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乔婷 《陕西纺织》2006,(1):43-44
1 微胶囊技术简介 微胶囊技术是当今世界发展迅速、用途广泛的一种技术。制备微胶囊的过程简称为微胶囊化(micmencapsulation),它是将固体、液体或气体包裹在一个微小的胶囊中。包封用的壁壳称为壁材;被包的囊芯称为芯材,芯材可以是单一的,也可以是复合的。囊壁厚度一般在0.1μm~200μm之间,微胶囊的粒子大小,因制备工艺及用途不同而不同,理论上可以制成0.01μm~1000μm的微胶囊。虽然对于微胶囊尺寸范围的分类还没有很统一的标准,但目前有人认为直径小于1μm的为毫微胶囊,而直径大于1000μm的为大胶囊。工业的微胶囊一般直径在3μm~800μm,含10%~90%的重量百分比的核。微胶囊的形状可以为球形、肾形、谷粒状、块状等。形成微胶囊的物质由于与外界环境相隔离,可以免受环境的影响,从而保持稳定,而在适当条件下,被包封物质又可释放出来。微胶囊技术在医药、食品、农药、印染等行业得到广泛应用。  相似文献   

微胶囊技术诞生于20世纪50年代,最初应用于无碳复写纸的生产。近年来,在染整行业已得到了成功的应用。所谓微胶囊技术,就是将细小的液滴或固体微粒包裹于高分子薄膜中,制成直径很小(500微米以下)的微胶囊,固着到织物上的技术。如将染化料、整理剂等制成微胶囊,固着到织物上,在加工或使用过程中,在外部压力、摩擦、PH值、酶、温度、燃烧等刺激下,由于微胶囊的破裂或通过微胶囊壁的扩散作用,使被包裹的染化料或整理剂释放出来,从而达到预期的染整效果。微胶囊由囊心和囊膜两部分组成,其外形呈球形、肾形、谷粒形或其他形状,直径一般在500微米…  相似文献   

微胶囊技术及其在医疗保健纺织品中的应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微胶囊技术是一种用成膜材料将功能性气体、固体颗粒或液滴包覆形成微小粒子的技术。通常所说的微胶囊是指直径在2μ-2000μm,胶囊壁为典型厚度在0.5μm-150μm之间的微小容器,因其包裹的囊芯的功能不同而使微胶囊具有不同的功能。采用微胶囊技术的目的主要有以下几点:改善物质的物理性质、控制释放、提高稳定性、降低对健康的危害、屏蔽味道和气味、气味控制释放及不相容物质的分离。  相似文献   

近期,江苏丹毛纺织股份有限公司和国外公司合作开发了基于微胶囊技术的香薰理疗面料,以纺织后整理加工的方式赋予面料各种独特理疗功能。据介绍,该香薰理疗面料系列共包含维生素释放型面料、玫瑰香面料、异味中和面料三个品种,维生素释放型面料是将维生素A、维生素C和维生素E三种成分,通过微胶囊技术包裹成微小的颗粒,通过交联剂附着  相似文献   

微胶囊化技术开始于20世纪30年代,在20世纪50年代取得重大成果,并且广泛应用于无碳复写纸、医药、香料香精、防腐、纺织品、颜料、液晶显示、农药以及各种军事领域,但是相变材料微胶囊化技术(Microencapsulated Phase change Materials,简称MicroPeMs)的研究则大约从20世纪70年代才开始。  相似文献   

由山东京蓬生物药业有限公司承担的山东省科技攻关计划“苏云金芽孢杆菌(Bt)微胶囊悬浮剂”项目目前通过了专家验收鉴定。 苏云金芽孢杆菌(Bt)微胶囊悬浮剂外壳为有机大分子做微胶囊,内包裹农药有效体苏云金芽孢杆菌。  相似文献   

本项目于2000年3月通过了河北省科技厅组织的技术鉴定。该技术以染料和农药为目的物进行微胶囊化,壁材原料易得,价格便宜,合成工艺路线多且工艺简单,反应条件平稳,用自制的共聚型乳化剂乳化芯材效果好。染料微胶囊化后可用普通工艺染色及印花,其中液晶变色染料印花变色效果显著,可解决液晶变色染料由于酸碱氧化等原因极易失去变色可逆性的问题,既节省染料,又减少废水污染,降低了印染成本。农药微胶囊化后具有缓释效果,可降低对人畜毒害,减少用药量,延长药效,防止漂移,减少环境污染。经同行专家鉴定,该项目所研制的粒径在0.3-10.0μm的染料微…  相似文献   

