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纳米材料具有与传统材料明显不同的特征。例如,纳米铁的抗断裂能力比一般铁高12倍;气体通过纳米材料的扩散速度比通过一般材料快几千倍;纳米铜比普通铜坚固5倍,而且硬度随纳米颗粒尺寸的减小而增大;纳米陶瓷具有塑性或超塑性,甚至可以制成透明涂料;纳米材料的电阻随尺寸下降而增大;纳米氧化物对红外、紫外、微波具有良好的吸收特征;在传统相图中根本不共溶的两种元素或化合物,在纳米态则可形  相似文献   

1前言 纳米材料是一种全新的超微固体材料,一般将粒径小于100nm的微粒称为“纳米微粒”。由于纳米材料的超细化及较大的高活性表面,使得该类材料比传统材料有许多优越性。作为现代高新技术研究的热点之一,纳米技术在纺织工业上也同样有着广阔的应用前景。纳米技术在制造纺织新原料、改善织物功能,如抗紫外线和红外线、抗老化、高强耐磨、抗静电、抗菌、自清洁等方面,都有着较大的开发价值和发展前途。  相似文献   

纳米材料及其在功能性纺织品中的应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
纳米材料与技术是当今世界研究和开发的热点,纳米材料的优异性能使其在纺织领域具有广阔的应用前景。本文综述了国内外纳米材料与技术的发展概况,以及纳米材料不同于常规材料的性能,列举了纳米材料与技术在加工功能性纤维、功能性纺织品以及纳米纤维的制备等方面的应用,对纳米材料应用技术的发展方向提出了建议。  相似文献   

纳米是一种度量单位,1纳米等于1米的十亿分之一。物质加工到100纳米以下尺寸时,往往产生既不同于微观原子、分子,也不同于宏观物质的超常规特性,具有这种特性的材料称为纳米材料。采用二元协同纳米界面材料,叫超双疏性界面材料,其原理是在特定的表面上建造纳米尺寸几何形状互补  相似文献   

“纳米包装”是一新兴技术,问世不过10多年,但其发展速度非常惊人,为包装新产品开发打开了广阔天地。国外“纳米包装”技术的应用主要在四个方面:1.纳米涂层和刀具材料已进入市场。利用纳米技术在高温下的高强、高韧、稳定性好的特点,改造传统刀具和工件。芬兰、美国在普通钢刀上覆盖纳米涂层,其硬度可提高几倍,欧、美一些发达国家把纳米陶瓷刀具作为跨世纪刀具工业革命的目标,正由实验室转化为工业化生产,预计不久这种刀具将在市场上成为主角。2.纳米粒子与树脂等复合对市场有极大的吸引力。日本几家电器公司在这方面做了大量研究,其成果在高档电器和包装上有广泛应用。3.纳米材料作为添加剂加入其它材料中用于改性。以引起企业界的关注。4.纳米功能材料有很大的潜在市场需求。  相似文献   

纳米复合包装材料的高阻隔性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、前言众所周知,纳米技术是国际上最近10年以来开发的一项高新技术,它在很多科学技术领域中都得到了极大的关注,其应用前景十分看好。尤其是纳米技术应用于材料工程领域,更是方兴未艾,成绩斐然。所谓纳米材料,就是用晶粒尺寸为1~100纳米(1纳米=10-9米)的晶体构成的材料,由于晶粒尺寸比常规材料的晶粒细微得多,因而在其晶界上原子数多于晶粒内部的原子数,这样就赋于纳米材料以许多特殊的优异性能。与常规材料相比,除了具有极佳的机械力学性能以外,纳米材料还呈现出更好的物化性能,包括光电性能,电磁性能和热学性能等。因此,…  相似文献   

纳米抗菌纺织品的研究进展及思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
近年来,纳米新技术的出现,引起众多工业化国家的关注。发达国家更是从战略高度部署纳米材料和纳米科技的研究,并密切关注其研究进程,因为它是改造老产品的有力武器,新产品发明的源泉。 1、纳米抗菌机理的研究 人们对纳米材料的抗菌机理已作了大量的研究,提出了多种说法。一般认为纳米材料的抗菌性主要来源于其光催化性和金属离子溶出。 光催化机理认为,纳米TiO2和ZnO在水和空气的体系中,在阳光,尤其是在紫外线的照射下,能够自行分解出自由移动的带负电荷的电子和带正电荷的空穴。带正电的空穴使水氧化,电子使空气中的…  相似文献   

