting the major contributions made in the field of project marketing during the last decade. Then it points out the emergence of integrated solutions and details the major challenges facing the marketing of solutions. It concludes on the possible synergies between the marketing of solutions and project marketing.  相似文献   

Unlike companies that produce tangible goods, service firms typically cannot rely on product advantage as a means for ensuring the success of a new service. Developing a competitive response to a tangible product may require significant investments of time and effort. In many cases, however, competitors can easily duplicate the core elements of a firm's new service. This fundamental difference between new products and new services means that managers who hope to find the keys to new-service success must look to factors other than sustainable product advantage. Chris Storey and Christopher Easingwood suggest that managers must understand the totality of the service offering from the customer's perspective. They explain that the purchase of a service is influenced not only by the service itself, but also by such factors as the service firm's reputation and the quality of the customer's interaction with the firm's systems and staff—in other words, by the augmented service offering (ASO). Using the results of a study they conducted in the consumer financial services industry in the U.K., they identify the components of the ASO, and they examine the relative contributions of these components to the success of new services. In their model, the ASO comprises three elements: the service product, service augmentation, and marketing support. The core of the ASO—the service product—includes such dimensions as product quality, product distinctiveness, and perceived risk. The study's results suggest that improvements in the service product open up new opportunities for the firm, but have only modest effects on sales and profitability. Rounding out the ASO model are service augmentation and marketing support. Service augmentation encompasses such dimensions as distribution strength, staff-customer interactions, and reputation. The customer recognizes and responds to these elements of the ASO, but they are not part of the product core. Marketing support involves those marketing and management actions that affect the quality of the product and its augmentation, even though customers typically are not aware of them. These elements include knowledge of the marketplace, training of contact staff, and internal marketing. Enhanced service augmentation has significant effects on profitability and sales for the firms in this study, but it does not offer enhanced opportunities. The marketing support elements contribute significantly to all aspects of performance for the firms in this study.  相似文献   

目的会议营销是保健品在经历了广告营销之后的一种新型的营销方式,在保健品营销中发挥了巨大的作用,但是同时会议营销的发展也进入了停滞,通过对会议营销模式进行探讨,充分发挥会议营销的优势,促进会议营销以及保健品行业的健康发展,方法结合实际,分析研究了近几年会议营销的成功和失败的案例以及运用营销学的基本原理。结果会议营销有着定位准确,运营成本低、风险小以及易与其他营销方式整合的优势,但目前存在的一些问题有待解决。结论保健品会议营销和广告营销以及店铺结合等营销方式相结合,将会促进保健品行业以及会议营销的健康发展。  相似文献   

The marketing of B2B services has become an important field of academic enquiry. Industrial Marketing Management scholars have contributed to building a robust body of scholarship on the role of services as an indispensable aspect of company’s strategic performance process. However, with digitization, there is a clear need for theoretical concepts and frameworks that can guide companies in the development of contemporary and strategic roadmaps for their B2B service marketing strategies and performance practice. This position paper outlines an agenda and delineates issues in B2B service delivery that need to be addressed to close the gap between service marketing theory and practice and collaborate on the development of strategic service capabilities for the industrial marketing space. More specifically, we identify and discuss the impact of 5 important trends shaping B2B services: 1) gamification, 2) personalization, 3) Mixed Reality (MR), 4) data visualization, and 5) privacy. On the basis of these, we will offer a number of specific directions for future research by industrial marketing researchers.  相似文献   

Marketing agility is an example of dynamic capability that has significant influence on ordinary capabilities leading to superior financial performance. This makes it of interest to marketing managers. Yet the way in which this capability aligns with turbulent market environments to simultaneously influence ordinary capabilities and performance has not been adequately examined and empirically tested. This study seeks to close this gap by positing that marketing agility has both direct and indirect (through innovation capability which is an ordinary capability) impacts on financial performance. However, these relationships are moderated by market turbulence to yield both mediated moderation and moderated mediation effects. The study was undertaken in the Chinese food-processing industry where a sample of 518 companies participated. This provides an opportunity to validate theory developed in the western economies and to generalize some previous findings. Contrary to received literature we found that the impact of innovation capability on financial performance is stronger under low market turbulence; and that market turbulence moderates the indirect relationship between marketing agility and financial performance. The indirect effect is stronger when market turbulence is low than when it is high. Implications for managers and academia are discussed and limitations of the study are pointed out.  相似文献   

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