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组织间关系:界面规则的演进与内在机理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
组织间关系的界面规则是动态演进的,组织间学习是界面规则演进的背后机理。本文考虑外界环境的变动对组织间关系界面规则的影响,指出组织间关系网络成员长期重复性的互动是界面规则形成的基础,并重点探讨了组织间关系界面规则的自组织演进过程,揭示出界面规则的演进是组织间关系成员之间的互动与组织间关系界面之间相互转换的螺旋上升的动态过程,并对界面规则演进的内在机理——双元模式和组织间学习做出了解释。  相似文献   

基于网络关系的公司治理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
公司治理已由“股东至上”的产权治理演进为“利益相关者”的超产权治理,由单一企业的内部法人治理结构治理向网络关系的公司治理演进.企业价值评价也由财务指标逐渐转向非财务指标.在以网络关系为基础的公司治理中,企业当着力构建公司的价值网络关系、社会网络关系和顾客网络关系,并以利益相关者的公司治理理论为基点,根据不同的网络关系,实施分类治理,协调、维护好各种网络关系,使各类利益相关者协调发展.公司利用各种网络关系攫取企业发展所需的各类资源,致力于企业“Key Stone”角色的建设,保持企业的“常青基业”,以实现企业和社会效益的最大化.  相似文献   

本文认为,联盟组合是焦点企业战略行为最基本诉求的产物,目的是为寻求扩大价值创造空间,进行价值创新或重构,价值创造和价值专有是焦点企业要着重考虑的两个方面。从联盟组合的价值创造机制及联盟租金分布看,联盟组合战略不仅适用于高禀赋企业,对禀赋较弱的企业同样有效。为达成联盟组合战略目标,焦点企业必须建立完善的治理机制,该治理机制本质上是焦点企业与其伙伴之间互动的规则及规范,是一种界面规则,其中的交易治理是硬界面或界面的硬规则,关系治理可以看做软界面或界面的软规则,知识治理是为了促进伙伴间知识与信息的充分交换与共享,伙伴调整则在组合层面上保障战略的适应性。  相似文献   

论内部审计与公司治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内部审计作为内部监督与评价机制,在公司治理方面发挥重要作用。文章分析了公司治理和内部审计的涵义,并就内部审计和公司治理的关系以及公司治理中的内部审计进行了论述。通过建立有效的内部审计机构,促进内部审计与公司治理的良性互动,有利于保持内部控制系统的有效性,是我国内部审计的发展对策,也是提高公司治理效率的保障。  相似文献   

关系资本、组织学习与研发联盟绩效关系的实证研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研发联盟是企业获取竞争优势的重要途径。但是大量研究发现,参加研发联盟的企业的绩效却不尽如人意。对此,本文结合交易成本理论、关系资本理论和组织学习理论,利用142家企业调查数据对该问题进行了探索性的研究,并得出如下结论:关系资本和组织学习是提升研发联盟企业绩效的关键因素;关系资本构建的途径包括契约治理和关系治理,其中关系资本与契约治理具有倒U型的非线性关系,与关系治理具有线性的正相关关系;企业开展的组织学习不仅受到自身学习意图的影响,而且还受到关系资本的影响。  相似文献   

内部控制和内部控制信息披露均嵌合于公司治理,三者有产生发展的同源性、根本目标的内在一致性及工具上的交叉性.以内在一致性和价值逐层推进关系的目标结构做基础,构建关联密切的嵌合结构性框架.内部控制是出发点,内部控制信息披露承担连接枢纽,成为内部治理与外部治理间的桥梁,形成三者彼此制约的互动运转机制.本文建议,注重内部控制具体制度设计和公司治理结构的互补,加强上市公司的内部控制信息披露的外部监管,颁布并实施内部控制信息披露质量指标体系以提高对嵌合治理框架的实际运转效果.  相似文献   

公司治理结构是指通过建立一套包括正式或非正式的、内部或非内部的制度或机制来协调公司利益相关者的责、权、利关系,以保证公司决策的科学化,从而维护公司各方利益的一种制度安排.具体包括产权制度、决策与督导机制、激励机制、组织结构等基本内容.公司治理的目标首先是实现股东财富最大化,同时保障公司决策和管理的科学化.建立公司治理结构的根本原因是所有权与经营权分离,使所有者和经营者之间建立起委托代理关系.由于所有者(委托人)与经营者(代理人)目标不一致,自然会出现利益上的冲突.为协调双方的责权利,维护各方利益,就产生了公司治理结构.  相似文献   

研究和讨论内部审计对董事会负责的内容和条件,对于弄清内部审计和公司治理结构的关系,建立和完善公司结构,发挥内部审计作用有着重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

资源外包网络的治理研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
资源外包网络作为一种特殊的资源联合体,其运作过程并非十全十美,机会主义行为和知识分享问题及其引致的网络失灵成为网络治理的主要诱因。资源外包网络的治理包含两个层面:关系治理和结构治理。机会主义行为多发生于外包商和供应商双边交易过程中,对应于资源外包网络的关系治理;知识分享问题涉及网络整体的协调与管理,对应于网络的结构治理。论文分别从关系治理和结构治理两个角度剖析了资源外包网络的治理特点、作用机制和治理对策。  相似文献   

环境治理的组织形式既可以是单个企业的末端治理,也可以是具有纵向关系的企业间合作治理。后一种环境治理组织方式在激励机制、节约信息成本和治理成本等方面具有的优势.已经越来越成为政府环境治理和企业提高竞争力的重要途径。本文试图借助交易费用理论.从供应链的视角考察具有纵向关系的企业间合作环境治理的组织形式与结构,并进一步探讨供应链上环境治理的驱动者与驱动方式的选择问题。分析表明.面向供应链的环境政策是末端治理政策一个很好的补充与替代。但面向供应链的环境政策必须能够降低供应链上企业环境治理的交易成本.并依据纵向关系或供应链的组织特征而有所差异.才能提高企业问协调环境治理效率。  相似文献   

