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平庄局学习宣传《煤炭法》把握重点注重实效赵晓东,杨林海《煤炭法》出台之后,平庄局组织成立了学习宣传贯彻《煤炭法》领导小组,局党委专门下发了文件,召开了学习宣传《煤炭法》动员大会,印发了10000本《煤炭法》,作为基层职工学习的资料。把这项工作同"大学...  相似文献   

《违规挂靠,福兮?祸兮?》,在了解《企业变相挂靠行为的弊端》和《资质挂靠行为的法律责任》之后,我们《剑指资质管理的误区》并《铸盾防患于未然》。在《转动企业资质管理的魔方》之时,我们看清了《企业资质管理谁唱主角》。《以全新的财富观经营挂靠》是否是《资质管理的新思路》?  相似文献   

《CA》传佳音 根据美国《化学文摘》服务社编辑执行官Judith Watson给河北科技大学学报编辑部的回函:1999年度《河北科技大学学报》所发表论文中有35篇被《化学文摘》收录;《河北工业科技》所发表论文中有23篇被《化学文摘》收录;2000年度,《河北科技大学学报》有22篇被收录,《河北工业科技》有17篇被收录。 北京来喜讯 根据中国科学院《中国无线电电子学文摘》有关负责人给河北科技大学学报编辑部的来信,日前,《河北科技大学学报》已通过了其收录的认证,从2001年《河北科技大学学报》第1期开始,《河北科技大学学报》将作为《中国无线电电子学文摘》的固定刊源被收录;同时,《河北科技大学学报》还一并被纳为了《中国科学院电子类数据库》刊源。 中国科学院《中国无线电电子学文摘》和《中国科学院电子类数据库》对《河北科技大学学报》的收录,将会进一步扩大该刊的社会影响,有利于提高该刊的学术地位,有助于河北科技大学、《河北科技大学学报》在学术思想、科学研究、科技成果、科技创新等诸方面的对外交流。 河北科技大学学报编辑部  相似文献   

《国家工商局56号令》制定于1996年8月。该令实施6年来,对规范驰名商标保护工作,加大驰名商标保护力度,促进市场经济的发展起到了积极作用。但随着国家将其保护驰名商标的实体内容升华为《商标法》和《商标法实施条例》的一部分,《国家工商局56号令》完成了自己“暂行”的历史使命。2003年4月17日,国家工商行政管理总局公布了《驰名商标认定和保护规定》(简称《国家工商总局5号令》),  相似文献   

要问今年暑期什么最火爆,当属“动漫”。先是有《变形金刚2》席卷全球,不断刷新票房记录;随后是《哈里波特》卷土重来,引起哈迷们一片尖叫;港产经典动漫《麦兜3》为国产动漫剧集着实争了一口气:随后又是《快乐奔跑》的重装上映,加上《冰河世纪3》、姚明倾情配音的《马兰花》、《多啦A梦大雄与绿巨人》、《飞屋环游记》等几部国内外动画电影的的上映,这个暑期,动漫电影就如同展开了一场热闹的接力赛。  相似文献   

日前《解放军报》报道称,中央军委印发了《军队党员领导干部廉洁从政若干规定》,和《中国共产党党员领导干部廉洁从政若干准则》相比,《规定》针对军队实际,制定了一些条款。比如,擅自处置军队资产,故意不评估、低估、  相似文献   

在我国知识产权法制建设进程中,《商标法》具有里程碑意义。2013年8月30日,十二届全国人大常委会第四次会议审议通过了《关于修改(中华人民共和国商标法)的决定》,2014年5月1日新《商标法》正式施行。此次《商标法》的修改为历次修法中规模最大的一次,共对原《商标法》53处进行了修改:《商标法》全文也从原有的64条增加到73条。  相似文献   

1、国家工商总局发布《关于贯彻落实〈国家知识产权战略纲要〉、大力推进商标战略实施的意见》 2009年6月4日,国家工商总局发布上述《实施意见》,不仅明确了工商行政管理机关贯彻落实《纲要》的各项具体目标和任务,使工商行政管理系统贯彻落实《纲要》有了清晰的指南,而且标志着工商行政管理机关贯彻落实《纲要》工作进入了新的阶段。  相似文献   

