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对锅炉的给水溶解氧含量超标原因进行分析,找出给水溶解氧含量超标的主要原因并进行针对性技术改进,延长了锅炉的使用寿命。  相似文献   

文章对屋面渗漏原因进行了分析,从屋面产生裂缝的原因入手,提出了控制屋面及顶层墙体裂缝的技术措施。  相似文献   

对蒸汽型HCL合成炉生产过程中出现合成炉腐蚀的原因进行了简单分析并根据原因对防止腐蚀的处理方法进行了简单的介绍。  相似文献   

本文结合焦化生产实际,对煤气鼓风机故障进行分析,经过分析查找原因,最终对通过现场改善,从根本上解决了产生该故障的深层原因。  相似文献   

兖州矿业(集团)公司鲍店煤矿和东滩煤矿通过对异步电机在运行维护和维修中产生振动的原因进行分析研究,找出了造成异步电机产生振动的原因,针对这些原因采取了有效的减振处理  相似文献   

文章分析了天然气场站露天管道产生腐蚀现象的原因,并对化学腐蚀和电化学腐蚀的特点进行了分析。对露天管道防腐措施进行了研究,并对管道防腐措施的方式方法进行了详细介绍;对管材出厂防腐措施和法兰处腐蚀特点和原因进行了总结,并给出了防护方法;分别对三种阴极保护方法的特点和原理进行了探究。最后推荐了天然气场站露天管道防腐控制的主要方法。  相似文献   

造成防水工程渗漏的原因很多,但是从总体上看是综合性原因,即:设计、材料、施工、维修、使用等原因。本文对关于提高建筑防水工程质量的问题进行了探讨  相似文献   

KDP(KH2PO4)晶体材料的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
回顾了近年关于KDP晶体材料的研究成果,对KDP晶体的不同生长技术、晶体中散射颗粒形成的原因以及晶体的光透过谱进行了介绍,特别对影响KDP晶体激光损伤阈值的原因进行了讨论与分析,并展望了今后KDP晶体的发展趋势。  相似文献   

根据目前含硫采气地层水安全问题增多的现象,对元坝气田水处理站污水卸车过程进行风险识别,利用鱼骨分析法针对含硫气体泄漏进行原因分析。结合现场实际问题,对含硫污水卸车装置进行优化利用,并基于原因分析提出了安全对策措施。  相似文献   

目前影响天然气公司收益的主要原因是天然气的供销率偏差比较大,所以最重要的就是将计量关把控好。文章结合中国某直辖市经济开发区天然气供销差的实际情况,分析了天然气公司供销差率的问题,对出现差错的原因进行了分析,对降低供销差率的方法进行了介绍。  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2017,41(10):1003-1016
Since the commercialization of the Internet, content and related applications, including video streaming, news, advertisements, and social interaction have moved online. It is broadly recognized that the rise of all of these different types of content (static and dynamic, and increasingly multimedia) has been one of the main forces behind the phenomenal growth of the Internet, and its emergence as essential infrastructure for how individuals across the globe gain access to the content sources they want. To accelerate the delivery of diverse content in the Internet and to provide commercial-grade performance for video delivery and the Web, Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) were introduced. This paper describes the current CDN ecosystem and the forces that have driven its evolution. We outline the different CDN architectures and consider their relative strengths and weaknesses. Our analysis highlights the role of location, the growing complexity of the CDN ecosystem, and their relationship to and implications for interconnection markets.  相似文献   

从分析ISO900标准与HSE管理标准的相同点和不同点入手,从管理学的角度探讨了质量体系与HSE管理体系相结合的可能性与必要性,探讨了企业实施两个体系一体化的措施。指出,建立一个能同时满足了ISO9000标准要求和HSE管理标准要求的综合体系,可以明显地提高企业管理效益、降低体系运行费用。  相似文献   

The reduction of the digital divide due to the availability of the Internet and the improvement of skills is accompanied by reverse and resistance trends associated with the influence of socio-demographic and economic characteristics of users. In this paper, we estimate the volume and dynamics of the digital divide in access and use of the Internet in Russia by key social groups according to a longitudinal survey for 2008–2018. We found that along with the reducing of the digital divide, its gaps still remain. The greatest polarization is associated with the income, age, and type of residence of the respondents. The most vulnerable social groups on access to ICTs and Internet use are the low-income, the elderly, citizens with disabilities, and those living in rural areas. The reverse shifts in the digital divide were recorded mainly in relation to the Internet usage by age between the middle-age and youth and by gender. In addition, we pointed out the most resistance social groups to reduce the digital divide in the period under review, in particular, by income and type of residence of the respondents. The findings contribute to an understanding of the dynamics and social consequences of the digital divide and can be taken into account in social policy and measures.  相似文献   

