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本文从行为的视角探讨内部市场定价问题。根据内部市场主体之间的合作、竞争行为提出并界定了内部市场结构的概念,将内部市场划分为简单型、合作主导型、竞争主导型、复合型四种结构类型;通过分析企业战略、内部定价对内部市场主体之间合作、竞争行为的影响,得出了企业战略决定内部市场结构应然、内部定价调节内部市场结构实然的结论:以内部市场结构的实然与应然相一致为原则.构建了企业内部市场定价的理论模型,阐述了在各种内部市场结构应然要求下的内部定价方法、决策权安排、绩效考核标准和激励机制等。  相似文献   

当前,在我国经济高速发展的时期,创业活动已成为经济增长的内生动力。然而,创业型企业,尤其是新创企业,在当前竞争激烈的市场经济环境下,很难在市场上长久的生存下去。究其原因,创业型企业在融资、产销、市场等方面都存在着一些问题,同时,创业型企业自身的特点决定着其内部治理结构也存在着较强的特殊性。文章通过对上海的11家创业型企业的调查研究。从企业的控制权、股权安排、员工激励、管理制度以及企业文化等五个方面对创业型企业的内部治理结构进行分析研究,总结出创业型企业内部治理结构的特点,为我国的创业活动提供一定的指导和支持。  相似文献   

会计信息质量、内部控制之浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章阐述了内部控制与会计信息质量的关系,认为企业的组织结构与内部控制密切相关,强调领导集体在内部控制建设中的核心作用,指出建立企业的内部会计控制,一要根据规范要求;二要明确财务会计控制的中心地位;三要完善会计信息系统;四要充分发挥内部审计的特殊作用;五要建立全员参与理念。  相似文献   

企业商业模式的创新联动结构与创新机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
商业模式系统是一个典型的复杂适应系统,由内部逻辑结构与外在实体结构交互作用形成其联动模式。在企业商业模式复杂系统结构的基础上对商业模式创新的动力机制、运行机制以及保障机制进行了研究,指出商业模式创新的动力来自于企业的内在需求以及外部刺激的综合作用;基于回声模型阐述了商业模式创新的运行机理;为保障商业模式创新的顺利 实现。  相似文献   

房地产业作为国民经济支柱产业, 对其市场集中度的精确分析有助于优化市场结构、促进国民经济发展。由于房地产商品的不可移动性, 房地产市场具有明显的区域性特征, 其市场集中度的测度也应从全国市场和区域市场两个角度来考察。从全国市场角度看, 中国房地产业市场集中度偏低, 属于典型的竞争型市场结构; 从区域市场角度看, 不同区域市场集中度表现各异, 大型重点城市的市场集中度略高于全国水平, 但也仅是刚刚达到寡占Ⅴ型的市场结构, 市场结构仍需优化。从经济学的角度来看, 中国房地产业市场集中度偏低会在企业规模经济、保障服务、泡沫风险等方面产生不利影响。为解决这一问题, 可从行业内部整合、提升市场准入门槛、完善土地制度、加强品牌建设等方面着手, 推动房地产市场适度集中, 实现市场结构的优化。  相似文献   

计划经济体制下企业组织管理模式是一种金字塔状、集权式的直线功能结构 ,形成了生产型、执行型和封闭型的生产区域管理体系 ,这已不适应市场经济体制灵活多变的要求 ,必须随市场的变化而进行有针对性的、有预见性的科学管理 ,从而建立全新的企业经营理念、经营战略、营销策略、决策方式、组织结构和管理模式。一、科学合理的管理模式是企业发展的基础1 从现场管理向市场管理转变。计划经济条件下 ,企业的一线在现场 ,管理的着眼点在企业内部生产 ;市场经济条件下 ,企业的一线在市场 ,管理的着眼点在市场。市场是企业生产经营活动的枢纽和导…  相似文献   

市场、企业和社会的运动及相互作用,是一个社会经济系统结构与运行的主要内容.从比较制度分析的视角重点研究市场域、企业域和社会域内人们进行市场交换活动的"异质共生"的互补性,通过对交换活动在不同域内的表现形式的剖析.探讨了市场、企业和社会的运行机理和相互关系.并在此基础上,分析了苏南模式形成的机理,指出了其未来的创新发展趋势是由封建型与信赖型混合交换体系向契约型交换转变.  相似文献   

