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何为人性化管理?人情化?人治化?任性化?随意化?唯“人”论的管理者应该具备哪些素质?人性化管理下的经营哲学是什么?  相似文献   

集团型企业母子管控的瓶颈何在? 怎样实现母子管控模式的匹配和路径的高效? 母子公司的角色如何扮演?企业集团的组织架构如何搭建?怎 样协调和缓解母子公司的利益冲突? 如何打造和谐的集团文化和统一的品牌形象?  相似文献   

魏嘉 《汽车观察》2011,(6):110-117
产能是否过剩?到底什么样的企业过剩?过剩的原因是什么?为什么要这样做?结果会是怎样?谁为过剩恶果买单?面对这一连串的问号是时候该问诊产能过剩这个问题了。  相似文献   

大数据、社交网络、云计算……层出不穷的高科技时代,航空公司可以玩出什么花样?廉价航空公司如何寻找自己的附加值?按乘客重量定价?会不会有歧视之嫌?选邻座?似乎可以有。来个空中非诚勿扰的相亲?这个,有点太戏剧化了吧。等等,为什么不呢?  相似文献   

一、发现问题的方法 通过对人、机、料、作业方法、作业环境五个方面逐项检查来发现问题。 1.人员:是否有能力欠缺?是否按作业标准在工作?工作效率如何?有没有责任心?有没有积极性?身体健康吗?适合该工作吗?人员间是否有配合不良?  相似文献   

子余 《董事会》2005,(10):104-105
利己还是利他?自由还是约束?贪婪是贬义词吗?经济领域是否值得推崇社会责任?什么是“不完全市场”?如何运用政治对经济的影响?收入分配的奥妙在哪里?如何对治因为“稀缺”所造成的社会冲突?等等这类与诸位董事十分相干的问题能够在《市场经济读本》中找到。  相似文献   

谁将是第一个破产的:私募基金巨头?凯雷?Foruess?KKR?阿波罗?黑石?”这是目前欧美私募股权(PE)基金经理们闲聊时谈得最多的话题之一。最近,美国Fortress投资集团裁员11%,其中海外一些团队裁员比例高达25%。  相似文献   

物资管理如何成为控制成本的利器?如何与材料供应商进行博弈?何为材料采购三级管理体制?如何降低物资采购成本?  相似文献   

需求总是在变怎么办?雷声大、雨点小、群众在围观怎么办?好几千人怎么让他们都学会?阻力大、效果不明显、丧失信心怎么办?特级资质过了以后怎么办?  相似文献   

如何探寻集团管控中存在的突出问题?如何通过环境分析科学地制订集团战略?如何平衡集团公司对子公司的集权与分权?如何发挥集团公司管控的共享和协同效应?如何选择与集团公司战略匹配的组织管控模式?  相似文献   

手机舞台上的戏码从未像今天这样精彩过。自美国人马蒂.库珀发明了全球第一部手机以来,通信终端这台大戏已经开唱了39年。舞台上的角儿们你方唱罢我登场,各领风骚三五年。所有人似乎都已经习惯了这样的节奏和腔调。  相似文献   

刘琪 《IT经理世界》2011,(20):58-61,10
“你是谁?” “我是一个谦虚的个人助理。”问话的是负责苹果iPhone软件业务的高级副总裁斯科特·福斯特,回答他的是10月5日那天让很多果粉大呼失望的iPhone4s——这款产品被指“硬件毫无新意”,只能靠Siri语音控制系统完成的上述人机对话表演,来弥补一些颜面。  相似文献   

In several developing countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, accessibility to digital financial services is increasing because of the development of mobile money services. People previously excluded from the financial system have started to have access to financial services such as receiving and sending remittances, saving, and borrowing. This study examines the effect of network accessibility on the use of mobile money in six developing countries (Bangladesh, Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Tanzania, and Uganda) using GPS information on each household and mobile phone network coverage maps. We find that among these six countries, network accessibility is associated with the use of mobile money in a robust way only in Pakistan and Tanzania. In those two countries, when a household location becomes 10 km closer to the center of the area with multiple mobile networks, the probability of using mobile money increases by 10 percent. In the other countries, we did not find a robust relationship between the use of mobile money and network accessibility. This suggests that increasing network accessibility may not be an efficient method for increasing mobile money adoption in certain countries. The fact that mobile money use rates differ between Tanzania and Pakistan also suggests that the effect of mobile networks is unrelated to the overall level of mobile money adoption.  相似文献   

This study has been undertaken to determine the effect of mobile phone attributes on their retail market prices. A log-linear hedonic price model was fitted to a total of 348 handsets, for which data were collected about various attributes from different websites, while the price data were obtained from mobile phone retailers in two major cities of Pakistan from November 2016 to February 2017. Results indicate that brand, battery capacity, weight, operating system, RAM, memory size and display size have a significant positive effect on mobile phone prices. Given the significant premium associated with various characteristics, manufacturers need to formulate strategies to emphasize the battery capacity of 2000-3000?mAH, RAM of more than 1GB, screen size of more than 5 inches, memory size of more than 8GB, back camera of over 15MP, 4G network mode, front camera and FM radio.  相似文献   

