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随着绩效评估领域和组织公平领域研究的深入, 绩效评估公平越来越受到研究者和实践者的关注。 目前的研究在绩效评估公平感的概念和结构上, 还未得到一致的观点, 大部分研究关注绩效评估公平感的结果变量, 对其影响因素的研究较为缺乏。 本研究通过文献回顾, 首先对绩效评估公平感的概念和结构进行梳理, 总结了几种目前较为成熟的维度划分, 进一步明确了绩效评估公平感的内涵。 其次, 基于现有文献, 从评估者、 受评者、 评估者——受评者关系、 评估系统等几大方面梳理了绩效评估公平感的影响因素。 这对进一步了解员工对绩效评估体系的接受程度, 为企业修改完善评估体系提供了具体的理论支持。 最后, 综合国内外相关文献做出了讨论, 并提出了未来绩效评估公平感本土研究的可能方向。  相似文献   

本文基于2011~2017年中国A股非金融类上市公司面板数据, 实证探讨了经济政策不确定性对企业绩效的影响, 研究发现: 经济政策不确定性上升对企业短期经营具有负向冲击, 但是激励企业长期绩效的增长; 经济政策不确定性对企业绩效的影响具有显著的地域、行业差异; 对于不同特征的企业, 经济政策不确定性对企业绩效的影响具有选择效应, 即在经济政策不确定性增加背景下, 技术创新能力越强的企业, 短期绩效受到的负面影响越小; 受政府支持与保护的企业, 不仅短期绩效受到的负向冲击较小, 而且长期绩效受到的激励效应也相对明显。  相似文献   

李刚 《工业技术经济》2004,23(6):123-126
本文的目的是对我国公司绩效与经理补偿是否处于均衡状态进行实证研究。首先依据就业市场信号博弈模型(Spence 1973)的框架,通过描述公司绩效与经理补偿的内生作用过程,综合的探讨了二者之间的关系。其次针对我国的实际情况提出假设,进行回归检验。最后得出的实证结论支持了经理补偿对公司绩效产生正向影响的假设,以及其他一些公司和经理的特征变量对公司绩效与经理补偿的影响关系的存在性;同时得出公司绩效对与经理补偿无影响,而前期经理补偿是影响本期补偿最显著的因素。  相似文献   

随着商业环境动态性持续加剧和不确定性逐步增强,制造业企业如何在激烈的创新竞争中保持优势位置是一个无法回避的管理问题。现有研究广泛探讨了影响企业创新绩效的各种因素,但仍需进一步关注企业在面临创新困境中采取战略响应行为的多样性及其背后蕴含的深层逻辑。本文从企业行为理论视角,利用中国A股制造业上市企业的样本,探讨了制造业企业在面临创新困境(创新绩效期望落差)下的响应式搜索行为。研究发现,创新绩效期望落差显著促进企业的两类响应式搜索行为,即跨地区和跨行业搜索行为。在引入工具变量、控制样本自选择、双重差分估计以及更换回归方法等一系列检验后,结论依然稳健。路径分析显示,创新绩效期望落差主要通过激发高管风险承担意愿和强化高管创新关注程度进而影响制造业企业的两类响应式搜索行为。异质性分析表明,上述正向影响在国有企业、财务绩效低于期望水平和分属高科技产业时更为明显。拓展分析显示,创新绩效期望落差会驱动制造业企业更倾向在技术水平先进的行业和商业环境成熟的地区进行搜寻。本文将创新管理目标、组织绩效反馈与企业响应式搜索行为有机结合起来,拓展和深化了制造业企业在创新困境下的战略响应行为研究。  相似文献   

地方应用型本科院校岗位津贴制度改革的动因包括三个方面:政治因素、经济因素和学校自身发展因素。改革的目标是增强高校效率和促进内外部的公平。影响教师岗位津贴的因素主要有两类:一类是教师的行为绩效,包括职称、学历、年龄;另一类是结果绩效,包含教学工作、科研成果发表、科研工作以及教学科研获奖。其中,行为绩效对教师津贴的影响应当大于结果绩效。津贴水平的定位取决于学校的发展目标和发展战略,可以通过岗位价值评估的方法设置不同的岗位级别。制定津贴制度的过程中,学校应当充分重视与教师的沟通作用。  相似文献   

