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根据汽车工业使用纺织品的情况现状,介绍当前汽车用纺织品材料的主要应用,分析现阶段我国车用纺织品发展存在的问题,并对汽车用纺织品的发展进行展望。  相似文献   

随着汽车产量的不断增加,对纺织品的需求也不断升温,全球汽车工业的发展,给汽车用纺织品带来广阔的市场。今后10年,我国汽车工业将进入一个高速增长期,由此带动汽车用纺织品需求量急速提升。汽车用内饰面料是纺织行业内的新兴门类之一,和传统服饰用纺织品相比,它不仅要求具有美观性和装饰性,而且要求其具有一定功能性,外观和材质都有特殊的要求,因而功能纺织品进入了汽车加工行业,而且用量在逐年上升。  相似文献   

如果,到2030年,全球汽车生产商缩减到20家;如果,全球汽车配套厂家会减少到3000家;如果,汽车座椅、汽车顶棚都不再使用纺织品;如果,新的汽车设计理念以及流行趋势剔除了纺织品的元素……汽车用纺织品行业,该何去何从?  相似文献   

汽车内饰纺织品设计创新的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汽车座椅面料、顶篷织物、地毯、窗帘和车门内壁饰布等是汽车用纺织品中的重要门类,是集装饰性和功能性于一体的技术性织物,是艺术灵感和纺织技术相结合的产物。汽车用纺织品中的2/3是汽车内饰纺织品,直接体现汽车个性化,并影响汽车的舒适、环保、安全、成本等指标。我国汽车内饰织物的发展比较滞后,在材料多样化、织物设计和色彩搭配、织物后整理、质量检测等方面还有待于进一步突破。随着汽车产量的不断提高和纺织面料在汽车内饰中应用范围的不断扩大,汽车内饰纺织品的色彩、图案和织物结构设计已经是汽车设计师创造有特色产品的基本途径之一,其材料选用和装饰设计紧密地与汽车工业的发展,尤其是车型、性能、内饰风格等因素联系在一起,成为吸引消费者的重要因素。因此,探索汽车内饰纺织品的创新设计空间有助于汽车用纺织品与汽车工业同步发展。  相似文献   

文章分析了我国汽车用纺织品的现状和需求前景。提出了利用振兴我国支柱产业──汽车制造业的契机,大力发展我国汽车工业用纺织品的设想。  相似文献   

在为期两天的"首届宏达杯中国汽车用纺织品创新论坛"上,来自行业协会、科研院所以及企业的部分代表,以"创新与发展·技术进步与发展趋势"为主题,围绕汽车用纺织品的新纤维、新产品、新工艺、新设备、新技术,汽车用纺织品的设计与发展趋势、标准与检测,环保型纺织品在汽车上的应用等问题,对我国汽车用纺织品的发展之路进行了深入的研讨。  相似文献   

随着人们对汽车舒适度和安全性要求的提高,汽车用纺织品的需求显著增长。据英国《产业用纺织品市场》预测,未来5年里,仅一辆普通的中型轿车,纺织品用量将达到35公斤。中国已经成为世界汽车市场需求增长最快的国家,据预测,到2010年,我国需要车用纺织品26.73万吨。  相似文献   

为期两天的"首届宏达杯中国汽车用纺织品创新论坛"于2007年12月13日在上海胜利闭幕。本届论坛由中国纺织工业协会指导、中国纺织信息中心、中国产业用纺织品行业协会主办,浙江宏达经编股份有限公司协办。本届论坛以创新与发展·技术进步与发展趋势为主题,议题主要涉及汽车用纺织品的新纤维、新产品、新工艺、新设备、新技术;汽车用纺织品的设计与发展趋势、标准与检测;环保型纺织品在汽车上的应用等。  相似文献   

我国汽车用纺织品的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着汽车产量的不断增加,对纺织品的需求也不断升温,汽车工业已经成为纺织品的一大消费对象。就我国而言,2004年汽车的产量达到约500万辆,纺织品的需求达17.85万吨。据交通部规划,2010年汽车的产量达到约800万辆以上,纺织品的需求达26.73万吨。另据英国CRA公司透露,  相似文献   

