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Conclusion It has been argued that Design and Technology teachers would be helped by clear distinction between the terms, industry, business and economic. This would help to avoid the confusion between particular ways of viewing business (eg. through an economic concept such as profit maximisation;) and the multi-faceted character of the activity under observation. By this reasoning, the economic dimension of Design and Technology resides in the analysis of needs and the evaluation of products according to the value of the resources used up, and the value and distribution of the resources and products created. The link with discussion of value judgements in the subject (eg. Riggs and Conway, 1991) is very clear. So also is the dependence of this analysis on the definition of needs and evaluation and, crucially, the perceived relationship between the two, in learning and classroom practice.  相似文献   

While the creation of superior customer value is regarded as fundamental to a firm's long-term survival and growth, little is known about the effective implementation of a firm's value orientation at sales force level. As the sales force plays a pivotal role in implementing marketing strategies, this study adopts a discovery oriented approach and conceptualizes value-based selling as an effective sales approach in business markets. Based on in-depth interviews with sales managers in a variety of industries, we identify and portray three salient dimensions of value-based selling, namely (1) understanding the customer's business model, (2) crafting the value proposition, and (3) communicating customer value. The selling behavior entails a mutual orientation and focuses on the value-in-use potential of the offering for the customer's business profits. We argue that value-based selling is a unique concept that differs from the established selling approaches and propose a conceptual model linking value-based selling to performance outcomes. To further advance our knowledge about the effective implementation of a firm's value orientation, we identify future research avenues embracing qualitative and quantitative research methodologies.  相似文献   

恰当的财务管理,是界定一家企业运行情况的标准之一。从古时的“账房先生”到今日的“CF0”,从“噼里啪啦”的算盘时代到今天的成本核算、审计报表、资金回收……财务管理工作一直都牵动着企业的中枢神经,只要一步出现问题,都会刺痛企业,使企业在前进的道路上步履维艰,甚至陷入瘫痪。  相似文献   

There is a widespread recognition of the desirability of broadening the scope of technology education with the objective of a form of technological literacy which would embrace social relations as well as technique. In 1990, Technology was introduced as a compulsory element of general education in England and Wales. Initially the curriculum gave equal weight both to the context as well as the content of technological activity, but subsequent revisions point the way back to an emphasis on technique and a narrower view of the role of the designer. In some respects, this simplifies the task of the technology teacher, and it might also be said to reflect the everyday realities of much technological activity. It is, however, an essentially conservative approach which tends to reinforce and legitimise attitudes which place a high value on technical performance while consigning the purposes and outcomes of technological activity to the shadows. It is argued that, for the sake of the future, it is essential that values in design and technology are brought up to the light. Technology teachers should take some responsibility for this, but cannot be expected to shoulder the whole burden.  相似文献   

7月13日,以“I's My Life,唯1派对”为主题的BMW全新品牌活动——“2012年全新BMW1系城市攻略”上海宝诚中环站在上海国际赛车场8号停车场举行,本次攻略旨在通过试驾活动,  相似文献   

China's success in the global textile trade has long been amystery that was repeatedly unveiled by many critics or com-petitors who were all in choirs to reproach China for being un-fair in trade practices with reference to governmental subsidies,manipulation of its currency exchange rate, lack of sincerity inenforcing labor laws and what not, but few really realized theactual development in science and technological innovationsand applications in the industry that are really the core value int…  相似文献   

Flax, linseed or hemp fibres can substitute wood, synthetic, carbon and glass fibres in a wide range of industnal products.A complete new machine line for the processing of natural fibre plants was developed, which includes all process stages from pickup and cutting of straw bales up to the cleaning of the final products, fibres and shives.The processed fibres have a fineness in the range from 2.5 to 15 tax. The length of the fibres is adjustable in the range from 50 to 200mm. These fibres can be shortened by additional cutting to a defined length from e.g. 4 to 8 mm.Practical applications of the fibres are the automotive industry, geo-texfiles, thermal blankets, fibrous insulating material and composites,building boards, coarse yarn, coarse textiles, and reinforcement of several composites and structural parts.  相似文献   

近年来,随着国有工矿企业改革的不断深入,一大批国有工矿企业实施政策性关闭破产改制,改制后的社区作为国企改制的产物应运而生。进一步加强和完善社区管理,做好对原国有企业离退休退养人员、工伤残及抚恤等人员的服务,承载原国企部分社会职能,既是国有企业关闭破产工作的要求,也是促进社会和谐发展的迫切需要。社区的发展,在某种程度上就是“创新社会管理”的过程。加强和创新社会管理,完善社区服务体系,  相似文献   

本报讯2014年,申龙客车再次承担了服务全国“两会”的重任,主要负责接送中国人民解放军军乐团“两会”人员。过去6年中,申龙都是以“零故障”的优异成绩给全国“两会”用车交上了满意的答卷。在今年的保障用车上,金色的申龙客车依然高端、大气、上档次。据了解,首汽集团曾在2007年引入20辆申龙客车,通过实际运行,发现这批车辆质量可靠。之后,SLK6122F23、SLK6112FSA3和SLK6868F53三款车型先后加入到每年的用车队伍中。从2008年首次携手首汽成功服务全国“两会”之后,申龙便凭借稳定出色的表现,成为历年服务车辆中的重要成员。  相似文献   

