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如果你习惯于利用网络进行理财,那么要小心了,因为你很可能比别人更接近陷阱。网络理财作为一种相对新型的理财方式,正在不断地为投资者所接受,它的便利和快捷帮人们省去了动辄就要跑营业厅的繁冗。动动手按几下鼠标就能搞定的事情,谁还愿意去跑腿?然而钓鱼网站正是盯上了这些人的钱。  相似文献   

网络效应是指用户消费某产品的效用随着消费该类产品的总人数的增加而增加.网络效应产品因其本身的特殊性,其顾客价值构成不同于传统意义上的产品,除了有主要由产品属性决定的产品效用外,还有由网络规模决定的网络效用.在网络规模的动态演化中,网络效应分别经历了零点、启动点、饱和点,网络效应产品的顾客价值也随着发生了很大的变化.产品效用与网络效用不是以简单加总的方式,而是以交互的方式决定了网络效应产品的顾客价值.  相似文献   

袁辉 《山东纺织经济》2012,(3):53+65-53,65
随着网络用语的流行,许多企业也开始在广告中使用网络语以使广告流传更广,更贴近年轻一代的消费者群体。本文主要探讨网络流行语一种可行的分类方式,并简要分析各种类型的网络流行语在广告中的运用效果。  相似文献   

关于数字图书馆存储建设的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从分析数字图书馆的存储需求出发,指出传统的存储方式所存在的问题,针对目前存储技术的现状,探讨了网络存储技术的特点,并对2种主流网络存储技术进行了比较,着重介绍了SAN结构下的数据安全,最后提出了网络存储在图书馆数字化建设上的应用实例。  相似文献   

知识经济背景下,外部知识网络成为企业提高创新力的重要渠道,产学研合作创新网络则是企业外部知识网络的重要组成部分.本文回顾了企业知识网络能力理论和相关文献,分析了其在产学研合作创新网络构建中的作用方式和提升途径,并用一个案例进行了说明.  相似文献   

本文在考察网络能力与创新绩效之间的逻辑关系基础上,引入内部网络效度和合作治理方式作为调节变量,检验了企业内外部网络因素对创新绩效的影响,研究结果发现:企业网络能力和内部网络效度均对创新绩效产生显著正向影响;内部网络效度对网络能力与创新绩效的关系发挥着正向的调节效应;尽管合作治理方式对创新绩效具有正面影响,但它对网络能力与创新绩效的关系不具有调节效应;此外,企业规模对外部网络能力和内部网络效度的影响差异显著。  相似文献   

我的时间一般做这样的安排:上午写作半天,下午到清江钓鱼一至二个小时作为调节。若是写作时间太长,身体累了,钓鱼时间则相应延长到四至五个小时。钓鱼用两种竿子,一种为海竿,一种为手竿。我备了海竿四根,手根二根。钓鱼的地点一般选择在湖口湾、  相似文献   

《咬文嚼字》公布2009年十大流行语,分别为不差钱、躲猫猫、低碳、被就业、裸、纠结、钓鱼、秒杀、蜗居、蚁族。不差钱,一句东北方言,经由2009年春晚小品,产生了轰动效应,后在全国流行开来。躲猫猫,本是一种儿童游戏,即捉迷藏,但2009年2月,因云南省  相似文献   

产业网络组织及其分类研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
产业网络是一种新型的组织协调方式,是产业组织理论的创新。本文在网络理论分析的基础上,从主体、行为、资源三个网络要素出发,构建了产业网络的组织分析框架。在此基础上.本文选取“嵌入式”、“浮游式”、“主导式”、“群居式”、“竞争式”、“合作式”、“紧密式”和“开放式”八个标准对产业网络进行分类。同时.本文还研究和探讨了产业网络分类体系的动态性问题.提出了“游离态”和“稳定态”的概念.并进一步分析了产业网络分类体系的动态转化路径。  相似文献   

