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网络产业的联盟结构研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
网络产业中的企业技术联盟成为标准竞争的行动主体,市场表现为一定的联盟结构。本文通过引入企业选择技术标准的博弈模型揭示了网络效应与联盟结构的内在联系,重点分析了联盟结构分散化趋势的成因,指出较之垄断型联盟结构,竞争型联盟结构尽管损失了部分网络效应,但它促进了产品多样化,增加了消费者福利,有利于技术进步,从动态发展的视角看增进了社会福利。最后,本文对我国企业参与国际化网络竞争提出了一些政策建议。  相似文献   

网络组织及其惯例的形成--基于演化论的视角   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文基于演化理论,构建了一个关于网络组织形成的动态模型。利用演化博弈论研究了网络组织内成员间关系和作用机制的形成过程。认为网络组织的形成是搜寻正收益的理性个体进行自发博弈的结果.基于网络组织成员之间反复行为的历史信息的反馈,形成了网络组织层面上的惯例机制,该惯例机制表现为一种运作机制和惯性作用,维持网络组织处于某一状态。  相似文献   

高技术产业集群的“竞合关系”表现出“合作关系占主导,竞争关系为辅助”的关系结构;高技术产业集群内部经济主体具有长期合作的主观倾向;高技术产业集群的网络治理机制可以分为正式机制与非正式机制。从关系结构与网络成员的机会主义行为分析入手,对高技术产业集群非正式网络治理机制——信任文化和声誉机制进行了研究;高技术产业集群的信任体系结构包含五个层次,信任是网络型组织的基本运行机制,建立高绩效网络的最重要的要求是信任或社会认同。信任机制可以降低组织之间的交易成本;高技术产业集群以企业为主体的网络具有开放性,声誉机制的扩散效应更为明显,高技术产业集群声誉机制的重要含义在于拓展了交易范围与交易空间,为技术创新提供了更多的资源选择,使潜在交易对象可以演变为现实的可利用资源。  相似文献   

产业集群中社会资本的作用研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
社会资本根植于一定的社会关系网络中,又反过来促进了关系网络的进一步拓展和强化.本文把产业集群视为一个基于分工的网络组织,分析了产业集群这一网络中的社会资本的特点和作用及其作用途径.并借用资源基础论和能力理论的分析范式,认为社会资本有利于产业集群中企业竞争优势的获取,从而为有关产业集群中企业竞争优势的研究提供了一条新的思路.  相似文献   

产业集群作为一种为创造竞争优势而形成的产业空间组织形式,它具有的竞争优势和集聚发展的规模效益.是其他形式无法比拟的。从世界范围看,集群化已成为全球性的经济发展潮流.因此利用产业集群来促进煤炭产业的发展成为提升煤炭产业竞争力的有效途径。  相似文献   

赵林中 《中国纺织》2010,(10):103-103
如何创新发展,走低碳之路,已成为越来越多企业和行业所关注的焦点,低碳不仅仅是一种新的探索,更是一种新的“革命”。如何在这场战斗中赢得胜利,笔者认为,纺织业应加快调整结构和产业升级,不断淘汰落后产能,增进节能减排,推进产业和产品向利润曲线两端延伸:即从生态设计入手形成自主知识产权;形成品牌与销售网络,提高核心竞争力。  相似文献   

企业社会资本对企业绩效的显著作用已被广泛证实.本文在分析企业社会资本、知识共享与产业共生间关系及其对生态产业共生网络的影响基础上,提出了相关的基本假设,建立了基于知识共享中介作用的企业社会资本与产业共生之间结构方程模型,以天津市生态产业园中的生态产业共生网络为实证研究对象,通过对生态产业共生网络中的企业进行问卷调查,收集相关的数据资料,对基本假设进行了实证分析.实证结果表明:知识共享在企业社会资本的结构维、认知维对产业共生正向影响中发挥了中介作用,企业社会资本三维度间具有正相关关系.这为从社会学视角研究生态产业共生网络提供了支持性论据.  相似文献   

文章对世界天然气供给特点、需求及其发展趋势以及天然气运输方式进行了分析研究。认为进入21世纪后,天然气储量分布的不均衡性,以及各国各地区经济发展的不同步.使得天然气的供应和需求呈现出新的特点.形成了新的格局,并导致运输方式的变化。即:天然气产业呈现迅速发展、储量形成“两大四小”的态势,天然气产量和消费集中于5大区块;从运输方式看,管道输送仍是主要方式.但LNG已经并仍将得到迅猛的发展。  相似文献   

一、机械工业产业波动与初始的组织演变 (一)产业波动中的部门特征——组织形成及其演变的基本经济背景。 建国以来,在我国高度集中的计划管理体制下,工业化发展采取了持续优先重工业的战略方针。其中,机械工业的发展又被置于长期超前的地位(如表1)。  相似文献   

一、企业产业市场结构的内涵一般认为,企业市场环境表现为宏观环境、产业环境两个基本层次。鉴于产业环境对企业战略的直接、现实影响,其一般作为市场环境分析的重点。传统的产业环境因素分析法强调企业外部存在的影响因素及其发展、变化所带来的机会与威胁,不涉及这些因素间相互关系的研究。而以系统的观点看,市场环境系统要素在系统中的地位和作用往往是不同的,系统常表现出序列性、层次性等结构特征,而系统的结构特征又决定了各因素对企业影响的大小和方式。因此,对产业环境的分析需要运用结构化方法,辨析影响因素间的差异性和相…  相似文献   