We examine transaction governance in the context of concurrent sourcing, where a manufacturer relies on sourcing from external suppliers and in‐house production simultaneously. Our focus is on (1) a buyer's use of particular safeguards or governance mechanisms vis‐à‐vis an external supplier and (2) how the effects of these mechanisms on various performance outcomes are influenced by the joint presence of an internal manufacturing branch. We conduct two studies in the apparel industry and show that performance outcomes are a joint function of (1) the individual governance mechanisms that are deployed in a particular relationship and (2) the larger sourcing context (concurrent or singular). Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Today's managers are organising and managing a portfolio of interorganizational relationships (IORs); hence, the governance of exchange relationships has gained strategic consequence. Prior interorganizational research by the authors has indicated that communication may be central to IOR governance. One test of communication's potential in this area would be to examine if communication could delineate differing IOR types. To study this, we decided to utilize a type of test-retest statistical application. We first classified manufacturer-retailer relationship structures by using Donaldson and O'Toole [J. Bus. Ind. Mark. 15 (2000) 491] original relationship strength framework (RSF) and discriminant analysis. Next, employing the same statistical technique, we classified the respondents after adding communication measures to the RSF. Results were limited. Only the inclusion of communication quality, one of the elements of communication behavior, in the RSF enhances its power to delineate relationship structures. However, we believe that it is in the ongoing management of relationships that the communication dynamic holds most promise.  相似文献   

关系、互动与协同:网络组织的治理逻辑   总被引:55,自引:0,他引:55  
本文在扩展JM模型的基础上,利用系统科学理论构建以关系、互动与协同为主要内容的三维治理逻辑模型,进而分析了治理机制与治理逻辑之间的关系,使网络组织的治理实践落脚到治理逻辑的平台之上。  相似文献   

While the adoption of Partner Relationship Management (PRM) systems by suppliers to manage and monitor its network of partners (i.e. resellers) has been on the rise, the performance improvements have not been consistently realized. Governance theory suggests this may be due to how the PRM system builds on the mechanisms employed by the supplier to oversee their partners. This study investigates how the two capabilities of PRM systems (relationship and fulfillment capabilities) and two partnership governance mechanisms – formal (certification control) and informal (service support) – reinforce each other. These are then related to partner performance in terms of trust, commitment and customer satisfaction. Analysis of data collected from 192 partners in the information and communications technology (ICT) sector suggest a complex relationship. In terms of direct effects, a relationship capability increased trust yet, surprisingly, a fulfillment capability reduced commitment. In terms of moderating effects, certification control weakened the positive link between the relationship capability and performance. Service support, on the other hand, negated some of the detrimental impact of the fulfillment capability on performance. The results suggest the need of to tailor PRM systems in response to the specific performance expectations around them as well as a need to clearly understand how existing partnership governance mechanisms employed by the supplier will affect the performance of these systems.  相似文献   

论基于企业治理模式转换的职业经理人变迁   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业经理人的变迁是有其内在规律的。探索并描述这一规律是企业家理论研究的重要内容之一。基于资产的专有专用性及企业治理模式的相关分析,可以清晰地得到这样一个规律:职业经理人的变迁是随着人力资本的专有专用性程度的不断提升以及企业治理模式的不断演化而进行的。即由基于传统企业及其单边治理模式的“寄生型职业经理人”,到基于现代企业及其共同治理模式的“派生型职业经理人”,再到基于新经济时代高科技企业及其治理模式的“独立主导型职业经理人”,职业经理人的地位与作用在其升级转换中发生着显著的有规律性的变化。  相似文献   

Nan Jia 《战略管理杂志》2013,34(13):1551-1567
This paper uses biform games to examine the endogenous decision to invest in relationship‐specific assets. It addresses the questions of how competition affects suppliers' decisions to produce a general‐purpose product or a relationship‐specific product for a buyer and under what circumstances a governance arrangement designed to share investment costs between the transacting parties increases the investment in relationship‐specific assets. We offer a balanced perspective that emphasizes both the superior transaction value of relationship‐specific products and their high transaction costs while considering the competition effects generated by alternative investment plans. The model and its extensions generate new insights into investment decisions regarding relationship‐specific assets. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

刘莹 《山东纺织经济》2012,(12):13-15,83
以2005年-2009年的上市公司为样本,研究了负债融资与两权分离之间的关系,研究结果表明:我国上市公司的负债融资能够抑制过度投资行为、降低公司代理人成本。由于该结论是基于财务杠杆作为唯一治理变量得出的,使其对于债务融资治理低效率的原因解释不够充分。今后应重视债权与股权治理的互动关系以及财务杠杆的内生性等问题的研究。  相似文献   

This study addresses the question of how to design governance mechanisms so that local suppliers are encouraged to make transaction-specific investments in foreign manufacturing firms. Suppliers' transaction-specific investments can increase the efficiency of production for foreign manufacturing firms operating in a host country. However, it can be difficult to induce suppliers to make specialized investments, because of the numerous hazards associated with such investments. Basing its conclusions on the results of a survey of Taiwanese firms using Chinese suppliers, this study examines the effectiveness of both formal governance mechanisms (i.e., contractual agreements and financial commitments) and relational governance mechanisms (i.e., calculative and benevolent trust) in inducing suppliers to make specialized investments. We find that both formal governance and relational governance mechanisms affect suppliers' tendencies to make specialized investments. Additionally, we find that calculative trust acts as a moderating factor in the relationship between formal governance mechanisms and transaction-specific investments.  相似文献   

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