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在刚刚闭幕的第十一届全国人大一次会议、全国政协十一届一次会议上,对于原油、煤炭、电力等资源性产品的价格、税收等的改革呼声渐高,改变当前明显偏低的资源税率,明显不合理的计征方式,运用产业、财政、土地和价格政策等多种手段进行宏观经济调控的同时,应进一步发挥税收政策的作用予以综合治理的提案、议案和此同时,应进一步发挥税收政策的作用予以综合治理的提案、议案和呼声不断.  相似文献   

母亲,当我也即将成为母亲的时候,才开始明白,这个庄严而温暖的称呼,需要经历漫漫20年的成长……您还记得去年的元宵节吗?我牵着您的手,在五彩斑斓的灯河里徜徉。随着您步子的逐渐放慢,我看见,您的目光投向了路边的小摊——竹筒粽子,一种廉价而甜腻的小吃。  相似文献   

一在我们这个城市的北郊,居住在这儿的农民辛勤地耕耘在这片肥沃的土地。这一地区,世世代代很少受自然灾害的影响,每年的台风季节,在沿海的地区,几乎都害怕台风的袭击。而这一带,只是受台风的影响,下一点点雨而已,或许还给炎热的夏季带来一点凉爽。由于历代都没有自然灾害,所以,这一带的农民就享受了大自然  相似文献   

错过了清早的晨曦,错过了正午的骄阳,错过了夕阳的绚烂,错过了暮色中的朦胧,也许还会错过迷人的月色. 错过了春日的烂漫,错过了夏季的奔放,错过了秋天的丰硕,错过了冬日的凛冽,也许还会错过春夏秋冬转换的空隙.  相似文献   

知识经济的到来催生了一批聚集了大量知识型员工的组织.所谓知识型员工是指那些以脑力劳动为主,受过较高层次教育,具有较高科学文化素质和知识结构的员工.知识型员工作为知识的载体和创新的源泉对组织来说,具有举足轻重的作用.如果员工的流动频率增加,必然对组织的稳定和持续发展造成影响.在这种情况下,如何提高知识型员工对组织的忠诚度成为组织面临的一个重要问题.  相似文献   

这个名字初看来似乎有些唐突,但是作必要的。罗杰·桑那班认为,“社会责任和利为一本描画美国现代商业史的著作,选择哈益的扩张在本质上是不冲突的,相反,它们佛1949届的毕业生作为主角无疑是异常明是一枚硬币的两面。”智的。事实可以完美解释一切:他们中超过从客观的角度上来说,这本书的作者大三分之一的人最终当上了CEO,通过彼此的卫·卡拉汉也正是通过商业史的深度描述彰通力合作,令美国商业发生了翻天覆地的变显出商界中的成功和完备的个人价值观是化。他们中有:把强生变成家喻户晓的品牌相辅相成的。努力工作、奉献、忠诚、耐心、谦…  相似文献   

2009年春夏是一个清爽而激进的季节,将为人们带来幽默与欢乐。阳光黄、珊瑚橙、冰粉、紫罗兰……五彩缤纷的彩色一齐上阵是这一季的特点。靓丽的色彩冲淡了金融风暴的阴霾,给我们的工作和生活带来了欢快的气息。  相似文献   

<正>女孩儿家谁不想有个好名字?华丽大气的我喜欢,朴素大方的我喜欢,婉约动听的我喜欢,然而我更喜欢寓意深远的名字。我始终认为我的名字是最可贵的,有凝重的历史,有鲜红的颜色,有硝烟迷漫的战场,有一个曾经端着枪的热  相似文献   

欧卓 《广西电业》2010,(1):88-88
<正>相同的场景,一样安静的大山,山脊上铺着茂密的森林,山涧流出涓涓细流,沿山而建的村庄,而与美丽的自然  相似文献   

20世纪60年代,这里研制的导弹一举击落入侵的U2飞机,捍卫了我国神圣领土,毛泽东主席拍手称赞……建国50周年大阅兵,这里生产的装备跻身于威武雄壮的武器方阵,大振我国威军威,吸引了全世界的目光……中国人第一次飞向太空,这里提供的雷达指引"神舟"飞船穿过茫茫黑障区,踏上回家的路……2007年11月16日,中国航天科工防御技术研究院(二院),这支中国航天事业的劲旅、中国导弹事业的排头兵,迎来了她50岁的华诞。50年一路走来,她历经风雨坎坷,日益发展壮大,汇集了一大批献身国防现代化建设的精英,为了国家繁荣稳定,为了人民的幸福安康,用满腔的赤诚和过硬的技术打造着我国空天防御的钢铁长城。  相似文献   

根据新建选煤厂煤泥浮选药剂消耗过高的现状,通过分步释放试验分析煤泥的性质,了解煤泥中不同可浮性物料的数量、质量的分布规律;通过煤泥浮选的优化试验,确定浮选过程中的最佳药剂量,从而提高浮选精煤的回收率,减少尾煤的排放量,提高尾煤的灰分,取得较好的经济效益。  相似文献   