三木理研工业公司是在日本市场形态稳定加工剂领域具有很高市场份额的企业,其帮助面料实现高附加值的功能药剂受到顾客的青睐。针对中国市场,除了擅长的形态稳定加工剂、使用蓄热蓄冷、芳香性微胶囊的加工剂外,还努力销售抗菌剂等药剂。具有蓄热蓄冷功能的微胶囊乳剂"RIKEN RESIN PMCD-25EX"使用了含有相变物质(PCM:Phase Change Material)的微胶囊。PCM中使用蓄热量大的  相似文献   

Celessence是英国一家国际化专门研制微胶囊系列产品的高科技有限公司,Celessence健康香芬整理技术已与四十多个国家的许多纺织、服装企业进行了成功的合作,赋予服装、家纺、针织等产品有益健康并且感官上纯真的香味,为纺织服装产品提供了独特的增值效益。  相似文献   

~~微胶囊功能整理剂  相似文献   

Irrigation,agricultural performance and poverty reduction in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The overall goal of our paper is to understand the impact that irrigation in China has had on grain production and incomes, in general, and income and poverty alleviation in poor areas, in particular. The paper seeks to meet three objectives. First, we describe the relationship among irrigation status, yields and household crop revenue. Second, we seek to understand the magnitude and nature of the effect that irrigation has on yields and crop revenue. Finally, we seek to understand the impact that irrigation has on incomes in poor areas. Our analysis shows that irrigation contributes to increases in yields for almost all crops and in income for farmers in all areas. The importance of crop income in poor areas and the strong relationship between crop revenue and irrigation provides evidence of the importance of irrigation in past and future poverty alleviation in China. We also show that in the majority of the villages that invested in new irrigation, returns are positive even after accounting for increases in capital and production costs.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the impact of the regulations on Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) of pesticides on the trade of apples and pears and related processed products with the aim of understanding how their similarity (or dissimilarity) affect trade. Most studies investigate the impact of sanitary regulations introducing directly in the analysis the MRL put in force in the importing country. They introduce in the analysis the level of the regulation in the importing country without taking into account the rule in force in the exporting country. Rather than focusing on a particular pesticide we take into account the entire list of substances set out by the various regulations. We then build a similarity index and introduce it into a gravity equation to assess the impact of the differences in MRL of pesticides on trade. Results suggest that the differences between regulations matter and may, in some case, hinder trade.  相似文献   

A growing gap between the production and consumption of food has led to a decline in consumer trust in food, and a desire for increased regulation of food. The aim of this study was to investigate the nature of consumer trust in food production and regulation in the wake of shifts in food technology, globalisation and production. Semi-structured interviews (n = 47) were conducted in 2009 with participants living in rural and metropolitan South Australia. Rural participants were more trusting of food production because of their direct experience with producing food than their metropolitan counterparts. Consumers’ embeddedness in food production impacts their trust in food. Increasing local food production and consumption may increase consumer trust in food, and decrease consumer dependence on government regulation.  相似文献   

The paper examines the role and function of public–private interplay in the development of municipal initiatives in the broadband sector. The analysis of initiatives in the Netherlands and Italy shows how the interaction between public and private stakeholders can facilitate local broadband initiatives. This interaction has been vital in aligning the interests of different private and (semi-)public parties, in designing the network and in aggregating sufficient demand for broadband services. The comparative analysis examines the steps involved in these initiatives and the strengths and weaknesses of joint public–private activities. The paper shows that the challenge for cooperating stakeholders has been to foster further investment in the upgrading of the network and in the provision of advanced broadband services.  相似文献   

国内外丁基橡胶生产现状和市场前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,全球丁基橡胶的总生产能力约为892kt/a,2003年总消费量约为747kt/a。预计到2006年总消费量将超过800kt/a。目前我国丁基橡胶的总生产能力为30kt/a,2003年产量为27kt/a,消费量约为100kt/a,产不足需,每年都得大量进口。预计到2005年丁基橡胶的消费量将达到140kt/a,2010年消费量将达到210kt/a。针对目前我国丁基橡胶生产状况及存在的问题,提出了生产发展的建议。  相似文献   