据英国最近出版的《产业用纺织品市场》预测,随着人们对汽车舒适度和安全性要求的提高,汽车用纺织品的需求也将显著增长。报告预测,未来五年里,仅一辆普通的中型轿车,纺织品用量将达到35公斤。未来汽车不仅能提供可靠的安全性,还要给人愉悦感,体现时尚。汽车装饰的个性化是其中  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2017,41(10):1003-1016
Since the commercialization of the Internet, content and related applications, including video streaming, news, advertisements, and social interaction have moved online. It is broadly recognized that the rise of all of these different types of content (static and dynamic, and increasingly multimedia) has been one of the main forces behind the phenomenal growth of the Internet, and its emergence as essential infrastructure for how individuals across the globe gain access to the content sources they want. To accelerate the delivery of diverse content in the Internet and to provide commercial-grade performance for video delivery and the Web, Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) were introduced. This paper describes the current CDN ecosystem and the forces that have driven its evolution. We outline the different CDN architectures and consider their relative strengths and weaknesses. Our analysis highlights the role of location, the growing complexity of the CDN ecosystem, and their relationship to and implications for interconnection markets.  相似文献   

简述了ESO9000质量管理和质量保证系列标准和HSE石油天然气工业健康、安全与环境管理体系标准的形成过程。从适用范围、管理目标、标准的级别等方面详细分析了两者的差异;从管理性质、管理思想、组织过程、要素结构内容及标准的效力等方面了两者的相同或相似之处;进而从标准的发展和依据石油天然气企业生产管理的实际论述了两者兼容的可能性与现实性。  相似文献   

We focus, in this paper, on ‘market-facing innovation networks’. Rooted in the modular and integrated nature of the products they develop, high levels of product innovation activity are occurring through the behaviours of firms, leading and developing such networks. These lead firms are small and medium enterprises, traditionally tasked with business to business distribution and commercialisation activities. This study enhances our understanding of how task partitioning and resource sharing practices, and their evolution over time, are related to the nature and scope of capabilities of lead firms within the context of market-facing innovation networks. Through a multiple case study methodology, our findings depict and characterise efficiency and relational approaches of lead firms. Outcomes, in terms of firm and network level innovativeness and commercialisation, are discussed. Findings are explained by the tension created by the need to manage on-going routine distribution activities and emergent networked product innovation activities.  相似文献   

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are the leading cause of global mortality. As the social and economic costs of NCDs have escalated, action is needed to tackle important causes of many NCD’s: low physical activity levels and unhealthy dietary behaviours. As these behaviours are driven by upstream factors, successful policy interventions are required that encourage healthy dietary behaviours, improve physical activity levels and reduce sedentary behaviours of entire populations. However, to date, no systematic research on the implementation and evaluation of policy interventions related to these health behaviours has been conducted across Europe. Consequently, no information on the merit, gaps, worth or utility of cross-European policy interventions is available, and no guidance or recommendations on how to enhance this knowledge across European countries exists. As part of the Joint Programming Initiative “A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life” (JPI HDHL), 28 research institutes from seven European countries and New Zealand have combined their expertise to form the Policy Evaluation Network (PEN). PEN’s aim is to advance tools to identify, evaluate, implement and benchmark policies designed to directly or indirectly target dietary behaviours, physical activity, and sedentary behaviour in Europe, as well as to understand how these policies increase or decrease health inequalities. Using well-defined evaluation principles and methods, PEN will examine the content, implementation and impact of policies addressing dietary behaviour, physical activity levels and sedentary behaviour across Europe. It will realise the first steps in a bespoke health policy monitoring and surveillance system for Europe, and refine our knowledge of appropriate research designs and methods for the quantification of policy impact. It will contribute to our understanding of how to achieve successful transnational policy implementation and monitoring of these policies in different cultural, demographic or socioeconomic settings. PEN will consider equity and diversity aspects to ensure that policy actions are inclusive and culturally sensitive. Finally, based on three policy cases, PEN will illustrate how best to evaluate the implementation and impact of such policies in order to yield healthy diets and activity patterns that result in healthier lives for all European citizens.  相似文献   

