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本文分析了跨组织知识整合的内涵和要素结构,将跨组织知识整合划分为外部知识捕获、内外知识交融和新知识应用3个环节,建立了关系网络、跨组织知识整合和组织创新绩效之间的理论模型,并以229家企业为对象运用结构方程模型进行实证研究,并得出结论,外部关系网络对外部知识捕获有正向影响,内部关系网络对外部知识捕获、内外知识交融和新知识应用均有正向影响,内部关系网络对组织创新绩效有正向影响,跨组织知识整合在内部关系网络与组织创新绩效间起着中介作用,为企业通过外部和内部关系网络提升跨组织知识整合能力,进而提升组织创新绩效提供理论基础和实践参考。  相似文献   

本文分析了跨组织知识整合的内涵和要素结构,将跨组织知识整合划分为外部知识捕获、内外知识交融和新知识应用3个环节,建立了关系网络、跨组织知识整合和组织创新绩效之间的理论模型,并以229家企业为对象运用结构方程模型进行实证研究,并得出结论,外部关系网络对外部知识捕获有正向影响,内部关系网络对外部知识捕获、内外知识交融和新知识应用均有正向影响,内部关系网络对组织创新绩效有正向影响,跨组织知识整合在内部关系网络与组织创新绩效间起着中介作用,为企业通过外部和内部关系网络提升跨组织知识整合能力,进而提升组织创新绩效提供理论基础和实践参考.  相似文献   

组织知识是组织核心竞争力的所在.组织的知识是一个不断变化的体系,时刻进行着代谢.本文提出了组织知识的代谢模型.该模型认为,组织中存在四类知识,分别是组织中活跃的活体知识、组织中失活的活体知识、组织中活跃的介质知识和组织中失活的介质知识.组织内部的知识之间、组织内部和组织外部的知识之间存在着各种各样的代谢活动.本文总结出了组织知识进行代谢的15条途径,并逐一进行了说明.  相似文献   

基于模块化网络组织的价值流动与创新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
模块化网络组织是在价值模块化的基础上形成的一种新型价值创造的组织形式,其内部价值流动过程包括价值的创造、转移、实现和分配四个阶段。引导价值的合理有序流动,既是模块化网络组织治理的重要方面,也是形成网络协同效应、增强模块化网络组织竞争优势的重要途径。模块化网络组织能够通过知识创新实现价值创新,其价值创新机制具有边际收益递增性、顾客参与性和非均衡性等特性。网络组织内部成员企业以自身核心能力要素参与模块化分工和模块化网络组织的价值创新,能够形成网络组织整体竞争优势,共同创造和分享网络租金。  相似文献   

网络经济时代具有信息相对充分、合作更加方便、知识相对缺乏、合作增加知识四个特点。与网络经济时代相适应,企业的组织形态也在发生变化,出现了“网络型企业”。网络型企业的组织结构不同于传统的直线型(宝塔型)组织结构。这种组织结构在形式上具有网络形特点,即联系的平等性、多重性和多样性。  企业内部网络型组织结构的基本特征  企业内部的网络型组织结构是不确定的,各个公司的网络型组织也并不一样。但它们都有一些基本特征。  1网络型组织结构通过合作和民主来适应信息和知识的不均匀性。工业化生产时代的产品特点是…  相似文献   

组织内部知识利用体系分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文强调了知识利用是组织知识管理的关键内容,认为组织内部知识利用体系具体包括基于职位的、基于团队的和基于组织决策和激励体系的知识利用体系,并进一步分析了实践中组织知识利用体系的几种运作模式。  相似文献   

本文对军队后勤保障社会化制度变迁的组织形态演进及其组织效率进行了分析,认为等级组织和市场组织构成我军后勤保障制度变迁过程的基本组织形态,并且存在许多中间性组织;分析了军队后勤保障社会化制度变迁的逻辑起点既有的科层制后勤保障组织的低效率和组织内部无效交易费用膨胀的特征;通过图解模型分析,揭示了我军后勤保障社会化制度变迁的过程,是从既有的计划经济体制下形成的封闭式保障等级组织内部的管理交易向社会化保障市场组织的外部交易的转化过程;进行了两种后勤保障制度的组织费用比较模型分析;通过重复博弈模型分析,本文认为实施军队后勤保障社会化避免地方服务企业“机会主义”行为的策略选择应是合理控制单次交易数量,适度增加交易次数,通过重复博弈使地方服务企业的交易行为更多的基于未来收益的考虑,改变其行为的“机会主义”倾向,以提高后勤保障效率。  相似文献   