如今的网络威胁更加高级、更具持续怯更加隐匿,消费者、信息所有者、企业机构等该如何应对? 如今数据交易的黑色产业链日臻成熟。发掘漏洞、根据漏洞开发针对性的入侵工具、销售入侵工具、刷库洗库、围绕数据库展开的钓鱼诈骗等等环节,都在巨大利益的驱使下'得到了越来越明确和完善的分工。现在的恶意软件、网络欺诈和更多的身份盗窃,比以往任何时候都多,而且现今的威胁是持久陛、动态和智能的,因此从普通消费者到企业的每一个人都处在更大的风险之中。  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2017,41(10):1003-1016
Since the commercialization of the Internet, content and related applications, including video streaming, news, advertisements, and social interaction have moved online. It is broadly recognized that the rise of all of these different types of content (static and dynamic, and increasingly multimedia) has been one of the main forces behind the phenomenal growth of the Internet, and its emergence as essential infrastructure for how individuals across the globe gain access to the content sources they want. To accelerate the delivery of diverse content in the Internet and to provide commercial-grade performance for video delivery and the Web, Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) were introduced. This paper describes the current CDN ecosystem and the forces that have driven its evolution. We outline the different CDN architectures and consider their relative strengths and weaknesses. Our analysis highlights the role of location, the growing complexity of the CDN ecosystem, and their relationship to and implications for interconnection markets.  相似文献   

Within this paper, a conceptualised triadic schema is hypothesised for locating emotion within a creative, learning and product orientated Design and Technology experience. The research is based upon an extensive literature review that has been synthesised and juxtaposed with the broad aspirational aims of the subject. The schema, based upon abductive reasoning and grounded theory, ultimately conceptualises the overarching theme of emotion within a creative, learning and product orientated Design and Technology experience within the Primary and Secondary stages of England’s education system. The triadic schema offers an additional opportunity in meta-theorising how the broad aspirational aims of the subject, as outlined in the English national curriculum statement of importance for Design and Technology, can be achieved through recognising the powerful overarching concept of emotion within three emerging domains: Person, Process and Product. The central tenet of this paper is the recognition of emotion within a triadic schema for meta-theorising the place of emotion within a creative, learning and product orientated Design and Technology experience. David Spendlove was previously a senior teacher in secondary education before moving into Higher Education and is now the subject leader for Design and Technology at the University of Manchester. He co-edits both Design and Technology Education: An international Journal and the DATA international research conference proceedings. He is a director of the Design and Technology Association and his research interests are broadly based around learning, pedagogy, creativity, emotion and gender.  相似文献   

Childhood obesity and unhealthy nutrition are high on the European policy agenda because of their association with chronic diseases and due to the related social and economic burden. In 2014, the EU Action Plan on Childhood Obesity 2014–2020 was launched with an overarching goal to halt the rise of overweight and obesity in children by the year 2020. To facilitate the implementation of the Action Plan, the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety of the European Commission provided support to bring together 25 Member States plus Norway for a Joint Action on Nutrition and Physical Activity (JANPA). The current paper is based on the results of JANPA and presents the explored policy options to improve children's nutrition by targeting the food environment in and around kindergartens and schools. We conclude that for effective actions countries need to combine various mutually reinforcing policies in parallel, including the provision of healthy foods, lowering the availability of unhealthy foods, restricting marketing, and promoting education. Success will depend on the coherence of messages and on the engagement of a wide range of stakeholders and sectors. Evaluation should be carefully designed, using indicators of progress towards the goal of improving diet and reducing obesity in children.  相似文献   

Firms' Growth,Size and Age: A Nonparametric Approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper offers empirical evidence of firm failurerates as well as the mean of the distribution ofrealized growth rates, distinguishing between thesample of non-failing firms and the sample of allfirms, failing and non-failing. Attention is directedat identifying a set of characteristics, in particularthe size and age of firms, systematically related tothe patterns of firm growth and exit, using a panel ofSpanish manufacturing firms. The two maincontributions of the paper are the use ofnonparametric techniques and the analysis of issuesignored in other studies like theregression-to-the-mean bias and the measurement oflearning effects. We find evidence that failure ratesand the mean growth rate of successful firms declinewith size and age. When failing firms are integrated,there are no significant differences in the meangrowth rate across the age and size of firms.Regression-to-the-mean does not prove to be asubstantial factor behind the negative relationshipbetween size and growth of surviving firms.  相似文献   

随着国家和社会越来越重视环境保护,环境影响评价工作的要求越来越高,工作内容越来越复杂,咨询收费也发生较大变化,在建设项目可研和初步设计阶段科学合理的计算环境影响评价费及验收费是合理确定投资的一项重要工作。文章首先对目前环境影响评价及验收费现状进行分析总结,为开展环境影响评价及验收费计算优化提供基础,然后依据国家现行的法律、法规和规范,对环境影响评价及验收工作的内容进行系统性的归纳和分类,在调研基础上,对环境影响评价及验收费的实际情况进行分析研究,对各项费用的支出进行系统性分析,提出比选方案,最后结合使用要求,推荐了适应新形势要求的建设项目的环境影响咨询的收费计算方法和费用标准建议,为完善可研和初步设计阶段环境影响评价及验收费计算提供依据。  相似文献   