We study how the impact of capabilities for performance is contingent upon the environment. Using a novel dataset of information security start‐ups, we study how markets for technology change the relative impact of technology and marketing capabilities on performance. Since internal technical effort enables firms to generate technology inputs instead of acquiring them from the market (substitute), a greater supply of technology diminishes the importance of technical ability as a source of competitive advantage. Moreover, since marketing capability complements technology inputs, a greater supply of technology enhances the impact of marketing capability on performance. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

○客观分析改革成就,“转机”并非“转折”,国企改革任重道远:随着改革的不断深入,一些关键性的、深层次的矛盾和问题也随之显现出来,许多问题都是国企改革不可逾越的。要解决这些难题,必须以规范的现代企业制度作载体。○可以预想, 2001年国企改革将集中在一些关键问题上,并在许多方面有所突破:政企分开,公司制改造步伐进一步加快;减持国有股、加大可流通的国有股比例将再破困扰国企改革的坚冰;私营企业、外资参与国企改革的政策环境将更加宽松;国有资产管理的具体方式将成为国企改革的“双刃剑”;实施公司制改造的企业,法…  相似文献   

It’s drawing to the end of the year, the year when China celebrates its 5th anniversary since its accession to WTO on Dec.11th, 2001, the moment when the president of the Forth Ministerial Meeting of the World Trade Organization rapped on the table in the conference hall of Sharaton Hotel, DOHA to announce that historical decision. China’s accession to WTO, referring to its textile industry, indeed brought about a global concern that fermented & sprouted out a “bra war”, mushrooming…  相似文献   

在这个日益泛滥的商品世界,Peet’s居然能够如此特立独行,抵制住金钱的诱惑,确实是值得尊敬的。我是去年年底从美国回来的,到现在已经快半年了,可是,至今我还没有从美国的阴影中走出来。其症状,就像《围城》里所讽刺的三闾大学的教务处主任一样,动辄就说"兄弟在牛津的时候"如何如何,  相似文献   

’94工业大环境丛心力市场需求增长趋势正.投资需求将会适度增长。1993年末,全社会固定资产投资项目在建总规模比上年增长40%左右,结转到1994年的工作量较大。铁路、电站等国家重点建设还要继续加大投资力度。“八五”计划确定的有些重点项目1994年还...  相似文献   

小栓 《汽车与社会》2011,(19):92-93
海上画派名噪一果,如今也在当代艺术的潮流中秉持本色同时进行着融合,似乎要在当下语境中“发声”。  相似文献   

○客观分析改革成就,"转机"并非"转折",国企改革任重道远:随着改革的不断深入,一些关键性的、深层次的矛盾和问题也随之显现出来,许多问题都是国企改革不可逾越的.要解决这些难题,必须以规范的现代企业制度作载体. ○可以预想,2001年国企改革将集中在一些关键问题上,并在许多方面有所突破:政企分开,公司制改造步伐进一步加快;减持国有股、加大可流通的国有股比例将再破困扰国企改革的坚冰:私营企业、外资参与国企改革的政策环境将更加宽松;国有资产管理的具体方式将成为国企改革的"双刃剑":实施公司制改造的企业,法人治理结构将会得到规范和完善;增强企业核心竞争能力将被提到突出位置:就业与社会保障将成为新的改革焦点;企业管理再度升温.  相似文献   

Dear readers: We are already in the second half of 2006. China, shine or rain, still troubled with many factors devilling its normal course of development. Its textile indus- try seems to have done pretty well in production, domestic market and export in its textile industry. During the first half of 2006, Chinese shipments of textiles and apparel to the EU arrived at $9,822 million, 10.52% higher than its previous correspon- dent time. The ten quota-capped categories out of this total expor…  相似文献   

’94化工市场风景线叶梦田,孙爱昌回顾1993年的化工商品市场,明显呈现出他物线式的发展过程.一季度,化工行情处在缓慢的回升阶段.到了二季度,特别是在无用召开的全国化工商品交易会后,几乎整个化工市场都空前活跃,不少滞销产品一夜间变为抢手货,价格直线上...  相似文献   

This paper investigates rationale explanations of OPEC??s strategies. Accounting for market characteristics in particular the sluggishness of demand and supply allows to explain price jumps as rational OPEC strategies from a narrow economic perspective (up and down) as well as from political objectives (at least up) due to the political payoff from standing up against the ??West??. Although the temptation to accrue this political payoff was and remains high, the narrow economic profit motive coupled with an imperfect cooperation among OPEC members explains past price volatility and high prices much better than the usual reference to political events. A more specific prediction is that OPEC will switch back to setting prices since the current quantity strategy encourages oil importing countries to appropriate rents in particular in connection with the need to mitigate global warming.  相似文献   

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