当社会经济环境发生变化,现存制度安排下存在无法获得的潜在利润,传统的市场形式不适应组织发展的目标要求,产生了农产品连锁超市经营替代传统城市农贸市场交易的制度创新过程。并且这一过程伴随着市场交易组织的生成和演进,市场组织化的努力和新的制度规则的确立都是通过交易组织的组织规则的确定和组织的绩效的改进实现的。因此,“农改超”的过程表现为制度创新和组织创新,是制度创新与市场组织化彼此耦合的发展过程,  相似文献   

中间性组织的必要性及其组织功能   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
现代经济发展的过程伴随着中间性组织的成长,中间性组织作为联系个人、企业和市场的制度安排和组织形态,具有节省交易费用、形成外部经济效益、改善经济环境以及完善组织运行的综合功能。一个地区、一国市场的成熟程度以及企业和产业竞争力的状况,与中间组织直接相关。为提高地区竞争力和改善投资环境,采取措施促进商会、行业协会、企业集群、非政府组织以及企业和产业支持机构等中间性组织的发展,是一项关键性的战略选择。  相似文献   

组织模块化设计:基本原理与理论架构   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
模块化技术的出现,推动着组织进行相应的模块化,同时也为组织设计带来了新的理念。本文基于已有研究,绘制了由结构构建、制度设计和价值创新构成的组织模块化设计价值创新原理图,从系统角度对组织模块化设计原理的SSV范式进行了详细分析,认为价值创新是模块化组织特有的结构和制度安排整合系统效应的结果。在此基础上,从契约结构、组织结构、组织流程、组织职权四个角度阐述了组织模块化设计的理论架构,这有助于组织模块化设计的进一步研究和实践。  相似文献   

Knowledge is fundamental to strategic success. Limited progress has been made, however, in measuring organizational knowledge. We employ research on resource‐based theory and organizational epistemology to suggest a perceptual approach to measuring knowledge. We present a research protocol to identify a domain of organizational knowledge resources within industries. Using a sample of organizations from the hospital and textile industries, we interviewed CEOs to identify the feasible set of knowledge resources. We presented this set to managers at those organizations to measure their perceptions of the value‐added of each knowledge resource for their organizations. The results demonstrate that the importance of knowledge resources varies by industry and organization, and calls to question efforts to generate an inventory of generic knowledge resources that is applicable across industries. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

阐述了企业文化的建立要切切实实地以人为本,要让企业员工真正参与到文化建设中来,开发和利用企业的知识资源,继承和发扬原有企业丈化中优秀的部分,剔除企业文化中不适应市场环境和对企业发展不利部分,树立新型的、健康的、有别于其他企业的经营理念,实现组织的高效率,只有这样,才能真正构建电网经营企业的特色企业文化。  相似文献   

越来越多的跨国公司在东道国设立研发中心除了利用当地的人力资本,还旨在利用多元文化的互补优势来加强知识的创新。然而,多元民族文化与企业文化的多重作用导致创新效果并不佳。本文从多元文化与知识创新模式相匹配的角度出发,从理论上探索与组织文化和人力资源管理实践相协同的多元文化维度下有效的知识创新模型,以提高知识创新的绩效和效果。  相似文献   

In explaining financial performance variance, strategic management researchers and industrial organization economists have emphasized industry factors, market share, generic strategy, and strategic group membership, whereas organizational contingency theorists have emphasized alignments involving environment and internal structure. This study integrates these perspectives, testing the financial performance consequences of organizational alignments, in context with the effects of industry, market share, and strategy. In an empirical study in two manufacturing industries, it is shown that some organizational alignments do produce supernormal profits, independent of the profits produced by traditional industry and strategy variables. The results are consistent with the resource view of the firm: to the extent that alignments result from skill rather than luck, it is reasonable to regard alignment skill as a strategic resource capable of generating economic rents. The article suggests that, by focusing on industry and competitive strategy variables, contemporary industrial organization and strategy research has understated the role of organizational factors in producing sustainable competitive advantage.  相似文献   

