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<正>技术上的前瞻性、应用上的安全性和操作性,以及经济的合理性,越来越成为电力企业的网络现状和实际应用需求的关键词。近年来,随着网络和通讯技术的成熟和发展,网络化、智能化的概念逐步成为电力企业办公方式是否方便高效的一个重要因素。在电力企业众多的办公工具中,传真因具有准确、快速,安全等特点是员工与客户进行沟通交流的重要工具之一,在电力行业中,目前仍有很多企业采用传统的传真办公方式,这种方式在很多地方都暴露了出了问题,如,  相似文献   

油田数字化系统中边探井、水源井、双调和可移动监控设备等受到光缆通讯限制,无法实现数字化的及时配套和有效监控,存在管理难度大、工作效率低等的问题。公共网络(4G)在油田数字化系统的应用突破了光缆通讯限制瓶颈,实现内网与外网数据的无缝对接和移动内网数据的随时接入,解决边探井、水源井、双调和可移动监控设备的数字化配套和监控问题,数字化配套方式更加便捷、高效,数字化建设序列更加完善。  相似文献   

DCS是分布式控制系统的英文缩写(Distributed Control System),在国内白控行业又称之为集散控制系统。它是一个由过程控制级和过程监控级组成的以通信网络为纽带的多级计算机系统,综合了计算机(Computer)、通讯(Communication)、显示(CRT)和控制(Contr01)等4C技术,其基本思想是分散控制、集中操作、分级管理、配置灵活以及组态方便。  相似文献   

通讯作为矿山生产中重要的一个组成部分,在生产调度及矿山救护中起着极其重要的作用,目前矿山通讯手段相对落后、功能单一、灵活性差等缺点和不足。本文以探寻新通讯方式为指导思想,提出基于IP的网络扩播电话通信系统。  相似文献   

随着网络在全球的发展,网络经济和网络政治成为了当前的一个热点。如何把握网络政治的脉搏,发展和利用网络政治成为当前需要迫切解决的问题。本文就上述问题进行了论述和探讨。  相似文献   

在网络社交商业模式更迭演进的背后,潜藏的是一次信息传输的底层变革。网络社交的起始点在什么位置?当然是电子邮件。互联网本质上就是计算机之间的联网,早期的E-mail解决了远程的邮件传输的问题,至今它也是互联网上最普及的应用,同时它也是网络社交的起点,人们因此在无法见面的时候除了写信和打电话外有了一个更低成本和更方便的交流方式。另外它引入的"群发"、"转发"等模式也放大了个体信息传输节点的能量。但在这一点上邮件有很大  相似文献   

Internet网络上有着丰富的化学化工信息,从Internet网络上检索资料方便迅捷。介绍了从Internet网络上检索化学化工信息资源的几种检索途径和检索策略。  相似文献   

网络租金及其形成机理分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
交易成本经济学为考察网络组织问题提供了一个新的视角,但它并没有给网络组织问题分析提供一个合理的答案。本文从租金的角度对网络组织问题进行了研究。在对租金理论回顾的基础上,提出了网络租金概念。在分析网络租金形成机理时,除给出了一个总括性的网络租金构成模型外,还分析了网络租金的来源效应,即通过与市场组织和科层组织相比较,指出网络组织除了节约交易费用之外,还从资源互补效应、知识与规模外部效应、市场控制放大效应等方面形成交易收益。  相似文献   

视频会议技术自问世之初就受到石油化工行业的关注和青睐。从较早的电视电话会议到方便的机顶盒式视频会议系统,石化行业一直是视频会议重要的行业应用典型。视频会议系统早期的应用属于基于专网的高端应用。地市县机构之间以及省市机构与下属机构之间,虽然也有着非常强烈的会议通讯需求,但因为系统建设复杂、投资较大等诸多原因,对视频会议系统这种高端应用常常是可望而不可及。随着IP网络的普及以及视频通讯协议的不断完善,使视频会议在石化领域实现了真正的普及。宝利通公司与国内总代理南方电讯公司合作,于2002-2004年先后完成中国石油…  相似文献   

近年来计算机和网络技术快速发展,计算机技术被广泛应用于各个领域,计算机网络是通信技术和计算机技术发展并结合的结果。计算机网络管理指的是初始化一个计算机网络并对其进行监视,将网络系统中的信息收集起来并进行恰当的处理,能够诊断计算机系统存在的问题,方便调整网络或者进行其他操作。进行计算机网络管理能够提高网络的质量,最大化发挥网络的作用,确保网络的可用性和可靠性。本文将就计算机网络管理中的维护冲突展开探讨。  相似文献   

In this note we discuss the sensitivity analysis of the internal rates of return (IRR). We show that the use of partial derivatives can be misleading in the identification of key drivers of an investment project's performance. To remedy this shortcoming, we propose the use of an alternative sensitivity measure called the Differential Importance Measure. The analysis shows that, even if the theoretical conditions for using the Net Present Value or the IRR as valuation criteria apply, the sensitivity analysis results for the two indicators may differ.  相似文献   

本文阐述了近年来北京印刷学院"印刷色彩学"课程实践教学环节的发展与创新,其中包括设计系列实验及开设色彩学课程设计.色彩学实验主要包括三个部分:颜色特性认识、颜色测量与分析、综合性实验--设备色域的确定. 开设"颜色测量与计算"课程设计可使学生巩固"印刷色彩学"课程所学知识,理解颜色视觉产生的机理,熟练使用各种颜色测量仪器进行颜色的测量,采用工具软件进行数据处理,计算、分析、比较颜色.学生通过"印刷色彩学"实践环节的训练,理论知识与实践技能获得长足进步.  相似文献   

