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在工程项目这个复杂的动态过程中,人们不断地获取和创造知识,并将其运用。从知识转移的概念及内涵出发,分析了在工程项目中进行知识转移的必要性,利用一般知识转移的SECI模型分析工程项目管理中的知识转移类型、层次及其具体体现,以工程项目寿命期为主线分析知识转移的过程,并简要说明知识转移效果评价的方法。认为在工程项目管理中应用知识转移可以提高项目成员、参与企业、项目自身及同类项目的知识储备和项目管理水平。  相似文献   

基于隐性知识转化的企业技术能力演进分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业技术能力的本质是知识.企业技术能力的演进是一个基于隐性知识转化的过程.本文在分别阐明技术后进企业技术能力演进的消化吸收阶段、技术改进阶段和技术创造阶段的主要特点的基础上,分析了各阶段中隐性知识转化的模式和途径.  相似文献   

企业知识联盟的动因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业知识联盟作为战略联盟的一种,对提升企业的核心竞争力有重要意义,正逐渐成为企业间联盟合作的主流趋势. 一、企业知识联盟的涵义 1.知识与企业知识. Davth和Prusak认为,知识是一种有组织的经验、价值观、相关信息及洞察力的动态组合,它所构成的框架可以不断地评价和吸收新的经验和信息.在企业中,知识不但存在于文件和档案之中,还存在于企业的结构程序、运行过程、管理实践及行为惯例之中.知识一般分为显性知识(即事实知识和原理知识)、隐性知识(即技能知识和人为知识)两大类.它具有实践性、隐含性、共享性、不可逆的重复使用性和新陈代谢性.  相似文献   

技术转移的核心是知识转移.论文运用契约经济学理论,从不完全契约的视角研究了研发管理中的技术转移效率问题及产权治理机制.将事前契约看作事后权利参考点,由于技术创新知识边界模糊,包括不可缔约的隐性知识和可缔约的显性知识,而隐性知识更多地体现在研究人员的人力资本中,因此,事后技术转移过程中不可避免的存在技术转移效率损失.研究认为当创新价值和研发成本的不确定性大时,采用一体化组织形式并且技术创新成果知识产权赋予公司的技术转移效率高.  相似文献   

网络状产业链的知识整合研究   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
在网络状产业链中,资产关联服从于知识的关联,知识整合是网络状产业链整合的实质。企业组织间的SECI过程构成了网络状产业链的知识整合平台,“巴”在其中有着重要的作用。网络状产业链由知识冲突引发SECI过程,从企业隐藏知识到产业链明晰知识的转换结果是标准的演化。  相似文献   

本文引用了达尔文的"进化论(evolution)",提出知识进化论的概念,并对知识进化过程的特征加以阐述,认为知识进化具有历史性、继承性、可持续性和螺旋发展性等特征,最后对知识进化论的模型进行构建。  相似文献   

知识已成为继劳动力和资本之后的第三大经济增长要素,处于知识经济中的监理企业也在追求组织绩效的同时,体验到了知识管理为企业带来的巨大变革。知识管理改变了监理企业经营的时空观,彰显了智力密集型企业的巨大潜力。论文利用知识管理有关理论,结合监理公司实践,论述了知识积累、知识共享与知识创新过程,指出了监理企业在显性知识与隐性知识互动过程中的知识管理方法,体现了知识管理在监理企业持续组织绩效提高,以及监理企业核心竞争力动态培育过程中的根基作用,阐明了知识资源的资本化为监理企业持续创新之源的主题。  相似文献   

山东临工构建的知识库体系,不同于以往的档案资料管理,以往的资料管理是静态的信息孤岛,只能单独管理部分显性知识。而本知识库的的特点在于:显性知识与隐性知识一起管理,并以产品的BOM为引线形成关联网状结构,并可将失效数据、历史数据与现在生效数据区分开来,但又不割裂其原始关系。  相似文献   

知识共同体的构建:基于规则与结构的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
知识开放式创新成为信息时代越来越普遍的现象,尤其是消费者、用户、专家等社会利益相关者的参与,知识的分享与创新不仅从企业内部扩展到企业网络,而且上升到更为广阔的社会层面。但是,创新主体的多样化与创新速度的不断提升分别导致了多样性与动态性的组织悖论,由此引发了多样性与一致性、动态性与稳定性之间的组织矛盾。这些悖论与矛盾为知识开放式创新带来了巨大的挑战。本文站在企业的角度,提出知识共同体的构建思路,探讨这种中间组织特有的组织规则与组织结构,旨在解决创新所产生的组织悖论,推动知识的开放式创新。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的不断深入和科技革命的不断发展,产业集群创新能力成为保持区域竞争优势的关键,而通过知识流动促进产业集群创新要素集成和网络结构优化、提升区域创新能力尤其重要.本文运用模糊数学原理,构建了知识流动促进产业集群创新的评价指标体系,剖析了区域内外知识流动影响产业集群创新的重要因子,并针对性地提出扩散、集成、提升和转化产业集群显性和隐性知识,实现集群创新的突破性发展的战略思路.  相似文献   