Climate has obvious direct effects on agricultural production. The reverse is more apparent than ever as greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture are tallied. The development and effective diffusion of new agricultural practices and technologies will largely shape how and how well farmers mitigate and adapt to climate change. This adaptation and mitigation potential is nowhere more pronounced than in developing countries where agricultural productivity remains low; poverty, vulnerability and food insecurity remain high; and the direct effects of climate change are expected to be especially harsh. Creating the necessary agricultural technologies and harnessing them to enable developing countries to adapt their agricultural systems to changing climate will require innovations in policy and institutions as well. Potential constraints to innovation involve both the private and public sectors in both developing and developed countries. The process of transferring agricultural innovations across agroecological and climatic zones is often subject to agronomic constraints. Often, the most binding constraints occur at the adoption stage, with several factors that potentially impede poor farmers’ access to and use of new technologies. Based on discussions of these constraints, we derive six policy principles and use these principles to suggest several specific investments and policy priorities.  相似文献   

为改善冲压工人和喷涂工人的恶劣工作环境,达到装卸冲压料和喷涂工序的自动化,利用负压式吸盘机械手在冲压和喷涂过程中的相关设计,解决了冲床上采用送料机械手取代人工送料和喷涂过程的自动化问题,还演绎了冲压的工作过程和喷涂的工作过程。  相似文献   

会计职业判断是会计人员按照国家法律、法规,结合企业自身特点,运用掌握的会计专业知识和工作经验,对会计主体发生的经济事项和交易采用准确的会计处理原则、方法等,进行的合理且合法的选择与判断。对会计职业判断的主要特点和会计人员提高职业判断能力的途径进行了论述,认为会计人员必须具有良好的职业判断力,才能适应市场经济条件下复杂多变的经济环境,准确处理经济事项与交易。  相似文献   

The design and management of a multi-stage production–distribution system is one of the most critical problems in logistics and in facility management. Companies need to be able to evaluate and design different configurations for their logistic networks as quickly as possible. This means coordinating the entire supply chain effectively in order to minimize costs and simultaneously optimize facilities location, the allocation of customer demand to production/distribution centers, the inbound and outbound transportation activities, the product flows between production and/or warehousing facilities, the reverse logistics activities, etc.Full optimization of supply chain is achieved by integrating strategic, tactical, and operational decision-making in terms of the design, management, and control of activities. The cost-based and mixed-integer programming model presented in this study has been developed to support management in making the following decisions: the number of facilities (e.g. warehousing systems, distribution centers), the choice of their locations and the assignment of customer demand to them, and also incorporate tactical decisions regarding inventory control, production rates, and service-level determination in a stochastic environment. This paper presents an original model for the dynamic location–allocation problem with control of customer service level and safety stock optimization. An experimental analysis identifies the most critical factors affecting the logistics cost, and to finish, an industrial application is illustrated demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed optimization approach.  相似文献   

This research examines the demand for the level of investment in training and consultancy necessary to successfully implement and operate small and medium sized enterprises (SME)-specific enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems in SMEs. The extant literature on ERP, as well as established business practices adopted by the majority of ERP vendors and trainers, suggests that in order to implement and operate ERP systems effectively, a training model including an extensive training period, and often utilising external consultants, is a necessary condition. An in-depth case study has been conducted in this research on a UK-based SME-specific ERP systems vendor, which maintain that their SME-specific ERP systems can be implemented and operated effectively with only five days of formal training and no additional consultancy. This research evaluates the validity of this claim, and investigates the basis for the training model employed by the case company is, or is not, sufficient for users to successfully implement and operate SME-specific ERP systems.  相似文献   

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