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组织分权的知识动因分析   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
组织的决策效率取决于决策权和知识之间的匹配程度。当知识与决策权不匹配的时候,一是将决策权转移给有知识的人,这面临着代理成本;另一种是将知识转移给有驻的人,这面临着信息成本。企业采用集权还是分权的组织结构,就是这对两种成本的权衡。专门知识是企业竞争优势的重要来源,如何利用专门知识是企业的关键问题之一。由于专门知识具有难以转移的特性,导致组织的信息成本高于代理成本,所以一般是将决策权转移给具有专门知识的人,即采用分权的组织结构。这样,本文就从知识的角度为分权化提供了一个合理的解释。  相似文献   

油田企业实施电子商务,主要是利用电子商务技术和供应链管理思想,对传统的物资采购和管理领域进行业务流程的重新改造,进而达到提高物资管理和采购水平,降低企业成本,提高竞争力的目的。目前电子商务涉及的主要研究领域有面向供应链管理、业务流程重组、面向仓储管理、面向采购管理等。但就目前油田电子商务发展的水平来看,其核心职能是如何整合企业的内外部资源,相互协调各个企业(组织)之间的关系,使它们之间的信息能更好地协调和沟通。  相似文献   

管理成本问题探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据一般经济学原理,为了获得管理这一特有稀缺性资源,组织必然要付出相应的成本,这就是管理成本。企业组织的管理成本主要由四个方面组成:内部组织成本、委托代理成本、外部交易成本和管理者时间的机会成本。1.内部组织成本过去的传统企业是依靠亚当·斯密的所谓“看不见的手”这种市场机制来协调生产和分配的产品流量和资金流量,一句话,靠市场来配置企业的资源。而现代企业则利用了企业内部的行政力量这只“看得见的手”取代了市场机制来配置企业内部的资源,也就是说,这些单位的活动和它们之间可能有的交易现在被“内部化”到企…  相似文献   

企业集团作为现代企业的高级组织形式,其实际税负的决定机制受到广泛关注。本文尝试从内部资本配置的关键机制——决策权配置视角切入,考察决策权配置的集权程度对企业集团实际税负的影响。事实上,囿于数据和方法的限制,对企业集团的决策权配置问题的“黑箱”还缺乏深入研究。鉴于此,本文基于中国企业集团母子公司独立纳税的规定以及资本市场“双重披露制”提供的研究契机,利用2008—2019年A股上市公司数据,检验了决策权配置的集权程度对企业集团实际税负的影响。实证结果表明,伴随企业集团决策权配置集权程度的提高,其实际税负显著降低。机制检验表明,集权管理模式降低企业集团税收负担的作用路径包括提高决策权与税收专业知识的匹配程度、缓解母子公司之间的委托代理问题以及促进组织间协调等。进一步研究表明,集权管理模式降低实际税负的作用在子公司业务承担比重较高以及子公司数量较多的情况下更为显著;实际税负下降对企业集团价值的提升作用在集权管理模式下更为明显。本文的研究不仅提供了关于企业集团实际税负影响因素的新经验证据,而且也丰富了决策权配置经济后果领域的学术文献,对理解决策权配置如何影响公司价值具有启示意义。  相似文献   

庞炜 《中国石化》2000,(7):23-25
电子商务被认为是今天商业要进一步发展的前提 ,它是20世纪80年代发展起来的新型商贸形式 ,是现代信息技术与现代商业技术的结合体 ,目前正受到国内外许多企业的重视 ,大家都意识到 ,电子商务将成为21世纪企业的基本生存方式 ,并纷纷将之付诸于实践。但是 ,企业要想有效地开展电子商务 ,还必须具备一定的前提条件 ,本文就试图从企业内外部两个角度 ,来探讨这一问题 ,并提出建议。一、内部条件电子商务能给企业带来很大的优势 ,但是有效开展电子商务 ,必须具备一定的内部条件 ,即企业内部生产与管理的信息化。企业内部信息化有三个层面…  相似文献   

电子商务与企业竞争力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、电子商务的竞争优势  与传统商务活动相比,电子商务具有明显的竞争优势:  1.降低交易成本。首先,通过网络营销活动,企业可以提高营销效率和降低促销费用。据统计,在Internet上做广告可以提高销售数量10倍,而成本只是传统广告的1/10。其次,电子商务可以降低采购成本,有资料表明,通常可以为企业节省5%-10%的采购成本。  2.减少库存。电子商务可以改变企业决策中信息不确切和不及时问题,适时补充供给,从而实现本库存管理。  3.缩短生产周期。可以将过去由于信息封闭导致的分阶段合作方式改为信息共享的协同并行工…  相似文献   

