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本文提出了晶体和频率控制元件的模型,介绍了基本电路的设计,并详细讨论了压控晶体振荡器调制器产生最小音频失真的必要条件。  相似文献   

对几种头孢拉定结晶的晶体进行表面超微结构的研究,将几种头孢拉定晶体置于扫描电镜下观察,发现沉淀结晶法晶体生成大量细碎晶体,粒度分布宽,表面不光滑;超声波工艺结晶体薄而小,其流动性较沉淀结晶法更好;超重力结晶工艺,改善了粒度分布,晶体比较均匀整齐,表面平整光滑,晶莹透亮。  相似文献   

三坐标测量机是风电行业零件尺寸和形位公差测量的首选设备。随着风电齿轮箱零件尺寸增大和重量增加,零件加工后测量运转过程更加复杂和困难,且在三坐标测量室等温时间以及测量时间长,影响生产节奏。为了满足生产要求,保证大尺寸零件及时快速测量,根据企业实际情况,研究使用激光跟踪仪进行大尺寸零件的尺寸和形位公差的在线测量,具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

在塑料薄膜上采用丝网印刷方式印刷谐振标签,已经成为低成本电子监管标签的生产方式。以印刷方式生产的谐振标签,可以方便地在印刷过程中通过改变感应器和电容器的印刷长度和尺寸来改变谐振标签的谐振频率。谐振标签的质量因子(Q)主要取决干印刷感应器的薄膜阻抗,印刷方式生产的谐振标签能够获得的最大Q值约为45。由于这种谐振标签能够用卷筒进料的塑料薄膜进行印刷,因此,各种谐振频率的电子标签都能够通过这种印刷方式进行大批量低成本生产。  相似文献   

冷轧某重卷产线拉矫机生产过程中发现拉矫后存在浪形,无法满足使用要求。传统调整方法需要进行专业测量后拆除调整辊盒位置的涡轮蜗杆装置同步轴,再进行调整。拉矫机下方空间位置极小,操作不便,用传统方法调整费时费力,并且不能保证辊盒精度。通过对现场拉矫机辊系进行在线调整,保证拉矫机辊系精度,解决拉矫浪形问题。  相似文献   

选煤厂的跳汰生产过程十分复杂,涉及很多检测因素,而传统检测模式所用仪表的精度较低,无法对分选过程进行量化评价。通过将跳汰分选状态评价进行信息融合,提供了一种高效、实时的管理技术,可以整合与分析不同来源的数据,更准确地评估跳汰生产过程中的颗粒状态,从而提高生产效率和产品质量,降低生产成本。  相似文献   

钾肥是现代农业生产中常用的营养原料,在中国化肥产品结构中占重要地位,对保证农业持续稳产高产发挥着不可替代的作用。文章以钾肥生产为探究切入点,着重对粒状和粗大晶体钾肥生产工艺和运用进行探究,以达到把握钾肥生产技艺,提升产品加工质量。  相似文献   

PVC手套生产线手模温度在线测量的研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了解决PVC手套生产过程中手模温度在线测量难题,开发出一套移动物体在线测温装置。该装置安装红外测温传感器,采用PLC控制的同步跟踪技术对生产线手模进行跟踪,保证红外测温传感器和手模同步并正确测量其温度。用组态软件kingview开发出手模温度在线测量的监控界面,对手模温度进行实时监控。实验结果显示该装置运行稳定,采集的温度可靠。  相似文献   

文章设计了一种新型六边形晶格光子晶体,它在可见光区域具有负折射特性。进一步改变这种光子晶体的参数,可以得到渐变折射率光子晶体,其聚焦性能得到明显改善,可以用于聚焦平面波。文章通过数值计算验证了这种光子晶体的负折射特性和聚焦效果。  相似文献   

KDP(KH2PO4)晶体材料的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
回顾了近年关于KDP晶体材料的研究成果,对KDP晶体的不同生长技术、晶体中散射颗粒形成的原因以及晶体的光透过谱进行了介绍,特别对影响KDP晶体激光损伤阈值的原因进行了讨论与分析,并展望了今后KDP晶体的发展趋势。  相似文献   

分离苏云金芽孢杆菌(Bt)晶体蛋白常用的方法有液体双相法、密度梯度法、沉淀法、生物-物理分离法等,但这几种方法各有优缺点。从分离成本、仪器设备、纯度、产量、活性等方面考虑,在超声波处理、悬液制备和紫外线辐射3个方面进行了改进,提出了一种新的分离Bt晶体蛋白的方法,产品纯度可达90%以上,产率从原来的20%提高到28%。...  相似文献   

指出规格仪器是油品测试方法标准化的基础,总结了油品测试用规格仪器国产化的过程,并对今后的发展方向加以分析。  相似文献   

将不同结构单体液晶分别添加到相同混合液晶中时,混合液晶的功耗电流与单体结构液晶有很大的相关性。通过试验方法对6个系列的单体液晶进行了研究,将6个系列的单体分别添加到基础配方P0中,通过将混合液晶灌入液晶盒后测试紫外曝光前后的功耗电流,考察不同结构单体对混合液晶功耗电流的影响规律。结果表明加入CCP,PCCA,CCUF单体液晶功耗电流紫外曝光前后比较稳定,CCQUF,CCEP,CCPN类单体液晶由于存在一定的极性,紫外曝光前后功耗电流变化较大。  相似文献   