Drawing from the Resource-based View of the firm and based on prior literature, we examine two organizational factors that top management can control (‘executive champion for IT’ and ‘formalized ROI for IT’) for enhancing information technology (IT) tool use during new product development (NPD). Further, we investigate the subsequent effects of IT tool use on NPD task proficiency and performance. Moreover, research on IT use in NPD has matured enough to suggest that the effect of IT tool use on outcomes should be examined with a decompositional approach in order to flesh out the nuances on consequences. Hence, adopting a phase-based approach, we examine the differences in the effects at three separate NPD stages: discovery, development, and commercialization. The model is empirically tested with data collected from large-sized Japanese firms. The results of structural equation modeling show that executive champion for IT positively influences tool usage in all three stages, and formalized ROI for IT has positive effect on enhancing NPD task proficiency in discovery and development. Further, IT tool use frequency enhances NPD task proficiency with varying effect sizes in all three stages, highest in discovery and lowest in commercialization. Finally, concurring with prior literature, task proficiency is found to affect NPD performance positively. Based on these findings, we discuss theoretical and managerial implications as well as provide specific suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

The Israeli 5G auction that took place in August 2020 used the Combinatorial Clock Auction mechanism adapted to the Israeli market. We review the challenges that the Israeli Ministry of Communication faced while designing the auction and discuss the strategic consequences of the design. We highlight the special characteristics of the Israeli telecommunication market and, in particular, the fact that most operators share their antenna networks and their spectrum assets with other auction participants, but spectrum licenses need to be purchased by each operator individually. The Israeli Ministry of Communication required operators sharing the same networks to submit joint bids in the auction. We discuss the implications of this decision on the efficiency of the auction, and the difficulties it caused the bidders. We discuss the effect of further incentive schemes that accompanied the auction, and we also describe some signaling opportunities that emerged during the auction process.  相似文献   

Studies done in developed economies have demonstrated a positive relationship between financial resource availability and CSR. Arguments that we term the Institutional Difference Hypothesis (IDH) drawn from the institutional literature, however, suggest that institutional differences between developed and developing economies are likely to result in different CSR implications. Integrating the logic of IDH with insights from slack resources theory, we argue that there exists a negative relationship between financial resource availability and CSR expenditures for firms in Ghana, a sub‐Saharan African emerging economy. We use lagged data from the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre and find that Return on Sales, Return on Equity, and Net Profitability were consistently associated with lower CSR expenditures. We highlight the implications of our findings for research and managers. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

While it has often been argued that the machine tool industry is a ‘nodal’ industry as supplier of technology to other industries, this relationship has never been tested empirically. In this paper we analyze and find empirical support for the following two hypotheses: 1) The U.S. engineering industries have been negatively affected by the relative decline in the technological capabilities of the U.S. machine tool industry in the last decade. 2) The use of flexible manufacturing technologies has become one of the most influential factors for competitiveness in the last decade as a result of recent changes in the world economy.  相似文献   

Mobile network operators have long played an essential role in the Near Field Communication (NFC) mobile payment ecosystem. In most implementations, the SIM card has been the main technical component to secure payments. Currently, mobile payment providers are increasingly planning to place the Secure Element (SE) for authentication in the handset or cloud, rather than on the SIM card. This paper unveils factors that influence stakeholder preferences for the SE location. To structure the analysis, we use a multi-level framework based on concepts borrowed from multi-sided platform theory. Using interviews with stakeholders, we elicit themes and preferences for each level of the framework (provider, technology, and user). Our findings explain why mobile network operators, despite their superior technology, will likely lose the battle for control in the mobile payment ecosystem.  相似文献   

This paper aims to test jointly two economic puzzles: the effect of financial development and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on economic growth. Theories predict a positive effect of financial development and ICT on growth but empirical studies on these relationships produced mixed results. Further, we investigate the interaction between financial development and ICT Diffusion to test whether the impact of financial development on growth is strengthened by better ICT infrastructure. In this paper we assess empirically these relationships in some MENA countries. The empirical study is based on estimation of a dynamic panel model with system GMM estimators. There are three main findings. First, our empirical results join empirical literature that find a negative direct effect of financial development on economic growth. This ambiguous relationship may be linked to many phenomenons but there are not yet clear explanations of this puzzle. Second, the estimates reveal a positive and significant direct effect of ICT proxies on economic growth. This implies that MENA countries need to reinforce their ICT policies and improve using of new Information and Communication Technology. Finally, the interaction between ICT penetration and financial development is found positive and significant in the growth regression. This implies that economies in Mena region can benefit from financial development only once a threshold of ICT development is reached.  相似文献   

Net Neutrality has become the focus of attention in the regulatory debate on the Internet. This article attempts to strip down the debate to its bare essential. It identifies two main types of Net Neutrality obligations that have been put forward and assesses what type of potential concerns they may be designed to address. It concludes that while some of these concerns may be important it remains doubtful (at least in Europe) that an ex ante per se rule, such as those proposed under the Net Neutrality term, is the best way to address them.  相似文献   

Net neutrality generates wealth transfers from one type of internet content provider to another. In theory, these transfers might be socially desirable, and could be justified on the basis of informational externalities similar to those cited to justify fair use in copyright law. In practice, however, the conditions that justify fair use do not hold where net neutrality operates. Moreover, the internal subsidization required by net neutrality generates a regressive transfer. The welfare gains that might come from controlling anticompetitive abuse or government coercion through implementation of net neutrality can be achieved by alternative policies with less harmful consequences.  相似文献   

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