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2009年全国农民人均纯收入首次突破5000元大关,实际增幅6%以上。这意味着农民收入已连续6年以超过6%的幅度增长,是20多年来第一次。  相似文献   

一、农村水电及电气化的历史作用和地位 第一,加快了边远贫困山区、少数民族地区和革命老区的经济发展,增加了农民收入,加快了农民脱贫致富步伐.过去15年连续三批建设的653个农村水电初级电气化县,基本上都实现了国内生产总值、财政收入、农民人均纯收入、人均用电量5年翻一番,10年翻两番的目标,发展速度明显高于全国水平.2000年,全国电气化县农村水电企业实现税利约50亿元,占县财政收入的8.8%.  相似文献   

解析当前农民收入提高受阻的原因及解决的途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对陕西某村的所有农户进行调查,综合分析了当前农民收入的瓶颈.主要从农业的弱质性,农民的受教育程度,信息不对称和农产品深加工能力四个方面分析了当前农民收入为何无法提高,并针对这几方面的问题提出一些见解,希望可以对提高农民收入有一定的帮助,也希望国家实施的有效政策可以使农民真正的享受到福利.  相似文献   

中共中央在1982年至1986年连续5年发布以农业、农村和农民为主题的中央一号文件,对农村改革和农业发展作出具体部署。时隔18年,2004年1月,针对全国农民人均纯收入连续增长缓慢的情况,中央下发题为《中共中央国务院关于促进农民增加收入若干政策的意见》的一号文件。自此中央一号文件再次关注三农,迄今连续12年都将三农问题作为一号文件。《中国经济周刊》:在您看来,一号文件一直锁定三农,对于农业农村工作发挥了什么作用?  相似文献   

与80年代所不同的是,90年代乡镇企业发展将面临着以下严峻的客观现实;第一,农村经济高速增长的基础开始动摇。根据1988~1991年我国农村经济综合发展看,虽然1990年和1991年粮食产量逐渐恢复到最高的1984年水平,但是农民收入却呈现负增长的不利局面。“七五”时期农民人均纯收入年均增长速度只有4.2%,比“六五”时期(14.1%)低9.9个百分  相似文献   

当前我国经济发展的“瓶颈”约束问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、经济增长面临消费需求的“瓶颈”约束1.农民收入增长缓慢导致即期消费需求紧缩农产品价格连续走低,使农业再次出现“卖难”现象和比较利益下降。1997年农民家庭人均纯收入仅增加4.59%,1998年仅增加4.44%。农村收入增长缓慢必然使工业品的农村市场难以有效扩充。农村居民的收入增长滞缓还与农村的非农产业发展缓慢、农村劳动力不能适时转移有直接关系。农村的大量剩余劳动力滞留在农村,既限制了农业经营规模的扩大和劳动生产率的提高,也限制了农产品的商品化率的提高。小规模生产的农户很难抵御农产品的市场风险,导致农民的实际收入和购…  相似文献   

提高农民收入是目前十分重要而紧迫的一项任务,而制度供给对于农民收入的增加是边际绩效递减的。长期来看,从农业及农村内部去解决农民增收问题可能性越来越小。指出了农民自身素质即农民人力资本是认识和解决农民收入问题的切入点,并试图在制度供给因素之外,建立起农民人力资本这个长期的影响因子与中国农民收入间的联系。  相似文献   

湖北省五峰土家族自治县位于鄂西南边陲,现为省级贫困县、苏区县。由于五峰境内山峦起伏,平均海拔1100米,年平均气温15摄氏度,茶叶成为县域经济中规模最大、产业链最长、经济效益最好的产业。2005年茶园面积12.1万亩,采摘面积8万亩,产干茶4606吨,现有5个省著名商标,综合产值达2.4亿元:茶叶为农民提供纯收入7000万元,全县人均400元,占农民人均纯收入的22%。  相似文献   

<正>平山县位于河北省西部,太行山东麓,是一个被称为"八山一水一分田"的山区县,又是全国著名的革命老区,全国五大革命圣地之一的西柏坡就处在该县的腹地。长期以来,国家扶贫开发政策在推动该县经济社会发展、拉动群众脱贫致富方面发挥了十分重要的作用。但是,由于平山是山区大县、移民大县,贫困人口多、分布广,扶贫工作任务依然十分艰巨。其基本特点一是农民人均纯收入水平相对  相似文献   

截至2014年12月中旬,新疆实际入库皮棉总量已突破300万吨。同时新疆棉花目标价格首批补贴款也已陆续发放完毕,棉农积极性高,新疆棉花目标价格试点成效初显。2014年,新疆在全国率先推行棉花目标价格试点。新疆棉花种植区域主要分布在南北疆60多个县(市)和119个团场。农民人均纯收入的35%左右来自植棉收入,主产区更占到50%~70%。改革试点工作的成效直接影响新疆农民增收和社会稳定。  相似文献   

基于LMDI模型的CO2排放影响因素研究——以江苏省为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用Kaya及其扩展模型将CO2排放影响因素划分为产业能源强度、生活能源强度、能源结构、产业结构、人均产出、人居收入和人口总数7个方面。根据1995~2009年江苏省一、二、三产业和居民生活部门的12种能源消费数据,利用LMDI模型分解计算出7个因素的CO2排放量和贡献值。研究结果表明,1995~2009年江苏省CO2排放量总体呈上升趋势;人均产出、人居收入和人口总数对CO2排放起到正向驱动作用,产业能源强度、生活能源强度、能源结构、产业结构起到负向驱动作用,人均产出和产业能源强度分别是影响CO2排放的正向和负向主导因素。降低CO2排放量,需要通过提高产业能源强度、调整产业结构、能源结构和促进居民生活方式和消费模式的转变,要坚持计划生育的基本国策。  相似文献   

