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错过了清早的晨曦,错过了正午的骄阳,错过了夕阳的绚烂,错过了暮色中的朦胧,也许还会错过迷人的月色. 错过了春日的烂漫,错过了夏季的奔放,错过了秋天的丰硕,错过了冬日的凛冽,也许还会错过春夏秋冬转换的空隙.  相似文献   

炼铁厂在开展“解放思想,转变观念,改革创新,科学发展”大讨论中,逐步统一了认识,及时解放了思想,清醒看到了差距,有效更新了观念,快速理清了思路,更加明确了目标,不断激发了干劲,着力解决了一些实际问题.取得了初步效果。  相似文献   

到目前为止,信息化取得的成效为:一是通过特级资质考评提高了企业对信息化的认识,认识到信息化的重要性,认识到实施信息化的难度,认识到信息化是一个大趋势.二是建设了必要的基础设施,购买了硬件,建起了网络,购买了软件.三是健全了相应的组织,有的企业在高层设了CIO,建立了信息化部门.四是通过特级资质的应用,取得了一定的效果,比如,提高了风险管控的水平,为企业的高层提供了非常有用的信息,规范了日常的管理并使之标准化,等等.  相似文献   

本文就太钢集团原费用报销流程存在的问题进行了剖析,并就完善资金管理信息系统,结合贷记卡的透支功能、银行系统"公转私"功能的应用,对如何实施新业务流程进行了论述。通过报支系统简化了业务流程,提高了工作效率,规避了坏账风险,减少了资金占用,降低了财务费用。  相似文献   

马林哭了,刘国梁哭了、陈忠和哭了、杜丽哭了、张宁哭了、陈中哭了…第29届奥运会上,眼泪比金牌更加打动了我。无论是金牌失而复得,或是奖牌得而复失,又或是曾经承受或正在承受沉重的压力……不同的理由,不同的赛场,但我分明从泪水中看到了一种共同的昂然挺立的奥林匹克精神。  相似文献   

崔琳 《现代班组》2008,(9):35-35
【上篇回顾】被邢浩伤了心的沈小青,蜕变为一个百变女郎后回到了邢浩所在的展鹰广告公司,邢浩是彻底懵了,他拿了辞职信去试探沈小青,沈小青给了暧昧又——  相似文献   

15年的国有建筑施工企业改制取得了显著成效。通过改制,不仅救活了一批国有企业,而且发展了一批国有企业,壮大了一批国有企业,提高了整个行业的经济效益和产业竞争能力,完善和巩固了整个建筑业持续稳定健康发展的微观基础。  相似文献   

前段时间在浙江参加了某品牌的订货会,这次采访让我看到了一个负责任的品牌对代理商的尊重。在订货会上,我认识了两位长期合伙的代理商。去年以来,在他们经营的市场有一批门店续签了合同,开发商把租金上涨了一倍。之后,由于渠道成本大幅上涨,公司业绩出现了持续亏损。在坚持了一段时间后,其中一人担心亏损无法控制,认为局面已经超出了心理承受范围,于是便产生了撤资的  相似文献   

国网河南省电力公司民权县供电公司在党员教育管理工作中,通过探索和实践,树好了硬标杆、形成了强磁场、拓展了主阵地、弘扬了正能量,党员队伍素质得到了较大提高,同时为广大青年才俊搭建了成长平台,以高质量党建推动了公司和电网建设高质量发展。  相似文献   

系统总结了近3年的科研生产管理评估工作情况。通过评估识别了科研生产管理中的薄弱环节,对薄弱环节进行了分析和梳理,并开展了专题策划,以评估为手段系统地进行了改进,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

以电力系统线路的向量图为基础,分别导出了线路的电压降和电压损失的精确表达式。  相似文献   

分析了石家庄市生态环境的突出问题,运用环境生态学的观点和方法探讨了民心河工程对石家庄市环境质量的影响,并对加强民心河工程建设提出了建议。  相似文献   

快速成形制造技术的发展与应用   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
快速成形制造(RPM)是21世纪的重要先进制造技术。本文论述该技术在国内外的发展情况和应用领域。  相似文献   

A recent publication [2 Bernhard , Richard H. , “ A Comprehensive Comparison and Critique of Discounting Indices Proposed for Capital Investment Evaluation ,” The Engineering Economist , Volume 16 , Number 3 , Spring 1971 .[Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]] in this journal presented a comprehensive comparison and critique of discounting indices proposed for (i) the examination of whether a proposed independent project should be accepted and (ii) selection of a project from a set of mutually exclusive projects. The present paper examines procedures available in the literature of engineering and managerial economics and in practice for selecting projects from a given number of proposed capital investment projects, if a given capital constraint does not permit the undertaking of all proposed projects. It appears that the present state of the art is subject to much controversy and confusion. The ensuing presentation intends to rectify this situation. In addition, a procedure for the above selection problem is developed. Usage of this procedure is recommended for the many policy makers who are continually faced with the trade-off between elaborate methods on the one hand and cursory /approximations on the other.  相似文献   

The double sampling (DS) chart can reduce the sample size when monitoring the process mean. In this study, Duncan's cost model was modified by adding the statistical constraints to develop the design model of DS chart for the optimization of design parameters—sample size, control limit coefficient, warning limit coefficient and sampling interval. A numerical example was provided to illustrate the use of this model. A sensitivity analysis of the effects of model parameters and statistical constraints on the optimal design of DS chart was also performed.  相似文献   

Craig M. Newmark challenges the findings of a 1965 Federal Trade Commission decision and Economic Report that a price fixing cartel increased bread prices in the state of Washington from the mid-1950s to 1964. Newmark believes prices were higher during the cartel's existence because retailers in the west had higher margins and that bakers in the west had higher wages and higher normal profits than elsewhere in the country. Newmark ignores evidence that the cartel had set the higher retailer margins in Washington and that the labor costs and profits of Washington bakers were not higher than elsewhere. The Washington bakers had inflated distribution costs and excess capacity prior to the cartel's breakup. This result is commonplace when a cartel stimulates costly nonprice competition, so that the higher prices of the cartel members end up primarily in higher unit cost. Finally, Newmark claims that the reason prices fell in 1965 was the entry of a significant size price cutter, not the demise of the cartel. What Newmark characterized as a principal entrant was actually a tiny, two-man operation, with less than a 1.0 percent market share. The record shows that this entrant did not trigger the precipitous price decline occuring when the cartel was destroyed.  相似文献   

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