考察了2001年至2007年14家商业银行的盈利状况,并选择银行资产利润率为银行盈利水平的测度变量,分析银行机构的个体特征变量、宏观经济变量和金融结构变量对中资银行利润率的影响。结果发现,商业银行的盈利能力主要由个体特征变量决定,其中,银行信贷率与银行利润率呈显著正相关关系,而银行规模、所有权性质与银行利润率之间呈显著负相关关系;宏观经济变量和金融结构变量与银行利润率的关系在总体上不显著,其中,只有通胀率与银行利润率呈显著负相关关系,存款和公债投资与银行利润率之间也呈负相关关系,但是没有显著性。  相似文献   

鉴于水电站生产电能的形式与火电厂不同,而且建设周期长,工程一次性投资大,资产构成受水文、地形、地质等因素影响,使其资产评估具有鲜明的专业特色。我国当前水电站资产评估,应主要做好如下工作:合理确定现阶段水电资产评估范围,科学划分水电资产类别、分项,高度重视水工建筑物的评估工作,进一步规范“小水电”项目资产评估的技术标准,创造性地解决水电资产评估结果的分析验证工作。  相似文献   

本文通过选取2011~2015年中国航空工业18家上市公司的指标数据,构建多元回归模型,分析了其股权布局、技术创新及业务管理3个层面的因素对绩效的作用情况。结果表明:国有持股比重与经营绩效的关系呈显著倒“U”型,且以营业利润率(OPR)为被解释变量回归时其临界值为56.06%,而国有股比例均值是52.03%,尚处于临界值内,由此可知目前的国有持股尚能促进公司绩效的提升,但以总资产收益率(ROA)回归时则有超出临界值(51.32%)的风险;还有股权的集中程度、研发经费的投入力度对绩效均有正面影响,但后者有1年的滞延期;而销售成本率对绩效却有明显的抑制作用。最后,根据实证结果,为我国航空工业的发展提出几点建议。  相似文献   

与波兰的经贸交往是中国与中东欧国家开展贸易投资合作的重点,波兰与中国在金融、经贸和文化等多个领域都有着良好的合作关系。为了准确分析影响中国对波兰出口贸易绩效的因素,为改善中国对波兰的出口贸易绩效提出相应的合理建议,利用1990-2014年的中国和波兰贸易往来的相关数据,选取科技创新、人力资本、中波人均收入水平差距、波兰加入欧盟、中国对波兰的直接投资和中波出口贸易结构相似度作为影响中国对波兰出口贸易绩效的因素,采用累积Logit模型进行回归分析,从而估算出这些变量对出口贸易绩效的影响方向。实证结果表明,科技创新、人力资本对出口贸易绩效有显著的促进作用,而中波人均收入水平差距、波兰加入欧盟、中国对波兰的直接投资和中波出口贸易结构相似度对出口贸易绩效具有一定的阻碍效应。基于模型分析结果,从加大科技和人力资本投入、缩小中波收入差距和调整对波产品出口竞争策略等方面出发,提出了改善中国对波兰出口贸易绩效的具体建议,为"一带一路"战略的顺利实施提供决策参考。  相似文献   

本文以20家企业的467名员工为样本,运用层级回归分析方法和Bootstrap方法验证了个人-组织契合和心理契约破裂对高绩效工作系统和员工敬业度关系的影响。研究结果发现,高绩效工作系统能够显著提高员工敬业度;个人-组织契合在高绩效工作系统与员工敬业度之间起着部分中介作用;心理契约破裂在个人-组织契合与员工敬业度之间起着负向调节作用,即与高心理契约破裂水平相比,低心理契约破裂的情境下个人-组织契合对员工敬业度的影响更大;个人-组织契合对高绩效工作系统与员工敬业度的中介效应的强弱受到心理契约破裂水平高低的影响,即与高心理契约破裂相比,低心理契约破裂的情境下个人-组织契合对高绩效工作系统与员工敬业度的中介作用更强。  相似文献   

