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全球生产网络中战略隔绝机制的存在,使得依托跨国公司战略空间集聚效应所形成的产业集群具有内在的封闭性,由此导致当地集群的“升级悖论”:集群内企业沿某一特定产品—技术路径升级越快,当地根植性与当地产业关联被弱化的可能性也就越大。本文进一步以大陆台商笔记本电脑产业集群为例,对战略隔绝机制所产生的特定影响及其现实意义作了说明。  相似文献   

"以市场需求为导向,发挥各地资源和产业基础优势,充分利用当地原料资源、市场空间,与产业转移相结合,以及产业链配套和产业集聚作用,积极培育化纤特色产业集群,与纺织工业园区和产业集群等协调发展,实现资源优化配置,优化化纤工业的区域布局。努力提高产业集群的污染集中治理和资源循环利用能力,加快建设相关公共服务体系、产品专业市场,提高专业配套服务能力。"——《化纤工业"十二五"发展规划》  相似文献   

本文从对我国地方产业集群的四种基本形态--蜂窝型、专业市场领导型、主企业领导型和混合型一定抽象意义上的划分和特征分析入手,推演基于不同组织架构和分工协作体系视角下,现阶段我国地方产业集群升级的技术创新能力提升途径与产业升级可行路径.以中国戴南不锈钢制品产业集群为例,从实证角度剖析了主核心企业领导型企业网络对地方产业集群升级的有效推动作用和重要性.指出,地方产业集群的转化和升级是组织架构、外向关联度、社会资本和企业家创新精神的协同转化进程.  相似文献   

依照惯例,我们又一次在来年伊始,在回顾过去一年的同时,描绘出新一年的愿景。2014年对于产业集群和专业市场而言,就是一个浓墨重彩的转折之年。2014年,我们走访众多专业市场和产业集群。新常态下越来越多的集群、市场甚至企业让发展的脚步走得更稳。这样的境况,一方面例遇企业思变求生,另一方面加速行业洗牌。2014年,我们看到电商的迅猛发展在分食实体商业市场的同时,也打乱了商业地产经营者以往坐收佣金的  相似文献   

产业集群的品牌战略:打造地域品牌与企业品牌   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
产业集群需要实施品牌战略以提高竞争力、延长生命周期.集群品牌战略不仅包括打造地域品牌,也包括创立企业品牌并实现二者的良性互动.实施集群的品牌战略需要企业与政府合力打造地域品牌,并通过发展大型专业市场、产业集群升级、外资拉动等多方面来保持集群的活力.  相似文献   

专业市场是产业集群的市场主体.本文以重庆为例,结合其专业市场现状,提出建立、提升、整合专业市场的途径和措施,以促进产业集群的日臻完善.  相似文献   

商贸会展物流体系是产业集群的重要产业支援体系,本文剖析了产业集群专业市场、会展体系和物流体系存在的问题,并提出了建设产业集群的专业市场、会展体系和物流体系的思路和措施.本文对于推动产业集群升级和区域产业高级化具有非常重要的现实指导意义.  相似文献   

叶仁伟 《中国汽摩配》2007,(12):41-41,40
汽配产业集群是指在汽车后市场流通(产业)领域相互关联的企业及支撑体系,在一定区域内大量集聚发展,并形成具有持续竞争优势的经济群落。汽配产业集群以及汽车后市场流通业是现代服务的重要一脉属其范畴,许多地区与政府把促进汽配产业集群作为城市名片、品牌和经济支柱来定位。如:浙江温州地区的瑞安市、台州地区的玉环县等等,称之为中国“汽摩之都、汽配基地”。  相似文献   

全国很多地区的市场集群都有产业集群作为支撑,究其原因,市场集群化是产业集群发展和市场自身发展的共同结果。专业市场的发展并不是孤立的,关联度很强,集群内的市场  相似文献   

高新技术产业集群形成机理及集聚效应分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近年来集群化已成为高新技术产业发展的重要区位特征,对其形成机理及集聚效应的研究对高新技术产业集群的构建及发展有着重要的意义.本文首先分析了一般产业集群形成机理以及其产生的集聚效应,在对比一般产业集群的基础上对高新技术产业集群的形成机理和集聚效应进行比较分析,归纳总结其内在联系及区别,旨在为我国高新技术产业集群的发展提供理论依据.  相似文献   

The inter-market and intra-market orders of entry and their performance consequences are examined for an industrial product. First entrants consist typically of both multinational and local firms, while early followers are multinational firms, and later entrants are smaller, local firms. A strong order of entry-market share relationship is observed in international markets. First entrants and later entrants outsurvive early followers. The analysis reveals a strategy for achieving both first-entry into many markets and dominance within those markets. Simultaneous entry into multiple markets occurs infrequently and in mature stages of the product life-cycle.  相似文献   