海拉尔热电厂举办《电力法》学习班3月5日至7日,海拉尔热电厂基层党校举办了为期三天的《电力法》学习班,有110名党员和积极分子参加。由厂长李建刚讲授有关《电力法》知识,对《电力法》原文逐条进行了学习。最后,对参学人员进行了考试,成绩全部及格。为了把《...  相似文献   

《电力监管条例》(以下简称《条例》)已于2005年5月1日起施行,标志着我国电力市场化改革取得又一个实质性进展。《条例》的颁发实施既是国家推行依法行政在电力行业的具体体现,也是我国电力法制建设的一个突破。《条例》不仅为新的电力管理体制有序运作提供了法规依据,也为现行《电力法》及其《电力调度条例》和《电力供应与使用条例》等配套法规尽快修订到位排除了障碍,铺平了道路。  相似文献   

In this paper we study the impact of the regulations on Maximum Residue Levels (MRLs) of pesticides on the trade of apples and pears and related processed products with the aim of understanding how their similarity (or dissimilarity) affect trade. Most studies investigate the impact of sanitary regulations introducing directly in the analysis the MRL put in force in the importing country. They introduce in the analysis the level of the regulation in the importing country without taking into account the rule in force in the exporting country. Rather than focusing on a particular pesticide we take into account the entire list of substances set out by the various regulations. We then build a similarity index and introduce it into a gravity equation to assess the impact of the differences in MRL of pesticides on trade. Results suggest that the differences between regulations matter and may, in some case, hinder trade.  相似文献   

Irrigation,agricultural performance and poverty reduction in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The overall goal of our paper is to understand the impact that irrigation in China has had on grain production and incomes, in general, and income and poverty alleviation in poor areas, in particular. The paper seeks to meet three objectives. First, we describe the relationship among irrigation status, yields and household crop revenue. Second, we seek to understand the magnitude and nature of the effect that irrigation has on yields and crop revenue. Finally, we seek to understand the impact that irrigation has on incomes in poor areas. Our analysis shows that irrigation contributes to increases in yields for almost all crops and in income for farmers in all areas. The importance of crop income in poor areas and the strong relationship between crop revenue and irrigation provides evidence of the importance of irrigation in past and future poverty alleviation in China. We also show that in the majority of the villages that invested in new irrigation, returns are positive even after accounting for increases in capital and production costs.  相似文献   

The paper examines the role and function of public–private interplay in the development of municipal initiatives in the broadband sector. The analysis of initiatives in the Netherlands and Italy shows how the interaction between public and private stakeholders can facilitate local broadband initiatives. This interaction has been vital in aligning the interests of different private and (semi-)public parties, in designing the network and in aggregating sufficient demand for broadband services. The comparative analysis examines the steps involved in these initiatives and the strengths and weaknesses of joint public–private activities. The paper shows that the challenge for cooperating stakeholders has been to foster further investment in the upgrading of the network and in the provision of advanced broadband services.  相似文献   

This paper examines the development of the role of government support in the financial situation of organic farms in selected Western and Eastern European countries, contrasting dependency on direct payments with that of conventional farms and assessing the impact of foreseeable changes in the political and economic environment. The results show that direct payments play an important role in the financial viability of organic farms in both Western and Eastern European countries. The level of specific support for organic farming is put into perspective, as other support payments and market returns contribute larger shares to total farm revenue in all the countries analysed. Modelling analyses show that support payments will continue to play an important role in the profitability of organic farms in Western Europe after implementation of the 2003 reform of Common Agricultural Policy in the EU. For organic farmers in Eastern European countries, the importance of support payments increases strongly with EU accession, as first pillar payments are introduced and environmental payments are expanded significantly.  相似文献   

国内外丁基橡胶生产现状和市场前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,全球丁基橡胶的总生产能力约为892kt/a,2003年总消费量约为747kt/a。预计到2006年总消费量将超过800kt/a。目前我国丁基橡胶的总生产能力为30kt/a,2003年产量为27kt/a,消费量约为100kt/a,产不足需,每年都得大量进口。预计到2005年丁基橡胶的消费量将达到140kt/a,2010年消费量将达到210kt/a。针对目前我国丁基橡胶生产状况及存在的问题,提出了生产发展的建议。  相似文献   