Two studies are presented in this research to integrate the unidimensional and multidimensional perspective of leader-member exchange (LMX). We posit that the dimensions of multidimensional LMX (LMX-MDM) are the exchange currencies of global LMX and investigate their joint effects on task performance and extra-role behaviors of employees. The results from Study One indicate that the affect, loyalty, contribution, and professional respect dimension of LMX-MDM influence overall level of leader-member relationship quality, and global LMX is positively related to task performance as well as organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB). Study Two partially replicates the results in Study One and demonstrates that global LMX is also associated with contextual performance of employees. Limitations and future research on LMX are discussed.  相似文献   

本文以2009~2019年沪深A股市场发生重大资产重组交易的上市公司为样本,研究业绩承诺对标的资产溢价的影响,并考察资产评估机构声誉对二者关系的调节作用。研究结果表明,并购双方签订业绩承诺会使得标的资产溢价显著提高;业绩承诺激进程度越高,标的资产溢价也越高;且与单向业绩承诺相比,双向业绩承诺对标的资产溢价的作用更加明显。进一步研究发现,资产评估机构声誉能够弱化业绩承诺与标的资产溢价之间的关联关系,即资产评估机构声誉越高,业绩承诺与标的资产溢价之间的负向关系越强。  相似文献   

This article contributes to the literature on board effectiveness by being perhaps the first to systematically examine how the nature of outside directors' prior experience, and resulting expertise, will influence the performance of a focal firm's strategic initiatives. Our theoretical model is grounded in the psychological literature on expertise and its role in group decision making effectiveness. We focus on outside director expertise in acquisition decision making, and its implications for the performance of the acquisitions of a focal firm. Our conceptual framework indicates that directors will develop expertise in making particular kinds of acquisition decisions (e.g., related or unrelated acquisitions or acquisitions in specific industries or product markets) through their past experiences at other firms with decisions about those specific types of acquisitions, and we predict that this experience and expertise will have positive effects on the performance of a focal firm's acquisitions. We extend our theoretical model to consider the conditions under which relevant director experience will prove most beneficial. Our model predicts that outside director acquisition expertise will deliver the greatest benefits when the focal firm's board is independent from management. We find empirical support for all of our hypotheses. In considering how and when director experience and resulting expertise may influence the performance of corporate acquisitions, our theory and results help to highlight a potential second main focus for research on the long‐standing question of what factors render boards of directors effective. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

公共部门和私营部门(企业组织)是社会组织的两种基本类型,是管理的两个基本领域,都属于组织与管理的研究对象,因而对这两个部门的管理有共同之处,其理论、方法及管理模式可以相互借鉴。在分析企业绩效评估制度的特色及国外将企业绩效评估引入政府评估的主要做法的基础上,结合我国公务员绩效考核制度存在的主要问题,就我国政府如何引入企业绩效评估制度提出了建议。  相似文献   

本文运用Eviews7.2 软件,采用面板数据模型实证研究了高校科技创新对我国区域技术进步的影响,得到了面板数据回归结果。结果表明,高校R&D 人员投入和专利技术产出对中部和西部地区的技术进步起着显著的促进作用,R&D 经费投入对中部、西部及东北地区的技术进步起着阻碍作用,同时科技论文产出对区域技术进步的影响不显著。这表明高校应当改革传统的以论文数量、科研经费为导向的高校科研考核制度,改进和完善科研评价体系,加强人才队伍建设,整合人才资源,形成优秀的科研团队,同时要加强产学研合作,建立企业与高校之间的信息平台,从而实现信息交流和资源共享,促进高校的科技成果向企业转化。  相似文献   

