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<正>坚挺的高价原油与疲软的石化产品形成鲜明对比,中国原油约一半需靠进口,原油价格高,生产成本高;经济增速低,市场需求低,两高两低挤压下游石化企业,下游石化产业链艰难求存,亟待调整转型谋出路。一、原油行情2011年以来国际原油一直在高价位运行行情见  相似文献   

我国主要石化产品需求预测及供求结构分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用改进了的弹性法对乙烯和乙烯为主要原料的石化产品的市场需求进行了预测,并且对乙烯等石化产品的生产-消费结构进行了系统分析,为我国石化产业结构调整和发展提供了具体建议和对策。  相似文献   

计划在东南亚地区建设的大型石化联合装置处在实施阶段,新加坡和泰国这些项目除了供应本地区的市场之外,还将面向中国的石化产品增长需要。这些项目采用不同的战略进行竞争。新加坡的Shell Eastern石化联合装置与原油加工能力为50万桶/d的大型炼厂一体化运转,以具竞争力的成本生产C3和高碳馏分,采用低值重质馏分作原料,采用现代化的工艺生产单乙二醇(MEG),追求规模经济。  相似文献   

分析人士日前表示,受中国和中东地区石化产能大幅增长以及中东地区廉价石化产品冲击市场的影响,亚洲石化工业格局正在发生深刻的变化。变化主要体现在以下几个方面:中国成长为亚洲地区最大的石化生产国;  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下,石油化工企业的原料优化首先是通过市场进行的。和计划经济的情况不同,在市场经济的体制下石化企业的原料和产品是没有严格界限的。市场既能优化原料也能优化产品。石化企业能够通过市场优化原料和产品是有条件的,条件就是企业要具有一定的生产和贮运的灵活性。应该提出石化企业由计划经济体制向市场经济体制过渡的技术改造问题,改造的目的主要是要提高企业的生产和贮运的灵活性。改造可以在统一规划的指导下,分步实施。  相似文献   

江苏长江石油化工有限公司(简称长江石化)系中外合资企业,成立于一九九二年十月。长江石化位于江苏省太仓港石化工业园区,长江河畔,与崇明岛隔江相望。公司主营液体石油化工产品仓储中转业务,并为周边生产企业提供石化产品码头通过服务。  相似文献   

中国石油克拉玛依石化公司地处准噶尔盆地西北,是集炼油化工为一体的燃料油-润滑油-沥青型石化企业,现有主体装置38套,一次原油加工能力500万吨/年,其中稠油加工能力为300万吨/年;可生产各类石油化工产品160多种,主导产品40余种,28种产品获得省、部优产品称号。公司现有员工2800多人,固定资产50多亿元。  相似文献   

江苏长江石油化工有限公司(简称长江石化)系中外合资企业,成立于一九九二年十月。长江石化位于江苏省太仓港石化工业园区,民江河畔,与崇明岛隔江相望。公司主营液体石油化工产品仓储中转业务.并为周边生产企业提供石化产品码头通过服务。  相似文献   

中国石油天然气股份有限公司大连石化分公司(简称中国石油大连石化公司)是中国最大的炼油基地之一.年一次原油加工能力2050万吨,主要生产汽油、煤油、柴油、润滑油、石蜡、苯类、聚丙烯、细旦纤维、EPS等多种石化产品。  相似文献   

影响国际市场石化品价格的主要因素有:世界经济发展状况,供应的宽裕程度,原油的价格,90年代后半期世界经济发展态势较好,石化生产能力增加不多,原油价格平衡,通过市场石化品比价及相关变化的分析,可得出近期世界石化市场将会健康发展。  相似文献   

Many articles have investigated new product development success and failure. However, most of them have used the vantage point of characteristics of the product and development process in this research. In this article we extend this extensive stream of research, looking at factors affecting success; however, we look at the product in the context of the launch support program. We empirically answer the question of whether successful launch decisions differ for consumer and industrial products and identify how they differ. From data collected on over 1,000 product introductions, we first contrast consumer product launches with industrial product launches to identify key differences and similarities in launch decisions between market types. For consumer products, strategic launch decisions appear more defensive in nature, as they focus on defending current market positions. Industrial product strategic launch decisions seem more offensive, using technology and innovation to push the firm to operate outside their current realm of operations and move into new markets. The tactical marketing mix launch decisions (product, place, promotion and price) also differ markedly across the products launched for the two market types. Successful products were contrasted with failed products to identify those launch decisions that discriminate between both outcomes. Here the differences are more of degree rather than principle. Some launch decisions were associated with success for consumer and industrial products alike. Launch successes are more likely to be broader assortments of more innovative product improvements that are advertised with print advertising, independent of market. Other launch decisions uniquely related to success per product type, especially at the marketing mix level (pricing, distribution, and promotion in particular). The launch decisions most frequently made by firms are not well aligned with factors associated with higher success. Additionally, comparing the decisions associated with success to the recommendations for launches from the normative literature suggests that a number of conventional heuristics about how to launch products of each type will actually lead to failure rather than success.  相似文献   

中国周边主要国家和地区石化工业发展战略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经历了亚洲金属危机后,中国周边各国及地区的石化界开始对产业结构,产品结构、债务结构、技术创新、资源储备、成本结构、投资方向、市场定位等一系列问题进行战略调整。文章对中国周边主要国家和地区目前的目前的石化工业发展战略及其今后趋势进行了分析和研究,并在此基础上提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