At a time when choices for voice service and funding for universal service were growing, the United States experienced an unprecedented drop in household telephone penetration. Universal service in voice telephony is generally taken for granted in the United States. However, recent data from the FCC shows a significant decline in the number of U.S. households that have a telephone of any kind (including mobile), from a peak in telephone penetration of 95.5% in March 2003 down to 92.9% in November 2005. This decline is both statistically significant and meaningful, as approximately 2.6% of U.S. households could not easily reach 911 for emergencies. This study uses regression analysis of state-level data to determine what drove this decline in universal service. The results demonstrate that the recent decline in universal service in the U.S. is driven by an increase in black population, inadequate consumer protection laws, and increases in wireless telephones per capita. Lifeline effectiveness does not appear to mitigate the decline in penetration, while Link-Up effectiveness may have a limited effect.  相似文献   

Women’s empowerment is considered a ‘prerequisite’ to achieving global food security. Gender systems, however, are diverse and complex. The nature and extent of gender inequity and the conditions necessary to empower women vary across countries, communities and regions. The study of different gender systems is thus fundamental to capture cross-cultural variations in gender specific needs and constraints to effectively address gender gaps. Although the status of women in agriculture has received extensive attention in the literature in recent decades, a research gap persists regarding the state of gender inequity in Southeast Asian agriculture. The current paper contributes to the geographical scope of the literature by presenting empirical evidence of gender inequity from four Southeast Asian countries: Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines. Using the framework recommended by the Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index (WEAI), 37 focus group discussions were conducted with 290 women farmers in the above mentioned countries. The results reveal trends that contradict the conventional narratives of gender inequity in agriculture in certain domains of empowerment. In all four countries, women appear to have equal access to productive resources such as land and inputs, and greater control over household income than men. Important intra-regional heterogeneity is observed in terms of community-level empowerment. While women play an active role in agricultural groups in Thailand and in the Philippines, this is predominantly men’s territory in Indonesia and Myanmar. These findings imply that country-specific gender intervention frameworks are necessary to overcome gender gaps in agriculture.  相似文献   

本研究通过考察1981~2013年我国货物贸易进出口的状况和人民币币值的变动情况,利用协整和误差修正模型对我国货物贸易的进、出口依存度与人民币实际有效汇率之间的关系进行了实证分析,结果发现我国货物贸易的进口依存度对出口依存度存在长期的正向影响的效应,对人民币实际有效汇率则存在长期的负向影响的效应,而人民币实际有效汇率只对我国货物贸易的出口依存度存在影响的效应,且这种效应为短期的正向效应。  相似文献   

Various empirical studies have evidenced that interaction is a critical process in the development of buyer–seller relationships in business-to-business markets. Research examining the different aspects of interaction processes and the consequences of interaction in business relationships for the development of the businesses involved has tended to black-box the interaction process. Limited attention has been given to how interaction behaviors of individuals arise and the interplay between cognition and behaviors in interaction. At the same time, recent research offers some insights into the use and role of heuristics in contexts analogous to those individual actors face when they interact in business relationships. In this paper we review current research on interaction processes in business relationships as well as on heuristics in the management context and argue that focusing on heuristics used in interaction in business relationships offers valuable insights on how interaction behaviors emerge. In particular, we discuss the notion of heuristics as an “adaptive toolbox,” and how it relates to adaptations in business relationships. We also discuss implications for management and outline a future research agenda.  相似文献   

Investigating the Cross-Category Effects of Store Brands   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Our study examines the cross-category effects of store brand productsin other categories on the products in a target category. Using scannerdata for 13 product categories, we find that higher number of storebrands in other categories increases the store brand share in the targetcategory. In addition, share of the leading national brand in the targetcategory is negatively affected by the number of store brands in othercategories. Our results do not offer evidence for the effects of storebrand promotions in other categories on both the store brand and thenational brands in the target category.  相似文献   

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