Research summary : While firms tend to build on their own knowledge, we distinguish between depth and breadth of local search to investigate the drivers of these behaviors. Given that inventors in a firm carry out the knowledge creation activities, we strive to identify inventors responsible for these behaviors by employing the notion of an intra‐firm inventor network. A longitudinal examination of 14,575 inventors from four large semiconductor firms using patent data supports our hypotheses that the reach of inventors in the intra‐firm network and their span of structural holes have independent and interactive effects on these two types of local search behaviors. These findings have implications for research on exploitation and exploration, organizational knowledge, knowledge networks, and micro‐foundations. Managerial summary : Large amounts of knowledge may reside within firm boundaries, and managers are interested in understanding who may leverage this knowledge to generate novel ideas. We focus on collaborations among knowledge workers to address this question. Using the collaborations among all knowledge workers in a firm, we show that those who have higher reach to all others and those who form bridges to connect unconnected groups of workers tend to leverage not only more organizational knowledge, but also knowledge that is more dispersed in the organization. Managers could use these insights to shape the use of organizational knowledge by firm inventors, and also to make decisions about granting or withholding access to internal knowledge platforms for knowledge workers. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

外部网络化与企业组织创新   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:28  
网络是各种行为主体之间在交换资源、传递资源活动过程中发生联系而建立的各种关系的总和。网络化则是指构建网络这种组织结构的动态过程。网络中的各个主体之间不仅仅是一种交易 ,还应在比较高的信任度基础上进行相互学习和协作。网络中成员间的高度信任能够使交易过程中的谈判成本、监督成本降低 ,机会主义行为减少。网络比市场机制的协调能力更强 ,又比科层组织决策更灵活。外部环境的复杂性和不确定性要求企业能够迅速准确地把握市场需求 ,外部网络化这种组织创新形式 ,为那些以迅速革新为特征的企业提供了强有力的组织支持  相似文献   

Organizational Restructuring: Impact on Trust and Work Satisfaction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
After the Asian financial crisis, companies are now contending with the current global economic slowdown. Whether it is at the national, industry or organizational levels, restructuring has gained currency as a strategic decision to realign internal structure with changing macro environmental factors. Faced with more competitive markets and greater demands on costs controls, organizations and businesses are taking the fast track to cost-cutting by downsizing, reorganizing their divisions, streamlining their operations, and closing down unprofitable divisions.Changes that are introduced in an organizational restructuring will affect the socio-psychological well-being of organization members given the potential for uncertainty that may accompany such changes. There is a need to better understand the consequences of organizational restructuring and consider some of its potential side effects on the work environment. Employees in a post-restructuring context are understandably wary about the future direction of the organization and their roles within it.This study is an attempt to examine the social-psychological impact of organizational restructuring on trust and work satisfaction. Additionally the inter-relationships between trust and work satisfaction, including their antecedents in the work environment are examined.Trust and work satisfaction levels were tracked before and three months after organizational restructuring for varying types of changes that were initiated during the restructuring. Both trust and satisfaction with working in the organization declined significantly when compared to pre-restructuring levels. Independent t-tests analysis indicated that there was a significant decline in trust for the work group which had a newly hired manager and a change in work processes. Results showed that there was a negative relationship between both work satisfaction and trust with the extent of change required of employees.The findings also showed that there was a positive relationship between trust and work satisfaction and that trust contributed to work satisfaction. Perception of colleagues willingness to help solve job-related problems contributed significantly to strengthening of trust relations among colleagues. Additionally, colleagues and supervisors willingness to listen to employee problems contributed significantly to work satisfaction.Results of the study highlighted the need for strategic decision-makers to consider the social impact of organizational restructuring. Top managers must realize that both trust and work satisfaction are important ingredients for the effective functioning of an organization and to actively ensure that support systems or structures are adequate and available to mitigate the negative impact, particularly if the changes to be implemented are extensive.  相似文献   

员工的主动创新行为是推动组织创新以适应环境变化的原动力。然而在知识经济背景下,一些组织出现人才流动率过高、员工主动创新行为不足等问题,严重制约了组织的持续稳定发展。组织承诺因为能够有效预测员工的离职行为而受到学者们越来越广泛的重视。本研究根据员工在组织留任的不同动机,将组织承诺分为积极的情感承诺和消极的继续承诺,并以组织承诺为中介变量,研究组织创新气氛对员工创新行为的作用机理;揭示在组织创新气氛影响下,员工创新行为产生的内在机制,进而找到有效改善员工创新行为,促进组织创新与发展的途径。  相似文献   

在综合相关研究的基础上,设计了组织学习效果评价指标体系,构建了基于熵权的组织学习效果评价模型,选择一些典型企业进行了定量实证研究,结果表明熵权能很好地反映组织学习状况。为企业管理者提供了评价及提升组织学习效果的方法和启示。  相似文献   

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