This article examines how waiting to imitate a product affects the performance of the imitator compared to the innovator. Specifically, we address two research questions. Under what conditions does imitation erode the advantage of the innovator? What strategies of imitators help overcome the innovator's advantage? Our main argument is that the increasing availability of information on the innovator's product increases the imitator's returns to waiting. With this increasing availability of information, imitators' products transition from those that are horizontally differentiated (products are similar in quality but differ in their attributes) to those that are vertically differentiated (products differ in quality). Thus, we hypothesize that shifts in the nature of competition over time from horizontal differentiation to vertical differentiation account for why the innovator's advantage is not preserved. Imitation timing simply reflects the uncertainty inherent in imitation efforts. One such uncertainty is the extent of product differentiation that the imitator can achieve. We develop several hypotheses that elaborate this basic intuition. We obtained detailed data on innovator‐imitator competition in the branded drug industry to test the hypotheses. All our hypotheses are supported. The main contribution of the article is in showing that the nature of product differentiation in product categories is endogenous to the imitative entry decisions of firms. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article addresses whether standard electricity products in Switzerland meet the preferences of private customers. To determine customers’ preferred electricity product we conducted an online survey with choice experiments implying 9420 choice decisions by 628 respondents in Switzerland. Using hierarchical Bayes estimation we determined customer preferences and the importance of individual product attributes in product choice. This procedure makes it possible to calculate part worth utilities for product attributes and to derive customers’ implicit willingness to pay. The “electricity mix” had the most important influence on choice decisions, followed by “monthly electricity costs” and the “location of the electricity generation”. The current Swiss electricity mix which consists of mainly nuclear and hydro power was only rated second to last in a comparison of five alternative mixes. Customers clearly prefer electricity mixes containing green energy. Findings of this study reveal strategic options for product design, positioning, and marketing for a liberalized electricity market.  相似文献   

This article examines the usefulness of product and variable costs for pricing, product mix, and capacity expansion decisions when economies of scope are present. A numerical example demonstrates that the sufficiency of product and variable costs are diminished when economies of scope are present, even under economic conditions that are the most conducive for product and variable costs to lead to an optimal decision. Further analysis of production-related decisions with hard constraints indicates that the usefulness of variable costing incorporating the effect of a bottleneck activity is also diminished when economies of scope are present. Since economies of scope are one of the primary conditions necessary for firms to produce multiple products in a competitive economy [Panzar, J., Willig, R., 1981. Economies of scope. American Economic Review 71 (2), 268–272], the findings of this article bring into question the sufficiency of product and variable costs for production-related decisions.  相似文献   

This study draws on the institutional and resource‐based theories of the firm and examines whether multi‐product firms use mergers as a strategic tool to reconfigure their product‐mix toward high‐profit products. We propose that mergers facilitate product‐mix reconfiguration by relaxing institutional and organizational constraints on resource redeployment. Analysis of data from the U.S. hospital industry reveals that, relative to non‐merging hospitals, merging hospitals increased their presence in profitable, insured services but did not shift away from low‐profit services used by the uninsured. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Despite a recent surge of interest, the subject of pricing in general and value-based pricing in particular has received little academic investigation. Yet, pricing has a huge impact on financial results, both in absolute terms and relative to other instruments of the marketing mix. The objective of this paper is to present a comprehensive framework for pricing decisions which considers all relevant dimensions and elements for profitable and sustainable pricing decisions. The theoretical framework is useful for guiding new product pricing decisions as well as for implementing price-repositioning strategies for existing products. The practical application of this framework is illustrated by a case study involving the pricing decision for a major product launch at a global chemical company.  相似文献   

我国合成纤维工业面临着相当严峻的形势,调整合纤产品结构已是当务之急。在调整产品结构的过程中,应以市场为导向,以效益为中心,以提高企业的竞争力为目的,提高产品的技术含量,增强市场开拓能力和产品开发能力,使合纤企业摆脱困境,走上良性循环的道路。  相似文献   

When decisions are being made about adding or dropping a product, most managers will make a financial evaluation of the product and they may try to get some sense of the riskiness of the decision. They will also probably consider the effect of the add/drop decision on other products in the line. Seldom, however, do they consider the risk of a product mix decision in the context of the risk level of the overall product line. Professors Rabino and Wright argue that product managers should take a leaf from the analytical book of financial analysts and calculate a "product Beta" that shows the impact of the risk of the individual product on the risk of the whole portfolio of products. They also suggest some other ways of sharpening the financial picture in what are often strictly marketing evaluations. This is Professor Rabino's second article in JPIM . As in the previous one he coauthored with Howard Moskowitz, this one adds some interesting analytical methodology to managerial decision making.  相似文献   

Innovative industries are often characterized by rapid product turnover. Product longevity may be driven by both a product's position within a market as well as its position within a firm's larger product portfolio. However, we have little understanding of the relative importance of these factors in determining product turnover and how they interact as an industry evolves. Although researchers have invested substantial effort in analyzing firm survival and turnover, there are far fewer studies of the determinants of product survival and turnover. We use hazard rate models and count regression models to describe the behavior of firms and their products with a new and detailed database on the laser printer industry. We show, first, that competition and market structure variables have a large impact on both speeding product exit and delaying product entry. Second, there is some evidence that firms that have maintained a high market share for a number of years keep their products on the market longer than those with lower market share. Finally, firms with high innovative capacity tend to enter markets frequently, but withdraw their products at average rates. Firms with strong brands tend to introduce few products and withdraw their products slowly. With these findings, the paper links product entry and exit decisions to the broader literature on firm strategic and product management. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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