在社会主义市场经济条件下,建筑市场产行工程招投标制,低价中标将是我国建筑业体制改革发展的必然趋势,作为建筑施工企业,必须要做的是在工程中标后,加强工程项目成本控制管理,搞好企业内部能力挖潜工作,降低工程各项消耗,减少费用支出,降低成本,建立企业内部工程消耗定额,促进企业加强经济核算,提高经济效益,提高企业管理水平,增强企业竞争力。由于影响工程项目成本的因素很多,加强项目成本控制管理应从组织,技术,经济,合同等方面采取措施,建立项目经济评估制,建立目标成本责任制,实行材料招标采购制,实行工序单价承包制,实行成本控制动态考核制,实行项目完工清算决算制等项目成本管理措施。  相似文献   

油田企业实施电子商务,主要是利用电子商务技术和供应链管理思想,对传统的物资采购和管理领域进行业务流程的重新改造,进而达到提高物资管理和采购水平,降低企业成本,提高竞争力的目的。目前电子商务涉及的主要研究领域有面向供应链管理、业务流程重组、面向仓储管理、面向采购管理等。但就目前油田电子商务发展的水平来看,其核心职能是如何整合企业的内外部资源,相互协调各个企业(组织)之间的关系,使它们之间的信息能更好地协调和沟通。物资采购供应商管理方面存在的问题油田企业一般是集油气勘探、油田开发、科学技术与生产设施建设、物资…  相似文献   

网络经济的发展,特别是作为网络经济核心内容之一的电子商务的发展,意味着企业在战略思想、管理理念、运行方式、组织结构等各方面都面临某种革命性变革。从企业运行的角度,应当这样定义网络经济:网络经济建立在国民经济信息化基础之上,是各类企业利用信息和网络技术整台各式各样的信息资源,并依托企业内部和外部的信息网络进行动态的商务和管理所产生的经济。从总体上看,网络经济动摇了一切经济角色之间的关系,对经济的运行产生了巨大的影响。 按照上述定义,网络经济绝对不是网站经济,也并不等同于网络公司经济,在网络经济中唱…  相似文献   

基尼系数与企业内部薪酬分配合理性研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文试图把基尼系数从宏观引向微观,探讨用基尼系数来反映企业内部收入分配的合理性问题。论文先从理论上分析了企业内部影响基尼系数的因素,企业分配政策对基尼系数的影响:然后根据实际数据对三个组织的内部收入分配的基尼系数进行计算,证明了在企业应用基尼系数的可行性:最后得出结论:目前社会上存在的不公平,并不是工资差别引起的,而是由灰色收入、城乡差别、行业差别等其他因素引起的。  相似文献   

Through the use of business-to-business electronic commerce (B2B e-commerce), leading companies are transforming interorganizational transaction processing, trading, and collaboration into a competitive advantage. The research empirically examines several models with B2B e-commerce overall use as the dependent variable and innovation characteristics, context, channel factors, and organizational structure as the predictor variables. The results demonstrate that compatibility with existing systems, cooperative norms with customers, lateral integration within a firm, technocratic specialization, and decentralization of information technology decisions facilitate B2B e-commerce overall use. In addition, large firms are more likely than small firms to have greater levels of B2B e-commerce and firms are more likely to use B2B e-commerce with customers that use recommendations rather than threats to encourage e-commerce use.  相似文献   

Business-to-business (B2B) electronic platforms have become important channels for transforming traditional modes of transaction. The success of these platforms relies heavily on the platform firms' customer orientation (CO) practices, which are designed to attract both sellers and buyers. This study draws on the cross network effect theory to explore whether and how a B2B e-commerce platform firm's (in)congruent CO strategic initiatives toward sellers or buyers affect the firm's performance. In addition, the moderating effects of seller-side and buyer-side demand uncertainty on the relationship between CO (in)congruence and platform firm performance are investigated. The analysis of data collected from 185 B2B electronic platform firms in China reveals that CO incongruence is more beneficial to firm performance than CO congruence. Furthermore, when seller-side demand uncertainty is high, an increase in seller-focused CO incongruence (i.e., higher seller orientation than buyer orientation) or buyer-focused CO incongruence (i.e., lower seller orientation than buyer orientation) improves or impedes a B2B e-commerce platform firm's performance, respectively. However, when buyer-side demand uncertainty is high, an increase in either type of CO incongruence does not improve firm performance. These findings contribute to the literature on and practices of B2B e-commerce and customer orientation.  相似文献   

Drawing on a variety of sources and research methods, this article argues that centralized wage bargaining contributed to the “Celtic Tiger” phenomenon by linking wage increases in the dynamic multinational companies sector to wage and productivity increases in the much more sluggish domestic sector of the economy and, in so doing, considerably increased the competitiveness of foreign multinational companies—a key driver of Irish growth. The article also argues that much‐received wisdom about the institutional and organizational preconditions for centralized wage regulation needs to be reconsidered in light of the Irish case. Public sector unions played a pivotal role in initiating and sustaining wage centralization, yet their leadership role did not undermine its effectiveness. Likewise, internal democratic procedures and the absence of wage compression policies, rather than centralized organizational structures, facilitated compliance with centralized wage policies.  相似文献   

