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李宁 《中国电业》2013,(1):58-60
随着SF6气体越来越多在各种电气设备上得到了广泛的应用,人们对它的性质以及各种情况下的分解产物产生了浓厚的兴趣并做了相关的研究。而且已经根据SF6气体分解产物来进行电力设备的故障诊断,及早有效地检出SF6电气设备故障,提高运行可靠性,也已成为电力部门关注的重要问题。然而关于检测哪种类型的产物能有效地诊断出电气设备的早期故障,以及检测产物的含量和故障的严重程度等问题,国内外正在进行相关的探讨与研究。文章就对SF6气体分解的原理与产物进行探讨与总结。  相似文献   

SF6气体以优良的绝缘性能被广泛应用于气体绝缘电气设备中,但因其对全球变暖有较大影响,开发和使用环保型气体作为电气设备绝缘介质非常必要。为了替代SF6气体,采用真空开断技术和使用环保型气体绝缘的中压开关柜技术业已成熟。文章分别对N2,CO2以及干燥空气在不同气压条件下交流雷电冲击及工频耐受电压下进行对比分析,结果说明干燥空气与氮气对比,在相同条件下,具有更好的绝缘性能。运用研究结论,干燥空气和氮气可以作为绝缘介质应用在中压领域12kV到40.5kV的中压开关设备中。同时,介绍了环保气体绝缘开关设备的关键技术、生产工艺和质量保证要求,以及与传统敞开式开关设备相比所具有的性能优势。  相似文献   

GIS设备在运行中发生的事故普遍少于常规式设备,有资料表明:GIS设备的事故率只有常规式的16.6%~40%.但当GIS设备检修时,工作比较繁杂,时间长:首先断电,然后抽出故障气室的SF6气体,贮存在SF6气瓶中,检修完毕后将各检修的真空室抽真空,充入SF6气体,静止若干小时后测量SF6气体中的含水量.因此,在GIS设备运行中最重要的一件事是管理好SF6气体.  相似文献   

高纯气体的制造有一定的难度,在气体的液化过程中,气体中会有少许杂质因温度降低而形成杂质固体,进而影响液化器的正常运行,为解决此问题,通常要设置有气体纯化器,采取一定的方法清除存在的杂质,从而实现气体纯化。本文介绍了一种微量气体分析系统,对纯化器起着辅助性的作用,有利于提升纯化效果。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的提高,人们已经利用科学技术将一些气体分离、提纯,用于工业生产以及社会的需要.在对气体进行分离、提纯时,人们普遍采用变压吸附气体分离技术,因为这种技术有诸多的优点.在医疗方面,人们需要从大气中提取氧气,用于治疗生命迹象微弱和呼吸困难的患者,这就需要用到变压吸附技术对氧气进行提纯、分离.不仅是氧气,像氢气、一氧化碳、氮气等在分离时都是采用变压吸附气体分离技术.变压吸附气体分离技术是现实生活中一种重要的气体分离技术,广泛的应用在工业领域,对工业生产有着重要的意义.因为变压吸附气体分离技术在工业领域以及社会领域占有重要的位置,所以本文对变压吸附气体的分离技术的应用进行了研究分析,以便更多的人能认识到这种技术,充分发挥其作用.  相似文献   

SF_6开关和封闭式组合电器(GIS)是性能优良、技术先进的高压电气设备,在供配电装置中应用越来越广。SF_6气体的绝缘能力是空气的3倍,灭弧能力是空气的100倍。但当污染变质、水分超标及发生泄漏使压力过低时,将明显降低SF_6气体的绝缘强度与灭弧性能,危及设备的安全运行。外泄的SF_6分解物具有毒性,防护不当会影响人们的身体健康乃至造成中毒事故。因此,应把SF_6气体的维护管理作为这类设备安全运行的  相似文献   

气体绝缘开关GIS(Gas Insulated Switchgear),普遍使用SF6气体作为主要绝缘介质.SF6的密度是空气的5倍,极易存积在低凹处,常温下性质稳定,在电弧作用下易生成有毒物质.CIS的外壳大部分采用铝或钢浇铸或铝板钢板卷制的圆筒,导体装在圆筒内,由盆式绝缘子支撑,圆筒内充满SF6气体.为防止外壳产生环流发热及感应电伤人,外壳一般都直接接地.GIS的开关或刀闸的操作动力由液压油或压缩空气来提供.检修GIS应注意如下几个问题.  相似文献   