The rapidly growing original equipment manufacturer (OEM)-based industrial clusters have been a prominent form of economic organization in several emerging Asian markets. Characterized by close interdependence and intertwined personal linkages, firms of Asian OEM-based industrial clusters participate in the phenomenon of strategic alliances. However, how these alliances can be effectively managed through formal governance mechanisms within embedded networks requires further investigation. This study uses social network analysis to identify personal, ownership, and technology networks in 141 semiconductor firms in an OEM-based industrial cluster in Taiwan that feature different types of OEM-led alliances and the prevalence of Guanxi. We find that relational embeddedness based on personal ties and structural embeddedness based on ownership ties support the employment of formal governance mechanisms. We also pay particular attention to the moderating role of network embeddedness in diminishing the relationship between transaction hazards and formal governance mechanisms. By identifying the embeddedness context in the governance of alliances, our research contributes to a better understanding of the ways in which formal governance mechanisms are contingent on the network embeddedness of OEM-based industrial clusters in Taiwan and other similar Asian economies.  相似文献   

企业集群风险的研究:一个基于网络的视角   总被引:122,自引:4,他引:122  
在经济全球化的今天,企业集群作为一种地方根植性(Embedded)网络组织却表现出很强的竞争力,并成为许多地区制定经济政策的战略工具。本文从企业集群内在网络关系的视角,深入剖析了企业集群发展中存在的风险问题,最后以企业集群生命周期为基点提出了促进企业集群持续发展的一些对策建议。  相似文献   

Information technology lowers the cost of distributing information to dispersed consumers. Because national firms reap larger benefits from new media than firms serving only local consumers, media innovations may reduce the market for local products. This paper considers the effect of television on the market for local beer. Using market‐level data on television penetration, local breweries and brewery production from 1945–1960, results show that increases in television penetration are associated with fewer local breweries and less local beer production. The results indicate that the industrial organization of media markets can affect the structure of markets for local products.  相似文献   

This article proposes a framework that industrial marketing managers can utilize to improve their understanding of and ability to select industrial products for export to attractive global markets. The framework is arrayed along two axes: export products and existing global markets. As a result of the suggested process, a 2×2 model emerges that provides guidance to marketing managers about actions that can be undertaken to maximize success with industrial products and services in the global marketplace.  相似文献   

本文以马库森提出的4种类型的产业集群为基础,对形成跨国公司地区总部集聚(简称为RHQ)需要的相应产业集群基础进行了研究.研究结果表明:不同类型的产业集群对跨国公司地区总部集聚具有不同的吸引力.其中卫星平台型产业集群形成RHQ集聚的可能性最大,是RHQ集聚的最佳产业集群基础;马歇尔产业集群形成RHQ的可能最小,是RHQ集聚的最弱产业集群基础;轮轴型产业集群和国家力量依赖型产业区的可能性位于前两种产业集群之间.基于此,地方政府在制定吸引RHQ优惠政策时应深入调查分析本地区的产业集群类型,据此采取不同策略、不同优惠政策吸引RHQ,争取在降低成本的同时最大程度地吸引RHQ,避免不必要的盲目性.  相似文献   

This study extends earlier empirical work to determine whether there is a breakpoint or critical level in the frequently observed relationship between firm market share and profit rate. The analysis focuses on the banking industry and uses a sample of 10,690 firms located in 2165 different local geographic markets. Though the results apply directly only to banking, the similarity of findings on various other industrial organization topics in banking and the industrial sector suggests that the results of this study will be broadly relevant to the industrial sector.The main findings of the study are that (1) in general, firm market share is directly related to profitability; (2) the firm market share variable remains positive and significant when controlling for market concentration either with concentration as a separate independent variable or by conducting tests with subsamples of firms that are in markets with similar concentration ratios; and (3) while there is no sharp breakpoint in the market share-profitability relationship, the results indicate that profit rates of firms increase at a decreasing rate up to a share of about 55 percent. Since numerous studies have found that economies of scale are not particularly important in banking, it appears that the observed relationship is not due to greater efficiency with larger shares.  相似文献   

全球价值链下地方产业集群升级模式研究   总被引:72,自引:0,他引:72  
地方产业集群沿着全球价值链往上升级,并不是一个自然而然的过程,而是在“不进则退”的激烈竞争中进行的。全球价值链片断化后.各个价值环节之间是有着严格的价值等级体系的。价值等级体系的形成一般有跳跃式和蔓延式两种空间布局模式。占据不同价值环节的地方产业集群,也由此在全球形成了严格的空间等级体系。在该等级体系中.既紧密合作又相互激烈竞争的各个层级的地方产业集群时刻演绎着升级和反升级的较量。既然各个地方产业集群之间攀登和反攀登都是在全球价值链中展开.那么就应该遵循链条本身所包含的各种竞争关系。不同的竞争和升级关系又会带来不同的经济影响。  相似文献   

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