本文针对当前营销理论和实践存在的"外形化"问题,梳理了莱维特提出营销近视症后的营销理论发展进路,得出该近视症并没有得到根治而且有新变异的论断和具有主体中心论特征与弊端的现代营销近视症;认为要根治该近视症,首先应克服"现代营销者研究现代营销"以及由此产生的"营销研究的近视症"局限,以营销研究者的身份、在跨学科和方法论高度与层面去寻求突破性思路和方法。基于这种认识,本文萃取和应用"后现代性"、"主体间性"与"网络嵌入性"等多学科话语作为矫治这种营销近视症的创新方法,重构了具有"消解对立、善待他者、与他者网络化互嵌共生"意蕴的共主体营销新话语,并论述了践行这种营销新话语的方式、机理和愿景。  相似文献   

This paper explores business-to-business (B2B) marketing on the Internet, and how the confluence of the two may transform the B2B landscape. Specifically, it discusses the notion of linkage value to demonstrate why the B2B phenomenon on the Internet is so significant. It then considers the mechanisms and enablers that have made the Web such an important B2B marketing channel. It also explores how the Web can reduce transaction costs, thereby facilitating more efficient exchanges and markets. The concepts of links and nodes are then introduced and the processes of disintermediation, reintermediation, disaggregation and reaggregation are explored. Finally, Web B2B configurations are considered by way of a model that describes four archetypal configurations, and the factors that are antecedent to these modes and how the Web may influence them.  相似文献   

This special section aims to investigate the interaction of global and local forces in shaping agrifood governance. It starts from the recognition that a multitude of actors and norms shape today’s agrifood system. The resulting opaqueness of the systems makes it extremely difficult to understand and explain processes and outcomes of agrifood governance. Given the sustainability challenges facing the agrifood system, improvements in our understanding of what the interaction of global and local actors and norms means on the ground are urgently needed, however. The section, therefore, analyses agrifood governance in India across a selected group of cases. It does so by employing a systematic framework emphasizing the material and ideational dimensions of power and their interaction. The section has chosen India as the setting in which to analyze this interaction due to the crucial role the food demand and supply of this rising power plays in today’s agrifood system. This article provides the special sections’ analytical framework, which uses the interplay of material and ideational dimensions of power as a focal lens. In addition, the article applies this framework to an empirical study of the political conflict around GMO foods in India, specifically the case of ‘Golden Rice’.  相似文献   

简述了ESO9000质量管理和质量保证系列标准和HSE石油天然气工业健康、安全与环境管理体系标准的形成过程。从适用范围、管理目标、标准的级别等方面详细分析了两者的差异;从管理性质、管理思想、组织过程、要素结构内容及标准的效力等方面了两者的相同或相似之处;进而从标准的发展和依据石油天然气企业生产管理的实际论述了两者兼容的可能性与现实性。  相似文献   

我国新型城镇化已成为经济新常态下产业升级的新思路,新型城镇化进程产生的诸多绩效是产业升级的强大动力。本文系统阐述了新型城镇化影响产业升级的作用机理,并基于数据可得性以带状选取东中西部各3个省份,每个省选取3个中大型地级市2004~2015年的面板数据作为研究样本,将新型城镇化和产业升级之间关系图和格兰杰因果检验结合,从时间和空间角度分析新型城镇化对产业升级的影响。结论表明:在时间上,2005~2011年,两者有负相关关系,2011~2015年,两者有正相关关系;在空间上,东部新型城镇化对产业升级有正向影响,中西部前者对后者无正向影响。根据实证结果和新型城镇化对产业升级的影响在时间和空间上存在差异的原因进而提出相关对策建议。  相似文献   

随着科技、经济的不断发展,诉讼案件越来越多样化、复杂化,经常涉及一些专业的问题,给法官的审判带来种种困难。尤其是建设工程案件,工程造价的鉴定尤为复杂,鉴定机构和鉴定人员的专业水平参差不齐,这让法官审判更是难上加难。最高人民法院于2019年对《最高人民法院关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》进行了修正,对专家证人做了明确的规定与要求。文章从工程造价专家证人的背景及意义、法律依据、与普通证人及鉴定人员的区别、责任与义务以及目前存在的问题与建议几个方面进行了阐述分析,认为在目前的司法证据制度下,工程造价专家证人的制度是合理的、必要的,也是很有意义的,应该进一步加强,并在实施过程中不断改进存在的问题,最终让其发挥更大的作用,为建设工程案件司法公正护航。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impact of WLAN technologies for incumbent MNOs based on an empirical cross-country study of the players in the public WLAN-hotspot market using the theory of disruptive innovation and theoretical extensions for the industry- and country-level. The main research question to be analyzed is whether and why PWLAN has shown a disruptive or sustaining impact trend for incumbent MNOs in the hotspot markets of Germany, the UK, and the USA in recent years. The results imply that incumbent MNOs and new entrants have taken advantage of the opportunity provided by PWLAN, but the market success of both types of players varies between the countries analyzed. Incumbent MNOs dominate in Germany but not in the UK and the USA. The reasons for these country-specific differences were further investigated, and the results suggest that the analysis of disruptive potential in telecommunications needs to include country- and firm-specific factors, which are, again, largely influenced by the local regulation.  相似文献   

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