利用化学气相法生产纳米氧化物粉末材料,是我国纳米技术的一大进步。该发明根据化学气相法原理,能实现连续化生产,制造的纳米材料纯度高、分散性好、团聚少、表面活性大。该发明解决了工业化生产纳米材料以及对纳米粉末材料粒度的分级两大难题,不仅能生产出各种单一的、复合的纳米粉末材料,而且能够对各种纳米粉末材料进行一次或多次包膜。可用于各类涂料、陶瓷、橡胶、光催化、电子、建筑、医疗、食品、塑料、薄膜、纺织等材料,也可用于其他行业的建线,  相似文献   

钛基纳米材料生产基地在哈建成我国第一家钛基纳米材料生产基地近日在哈尔滨市建成。哈尔滨鑫科纳米科技发展有限公司的薛俊峰高级工程师等专家承担了“钛基纳米级金属粉的制备与应用”的课题研究。目前,这个项目已列入国家“十五”规划中的纳米技术和纳米材料发展纲要。在系列专利技术基础上开发的20余种纳米钛聚合物涂料,可广泛用于石油、化工、船舶、医疗器械制造等领域。最近专家们又成功实现废钛材料直接转化成纳米涂料,性能不减却让成本进一步降低,将使航天材料越来越广泛走入普通生产领域。中石化将投入130亿勘探新疆石油从…  相似文献   

纳米氧化铁是近年来研发的新型纳米材料,它具有良好的光学、磁性、催化性能,在涂料、磁性材料、医学磁介质和催化等方面有广泛的应用前景,采用传统技术生产的纳米氧化铁因其粒度分布宽,纯度低等问题无法用于生物医药等高端领域,本文通过实验的方法介绍了一种新型高纯纳米氧化铁生产技术,可为高纯纳米氧化铁的研究和生产提供参考。  相似文献   

Firms developing new products often face the challenge of making investment decisions under uncertain input–cost conditions due to the price volatilities of the materials they use. These decisions need to be made long before the final products are launched on the market. Therefore, firms that invest in the opportunity to switch materials in a timely manner will have the flexibility to react to material price changes and realize competitive advantages. However, volatile material prices may also cause a firm to delay investment. Using real‐options reasoning, this paper studies the influence of input‐cost fluctuations on the timing decision to start new product development (NPD) and thus create the follow‐on opportunity to later replace an existing product. A model that combines waiting and switching options to derive influencing factors of the flexibility value that triggers the investment is developed and tested on a sample of material substitution projects from manufacturing firms. The results show how price uncertainty of the new and the old material, their joint price development, the expected project duration, and competitive preemption are related to the propensity to delay the start of NPD. The findings provide new insights on how timing in adopting materials can be used to hedge exposure to volatile material prices. The insights are relevant for adopters and producers of new materials, as well as for policy makers who strive for supporting the diffusion of new materials.  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,印刷技术的应用范围不断扩大,新型印刷技术不断涌现。本文重点讨论微电子工业高速发展衍生出的微纳米压印技术,强调微纳米压印可能在微电子器件制造、有机太阳能电池及高精度传感器制造等方面的应用。对微纳米压印技术的未来技术进展和发展方向进行预测,指出微纳米压印技术存在的问题和研究方向。  相似文献   

Being first to market with new products is one of the most enduring pieces of strategic advice handed to managers. This view also emphasizes the importance of launching new products that are based on new materials as soon as possible. However, when the input costs of products that embody new materials are uncertain because of volatile material prices, the advantage of being an early mover comes along with the risk of paying unexpectedly high material prices. Real‐option theory suggests delaying material substitution under uncertainty even if the new material enables superior product performance. Firms who have created the flexibility to switch between alternative inputs can benefit from responding to opportunities or threats that arise from changes in the environment. The current study formalizes this logic in a switching‐option model and tests it on a sample of material substitution projects from the manufacturing sector. Our findings shed light on how input‐cost fluctuations influence the timing–performance relationship and bring into question the common advice to launch new products as soon as possible. Instead, our results suggest that firms who align the timing of market launch to trends and fluctuations of material prices improve their competitive positions. These insights suggest novel ways for new product development (NPD) managers how to successfully use external information at the back‐end of the NPD process and how to compete in an era defined by volatile material prices and technological change.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the ways in which teachers exploited a set of curriculum materials published as a vehicle for curriculum innovation, and the relationship between chosen modes of exploitation and teachers’ own perceptions of how the materials had ’added value’ to their teaching. The materials in question were developed by the Nuffield Design and Technology Project (’the Project’) to offer a pedagogy appropriate to the statutory curriculum for secondary school design and technology education in England and Wales (DFE/WO 1995). The Project had sought both to inform the statutory curriculum, and respond to its requirements. An earlier case study (Givens 1997) laid the foundations for the survey that is reported here. This paper focuses on the teaching of pupils aged 11–14. It finds that while most teachers made at least some use of all the various components of the publications, they were selective. While the Study Guide, which carries out a meta-cognitive dialogue with pupils, was generally underused, those teachers who did use it perceived greater value added by the materials as a whole to the quality of pupils’ work, their effectiveness in design and technology and their autonomy. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

