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本文详细论述和介绍了开发分马力电机 CAD 绘图系统时的硬件、软件配置,以及在应用 AUTO CAD 办件时所进行的二次开发工程,实现了分马力电机设计中零部件图及总装配图的自动绘制.  相似文献   

在进行野外地质资料收集时,往往需布设槽探工程来划分地质界线。在室内整理工作中还需对野外资料进行整理成图,常会遇到大量的地质岩层符号,手工作图效率低,给绘图带来不便。本论文通过分析槽探工程步骤,采用CAD自带的LISP对探槽部分绘图过程编写绘图程序,并系统总结自定义图案的编写方法,编制了云浮硫铁矿较具代表性的地质岩层符号自定义图案。本论文阐述的方法能实现槽探素描图快速成图,适用于各种类型的槽探工程。  相似文献   

在测绘过程中,将CAD技术运用于地理地形绘图中,能够大大提高绘图效率。在地理制图测绘中,三维CAD可以对地质测绘的结果通过相关的绘图软件进行编辑处理,然后用绘图的方式把最终结果输出,在整个地质勘探的过程中是一个不可或缺的环节,经过CAD处理以后能够将复杂的地形地势的绘制简单化,降低绘图过程中可能出现的失误。但由于三维CAD没有普及,运用在地理测绘中,出现了许多问题,本文对这些问题进行了总结,并提出了有效地解决方案。  相似文献   

管云飞 《工业技术经济》2001,20(6):80-80,82
利用CAD能直接调用的LISP语言,开发出线性符号的通用绘制程序,解决了微机绘制矿图中线性符号的问题。  相似文献   

初学者在用CAD进行绘图时。对单独的功能命令往往可以熟练使用,而对坐标系的建立和比例尺的调整总感到无从下手,笔者根据在测绘工作中的有关知识和经验,就CAD环境下的坐标系建立和打印成图时的比例尺调整的对策及注意事项做一阐述。  相似文献   

一台FANUC-0TE系统的数控车床在MDI方式,主轴、刀台工作正常。但在AUTO方式下,按循环启动键,系统不执行程序。 据此初步认为故障原因是AUTO方式下循环启动的某些条件未满足,调出相应梯形图(图1),反复按循环启动按钮发现X0016.0无变化(始终为0),说明该按钮已损坏,更换后再按循环按钮,X0016.0有变化,而且G120.2得电,启动信号已送入NC,但故障依旧。查看与执行自动操作有关的系统标志位DGN700的状态(图2),以下是其各位为1时的含义。  相似文献   

该系统基于市场需求———优化设计———参数绘图———数据管理———市场报价的全程CAD理念 ,在软件设计上采用了面向对象的程序设计、模块化设计方法、数据库技术和参数化图形信息处理与管理技术以及ActiveX技术 ;在计算方法上采用基于MDOD算法的优化技术 ;在系统一体化上应用系统集成思想 ,实现设计、绘图、管理软件以及相关信息流的链接和集成。该系统针对定柱式旋臂起重机的特点 ,开发出基于窗口环境下的CAD系统 ,集设计计算、优化分析、参数化绘图于一体 ,实现了参数化设计 ,完全面向对象 ,用户操作简便 ,摆脱了手工设计计算和…  相似文献   

企业信息化的起源是无纸化办公,最初的形式是CAD绘图,目前它正在向高层形式发展。企业信息化简言之就是把工作流和信息结合起来,形成信息流。信息化建设能够给企业带来一种全新的管理模式,把原先串联的工作流程转变为并行的、  相似文献   

近期 Auto CAD 绘图软件在国内外广为流行,绘图功能强。但属于交互式,人机对话进行定参数绘图,要实现机械零件变参数设计还需要进行二次开发。作者在缺乏资料情况下,选择了一个典型机械零件——三角带传动设计进行反复细致的探索,用 BASIC 语言形成 SCR 文件与 Auto CAD 相连,经过反复调试,实现了变参数绘图。零件图按机械制图新国标绘制,还标注尺寸公差、形位公差、表面粗造度,并用汉字标注技术要求及填写标题栏,绘出的零件图已能应用于生产。最后还有应用实例。  相似文献   

本文通过分析水利勘察设计行业CAD技术应用的现状,提出了解决当前低应用水平的方法,水利勘察设计行业应加快推广应用CAD技术,甩掉图板,使现有的计算机辅助绘图真正转变为计算机辅助设计。并对CAD应用二次开发技术做了简要介绍,提出了高质量应用开发软件应具备的功能与特点。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the interactions between design students’ cognitive styles, as measured by Riding’s Cognitive Styles Analysis, and performance in 2D drafting and design tasks in digital media. An empirical research revealed that Imager students outperformed Verbalisers in both drafting and creativity scores. Wholist–Analytic cognitive style dimension was found to be independent from drafting and design performance. The study suggests that examining the cognitive styles of students in Computer Aided Design (CAD) education deserves further attention and may facilitate for improvements in learning processes.  相似文献   