国内企业技术创新扩散的模式分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文着眼于国内企业技术扩散的途径分析,综述了四种技术扩散模式。本文是在前人研究基础上的一次综合,指出不同的技术扩散模式在哪种类型企业最具适宜性和普遍性:高新企业以政府的政策为导向来扩散新技术;企业集团率先将新技术在内部成员企业里推广使用;资金、人才等的瓶颈使小企业适宜于到技术市场上获得新技术;最后,一项新技术的迅速推广,有待于多种途径的并行传播。  相似文献   

证券市场与企业融资结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文综述了在不同的经济体制和不同的金融市场发展阶段下,我国企业主要融资方式的发展和变迁;同时对传统和现代融资结构理论进行了阐述性的研究;最后在分析证券市场的非均衡性的基础上,指出我国应该确立以证券主导融资模式为主的新型企业融资模式,并大力发展企业债券市场。  相似文献   

信息时代,现代企业的外部环境发生了很大的变化,企业内部市场化管理的兴起要求在理论上予以说明。通过考察现代企业理论关于企业与市场关系的各种观点,我们从交易费用入手建立了一个能够包容替代、互补、互嵌关系的新古典分析框架,从而说明企业内部市场化管理的界限,指出只要企业与市场的某种结合形式能够表现出更高的相对效率时,企业内部市场化的管理方式就会被采用。  相似文献   

Historically, researchers have addressed pricing issues from many different perspectives, including the firm's business model (cost structure, experience curve), stakeholders (customers and channel partners), competition (market structure and intensity), and macroeconomic issues (interest rates, economic growth). An important dimension of organizational price setting that has been neglected is the impact that the firm's internal political system, reflected in interdepartmental coordination and rivalry, has upon price setting. A study of managers who are influential in shaping the firm's pricing strategy was conducted to identify intraorganizational issues and their relative impact on the firm's pricing strategy. The results of the study provide important implications for the development and execution of a firm's pricing strategy.  相似文献   

傅小荣  闵兵 《国际石油经济》2012,20(4):34-40,126
通过整理7家典型的国际型能源工程公司的国际化发展大事记,分析这些公司国际化发展的路径,研究能源工程企业国际化发展在市场选择、产品/服务提供、国际化方式、商业模式、组织结构、资源配置等方面的演变过程,归纳出能源工程企业国际化发展的一般规律.以海外机构的组织设计形式为主要依据,将能源工程企业的国际化分为萌芽阶段、初始阶段、成长阶段、成熟阶段四个阶段,从组织设计、国际化方式、市场选择、商业模式、产品/服务提供、资源配置六个维度,总结能源工程公司在各阶段的主要特征.目前我国能源工程企业基本上处在国际化发展的萌芽或初始阶段,在实施国际化发展战略时,应该选择能源工程企业国际化早期的发展模式;宜采取海外项目承揽和国际合作的方式,要重点考虑分包和联合投标的商业模式;应将海外目标市场定位于容易进入的机会市场,重点是关系友好国家市场.  相似文献   

企业集团规制政策:德隆危机的反思   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在反思德隆危机的基础上,探讨了企业集团的特性、不当市场行为及其根源。认为企业集团具有“企业”与“市场”双重属性,这一本质属性决定了在企业集团内部企业间边界模糊。企业间边界模糊容易滋生转移定价、逃废债务、操纵股市等不当市场行为。而企业间边界模糊与市场势力相结合更容易导致企业集团产生垄断行为。企业集团规制政策需要从企业集团的特性及不当行为产生的根源入手。  相似文献   

Recent research efforts in economic sociology have attended to the performativity of economic sciences, that is, to the import of various economic theories on economic reality. Hitherto, these efforts have been limited to idiosyncratic market situations such as financial and auction markets. Moreover, the efforts have largely focused on the performativity of economics and financial economics (narrowly defined). This paper argues for the need to broaden the discussion on performativity to take into account multiple theoretical influences and for the importance of studying performativity in more mundane markets. The paper contributes to this endeavor by developing a practice-based framework that deals with the multiple theoretical influences that can be expected to take part in the shaping of markets.  相似文献   

