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综述了对离子液体毒性的研究进展,较为详细地介绍了近年来有关离子液体在分子和细胞水平上对微生物、低等动物、植物、高等动物等方面的生物毒性研究,以及离子液体生物可降解性的研究进展,同时,在此基础上又简单介绍了几种低毒和易降解的离子液体。  相似文献   

污染物毒性检测的微生物传感器研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
微生物传感器毒性检测是近年来发展起来的一种快速、准确、成本低廉的污染物毒性检测方法,得到了广泛关注。从检测原理出发,综述了国内外应用于污染物毒性检测的微生物传感器及其研究进展。  相似文献   

真菌毒素研究进展   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
针对真菌毒素是由真菌类产生的具有毒性的次级代谢产物,可通过饲料或食品进入人和动物体内并发挥其生物学效应,如肝肾毒性、中枢神经系统异常、雌激素异样反应等,介绍了常见的真菌毒素的毒性、对人体的危害以及常用的检测方法,以便引起人们对真菌毒素的重视,确保食品安全和人类健康。  相似文献   

二恶英、有毒二恶英及其类似化合物   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
二恶英 ,这种以前在我国鲜为人知的化合物 ,伴着 1 999年 5月媒体对比利时饲料—鸡肉污染事件的披露和追踪报道 ,短短几天就为广大国人所知晓。这一恶性食品污染事件不仅使比利时、法国、德国、荷兰等国生产的肉、蛋、奶及相关食品一度被许多国家禁售 ,而且波及其他一些国家和地区的食品进出口贸易 ,纷纷强化了对环境污染物的检控要求和力度。随后我国高考化学试卷中出现了有关二恶英的试题 ,这使其再次为公众所关注。本文拟就二恶英、有毒二恶英和类二恶英物质的含义、化学结构以及表示他们相对毒性大小的国际毒性当量因子等问题予以介绍。…  相似文献   

伏马菌素是由串珠镰刀菌引发,在玉米、小麦、大麦、农产品存在比较广泛的一种真菌毒素,其是诱发伏马菌素毒性作用的关键要素。而且,伏马菌素的分布范围比较广,毒性较大,遗弃被伏马菌素污染的玉米极易造成不可估量的经济损失,所以,采取科学有效的方法,降解与去除玉米及其制品的伏马菌素备受重视。据此文章对伏马菌素的毒性及其去除方法做了深入探究。  相似文献   

近年来,离子液体润滑剂在各个领域运用都非常广泛,环保型的离子液体润滑剂研究也成为了润滑剂领域的重要研究方向之一,毒性的大小作为衡量离子液体是否环保的标准,更是被人们所重视。文章以水生生物海虾和绿藻为试验对象,对实验室所合成的5种胆碱羧酸离子液体的毒性大小进行研究,并与传统离子液体1-丁基-3-甲基咪唑四氟硼酸盐(L-B104)进行对比,以海虾的半致死浓度LD50和绿藻的半抑制浓度EC50评价这些胆碱羧酸离子液体毒性大小。实验结果表明,5种胆碱羧酸离子液体的毒性明显低于对照样L-B104,从而可以证明胆碱羧酸离子液体润滑剂的毒性很小,属于环保型的离子液体润滑剂。  相似文献   

本文基于一种微小的发光真菌对化妆品的化学毒性进行了有效的测试,相比于传统的测试方法,这种方法具有很强的灵活性,对于现如今一些存在于化妆品成分中不断发生变异的化学毒性物质能够进行有效的检测.这种检测方法主要是通过磁微粒发光法来检验化妆品中的有毒有害成分,通过化学方法能够产生一些性质比较稳定的化学检测物质,这种方法可靠性更好,操作起来也更加简单,因此具备很强的实践价值.  相似文献   

食品及生活用品中重金属检测综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自"水俣病"和"痛痛病"公害事件发生以来,重金属已成为人们长期广泛关注的环境污染物。目前在食品检测领域最引起人们注意的是铅、汞、镉、铬、砷等生物毒性显著的重金属。因此,快速测定生物体、食品及各种环境介质中的痕量重金属显得尤为重要。通过检测食品和日常用品中的重金属含量,并考察环境条件对这些实验对象中重金属稳定性的影响,获得相关实验数据,为今后重金属污染的监测提供数据上的支撑。  相似文献   

本文系统的分析了油田原油集输污水处理过程中产生的含特稠油污泥,并根据该种油泥处理难度大、生物毒性高等特点,本着节约和环保无害化的处理要求制定出如下处理工艺:生污泥—沉淀浓缩—机械刮泥—加药絮凝—污泥离心脱水—滤液回收。实验结果表明,本工艺处理该种含油污泥可以有效的回收污水,并且降低了油泥的生物毒性和污染,处理后的固体残渣符合国家固体废弃物排放标准。  相似文献   

正交试验法优选黄芪甲苷的提取工艺   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
阐述了表面活性剂对水生生物和人体健康的危害及对生态环境的污染现状,分别从分光光度法、液相色谱法和电化学方法等方面概述了近年来国内外关于表面活性剂的检测研究进展情况。  相似文献   