There are few studies on how the perception of supervisors by their subordinates contributes to high-quality leader-member exchange (LMX). We thus propose that the trust perception of supervisors by their subordinates can help explain the development of high-quality LMX. Furthermore, the trust perception may interact with supervisor-rated emotional intelligence to influence the quality of LMX, and, consequently, work performance. Using a longitudinal study on a sample of 285 supervisor-subordinate dyads from a manufacturing firm in China, we found that (1) supervisor-rated emotional intelligence of subordinates (Time 1) positively predicts the quality of LMX (Time 2); (2) this relationship is stronger when subordinates highly trust their supervisors (Time 1); (3) LMX (Time 2) positively predicts work performance (Time 3); and (4) LMX (Time 2) fully mediates the interactive effect of emotional intelligence (Time 1) and trust in the supervisor (Time 1) on work performance (Time 3).  相似文献   

Proactive behavior has been indirectly linked to effective selling, an assertion underpinned by a logic, which states that in a world of high competition and choice, the passive, reactive seller is unlikely to do as well as his or her more proactive counterpart. Yet, little direct empirical evidence exists to substantiate this link. In this paper, we address this knowledge gap by describing a study that assesses the effect of proactive behavior on the performance of an industrial sales force. The paper explores the issue of salesperson performance and the construct of proactive behavior (or proactiveness). Using the Proactive Personality (PP) Scale to measure proactiveness and the line manager's subjective evaluation to indicate salesperson performance, it was found that a small but significant relationship exists. The results are discussed, with areas for future research delineated and implications for practitioners explored.  相似文献   

The longitudinal study reported herein examines the buffering effects of individual and social resources (emotional intelligence and the leader-member exchange relationship) on the relationships between job insecurity and employee reactions (somatic complaints and organizational commitment) and the relationships between employee reactions over time. The results of this study, which was based on data drawn from 157 nurses employed by three hospitals in China, indicate that emotional intelligence moderates the relationship between job insecurity and somatic complaints at both Time 1 (T1) and Time 2 (T2) and that the leader-member exchange relationship (LMX) buffers the effects of somatic complaints at T1 on organizational commitment at T2. Overall, the findings reveal that the ability of employees to deal with their emotions and their relationships with their supervisors is an important resource that serves to protect employee outcomes when job security is uncertain.  相似文献   

We study sources of operational performance improvement in supplier partnerships. We argue that supplier performance will benefit most where time‐bound relational assets have developed between a buyer and supplier and the firms exploit the resulting communication efficiency by transferring productive knowledge. We examine the effects of two forms of knowledge exchange together with the prior duration of the buyer–supplier relationship. We find similar interaction patterns in two survey samples of Japanese and U.S. automotive suppliers. The effect of ordinary technical exchanges on supplier performance improvement does not vary with relationship duration. The effect of higher‐level technology transfer, however, grows more positive as relationship duration increases. Other results show relevant contrasts consistent with heterogeneous sourcing behavior between the two countries. The findings highlight the role of relational assets and show that it is important to distinguish between simple techniques and higher‐level technological capabilities when studying interfirm relationships. This research extends the literatures on knowledge transfer, buyer–supplier partnerships, and the performance dynamics of interfirm and intrafirm relationships in general. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文关注的问题是独立董事在监督过程中,其勤勉性和公正性受到哪些因素的影响。通过建立个体行为决策模型,我们得出了以下结论:四项因素会对独立董事监督的效果产生影响。其中,来自独立董事个人方面的因素有两项:独立董事与控股股东之间的私人关系,会对监督的诚信度与勤勉度都产生负向影响;独立董事付出努力的机会成本,会对监督的勤勉度产生负向影响。来自外部环境的因素有两项:外部的监管力度能够同时促进独立董事监督的诚信度和勤勉度;控股股东对董事会的信息隐瞒会降低独立董事的勤勉度。基于以上结论,我们对独立董事制度的进一步完善与改进提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

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