纳米TiO_2的表面处理方法及改性效果表征   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:9  
分析了纳米 TiO_2 的团聚与分散机理 ,介绍了纳米 Ti O_2 的表面处理方法及表面处理效果的表征方法。  相似文献   

Design and problem-solving is a key learning focus in technology education and remains a distinguishing factor that separates it from other subject areas. This research investigated how two expert designers considered experiences with hard materials contributed to their learning design and problem-solving with these materials. The research project used a qualitative approach and conducted semi-structured interviews with two mechanical engineers. They identified their experiences under three key headings that provided them with much of the essential knowledge and understanding they employ today to design and problem-solve with hard materials. These included experience of seeing outcomes that provided feedback on their designs, experiences that informed about materials and material selection and accessing others’ experiences from communities of practice.  相似文献   

The success of technology transfer depends in part on new technology‐based firms (NTBFs) accessing venture capital (VC). Yet, little is known about venture capitalists' selection processes in this context. We examine the heterogeneity in the selection behaviour of VCs using a unique hand‐collected dataset comprising 68 European early‐stage high‐tech VC investors. We follow an inductive research design and use a conjoint analysis to decompose the investment decisions of VC investors. We identify three different clusters of VC investors: those who focus on technology (technology investors), those who focus on finance (financial investors) and those who focus on human capital (people investors). Technology investors attach more importance to the appropriability of the technology and contact with the entrepreneur than the other groups of VCs. For people investors, the human factors such as leadership capacities of the entrepreneur and the quality of the team are most important. Financial investors make their investment decision based on a limited set of factors such as ROI, growth and team completeness. Our results have important implications for NTBFs, venture capitalists and universities involved in technology transfer through spin‐off companies.  相似文献   

以纳米复合材料作为相变蓄热材料,加工制作了相变蓄热装置,并搭建了蓄热器热性能实验台,对传热元件分别为光管和波纹管的蓄热容器进行了相变蓄热实验,测量了相变材料的温度并通过数据采集仪进行数据采集,整理绘制了在不同条件下的温度时间曲线并进行了分析讨论.结果表明波纹管能够加快热媒体在波纹管中的流动,缩短蓄热所需时间,并且提高放...  相似文献   

The design and development processes of instructional materials might be considered simple and clear because the pre-established instructional goals can lead the way. However, in practice, there are lots of issues to be considered during these processes. The quality of the material, appropriate visual design, usability, and acceptable amount of cognitive load are some of these issues. On the other hand, an instructional material needs to be as original as possible. In this study, we focused on the creativity of the instructional materials designed and developed by second year students from the Computer Education and Instructional Technologies (CEIT) department. We divided students into two groups: (1) CEIT students designing and developing materials about Information Technology (IT); (2) CEIT students designing and developing materials about Math. The main aim of this study is to understand how CEIT students’ instructional materials differ when they design and develop materials, which are out of their field of experience. In other words, we tried to compare how the creativity of materials change when students create materials with familiar domain (IT) in comparison to unfamiliar domain (Math). Students worked on ten instructional materials such as digital story, animation, and worksheet for 14 weeks. The materials of students were evaluated in terms of creativity, and then they were interviewed. The students worked in groups of 4–5, and during the material development period, we as researchers observed and took notes about the whole process. The findings indicated that materials developed in familiar domain were higher in creativity than those of the unfamiliar. Students’ explanations of creativity and their evaluations about the process helped us to understand the reasons of the produced materials’ creativeness. Technical skills, authentic contributions, material type, and the boundaries of the content or familiarity were found as the primary factors affecting the design and development of creative instructional materials.  相似文献   

热塑性弹性体生产现状与发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
热塑性弹性体(TPE)是一类应用广泛兼具有橡胶和塑料特性的高分子材料。目前很多橡胶领域都可以采用热塑性弹性体替代,特别是我国汽车工业的高速发展,为各种热塑性弹性体的发展提供了巨大空间。文章重点介绍了热塑性弹性体特性及应用、生产现状、市场消费和发展趋势,对我国今后TPE的开发与产业化提出了以下几点建议:开发茂金属催化剂合成的新型TPE;加快动态硫化技术和纳米复合材料技术的产业化和推广应用;推进汽车工业需要的TPE国产化进程;加大TPE改性和与其他树脂的技术开发,提升TPE材料性能;研究新型TPE配方、加工助剂的使用、加工设备和加工工艺。  相似文献   

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