Research summary : Two central issues in strategic management are the determination of a firm's internal delegation and its vertical boundaries. Despite the importance of these issues, there is scant analysis concerning their interaction. Using a comprehensive database of the construction industry, we show that vertical integration positively influences the centralization decision and that the main mechanism driving this relationship is an improvement in the hierarchically coordinated adaptation of firm activities when complexity and uncertainty are high. We also observe that centralization is negatively related to the extent of relational contracts between principals and agents, and positively related to an exogenous increase in the cost of employee layoffs. Our results suggest that managers cannot consider firm boundaries and internal organization to be independent decisions. Managerial summary : We ask whether a firm's decision about vertically integrating or outsourcing its activities affects the choice of centralizing or delegating its internal decision‐making process. Our statistical analysis shows that firms with more vertical integration tend to centralize the decision‐making process and that firms that outsource more tend to decentralize more. Why? Vertical integration enables the use of centralized authority to coordinate activities that interact intensively. Accordingly, we found that the positive influence of vertical integration on centralization is especially significant in more complex and uncertain environments, when the need for coordination is higher. Thus, our results suggest that managers should choose vertical integration considering its effect on internal decision‐making processes, particularly when coordination is important. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paradigm of value co-creation in business markets is now well established in the marketing literature. However, the practices and capabilities for collaborative value co-creation are less understood, particularly in increasingly boundary-less interorganizational, network and ecosystem relationships. This paper describes sets of practices that organizations in business markets adopt to co-create value. We provide a theoretically-grounded, empirically-informed classification of value co-creating practices, identifying the underlying capabilities needed to realize value in B2B systems. We adopt a case study approach utilizing various methods of data collection to explore co-creation practices from four organizations. The analysis reveals that ‘sustained purposeful engagement’ underpins the organizations' ability to co-create and capture value. Implications for organizations willing to develop co-creation capabilities and practices are discussed.  相似文献   

With the meteoric progress of digital technology and the advent of network economy, there has been increasing interest in the business model of purchasing with B2B network among B2B e-commerce platforms and customer firms. Based on the perspective of parasocial relationship and dual-process theory, this study constructs a model of cognitive and emotional influences on customer firms' behavior, and analyzes the influence of features of entrepreneur endorser and online purchasing platform on B2B parasocial relationship, and how this relationship can affect repeat purchase intention. Furthermore, this paper examines the moderating effect of trust in the relationship between B2B parasocial relationship and repeat purchase intention. Findings indicate that perceived interactivity and trustworthiness of entrepreneur endorser and the service and product quality of online purchasing platform have a positive impact on B2B parasocial relationship. B2B parasocial relationship has a significant and positive impact on repeat purchase intention, while trust moderates the relationship between B2B parasocial relationship and repeat purchase intention.  相似文献   

本文以B2C电子商务为平台,结合现阶段中国服装行业B2C电子商务发展现状,分析网络女装品牌网络营销中面临的问题,并对未来B2C平台上网络女装品牌的发展提出一些建议,希望能给服装企业作参考。  相似文献   

This paper examines the reality of issues surrounding e-commerce and logistics in China today. Interviews were conducted with government, business and academic leaders in a major Chinese coastal city. From these interviews, the magnitude of nine major e-commerce and logistics challenges was investigated. Based on the scope of the problems and the scale of potential solutions, the various issues are characterized as basic, manageable or intractable. Conclusions are made about the challenges to be found both today and in the future of e-commerce and logistics in China.  相似文献   

The growing significance of Asia in global trade has meant that service organizations within the region need to build robust relationships with customers that may reside in nations with different socio-cultural backgrounds. This paper draws on the theories of social exchange and social capital to examine how Indonesian service providers build B2B relationships with their Asian customers in the region, when the customers are from non-Islamic nations. This study used a survey to collect its primary data. Data from 312 Indonesian firms revealed that Asian cultural-specific concepts of religiosity not only had a positive impact on transactional and relational psychological contracts, but also dampened psychological contract breaches. Only relational psychological contracts had a positive effect on relational capital and relational wellbeing, despite transactional contracts being intrinsic to these relationships. Relational capital helped to reduce psychological contract breaches and improve relationship wellbeing, whereas psychological contract breaches reduced such wellbeing. Our findings significantly extend research on B2B service relationships and offer valuable managerial insights for service decision makers operating in Asia that involves B2B relationships between organizations with specific and different socio-cultural backgrounds.  相似文献   

Mitigating perceived uncertainty and risk is critical for successful exchanges in an online B2B marketplace. However, scant empirical research has been devoted to the topic, and even less to small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). We investigate the use of quality signals and recommendations to foster buyer-supplier matching in an online B2B marketplace of SMEs. Unique proprietary data from a leading B2B e-commerce platform suggest that such a matching is significantly related to signals of SME buyers' quality and credibility embedded in how projects are described. Moreover, appropriately designed recommendation system can increase the matching rate because it helps reduce buyers' information overload. This research highlights the importance of integrating online channel data with traditional offline channel data to accurately assess the drivers of buyer-supplier matching. Our findings provide valuable insights into how to design and manage an online B2B marketplace for SMEs to yield more successful matches.  相似文献   

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