This research focuses on relational and contractual mechanisms and examines their impact on foreign subsidiaries' acquisition of tacit and explicit knowledge from local suppliers. Using survey data from 168 foreign subsidiaries operating in China, this study finds broad support for the proposed analytical framework. When the foreign subsidiary and supplier share common goals, the foreign subsidiary acquires greater levels of both explicit and tacit knowledge; trust between the two parties promotes the acquisition of greater levels of tacit than explicit knowledge. However, access to the local supplier network through the focal supplier enables the foreign subsidiary to acquire greater levels of explicit but not tacit knowledge. Formal contracts play a complementary role in knowledge acquisition: contracts enhance the acquisition of explicit knowledge and further strengthen the effects of relational mechanisms on tacit and explicit knowledge acquisition. Overall, these findings provide important implications for foreign subsidiaries regarding how to acquire local knowledge in host countries through both formal and informal mechanisms. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A firm's technological knowledge base is the foundation on which internal product and process innovations are generated. However, technological knowledge is not accumulated solely through internal learning processes. Increasingly, firms are turning to external sources in the technology supply chain to acquire the technological knowledge they need to introduce product and process innovations. Thus, the successful structuring and executing of partnerships with external “technology source” organizations is often critical to competitive success in technologically dynamic environments. This study uses situated learning theory as a basis for explaining how factors inherent to the knowledge acquisition context may affect the successful transference of technological knowledge from universities to their industry partners. Data collected via a survey instrument from 104 industry managers were used to explore the effects of various organizational knowledge interface factors on knowledge acquisition success in university–industry alliances. The organizational knowledge interface factors hypothesized to affect knowledge acquisition success in the current research include partner trust, partner familiarity, technology familiarity, alliance experience, formal collaboration teams, and technology experts' communications. Results indicate that partner trust predicts the successful acquisition of tacit knowledge but not explicit knowledge. Both forms of knowledge are predicted by partner familiarity and communications between the partners' technology experts. These findings suggest three principal managerial implications. First, although the development of a trusting relationship between the knowledge source and knowledge‐seeking parties is generally advisable, firms that seek to acquire explicit technological knowledge from their alliance partners may successfully do so without having made significant time and energy investments designed to assure themselves that they can trust those partners. The relative observability and verifiability of explicit knowledge relative to tacit knowledge may enable knowledge‐seeking parties to have greater confidence that knowledge has been acquired when partner trust is in question or has not been deliberately developed. A second implication is that, other things being equal, a knowledge‐seeking party's interests may be best served through repeated exposures to particular alliance partners, particularly if those exposures facilitate mutual understandings on relevant process‐related matters. A third managerial implication is that ongoing, broad‐based communications between the partners' technology experts should be used to effect technology transfer. A key quality of the organizational knowledge interface that promotes the successful acquisition of technological knowledge, both tacit and explicit, is multipoint, real‐time contact between the technology experts of the partner organizations. Such communications potentially enable the knowledge‐seeking party to directly access desired information through the most knowledgeable individuals on an as‐needed basis.  相似文献   

Although an ability to generate and transfer tacit knowledge provides the basis for competitive differentiation, organizations face two primary issues when attempting to achieve this task. First, tacit knowledge, which differs from explicit knowledge in that it can only be gained through experiences, deep interactions, and learning by doing, is highly complex and therefore difficult to transfer. Second, as challenging as tacit knowledge transfer may be under the most ideal circumstances, the issue is exacerbated by the fact that sales and marketing professionals oftentimes have a dysfunctional relationship. Addressing these issues, we present and examine a theoretical model which captures the process through which tacit knowledge transfer occurs across the two functions. Study results, derived from a sample of 215 salespeople, highlight the important role interfunctional communication quality and the development of a mutual understanding play in this process. We discuss the theoretical and managerial implications arising from the study, and present opportunities for further research in the area.  相似文献   