This paper examines how firms learn in new product development (NPD) networks. While existing research in business and industrial marketing has significantly advanced our understanding of learning within single firms and in dyadic relationships, our knowledge of inter-firm learning across direct and indirect business relationships in NPD networks remains limited. We address this limitation by conducting multiple case study research to develop a more holistic understanding of learning in NPD networks that is captured in the proposed 4S model. Drawing on an integrated theoretical perspective and the empirical results of three case studies, we propose that firms engage in iterative cycles of syndicated, situated, selected and synergised modes of learning in NPD networks.  相似文献   

Public industrial research institutes are important in regard to aiding industry development in many countries. Research institutes have to constantly change their strategies according to their industrial environments in order to remain influential. The Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) has been recognised as a successful institute in facilitating industrial development. During its 40‐year development process, ITRI has gone through three stages of strategic repositioning and organisational reforms. The evolution of the organisational structure and the interactions with its social‐technological environment are both complex and dynamic. This study proposes a framework which integrates the role of the institutes with organisation structures and strategies to analyse the process of the evolution of ITRI. Based on the framework, this study uses system dynamics to identify the underlying structure driving the process of its evolution. The result shows that it is important to align the organisational structure with development strategies; in a long‐term perspective, the strategies for short‐term and long‐term goals can reinforce each other. The recent transition of ITRI suggests a new direction‐seeking role for public research institutes to play among the national innovation systems. This study also discusses the potential impacts of the system dynamics approach to R&D management.  相似文献   

本文首先根据投入产出直接消耗系数表,结合复杂网络理论的建模思想构建了一类有向加权网络——区域产业结构网络,然后运用2007年全国投入产出数据研究了该网络的一系列特征值。在研究网络的路径问题时,考虑到网络边权是一种相似权,进而转向研究网络的最长路径及其蕴含的产业经济意义。以此为基础,论文又构建了产业间最强关联网络和产业集群发展关联网络,一方面梳理出区域产业规划过程中的关键产业部门,另一方面通过与发达国家和地区进行比较,识别出产业集群化过程中存在的问题。最后选取了汽车行业和石化行业进行了产业集群发展可行性方面的实证分析。  相似文献   

The paper concerns a study on the changes affecting leading cluster companies' supplier relationships. In particular, the paper aims at investigating under which conditions and how industrial cluster companies rely on local suppliers in the current context of international competitive pressure and easier access to international supply sources. The research methodology is qualitative and based on a long-term longitudinal research of three case studies of Italian industrial cluster companies that are leading firms in specific niches of the mechanical industry. Two main questions are debated: under which conditions have industrial cluster companies relied on local suppliers? What has been the evolution of relationships between industrial cluster companies and their local suppliers? The empirical analysis shows that local suppliers have been playing strategic roles in different ways in distinct historical phases, contributing actively in terms of knowledge and competence development, production flexibility, delivery performance and cost efficiency.  相似文献   

本文以“主体-技术”协同视角来分析战略性新兴产业创新网络形成的内在机理和分类模式。在结合2-模网络理论基础上,从核心技术和创新主体两个维度出发,将战略性新兴产业创新网络分为单核心实验室型、单核心产业链型、单核心辅助型、单核心复合型、多核心实验室型、多核心产业链型、多核心辅助型和多核心复合型。同时,以中国新能源汽车产业为例,通过实证分析发现:除了单核心辅助型和多核心辅助型之外,其它6种模式均存在,并进一步对其创新网络的分类模式及相关特征进行了全面分析。  相似文献   

基于复杂网络理论的区域产业结构网络模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从复杂网络的理论出发,通过投入产出理论建立起反映区域产业结构演化的复杂网络模型,并借用度分布、权分布和网络路径长度等概念对产业结构网络拓扑结构进行分析,为下一步深入研究该网络统计特性和演化机制以及这些机制对产业组织产生的影响奠定基础。  相似文献   

本文根据2008~2014年中国30个省份的面板数据构建模型,对科技创新对产业升级的影响进行实证研究。研究结果表明:从全国层面看,科技创新对促进产业升级呈现明显的正效应;从地区层面看,科技创新对产业升级影响存在着显著性差异,其中科技创新对产业升级的驱动效应在中部地区最大,西部地区其次,东部地区最小;通过进行分位数回归分析得出,产业升级发展的不同阶段,科技创新对产业升级的影响并非都相当大,影响小的地区要及时挖掘其他创新源。  相似文献   

The industrial marketing literature frequently points to dependence in buyer–supplier relationships (BSRs) as an essential construct in understanding the development of strong, long-lasting partnerships. Although the antecedents of dependence have been discussed, extant research lacks an understanding of the explanatory mechanisms of how dependence – or even lock-in situations – actually evolve. In this article, we examine the emergence of these aspects in BSRs by analyzing the example of a logistics outsourcing relationship. Using a grounded theory approach in a real-life case involving a German mechanical engineering company and its service provider, we identify four interrelated mechanisms (convincing, tying, complementing and lock-in) that explain dependence and lock-in from a buyer's perspective. Based on our empirical findings, we develop a conceptual model that points to the theoretical importance of the interconnected influences and sub-processes between transactional, mental, and operative bonding effects. Our results inform managerial practice on how to plan and manage BSRs. The model enhances existing research on dependence in BSRs and can serve as a starting point for further investigations into buyer–supplier dependence (BSD) and lock-in in dyadic business relationships.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with business model conceptualizations and outlines a framework for their analysis in industrial networks. A literature review suggests that there is a broad range of current conceptualizations of business models. Analyzing them as they pertain to interaction, business relationships, and industrial networks reveals two main explanations for their differences: first, they clearly rely on different basic theoretical assumptions, and second, they seem to address two types of business models. We refer to these as firm-centric and network-embedded business models. Based on this distinction, a scheme of analysis at the levels of the firm, relationship and network is suggested for the two types of business models. Business models are challenging from an analytical as well as managerial perspective. Further research on emerging network-embedded business models is suggested.  相似文献   

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