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模块化时代的汽车产业变革   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
当前汽车产业成为继信息技术产业之后受到模块化深刻影响的产业部门,本文从三个层面界定了汽车产业模块化的内涵,分析了汽车产品模块的种类,以此为基础,研究得出模块化推动汽车生产组织方式变革的根本表现是促使零部件企业分层.而且模块集成供应商作为与组装企业进行直接交易的少数零部件企业,面临整合生产、系统开发模块产品、控制零部件企业及开拓市场等能力要求,并将由此改变汽车零部件产业的市场结构与竞争状态。汽车产业的模块化发展没有产生绝对的受益者或受损者,本文围绕三个主体从六个方面探讨了模块化的实施效果。  相似文献   

以往关于模块化的应用研究主要集中于制造业,本文是模块化理论在金融服务业应用研究的一次尝试。本文认为,银行卡产业模块化的价值创新机理就在于实现了从价值链向价值群的价值创新系统转变。我国银行卡产业模块化价值创新应该从三个方面着手:一是在产品模块化创新层面,着重银行卡产品设计规则参与、产品创新和服务标准化;二是在企业模块化再造层面,着重银行卡业务组件模块化和组织管理模块化;三是在生产网络模块化层面,着重外包策略和网络联盟在实现模块价值创新中的重要作用。  相似文献   

运用复杂系统理论和模块理论,从过程、特征两个方面研究了创意产业集群模块化网络组织的生产运行模式,进而探究了创意产业集群模块化网络组织的创新机制,提出模块化组织网络是提高和增强创意产业集群创新效率和创新能力的有效途径,创意企业应充分利用全球模块化生产网络以最大化分享创新收益。  相似文献   

组织模块化设计:基本原理与理论架构   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
模块化技术的出现,推动着组织进行相应的模块化,同时也为组织设计带来了新的理念。本文基于已有研究,绘制了由结构构建、制度设计和价值创新构成的组织模块化设计价值创新原理图,从系统角度对组织模块化设计原理的SSV范式进行了详细分析,认为价值创新是模块化组织特有的结构和制度安排整合系统效应的结果。在此基础上,从契约结构、组织结构、组织流程、组织职权四个角度阐述了组织模块化设计的理论架构,这有助于组织模块化设计的进一步研究和实践。  相似文献   

模块化:系统结构与竞争优势   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
从物理模块、处理模块到价值模块,联系媒介、标准和性质趋向抽象领域和独立自由;从大型电脑、个人电脑到互联网模块化,硬件模块之间关系通过软件实现模块化,使模块化结构更加开放。模块系统利益结构由规模经济、局部经济与范围经济的对立转向规模经济、差异经济与网络经济的兼容,超级模块化和数码化是其关键;市场竞争、产权保护和金融选择等模块化利益机制推动了企业经营目标、模块化动力和模块创新模式演变。模块化不但有来自模块设计、模块化设计、“行路图”设计和组织模块化设计等自身竞争优势,也有来自数码化、创新文化、科学商业化和政府政策等环境竞争优势。  相似文献   

战略性新兴产业组织的主导形态是模块化契约网络组织,具体包括模块制造商、系统集成商和规则设计商三类组织形态。本文认为,战略性新兴产业组织的劳资分配是对税后增加值(即税后V+M部分)的分配,具体分为两个层面:一是劳资作为一个整体(法人形式出现)以中间产品件工契约方式所进行的产业组织层面的分配,劳资群体的分配受益格局是按模块制造商、系统集成商和规则设计商顺序依次显著递增;二是劳资在产业组织层面的分配基础上所进行的企业层面的分配。本文分析指出,三类企业的劳资分配范式分属于三种不同范式:模块制造商——物质资本主导的分配范式,系统集成商——人力资本与物质资本共同主导的分配范式,规则设计商——人力资本主导的分配范式。三类企业劳资在分配中的身份、地位、收入模式、分配依据、分配顺序以及分配治理等都存在很大的不同,本文对它们进行了较系统的研究。  相似文献   

综述了模块化的基本理论,分析了模块化与创新的关系,以模块产品的特质出发,解析模块产品在进行创新时所采用的策略类型.并根据模块化与产品的相关理论总结出“性能满足”、“功能满足”、“性能提升”与“功能创造”四种创新策略类型。  相似文献   

本文根植于民航业,对照设定的研究框架,通过探索性案例分析,从分工、集成与界面三维度探究了服务模块化运行中的价值创造问题。研究发现:①无论是"小而精"而使价值裂变的分工,还是"大而全"而使价值捆绑的集成,都是促进民航业服务模块化价值创造的有效方式。②民航业服务模块化分工存在于服务产品模块化、服务流程模块化、服务对象模块化和服务职能模块化四大路径之中,它通过运营效率提高、价值发现、价值创新和服务归核化来实现价值创造;民航业服务模块化集成包括技术型集成、管理型集成、契约型集成和知识型集成四种形态,它通过价值管理来优化价值创造流程和发挥协同效能,进而实现价值创造。本文的结论:打造服务模块之间的界面,提高顾客感知价值和服务模块之间的信息融合度;串接服务模块,打通彼此间的价值传递通道;细化、补给、调整服务价值模块,构建服务模块化价值网络,由价值互动推进价值循环。  相似文献   