In Albania, many children exhibit poor nutritional status, have unhealthy diets and inadequate physical activity. Yet, comprehensive studies on the nutritional status, food and nutrition knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) are largely non-existent for Albanian school-age children.To fill these important gaps, a nationwide survey was conducted in Albania in 2017–2018 to assess the nutritional status and the nutrition-related KAP of Albanian school-aged children.The study consisted of a nationally representative sample of 7578 Albanian schoolchildren from all regions of the country. In addition, 6810 parent questionnaires were collected, along with interviews with the directors of all involved schools, 311 teachers and 53 key informants representing local authorities in all districts of Albania. Data collection consisted of anthropometric measurements of children and structured questionnaires administered to children, their parents, teachers, school directors, and key informants.The survey is unique in both the scope of the respondents involved, and in the breadth of content area covered, and as such, makes an important contribution not only to Albania, but also to the field of research in food, health and nutrition for school-age children.This paper presents the preliminary findings from the KAP survey that will help influence policies for actionable advancement on the commitments and priorities of Albania to improve food security and nutrition. In particular, the study findings will support the development of a national school food and nutrition programme in Albania embedded into the local food system and the design of food and nutrition educational materials and campaigns to promote healthy diets and practices among both school-age children and the Albanian population.  相似文献   

网络防火墙技术浅析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
介绍了企业网络的安全屏障——防火墙的概念、作用、体系结构。互联网的资源共享与开放模式容易使网络受到黑客攻击,对于防范黑客入侵采取的主要措施是安装网络防火墙。防火墙的作用是防止不希望的、未授权的通信进出被保护的网络。任何关键性的服务器,都应放在防火墙之后。防火墙内外的计算机通信是通过代理服务器来中转实现的。本文给定了代理服务器、屏蔽路由器、双穴主机网关、被屏蔽主机网关、被屏蔽子网在防火墙内的具体实现,并对现代防火墙技术的局限性做了揭示。  相似文献   

本文以东北三省34个地级城市为研究对象,构建其工业化-信息化-城镇化-农业现代化-绿色化的“五化”评价指标体系,结合熵值赋权与耦合协调度模型测度“五化”发展水平并划分其协调阶段类型,借助空间插值分析模拟其高低值格局,研究表明:(1)工业化、信息化、城镇化的发展排序为:辽宁>吉林>黑龙江,农业现代化与绿色化优势排序为:黑龙江>吉林>辽宁;三省农业现代化与绿色化发展超前于城镇化,工业化与信息化滞后显著;(2)“五化”综合空间分布呈现以“哈尔滨-长春”向外扩散的不规则圈层区域,以沈阳和大连为核心的高值区波及范围狭窄,黑龙江东部、辽源-通化、朝阳-阜新、本溪-丹东所在的吉林南端、辽东与辽西为低值地带;“五化”各自格局均呈现不均衡态势,工业化、信息化、城镇化、绿色化“四化”格局类似,农业现代化呈现由北向南递减的阶梯式格局;(3)沈阳、哈尔滨、长春、大连高级别的“五化”增长型城市与鹤岗、双鸭山、白山、辽源、七台河、本溪低水平“五化”衰退型城市差距较大,沈阳工业化、城镇化与绿色化、哈尔滨的信息化、齐齐哈尔的农业现代化位居首位;多数城市农业现代化超前于其它四化发展;(4)三省“五化”处于轻度失调衰退类型,“五化”协调发展排序为:辽宁>吉林>黑龙江,沈阳、长春、大连与哈尔滨为初级协调发展,吉林与大庆为濒临失调衰退,轻度失调衰退的城市比重最大。  相似文献   

This paper outlines a selection of technological and organisational developments in the information and communication technology (ICT) sector and analyses their likely challenges for workers and trade unions around the globe. It addresses the convergence of telecommunications and information technology, the related developments of ubiquitous computing, ‘clouds’ and ‘big data’, and the possibilities of crowdsourcing and relates these technologies to the last decades' patterns of value chain restructuring. The paper is based on desk research of European and international sources, on sector analyses and technology forecasts by, for instance, the European Union and Organisation for Economic Co‐operation and Development, and some national actors. These prognoses are analysed through the lens of recent research into ICT working environments and ICT value chains, identifying upcoming and ongoing challenges for both workers and unions, and outlining possible research perspectives.  相似文献   

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