原油贸易交接计量系统误差浅析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
原油贸易交接直接影响交接双方的经济效益从影响系统误差的各个因素分析了计量过程中误差产生的原因,阐述了控制计量误差的方法。  相似文献   

中国药品专利质量评价指标体系建立初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
药品专利质量指标是科学技术创新指标的重要部分。建立以药品专利的数量、质量、结构及专利法保护水平四大模块组成的专利评价指标体系,为增强我国药品专利指标国际可比性和分析、制定国家、区域和产业政策提供依据。  相似文献   

工程项目的一次性决定了工程项目部的一次性,而工程项目成本中心与企业利润中心地位又辱致工程项目部的临时性,在工程项目实践过程中,项目经理部的一次性在实现其功能的过程中可能会产生很多局限和负面影响,故项目部应具有相对的稳定性,在此基础上,本对工程项目部建设实践进行了初步总结并提出了建议。  相似文献   

快速成形技术的应用及热点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于快速成形技术的原理,展示了快速成形技术在快速模具制造、金属零件直接成形、反求工程等领域的广泛应用,总结了快速成形制造技术研究的热点,即研发新材料和新设备、提高成形精度、建立RPM的反求工程系统、建立成形技术的统一标准和扩大成形技术的应用领域。  相似文献   

Contemporary imaginations of the impact of new digital technologies (NDTS) are dominated by utopian visions of a ‘revolution’ in productivity and efficiency, contrasted with dystopian views of declines of work and human skills, and distrust of artificial intelligence's efficacy. This article explores imaginations of digital futures in the infrastructure sector through case study research of a global engineering organisation. Drawing on a practice approach, a typology is generated from interviews with engineers and managers to reveal that three broad imaginations compete within the organisation: technodeterminism; technoscepticism; and human-centric, all with utopian and dystopian variants. Clear relationships exist between the diverse imaginary positions taken by employees with their different roles, biographies and levels of the organisational agency. Those with relatively higher levels of agency tended towards technocentric utopianism while those with lower levels of agency displayed a resolutely dystopian version. Conversely, while the outward-facing image of the organisation promotes a utopian imagination of a technologically driven future, those with the very highest levels of the organisational agency remain technosceptic. This means that real change is slow. However, an encouraging manifesto for the future is suggested by those who are innovating NDTS to reimagine alternative infrastructure futures through improved human-centric social outcomes.  相似文献   

The issue of spaces for non-organised employee resistance has attracted renewed attention due to the diffusion of new digital technologies in the workplace. The ability of new technologies to measure and restrict employee behaviour in new ways requires explanations of resistance that account for both technology’s material characteristics and employee agency, without descending into technological determinism. This article is based on a case of effective resistance to a new data reporting technology introduced in home nursing in Denmark and explores the causes, forms and outcomes of the resistance. In this study, labour process theory is complemented with Edwards and Ramirez’s classification of dimensions of technological change. The study argues that two dimensions are important for effective employee resistance to technology: contestation of the unintended rather than the intended effects of the technology and the non-immanence of the effects in the technology, which allows the employees to reconstitute it in use.  相似文献   

文章对SPYRO裂解模拟软件在石化企业烯烃生产原料优化方案测算中的应用进行了比较深度的概括分析.结合该软件在上海石化的实际应用,认为在劣质化原油加工份额不断增加的趋势下,SPYRO裂解模拟软件有助于石化企业在烯烃生产原料优化选择、生产计划合理安排、原油加工生产效益比较等方面为企业相关决策者提供有效地帮助.  相似文献   

The rise of platforms in ICT markets invites a reappraisal of regulatory frameworks and practices. As platforms originating in entirely different sectors increasingly compete directly against each other, regulators ought to address platform competition issues regardless of their sector of origin, and taking into account the specificities of two-sided or multi-sided market business models. This paper identifies different types of such business models in ICT markets. It offers an exploration of a number of specific concerns that may arise related to specific platform types, and points at a number of instruments available to regulators to address these concerns.  相似文献   

A considerable part of firms' marketing services are supplied by external providers, e.g. advertisement agencies, printing houses, trade fair exhibition builders. Although a large spend category, low involvement of purchasing departments prevails during the procurement decision process. This paper develops a conceptual model of purchasing departments' involvement in marketing service procurement along the dimensions “breadth along process” and “depth of integration”, thus contributing to the measurement of purchasing departments' involvement. Drawing on the findings of a case study, we further propose that the impact of purchasing departments' involvement on procurement success is moderated by procurement complexity, and the duration of the relationship between the purchasing and marketing employees. In addition, barriers to purchasing departments' involvement are conceptualized as lack of skills, lack of motivation, and lack of opportunity.  相似文献   

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