本文提出制造业企业应用模块化方法进行战略性知识管理的概念和主要类别。特别针对航空机制造业企业分析模块化方法的适用形式和局限性。飞机制造是介于集成方式和分解方式之间的复杂产品制造体系 ,模块化知识管理有战略意义 ,但也有局限性。研究指出 ,模块化方法仅适用于允许“适度失控”的产品 ,对飞机及发动机等“禁止失控”的复杂产品类型 ,系统集成商会拥有相对高的技术和知识优势 ,而模块制造商的创新空间很小。表现在我国参与飞机转包生产的企业对国外企业的依赖程度高 ;根据实际调查和本文的分析 ,我国企业可以通过通用模块制造技术向专用模块制造技术的过渡 ,逐渐实现有自己知识产权的黑箱型技术资源  相似文献   

大型企业的模块化:内容、意义与方法   总被引:47,自引:6,他引:47  
本文认为,业务、能力要素和组织结构的模块化是今天大型企业组织的变革之道。本文对大型企业组织形态的演进历史进行了考察,分析了大型企业组织模块化内容,探索了模块化组织和模块化簇群的意义,认为模块化对我国大型企业集团的发展与变革是有借鉴意义的。  相似文献   

Research Summary: We ask two questions: First, what are the underlying mechanisms that explain the power of modularity? Second, is the power of modularity robust in nonmodular problems? We replicate and then reconcile the key results in two prior models on modularity: E&L and S‐search. Our results yield several important insights. First, a significant portion of the advantage enjoyed by S‐search is attributed to multi‐bit mutation. Second, organization‐evaluation needs to be used in combination with multi‐bit mutation. Third, when the underlying problem structure becomes nonmodular, S‐search outperforms E&L search, even though the advantage is reduced. More generally, organizational designers need to pay close attention to how different elements of modular search interact, and avoid making incremental adjustments. Managerial Summary: Modularity in product or organizational design is an approach that divides a system into smaller modules and attempts to augment the system level performance by experimenting with new modules. Because of its potential benefits such as parallel problem solving, adaptability in turbulent environment, or high speed in experimentation, both scholars and practitioners subscribed to the “power of modularity” thesis. Despite its popularity, there are significant number of cases where the superiority of modular design does not hold. We compare and contrast two representative prior studies that had different views on modeling organizational evolution under a modular design principle. By doing so, we are able to uncover what contributes to the superiority of modular design. Our results suggest that, when conducting experimentation under a modular design, it is important to (a) experiment multiple decision components simultaneously within a single module; and (b) allow evaluation of the changes to be made by the module‐level manager not by the organization‐level manager. When the manager does not know whether the modularity in organizational design fits with the modularity in the task, it is advised to do multiple experimentation in a single module at a time while allowing the organization‐level manager to evaluate the changes.  相似文献   

Much of the literature on modularity assumes that firms with modular products adopt modular organization. In the realm of supply chain management, no consensus has been reached on the effects of product modularity on supply chains (SC). This paper investigates whether SC choices depend on product modularity and innovativeness, and how SC choices can be aligned to these product features to maximize performance. A medium scale survey has been performed in the Italian furniture industry. By means of factor and cluster analyses, the SC of firms that introduced products with different levels of modularity and innovativeness have been compared. The results show that both product features must be considered when designing the SC.  相似文献   

The architecture of a product is the design and specification of inherent subsystems, components, and interfaces between subsystems. Well‐defined interfaces allow the development of standardized subsystems that may be shared across product lines, e.g., technology platforms. Past research shows the benefits of modular product architecture in terms of improving cost of goods through common components and materials as well as improving development time cycles for derivative products. Product architecture does not occur by accident; it must be engineered and implemented. This study explores the impact of digital design and information technology (IT) on the development of modular product architectures. Through an empirical study of 122 firms and follow‐up interviews with several respondents, we study the impact of digital design tools and IT infrastructure on the development of modular product architecture and overall project outcomes. The results indicate that a firm's IT infrastructure has a strong, significant relationship with the development of modular product architecture. The findings also show a strong, positive relationship between the development of modular product architecture and project outcomes. However, in contrast to the common perception that digital design tools enhance R&D productivity and effectiveness, we do not find a significant relationship between digital design tool usage and modular product architecture or overall project outcomes. The findings suggest that digital design tools and their organizational implementation need improvement in up‐front new product development phases.  相似文献   