近年来,大量研究证实了市场导向与企业绩效之间的显著正向关系。制药企业经营环境的变化也要求制药企业必须采用市场导向的经营理念:本文指出对于制药企业而言市场导向对内集中体现为研发与营销的整合。本文从现状、结构及产出三个方面,分析了制药企业药品开发项目中研发与营销整合措施的运用,并进一步探讨目前制药企业研发与营销整合所面临的困难与挑战。  相似文献   

In the wake of the advent of the World Wide Web, businesses are scrambling to take advantage of changes in their markets. While the consumer side of the Web explosion has been much touted, it is the business-to-business (B2B) market that has quietly surpassed expectations. An important business model that is responsible for this new market expansion is the Internet or Web auction. Businesses are adapting traditional auctions to the instantaneous “real-time” advantage of the Net to reach new markets that were previously cost-prohibitive by reducing transaction costs. Advantages such as the size and scope of the audience are giving Internet auctions a major role in the emerging global economy. This article examines the enormous impact of Internet auctions on B2B markets. We look at the kinds of auctions being conducted and their relevance to emerging business paradigms. We examine the circumstances under which you choose to conduct Web auctions and their impact on pricing mechanisms, information asymmetries, and channel relationships.  相似文献   

This introductory article on market innovation processes seeks to conceptualize market innovations and elaborate on the processes through which such innovations are achieved. Recent attention to the active production of markets suggests markets are ongoing processes rather than stable entities. This implies a broader definition of market innovation than the opening up of new markets, including changing existing market structure, introducing new market devices, altering market behavior, and reconstituting market agents. In general, market innovation means altering the way in which business is done. Conceiving of markets as on-going processes further suggests that stabilizing efforts (preventing and/or directing market change) are central to market innovation. Such stabilizing efforts include establishing and maintaining a bounded network of buyers, sellers, goods, etc. and configuring this network so as to channel interactions between entities. Drawing on the individual contributions to the special issue we identify and exemplify four interrelated ways of stabilizing markets: institutionalizing norms and rules; building devices and technical infrastructures; generating and disseminating images, models, and representations; and enacting practices, routines and habits. We conclude by bringing attention to the central challenge of balancing efforts to stabilize and change markets.  相似文献   

This paper brings together the recent literature on industry platforms and shows how it relates to managing innovation within and outside the firm as well as to dealing with technological and market disruptions and change over time. First, we identify distinct types of platforms. Our analysis of a wide range of industry examples suggests that there are two predominant types of platforms: internal or company‐specific platforms, and external or industry‐wide platforms. We define internal (company or product) platforms as a set of assets organized in a common structure from which a company can efficiently develop and produce a stream of derivative products. We define external (industry) platforms as products, services, or technologies that act as a foundation upon which external innovators, organized as an innovative business ecosystem, can develop their own complementary products, technologies, or services. Second, we summarize from the literature general propositions on the design, economics, and strategic management of platforms. Third, we review the case of Intel and other examples to illustrate the range of technological, strategic, and business challenges that platform leaders and their competitors face as markets and technologies evolve. Finally, we identify practices associated with effective platform leadership and avenues for future research to deepen our understanding of this important phenomenon and what firms can do to manage platform‐related competition and innovation.  相似文献   

Conventional wisdom suggests that market structure is a determinant of marketing strategy; however, in the case of market pioneers, no market structure exists prior to product introduction. William Redmond examines strategy influences on market structure by assessing the effects of pioneer firms' initial price strategies (penetration pricing versus skim pricing) on the development of subsequent market concentration during the growth stage of the product life cycle. The article describes the analysis of longitudinal data, leading to the detection of significant differences in the evolution of concentration resulting from the different price strategies. Markets pioneered by skim pricers tended to have lower levels of concentration during the growth stage but rose to levels comparable to penetration markets by the onset of market maturity.  相似文献   

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