本文叙述了用分级法进行相似件设计标准化的问题,并对 GT—CAD 程序及 GT—CAD 与 CAD 的主要区别作了探讨。  相似文献   

This paper examines the place of manual technical drawing in the 21st century by discussing the perceived value and relevance of teaching school students how to draw using traditional instruments, in a world of computer aided drafting (CAD). Views were obtained through an e-survey, questionnaires and structured interviews. The sample groups represent professional CAD users (e.g., engineers, architects); university lecturers; Technology Education teachers and student teachers; and school students taking Scottish Qualification Authority (SQA) Graphic Communication courses. An analysis of these personal views and attitudes indicates some common values between the various groups canvassed of what instruction in traditional manual technical drafting contributes towards learning. Themes emerge such as problem solving, visualisation, accuracy, co-ordination, use of standard conventions, personal discipline and artistry. In contrast to the assumptions of Prensky’s thesis [(2001a) Digital natives, digital immigrants. On the Horizon 9, 5. NCB University Press Retrieved Oct 2006 from http://www.marcprensky.com/writing/Prensky%20-%20Digital%20Natives,%20Digital%20Immigrants%20-%20Part1.pdf; (2001b) Digital natives digital immigrants, Part 2: Do they really think differently? On the Horizon 9, 6. NCB University Press retrieved Oct 2006 from http://www.marcprensky.com/writing/Prensky%20%20Digital%20Natives,%20Digital%20Immigrants%20-%20Part2.pdf] of digital natives, the study reported in this paper indicates that the school students apparently appreciate the experience of traditional drafting. In conclusion, the paper illustrates the perceived value of such learning in terms of transferable skills, personal achievement and enjoyment.  相似文献   

Since 1967 the Federal Communications Commission has conducted a programme of research and policy studies to provide guidance on long-term technical and policy problems in all areas of telecommunications. This programme is now under the direction of the Office of Plans and Policy, which undertakes studies and research projects using the skills and expertise of its multidisciplinary staff. It organizes and implements conferences and symposia on behalf of the Commission, whereby Commission staff can interact with outside experts on topics of significant policy concern. Finally, it manages the FCC's programme of contractual research studies.  相似文献   

本文分析了跨组织知识整合的内涵和要素结构,将跨组织知识整合划分为外部知识捕获、内外知识交融和新知识应用3个环节,建立了关系网络、跨组织知识整合和组织创新绩效之间的理论模型,并以229家企业为对象运用结构方程模型进行实证研究,并得出结论,外部关系网络对外部知识捕获有正向影响,内部关系网络对外部知识捕获、内外知识交融和新知识应用均有正向影响,内部关系网络对组织创新绩效有正向影响,跨组织知识整合在内部关系网络与组织创新绩效间起着中介作用,为企业通过外部和内部关系网络提升跨组织知识整合能力,进而提升组织创新绩效提供理论基础和实践参考。  相似文献   

Chronic food insecurity and chronic poverty are closely related in Malawi. Since independence in 1964 national food security has been a key policy objective. However, until the 1990s less emphasis was placed on the household dimensions of food security and its links with chronic poverty. In the last decade a number of initiatives have been used in Malawi to tackle the issue of household food insecurity. One of the most controversial has been the Starter Pack programme launched in 1998. Initially consisting of a free handout of packs of improved maize seed, legumes and fertiliser to every small holder farm household in Malawi the scheme, under donor pressure, was subsequently scaled down to become a form of targeted social safety net programme. This paper analyses the strengths and weakness of both the original programme and its scaled down version and assesses the reason for the considerable opposition to the programme from Malawi’s donor community. Although Starter Pack is no longer operative in Malawi the Malawian experience is used to derive lessons for other countries where household food insecurity is an important dimension of chronic poverty.  相似文献   

聚集纺纱是一种新型纺纱技术 ,其在设备上的实现主要通过对传统牵伸装置的改进。 Rieter和 Suessen等设备采用多孔皮圈或透气的网格皮圈在气流的作用下聚集纤维 ,也有的设备采用大直径的有孔空心滚筒代替原有的前下输出罗拉 ,并在气流的作用下对纤维进行有效而又柔和的约束 ;同时介绍了聚集纺纱的优越性及其对后道工序的影响  相似文献   

CAD (Computer Aided Design) has now become an integral part of Technology Education. The recent introduction of highly sophisticated, low-cost CAD software and CAM hardware capable of running on desktop computers has accelerated this trend. There is now quite widespread introduction of solid modeling CAD software into secondary schools but how much is really known about the processes of learning and teaching CAD, particularly solid modeling? This paper will discuss current practice in CAD teaching and the way this relates to solid modeling. It will discuss the findings of current research with particular emphasis on the difference between command knowledge and strategic knowledge and how this relates to the development of CAD expertise. Command knowledge is referred to as knowledge of the commands (algorithms or tools) and the procedures to use those tools within CAD software while strategic knowledge is concerned with knowledge of the alternate methods by which a specific task may be achieved and the process by which a choice may be made. The results of a recent experimental study into the teaching of CAD expertise will then be outlined and the implications for the teaching and learning process will be discussed.  相似文献   

CAD has been described as a'Trojan horse'through which drawing office work will be deskilled. This article rebuts the crude Tayloris-ation thesis which underlines such views and offers an alternative analysis of the effects of CAD .  相似文献   

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