模块化组织与大型企业基因重组   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
随着信息技术的不断应用和发展,大型企业尤其是垂直一体化企业越来越难以生存,取而代之的是精益的模块化组织。本文认为模块化组织是大型企业在其内部市场对“基因”能力要素进行重组的必然结果。大型企业通过对“基因”能力要素进行重组,一方面扩展了其能力边界,另一方面也培育了一种新型的组织形态即模块化组织。模块化组织不但降低了大型企业内部的协调成本和外部的交易成本,也为大型企业的未来组织设计提供了新思路和新挑战。  相似文献   

在模块化系统中,模块的划分是一个不断变化的过程。常常可以观察到:随着时间的推移,一种模块被另一种模块所吞并,不再独立存在,相关厂商被排挤出模块化分工网。我们将这种现象称为"再集成"。"再集成"损害了模块厂商的利益,是一种"模块化陷阱"。一般认为,模块化的优势在于创造"选择权价值",而这依赖于产品的设计风险。本文借鉴了"技术周期理论"的思想,对设计风险做了动态化处理,揭示了"选择权价值"随技术演化而下降的规律,从而解释了"再集成"现象的动因。在此基础上,本文提出了一种模块系统的演化模式,并为企业规避"再集成"风险提出了建议。  相似文献   

价值链形态演变与模块化组织协调   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:19  
国内外许多学者持模块化生产方式导致模块化组织的观点,但这只是表面认识。本文认为。价值链形态演变以及价值链边界的放松是模块化组织形成的原因之一。而模块化技术的应用则是价值链不断发生变化的根本原因。随着模块化技术的应用和不断发展。一方面。协调生产方式的市场和组织在不断模块化:另一方面,垂直一体化企业的组织结构也在不断松散.并且以知识和交易等意识能力要素所决定的价值生产方式越来越成为经济发展的主导。  相似文献   

The tacit assumption that increased product modularity is associated with advantageous increases in organizational modularity underlies much of the literature on modularity. Previous empirical investigations of this assumption, few in number, have faced numerous confounding factors and generated conflicting results. I build a causal model for the relationship between product and organizational modularity, which I test using a distinctive empirical setting that controls for confounding factors present in previous studies. I find support for only part of the assumed relationship, showing that modularity is a more multifaceted concept than previously recognized. In particular, increased product modularity enhances reconfigurability of organizations more quickly than it allows firms to move activities out of hierarchy. The paper contributes to the emerging stream of research that focuses on the previously underappreciated costs of designing and maintaining a modular organization. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

模块生产网络研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
技术是企业组织存在的基础。随着信息技术的发展和模块化技术成为主导技术,以及大规模生产向模块化生产的转变,从根本上动摇了层级制组织存在的技术基础.出现了适应模块化生产的新的生产组织形式——模块生产网络。  相似文献   

Modularity in product design has been hailed as a way to speed new product development (NPD), to reduce NPD cost, and to enhance customization possibilities for consumers. Modularity in process design may speed new product manufacturing setup times, reduce costs, and enhance the profitability of the lower volumes that customization often entails. However, empirical evidence is scarce that either product or process modularity—individually, jointly, or sequentially—actually produce these or other proposed benefits (e.g., performance growth). This study builds on general modular systems theory (GMST) by examining the theoretical relationship between product and process modularity and the effects of each on firm growth performance. Using structural equation modeling, partial versus complete mediation by manufacturing agility is also scrutinized. In one pair of models, product modularity and process modularity are separate direct antecedents to manufacturing agility, which is modeled to affect firm growth performance; in a second pair of models, product and process modularity are related antecedents to manufacturing agility, with product modularity preceding process modularity. Results from the best‐fitting model show that product modularity directly and positively affects process modularity, manufacturing agility, and firm growth performance. Process modularity was unrelated to manufacturing agility, and neither process modularity nor manufacturing agility predicted growth performance. Consistent with GMST, the study provides empirical evidence of the power of one element of a modular system to orchestrate a fit between a firm's product and manufacturing strategies and to directly drive system performance. Thus, modularity in product design is revealed as the key to understanding GMST effects concerning how changes in one system generate changes in other systems.  相似文献   

模块化组织价值创新:原理、机制及理论挑战   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
本文借鉴瀑布效应原理,通过对需求导向下协调生产规则的演变、生产控制权追逐下旗舰企业地位的形成.以及迂回生产链加长条件下报酬递增等模块化组织价值创新机制的研究.指出企业与市场握手地带是一种专业化分工与一体化分工并存、报酬递减与报酬递增并存和外生不确定性化解与内生不确定性提高并存的双重世界。这将使企业与市场握手地带的传统企业理论因双重性而受到挑战。  相似文献   

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