Mobile phones are recognized as a primary platform for mitigating the digital divide and increasing economic growth, and the same appears to be true for Nigeria, the largest economy in Africa. Since 2012, mobile phone penetration has shown nearly linear growth, reaching 83% in 2016. However, this statistic falls to only 46% after correcting for ownership of multiple SIM cards and sharing of mobile phones among multiple users. The determinants of mobile phone ownership in Nigeria are poorly understood, which hinders research that could inform policies capable of increasing mobile phone penetration and eliminating the digital divide. To begin to fill this research gap, we have analyzed socio-economic factors related to mobile phone ownership in the country. We used a logit model and the latest national-level Datafirst ICT dataset (2012) about mobile phone adoption from 1552 individuals. The sample was stratified, clustered, and probability-weighted to make it representative of the situation at the national level. The results suggest that factors such as geographic location and income may not strongly influence mobile phone ownership, in contrast to what was previously thought. Instead, the strongest factors appeared to be education level, informal work, social engagement, type of electricity supply and employment status. Our analysis suggests that to increase mobile phone ownership and close the digital divide, policy makers should target younger adults, provide training in digital literacy specifically for mobile phone use, invest in electricity supply infrastructure, and develop content and applications in non-English languages. These findings may contribute to understanding mobile phone distribution in Nigeria as well as inform implementation of the country's ICT Roadmap 2017–2020 and Vision 2020.  相似文献   

这是三星泰国曼谷一家专卖店的销售人员的背影,T恤上写着大大的"askme"。2012年第二季度,三星电子营收达到422亿美元,同比增长21%;当季利润为46亿美元,同比增长48%,远远超过资本市场的预期。三星为什么能有如此业绩,也许真的该问问他军队和三星都在意什么?战斗力。军队尚武,崇尚英雄,古今中外不同时代,  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, the telecommunications industry has changed dramatically with the wide diffusion of mobile telecommunications. In spite of this, the nature of the cellular phone market has not yet been explored sufficiently. This paper analyzes the demand for cellular phone services using data on the Japanese cellular phone market in the late 1990s. It finds that the market is highly product-differentiated and conventional network externalities are no longer decisive factors in choosing a mobile phone carrier. The evidence also shows that the demand for cellular phone services is quite price-elastic, with estimated elasticity from 1.30 to 2.43 in absolute value.  相似文献   

This study examines how the level of concentration of a country’s mobile telecommunications market affects its competitiveness. We created a unique database with information on 59 countries, which we used to perform several estimations including an instrumental variable approach to explain the degree of concentration in mobile phone markets. Our first and direct estimation shows that the higher the concentration in this industry, the lower the countries’ competitiveness. In order to understand this positive correlation, we provide two additional estimations. First, using an instrumental variable, we find that the concentration in mobile telecommunications market explains the use of information and communications technology (ICT). Moreover, we also find that the use of ICT is positively correlated with countries’ competitiveness. Thus, our results confirm that the mobile phone industry has positive spillover effects on countries’ competitiveness and demonstrate the benefits of policies designed to reduce concentration and market power in the industry.  相似文献   

双边交易市场平台(专业化市场)是构建国家价值链的有效途径,山寨手机行业正是依赖华强北市场这一典型专业化市场而成功构建出国家价值链的雏形。本文从分析山寨手机行业与传统手机行业在产业链上的差异出发,提出虽然在售后服务环节上缺失,但山寨手机价值链是以制造营销为主导的购买者驱动型价值链。同时,对山寨手机行业国家价值链的分析表明我国制造业以双边交易平台为途径来构建国家价值链必须具备多层次的需求条件、成熟的产业背景与厂商的适应性创新行为这三大条件。针对山寨模式下国家价值链发展存在规模与技术参差不齐、低端市场依赖与价值链环节尚需完善等内生瓶颈,本文提出依靠专业化市场向单边市场平台模式的自发对接与政府在专业化市场的功能引导来突破这些瓶颈。  相似文献   

程苓峰 《IT经理世界》2012,(17):28+14-28
这需要愿景、战略和计划,职责和目标,更重要的是信任。 网秦已经完成了中国互联网最大规模的引入洋高管的行动:Galaxy之父,三星移动前首席产品技术官和首席战略官Omar Khan出任联席CEO,负责欧美发达国家市场。另一位联席CEO是创始人林宇,负责发展中国家。微软windowsphone的市场总经理GavinKim出任首席产品官。三星移动前负责新产品研发的Conrad Edwards出任首席体验官。这三人也在招募更多的外籍员工,他们已经组建了一个国际化的团队。  相似文献   

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