便携式气体检测报警仪在生产中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别介绍了可燃气体、有毒气体、氧气的检测原理,说明了便携式气体检测报警仪在石油石化企业运用时应如何选择、使用以及需要注意的问题。指出,石油石化企业使用的气体检测报警仪必须采购防爆型的。  相似文献   

鉴于化工企业运作过程中对氧气、氮气等气体的重要需求,空分装置在化工企业生产过程中具有不可或缺的作用。文章通过对化工厂空分气体的生产原理与工艺流程等内容的阐述,对空分装置的日常维护与常见故障处理进行了深入分析,为实现化工厂生产用气体的高效利用提供一些可行的建议。  相似文献   

铜镜反应过程中有气体产生,有文献认为是氧气,也有文献认为是氢气。本研究利用该问题的驱动进行探究实验,证实了该反应过程中产生的气体为氢气,从原理上详细阐述容易影响演示实验失败的因素,增强化学实验教学的有效性,总结了铜镜反应在化学教学过程中的重要价值。  相似文献   

全国天然气标准技术委员会(SAC/TC244)在其管理的标准化工作范围内,已经形成了一个以GB17820和GB/T22723为核心的技术标准体系。此体系包括从术语、通用基础、产品及其分析测试方法,以及HSE管理等44个国家标准和6个行业标准。同时,此体系也涵盖了井口(粗)天然气、管输(商品)天然气、车用压缩天然气、煤层气和天然气代用品等5个类别。根据目前页岩气和煤层气的产业规模和技术发展状况,尚未具备制订气质指标国家标准的条件。如果工业生产上有所需求,建议依托现有的天然气工业技术标准体系,制订国家标准指导性技术文件(GB/Z)。  相似文献   

呼和湖凹陷位于海拉尔盆地东南部,近年来的勘探实践揭示呼和湖凹陷具备良好的勘探潜力。在呼和湖凹陷H9井、H10井、H12井勘探中应用轻烃录井技术,通过轻烃的组成特征分析,在天然气识别中见到较好的效果,证实呼和湖凹陷的天然气是由本地生成的煤成气和从深洼运移过来的凝析油伴生气组成的混合气。  相似文献   

A method for identifying and assessing key customer group needs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a methodology for identifying and weighing the importance of product attributes used by a key customer group of a company. A central feature of the technique is the introduction of a new concept: competition factors (CF). These factors address the influence of substitute products in the specific product attributes that a customer group considers. A better knowledge of substitute products can surface previously hidden or latent customer needs. CF allow dealing with this problem, providing a powerful tool for market-oriented businesses that seek to understand customers' expressed and latent needs. The wood products industry and architects are used to illustrate the technique.  相似文献   

王晴 《河北工业科技》2011,28(1):33-36,43
采用混凝-Fenton试剂法对制药废水生化处理后的出水进行深度处理,通过正交试验研究了FeSO4·7H2O试剂、H2O2用量和反应时间等因素对COD去除率的影响,在最佳处理条件下,脱色效果较好,为制药废水生化处理后出水的深度处理提供了一种可行的方法.  相似文献   

总结了全国天然气标准化技术委员会自成立以来所取得的成绩,分析面临形势和与国际水平间的差距,指出我国已初步建立了以GB17820为核心的天然气专业标准体系。面对天然气生产和进口量快速增长,天然气产品用途扩展,天然气产品和分析测试技术标准作为组织生产、促进贸易、规范市场和合理利用资源的基础,需跟踪国际天然气技术标准化发展,坚持开拓创新,完善现有天然气分析测试技术标准,促进我国天然气工业标准化事业的健康和快速发展。  相似文献   