介绍了在实验室制备结晶山梨醇的方法,把乙醇加入饱和山梨醇溶液中,通过降低混合溶液的温度,使山梨醇晶体析出,并根据工业生产的实际要求,用70%(质量分数)和95%(质量分数)的乙醇进行结晶实验,结果表明,在38℃时,恒温1h,放料抽滤后,可得到收率为757%的山梨醇晶体。  相似文献   

沈英才  蔡红立 《河北工业科技》2007,24(2):138-141,146
根据电子仪器的特点,提出了虚拟故障诊断概念。它不需要故障诊断电路和接口,是依据电子仪器测控系统的本身特点和其相关量,采用微电脑编程技术判断故障的方法,能实现对过程通道及传感器和执行器的自诊断。实践证明该方法经济、可靠、简单、易行。  相似文献   

钻井液黏度的变化影响井内钻井液的侵入、地层油气水的扩散.从而影响储层的产能评价。通过研制的钻井液黏度检测仪对钻井液液面高度检测来测钻井液黏度,可以提高钻井液黏度的测量精度,同时可以和综合录井仪联机使用,为录井资料校正和提高现场油气层的解释评价水平提供可靠的信息。  相似文献   

在石油烃类裂解制取乙烯的过程中,有大量的C5馏分产生。石油化工产业的飞速发展,随着各企业乙烯装置的进一步扩容改造,C5馏分产量将明显增加。而C5馏分作为一种宝贵的资源,可以生产一系列高附加值的化工产品。为此,对C5系列的精细化工产品的开发利用,将降低乙烯生产成本,提高企业的经济效益,增强企业的竞争力。中国石化上海石油化工股份有限公司化工研究所的异戊烯联合装置就是一个很好的开发利用实例。  相似文献   

Several competition authorities consider the exemption of horizontal agreements among firms from antitrust liability if the agreements sufficiently promote public interest objectives such as sustainable consumption and production. We show that when consumers value sustainable products and firms choose investments in sustainability before choosing output or prices, coordination of output choices or prices boosts investments in sustainability and may even enhance consumer surplus when products are sufficiently close substitutes and the marginal cost of investment in sustainability is relatively low. By contrast, coordination of investments in sustainability leads to lower investments and harms consumers.  相似文献   

In response to findings of abnormal stock market reactions following such dubious corporate behaviors as bribery, fraud, and the production of hazardous products, some researchers have argued that the stock market reaction is a sufficient deterrent to these behaviors so that additional regulation is not necessary. In this paper we examine stock market returns as a deterrent to dubious behavior in the production of defective automobiles. Relying on a broader range of assumptions about managerial behavior than are used in previous studies, we question the efficacy of the market as an instrument of social control.  相似文献   

This article explores how the industry life‐cycle theory, proposed by Abernathy and Utterback, can be reinterpreted from the viewpoint of product architecture dynamics. The “long tail” of the automobile industry life cycle, observed during the past several decades, is explained by an evolutionary framework in which a product's architecture is treated as an endogenous variable affected by customers' functional requirements, environmental‐technical constraints, and their changes. The present article explains how the existing industry life‐cycle model effectively explains the early history of automotive product‐process innovations, but that it fails to explain the “long tail” of the life cycle, and that an evolutionary approach of product architectures can be used to explain the architectural sequence and the long‐term trend of the increase in nonradical innovations. That is, the industry life‐cycle model certainly fits well with the actual pattern of product‐process innovations at the early phase of the automobile's development, between the 1880s (invention) through the 1920s (the end of the Model T) and into the 1960s, when product differentiation continued without significant product/process innovations (e.g., the Big Three's annual model change). But the question remains how this model can explain the rest of the industry's history (1970s to 2010s), which is characterized by “rapid incremental innovations,” or a “long tail of the life cycle,” with its upward trend of technological advancement rather than the end of innovations or the beginning of another industry life cycle (i.e., “dematurity”). The evolutionary framework of product architecture predicts that the macro architecture of a given product category (e.g., passenger cars) will be relatively integral when the functional requirements that customers expect, the constraints imposed by society and the government, and the physical‐technical limits inherent in the product are strong, and that it will be relatively modular when they are weaker. The dynamic architectural analysis starts from the Lancaster‐type analysis of a set of function‐price frontiers for a given product category (e.g., cars). Based on the design theories, it hypothesizes that the shape of function‐price frontiers are different between integral models and modular models. It then hypothesizes that price‐oriented customers tend to choose relatively modular products, whereas function‐oriented customers choose relatively integral products more often than not, other things being equal. Thus, the macro architecture of a given product can be determined depending on whether each architecture's price‐function frontier touches the price‐function preference curves of its customers. As for the future architecture of the car, its macro architecture, determined by markets and environments, will remain relatively integral and complex as long as it continues to be a fast‐moving heavy artifact in the public space, whereas its micro architecture, determined by engineers, will be somewhat mixed, as the engineers try to simplify and modularize the automobile design wherever the market and technology permit. The evolutionary framework of architectures also predicts that the architectural sequence inside the industry life cycle will differ by products (e.g., cars and computers) depending upon the dynamic patterns of technological advancement (e.g., shifts of the price‐function frontier) and market‐societal constraints (e.g., shifts of the price‐function preference curve).  相似文献   

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