己内酰胺的生产技术及国内外市场分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了己内酰胺的生产技术新进展,其中绿色生产工艺是今后的发展趋势。2005年全世界己内酰胺的总生产能力为4451kt,总消费量为3950kt,预计2009年总消费量将达到4731kt,2014年将达到5320kt。2005年我国己内酰胺的总生产能力为350kt,产量为212.1kt,消费量为703.2kt,产不足需,每年都得大量进口。预计2010年我国己内酰胺的总消费量将达到约1040kt,己内酰胺在我国发展前景广阔。今后我国应积极采用先进技术扩大装置的生产规模,以从根本上缓解我国己内酰胺的供需矛盾。  相似文献   

At a time when choices for voice service and funding for universal service were growing, the United States experienced an unprecedented drop in household telephone penetration. Universal service in voice telephony is generally taken for granted in the United States. However, recent data from the FCC shows a significant decline in the number of U.S. households that have a telephone of any kind (including mobile), from a peak in telephone penetration of 95.5% in March 2003 down to 92.9% in November 2005. This decline is both statistically significant and meaningful, as approximately 2.6% of U.S. households could not easily reach 911 for emergencies. This study uses regression analysis of state-level data to determine what drove this decline in universal service. The results demonstrate that the recent decline in universal service in the U.S. is driven by an increase in black population, inadequate consumer protection laws, and increases in wireless telephones per capita. Lifeline effectiveness does not appear to mitigate the decline in penetration, while Link-Up effectiveness may have a limited effect.  相似文献   

This paper examines the development of the role of government support in the financial situation of organic farms in selected Western and Eastern European countries, contrasting dependency on direct payments with that of conventional farms and assessing the impact of foreseeable changes in the political and economic environment. The results show that direct payments play an important role in the financial viability of organic farms in both Western and Eastern European countries. The level of specific support for organic farming is put into perspective, as other support payments and market returns contribute larger shares to total farm revenue in all the countries analysed. Modelling analyses show that support payments will continue to play an important role in the profitability of organic farms in Western Europe after implementation of the 2003 reform of Common Agricultural Policy in the EU. For organic farmers in Eastern European countries, the importance of support payments increases strongly with EU accession, as first pillar payments are introduced and environmental payments are expanded significantly.  相似文献   

本研究通过考察1981~2013年我国货物贸易进出口的状况和人民币币值的变动情况,利用协整和误差修正模型对我国货物贸易的进、出口依存度与人民币实际有效汇率之间的关系进行了实证分析,结果发现我国货物贸易的进口依存度对出口依存度存在长期的正向影响的效应,对人民币实际有效汇率则存在长期的负向影响的效应,而人民币实际有效汇率只对我国货物贸易的出口依存度存在影响的效应,且这种效应为短期的正向效应。  相似文献   

Women’s empowerment is considered a ‘prerequisite’ to achieving global food security. Gender systems, however, are diverse and complex. The nature and extent of gender inequity and the conditions necessary to empower women vary across countries, communities and regions. The study of different gender systems is thus fundamental to capture cross-cultural variations in gender specific needs and constraints to effectively address gender gaps. Although the status of women in agriculture has received extensive attention in the literature in recent decades, a research gap persists regarding the state of gender inequity in Southeast Asian agriculture. The current paper contributes to the geographical scope of the literature by presenting empirical evidence of gender inequity from four Southeast Asian countries: Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines. Using the framework recommended by the Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index (WEAI), 37 focus group discussions were conducted with 290 women farmers in the above mentioned countries. The results reveal trends that contradict the conventional narratives of gender inequity in agriculture in certain domains of empowerment. In all four countries, women appear to have equal access to productive resources such as land and inputs, and greater control over household income than men. Important intra-regional heterogeneity is observed in terms of community-level empowerment. While women play an active role in agricultural groups in Thailand and in the Philippines, this is predominantly men’s territory in Indonesia and Myanmar. These findings imply that country-specific gender intervention frameworks are necessary to overcome gender gaps in agriculture.  相似文献   

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