Sustainable consumption in the food sector is a desirable goal which is often difficult to achieve depending as it does on the interaction of a broad set of factors, such as market prices or consumer preferences. In the current study, a distinction has been made between pre-purchase consumer decision-making, on the one hand, and purchase and post-purchase consumer decision-making, on the other. Purchase and post-purchase decisions are those that affect their actions directly. These include vehicle selection to purchase the products, shelf-time in the household or the cooking method employed. The main goal of this study was to evaluate the environmental profile in terms of carbon footprint (CF), of a range of scenarios with varying direct environmental decisions performed by consumers. More specifically, the CF of an iconic frozen seafood product in Spain (one package of frozen fish sticks of Patagonian grenadier) was modeled for a total of 24 scenarios of fish sticks consumption. Results showed a high variance in environmental impacts depending on the scenario chosen, proving the high variability in CF that the consumption of frozen seafood can show depending on consumer choices or needs. Additionally, results showed the relative importance of the consumption stage within the entire supply chain in terms of GHG emissions. Hence, important reductions may be achieved in the diet of an individual merely by improving the behavioral traits when purchasing and consuming food products. Consequently, consumers, if given the correct environmental guidelines through awareness campaigns, can play an active and relevant role in the reduction of the environmental profile of seafood products through behavioral modifications when purchasing and consuming them.  相似文献   

钻井现场H2S气体的探测及防护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在钻井生产过程中,实施HSE管理体系,预防和控制H2S,保护每一位员工不受H2S气体危害,是钻井生产过程中HSE工作的重要一环。阐述了有害气体H2S的物理特性、毒性标准,介绍了几种常用的H2S气体探测器,以及具体操作方法。  相似文献   

This study addresses the contradiction that, although technological innovativeness of new products is often seen as a major driver of competitive advantage and commercial success, empirical research is not always able to show a significant performance influence. In order to find an explanation, the effects of technological innovativeness are decomposed as its influence on the market, the innovating firm, and the firm's environment is considered. The proposed model is tested on a sample of new product development projects. In order to avoid systematic biases, this paper uses a longitudinal survey design with two informants and a sample that includes both incremental and highly innovative projects. The results show that technological innovativeness has both positive and negative effects on the commercial success of new products. On the one hand, technological innovativeness can increase customer value, which in turn has a positive effect on success. On the other hand, incorporating new technologies into new products also implies changes in the innovating firm and potentially in its environment. These changes have a negative impact on commercial success. The positive and negative effects compensate for each other, so that the total effect of technological innovativeness on commercial success is close to zero. The findings imply that firms developing new products through incorporating radically new technologies often seem to underestimate the inherent complexities with respect to both internal and external changes. Developing and introducing new products with a radically changed technology also implies anticipating the need for new competences, processes, structures, and network partners. Social and political resistance against technological changes, large investments in new infrastructures, and the long duration of these changes additionally become frequent features of such innovation endeavors. Hence, firms embarking on a path of exploiting radically new technologies should consider those complexities very carefully when making their new product development decisions.  相似文献   

对开发天然气能量计量技术的认识   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
天然气能量计量是法制计量,故H的测量也属于法制计量;目前尚未建立H测量的量值溯源链,应充分重视准确度优于0.5%的认证级标准气混合物(RGM)的研制与定值;利用进口的认证级RGM建立H测量的溯源链也涉及大量配套工作,大型天然气生产企业有必要建立准确度优于0.5%的燃烧法发热量直接测量装置。完成上述技术开发必须融入全球计量(互认)体系,完成上述技术开发的同时必须完善相应的标准体系。  相似文献   

This study uses life cycle assessment methodology to quantify the energy use, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and water use of processed tomato products grown, processed, and consumed within the Great Lakes region of the United States, and tomato products produced in California and then shipped to the Great Lakes region for consumption. The purpose is to assess the potential for regional food systems to reduce selected environmental impacts, particularly the energy and GHG footprints, of consumer-ready, processed food products, when compared to national-scale food systems in which consumer products are shipped long distances. The study also examines the role of different types of food processing in influencing life cycle energy use, water use, and emissions.Our results indicate that California-produced conventional and organic tomato paste and canned diced tomatoes are almost equivalent in energy use and GHG emissions to regionally produced and consumed products, but use of developed water resources is significantly higher for California-grown products. California tomato production benefits from higher per hectare yields and soil amendments with lower carbon dioxide emissions. These efficiencies substantially offset the added energy use and GHG emissions associated with long-distance shipment of products to the Great Lakes region, as long as shipments are made by rail rather than by truck. Paste, the more processed and concentrated product evaluated, amplifies any environmental advantages or disadvantages accrued in the field production stage, due to its raw tomato to finished product ratio of 6:1, suggesting that comparative regional advantage can play a role in lowering life cycle environmental impacts of highly condensed foods shipped long distances.  相似文献   

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