This research empirically analyzed the impact of mobile phone and the Internet on per capita income of Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) for the period of 2006–2015 using a panel data of 40 countries. We have employed the robust two-step system GMM. Results showed that growth in mobile phone penetration has contributed significantly to the GDP per capita of the region after controlling for a number of other variables. A 10% increase in mobile phone penetration results in a 1.2% change in GDP per capita. Therefore, improving access to mobile phones will play a critical role in reducing the poverty level of the region through raising the per capita income of the population.However, the Internet has not contributed to the per capita GDP during the study period. The insignificant impact of the Internet could be due to low penetration of the technology, low ICT skill of Internet users, lack of or insufficient local content on the global network, and the relatively immature state of the technology in the region. Therefore, governments and other stakeholders should design policies that encourage expansion of the Internet. In addition to improving Internet access, policies which focus on ICT skill development and local content creation should also be designed and implemented.  相似文献   

本文以我国30个省市2003~2014年的面板数据构建空间滞后模型和门槛面板模型,以人均国内生产总值和外商直接投资(FDI)强度为门槛变量,实证检验FDI与城乡收入差距间的非线性空间关系。结果表明FDI与城乡收入差距具有显著的空间积聚特征,同时FDI对缩小城乡收入差距的效应显著,且在各地区间存在明显差异。此外,FDI与城乡收入差距间具有门槛特征。当人均国内生产总值和FDI强度跨过门槛值时,FDI对于缩小城乡收入差距的效应会呈现出下降趋势。  相似文献   

Despite significant progress, wide-spread malnutrition persists in Panama. This article describes a study which found that over half the malnutrition in the country is clustered in functional groups economically connected to the agricultural sector and which indicates that food availability is a serious problem for 25% of the population. Food intake deficits were equally prevalent among the urban and rural populations. Dietary composition was not seen as the principal problem; rather malnutrition problems are linked to low wages and poor access to public services. A nutrition policy for Panama must be centred first on employment and income generation, and then on extending and maintaining public health and nutrition services, particularly for the extremely poor in the central provinces. Food policy per se would not seem a priority area for public intervention.  相似文献   

Using data for 16 major states in India from 2001 to 2015, this paper examines the patterns, distribution dynamics, and the drivers of telecommunications (telecom) services across different states. We apply both parametric and nonparametric econometric techniques to study the distribution dynamics of telecom services across the states. Further, we employ the generalised method of moment (GMM) to examine the determinants of telecommunications services in India. Our results indicate that the interstate gap in telecommunications services has been declining over time and there is a tendency for convergence in teledensity towards the national average. The regression analysis suggests that per capita income and network externality are significant determinants of teledensity across states in India. Furthermore, literacy rate and relative size of the service sector are independently significant predictors of teledensity. If we consider rural and urban areas separately, there are some important differences. For example, while the interstate gaps in telecom services in rural areas seem to have declined, there is little evidence of such a tendency in urban areas. However, the regression results with respect to the importance of per capita income and network externality for telecom services are robust to the rural-urban divide and to the inclusion of additional explanatory variables. The findings of this study have important policy implications.  相似文献   

《Food Policy》2003,28(3):253-275
This paper provides a micro-level foundation for discussions of land allocation and its relation to income poverty within the smallholder sectors of Eastern and Southern Africa. Results are drawn from nationally-representative household surveys between 1990 and 2000 in five countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Mozambique, and Zambia. The paper shows that farm sizes are declining over time; that roughly a quarter of the agricultural households in each country are virtually landless, controlling less than 0.10 hectares per capita, including rented land; that non-farm income shares are below 40% even for the households in the bottom land quartile; and that because of this, there is a strong relationship between access to land and household income, particularly for farm sizes below 1.0 hectares per capita. Land distribution within these small-farm sectors appears to be becoming more concentrated over time, and their Gini coefficients are comparable to those of many Asian countries at the time of their green revolutions. Lastly, the largest part of the variation in per capita farm sizes within the small-farm sectors is, in every country, predominantly within-village rather than between-village. Realistic discussions of poverty alleviation strategies in Africa need to be grounded in the context of these land distribution patterns and trends.  相似文献   

With almost three quarters of the labor force depending on agriculture in India, kick-starting agricultural growth is considered crucial for pro-poor development. More specifically, dairy production – which is labor-intensive but does not heavily rely on access to land – is generally expected to offer better prospects for income growth to the poorest among rural households. However, most policies aimed at increasing dairy production are based on ad hoc observations, with hardly any micro-level evidence. Using a unique primary dataset on 1000 rural households in Andhra Pradesh, this paper investigates the dairy production system, addressing three main research questions: First, we look at the typical profile of a dairy farmer and we find that both family traditions in dairy and owning (even a small piece of) land play a role in determining participation in dairy – while land size does not matter. Second, we show that dairy production is strongly and positively associated with improvement in rural livelihoods, in terms of income per capita, but that this positive relation only holds for larger dairy farms. In a third step, we look at the determinants of farm growth and we find that households having higher shares of graded dairy animals have grown more after 2005.  相似文献   

The Internet has not developed uniformly throughout the world. Data on 141 countries indicate that, after controlling for per capita income and installed telephone lines, cross-national differences in the numbers of Internet users and hosts have to do with favorable conditions for entrepreneurship and investment. We find little evidence that competition and privatization of telecommunications services matters. After examining international patterns of development for the world as a whole, differences between two matched pairs of countries are systematically compared: Ireland and Singapore, and Argentina and Spain. Patterns of entrepreneurship and public policy in each country are shown to have differed systematically, with distinctive consequences for the development of the Internet.  相似文献   

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