Engineering economics courses often require students to take time-constrained, in-class exams in which they solve problems by hand, possibly referring to interest rate tables. Many students rely on partial credit to successfully pass exams. Outside of the classroom, professionals rely on computers to solve engineering economics problems, which raises the question of whether engineering economics courses are correctly assessing student performance. This article describes the study of a large engineering economics class using a non-conventional testing method. Student performance was evaluated using online testing modules with a stringent passing criterion, and the tests could be taken multiple times. The questions for each testing attempt were pulled from a database so that students received a new question every time. We compare the performance of students who were assessed using traditional methods with the performance of students assessed with these online testing modules. Our analysis shows that, overall, students who were assessed using the online testing modules earned better grades than students who were assessed via traditional methods. The analysis also discusses several benefits and drawbacks to using online assessments compared with traditional methods. The online assessment method could be useful in large engineering courses that are formula-based.  相似文献   

本文对单纤维强度测试的通常方法进行了研究,得出单根纤维强度测试过程中,强力和纤维细度并不具有相同的时效性,也就是强力测试和纤维细度没有关联。为了正确描述纤维强力与细度的关联性,引入CCD摄像头对拉伸过程进行照相,测出断裂时纤维的细度,以便能准确表达单纤维拉伸断裂强度。  相似文献   

马玲 《河北工业科技》2013,30(6):463-465
阐述了能力验证在环境监测实验室中所起的作用,并通过实例分析证明了能力验证是环境监测实验室内部质控措施的有力补充,并且推动了环境监测实验室整体工作水平的提高。  相似文献   

针对传统工业阀门试验机存在的检验效率低、劳动强度大、合格判定主观性强、安全风险大,无法满足大规模批量检验要求的缺陷,首次将智能化、数字化技术引入到阀门试压机中进行革新改造,极大提高了检验效率和检验质量,实现了阀门检验的规模化、批量化,并产生了较大的经济效益。  相似文献   

流量测量仪表的检定或校准是流量量值传递或溯源链中最重要的环节,通常可将其分为实验检定和干式检定(干检)两种方式。介绍了实流检定和干式检定的概念,并论述了各自的应用场合,强调了流量仪表在线实流检定的必要性及计量学特点。  相似文献   

油品测试方法专用标准试料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了测定油品闭口杯法闪点、烟点、热值、开口杯法闪点、颜色、馏程等的测试方法及其所采用的标准试料,分析了各测定过程中的影响因素,并提出了相应的校对方法.指出,标准试料的出现,无疑对石油及石油产品测试方法标准化是一种完善,它补充的是执行标准可靠性的判断.  相似文献   

The product development literature has identified several individual characteristics that could influence how subjects respond to new products in concept tests. Few of these characteristics have been thoroughly investigated. The purpose of this research is to examine whether a number of personality traits (1) do influence concept evaluation scores and (2) can be used to identify respondents who provide substantially higher‐quality data in concept testing and whether the answers to these questions change for major versus minor innovations. The data quality of the concept testing data is defined using the generalizability theory, which provides a decision‐specific G‐coefficient. Higher quality means a G‐coefficient closer to 1 for a particular managerial decision. A Web‐based study to concept test 10 appliance innovations on multiple occasions was conducted among 105 panelists from the Institute for Online Consumer Studies (IOCS). During the concept testing, respondents' innovativeness, change‐seeking tendency, and propensity to exert cognitive effort were also measured. The results showed that the respondent characteristics influence the mean evaluation of the concepts and the psychometric quality of the concept testing data: (1) there is a significant linear relationship between concept scores and all of the innovativeness scales and change‐seeking measures; (2) the effect of innovativeness on concept testing outcomes is even more substantial for major innovations than for minor innovations; (3) the study provides evidence that the quality of concept testing data provided by respondents varies substantially with their innovativeness, whereas the differences are more modest when scaling just minor innovations; (5) there are also strong effects on data quality for the Need to Evaluate scale used to capture cognitive effort characteristics; and (6) there is little effect of segmenting on social desirability on data quality. Managerially, the current results indicate that a product manager wanting to concept test a pool of appliance concepts can benefit from screening for the respondents who will provide higher‐quality concept testing data. For example, respondents who are high on domain‐specific innovativeness provide the highest‐quality concept testing data for both minor and major innovations. The effects of traits are stronger for major innovations, supporting the claim that subject selection is a more critical issue in concept testing of major innovations. Product managers can improve the quality of their concept testing data without an increase in cost by screening the subjects they use in concept testing.  相似文献   

分析了检测机构对工程质量控制的重要性,并在此基础上总结了建筑工程的检测机构、工艺管道无损检测的检测机构、电气试验的检测机构的工程检测在工程质量监管中存在的问题,提出了相应的解决方法。  相似文献   

介绍了几种常用的起重机检测方法,对声发射检测技术做了简要说明,分别从检测标准、应用及检测系统三方面综述了声发射技术在起重机检测中的应用现状。  相似文献   

系统论述了提高测试资料质量的管理方法和技术方法,结合测试工作实际,提出了加强过程控制的质量管理新思路,并阐述了杏北油田测试系统依靠科技进步,采用测试新技术,提高监测资料质量的方法及取得的效果。  相似文献   

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