论知识管理研究重心的转移   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论证了进入知识经济时代后,经济全球化对知识管理研究的影响。指出知识管理的研究重心必须进行迁移,迁移的方向是由局部隐性知识向全球化显性知识转移,从微观知识向全球化宏观知识转移,从描述性知识向方法论知识转移,同时指出了新一代知识管理的智能化方向。  相似文献   

Studies of the ‘mirroring’ hypothesis have demonstrated the relationships between technological modularity and explicit coordination, yet little is known about the ‘mirroring’ relationship between technological modularity and tacit coordination, and how the ‘mirroring’ relationship may affect radical innovation. This paper contributes to the ‘mirroring’ hypothesis by identifying the interaction mechanisms embedded in and surrounded over the mirroring relationships. Using survey data of 121 high-tech firms in China, our study indicates that technological modularity enhances interfirm tacit coordination between module-makers (‘mirroring’ hypothesis), and will also positively influence radical innovation (‘outcome’ hypothesis). Moreover, tacit coordination negatively moderates the impact of technological modularity on radical innovation (‘interaction’ hypothesis), indicating that the ‘mirroring’ relationship may offset the benefit obtained from modularization. It also suggests that, in a high-technology industry in underdeveloped areas, tacit coordination could lead to exposure of hidden knowledge, thus lowering module-makers' motivation for technology breakthrough.  相似文献   

The present study builds a typology of organizational knowledge in business services and empirically examines the effects of knowledge on innovation performance. It is suggested that firms differ with respect to their knowledge creation approaches and that these approaches have implications for firms' innovation activities. A conceptual framework of knowledge assets with degrees of tacitness and collectiveness as the principal axes is used to ground the empirical analysis. The organizational knowledge framework is empirically operationalized using survey data from 167 business service firms and supplementary case study evidence from 16 other firms. It is found that business service improvements and new service introductions are significantly associated with collectively held knowledge, such as codified service solutions or team‐based competences and procedures. In contrast, relying solely on tacit knowledge held by individuals may hamper innovation. The results also suggest that tacit collective knowledge is more closely associated with new service introductions, whereas explicit collective knowledge is associated with service improvements. Tacit collective knowledge is thus conducive. A managerial implication is that new service introductions necessitate team competences and routines, whereas incremental service improvements are more likely if procedures are in place to codify services into explicit solutions or technologies. Thus, the knowledge management approach should depend on the strategic orientation of the service firm toward continuous improvement of existing services or development of completely new services.  相似文献   

The formation of organisational tacit knowledge has been studied in the most part using only qualitative explanations such as case studies including those on the workings of communities of practice. From this perspective, tacit knowledge is submersed and consequently it is difficult to quantify. In our community of communities of practice case study we use quantitative social network analysis techniques to explore the process of tacit knowledge exchange among expert knowledge workers – forensic scientists. Conceptually, we search for more structured relational mechanisms that shape tacit knowledge flows occurring between participant actors in communities of practice, in their day-to-day knowledge intensive environments.  相似文献   

This study draws on theories of organizational inertia and relational view to examine how the pursuit of partnership synergy influences radical innovation in different technological contexts. We differentiate between two types of synergy: explicit synergy, defined as the potential to exchange interfirm operational elements to renew processes or capabilities, and tacit synergy, conceptualized as the potential to synthesize cross-boundary resources to develop new perspectives or thinking modes. We find that both explicit and tacit synergies have positive impacts on radical innovation, and such impacts are contingent on interfirm technological diversity and environmental technological dynamism in opposing ways. Specifically, environmental technological dynamism positively moderates the relationship between explicit synergy and radical innovation but not the relationship between tacit synergy and radical innovation. In contrast, interfirm technological diversity positively moderates the relationship between tacit synergy and radical innovation but not the relationship between explicit synergy and radical innovation. Our study sheds new light on the generation of radical innovation in alliances. It also provides practitioners with useful guidelines for crafting synergy strategies that will facilitate the pursuit of radical innovation.  相似文献   

知识型服务企业隐性知识管理有效性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业隐性知识的高效管理是企业获得持续竞争优势的关键.企业隐性知识管理是否有效,需要一个科学的评估体系对其进行评估.本文针对知识型服务企业依赖专业知识的知识属性,以及其隐性知识本质,构建了评价指标体系,并利用模糊综合评价方法对隐性知识管理的有效性进行了评价,为知识型服务企业了解隐性知识管理的效果,发现不足,提高本企业的知识管理能力,改进知识管理工作,并对于正确制定企业知识创新政策和战略目标等方面都具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

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