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集群供应链技术创新行为实质上是一个多维度的动态演化发展过程.本文分别建立了集群供应链横向同质性企业群体和纵向异质性企业群体创新合作的演化博弈模型,分析了不同维度下的集群供应链技术创新行为的演化路径和影响因素.研究结果表明:基于横向和纵向两个不同维度的集群供应链技术创新行为的演化结果主要受创新合作收益、创新投入成本、补偿收益和创新网络收益4个要素的影响;最后根据研究结果,给出了相关政策建议.  相似文献   

在集群创新网络中,核心节点企业的创新能力较其他企业更强,研究核心节点企业创新能力传递对于集群升级至关重要。本文提出创新网络核心节点企业创新能力传递强度概念,并构建其概念模型。通过实证研究发现,创新网络核心节点企业创新能力传递强度对集群升级具有显著的正向影响,其中,创新能力传递速度和创新能力传递深度对集群升级促进作用显著;集群其他节点企业创新吸收能力调节了创新网络核心节点企业创新能力传递强度与集群升级的关系,并指出了研究结论的实践意义。  相似文献   

航空制造企业属于军工企业,具有国防性质,其合作创新不同于一般企业的合作创新,影响其合作创新成功的关键因素也有别于一般企业的合作创新。阐述了传统的合作创新成功影响因素研究文献。分析了航空制造企业合作创新步骤及特点,提出了航空制造企业合作创新影响因素理论模型。考虑到合作创新的网络属性,引入社会网络分析,提出了基于社会网络分析的合作创新影响因素分析新方法,并从要素分析、关联分析以及矩阵分析3个层面分析了影响航空制造企业合作创新的关键因素。  相似文献   

技术选择影响企业创新成功的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为企业的一项重要决策活动,技术选择是影响企业创新成败的关键要素.在理论分析的基础上,构建了技术选择影响企业创新成功的理论模型,具体包括4个要素:技术选择、技术能力、技术管理能力和创新成功.通过对国内80家企业的调研,分析和验证这一模型,结果表明技术选择对企业创新成功没有直接影响,但是它能通过正向的显著的影响技术能力和技术管理能力,来间接影响企业创新成功.  相似文献   

装备制造业集群耦合结构:一个产业集群研究的新视角   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
我国老工业基地的装备制造业集群一直游离于产业集群理论与实证研究之外,本文在国内外研究人员产业集群研究成果基础上,结合装备制造产业特点,提出耦合的研究视角。文章借鉴系统耦合的思想,把装备制造业集群要素间的经济联系和内在产业关联抽象为制造企业耦合、集群产业耦合以及区域社会网络耦合三层结构,构建装备制造业集群耦合结构;结合集群耦合度模型,研究装备制造业集群的耦合机理和影响集群要素耦合度的因素。并以沈阳装备制造业集群为例,分析沈阳装备制造业集群发展中存在的问题,相应提出促进集群要素耦合的对策。  相似文献   

谢康  张祎  吴瑶 《中国工业经济》2023,(11):137-154
数据要素价值实现的基础与机制研究在国内外均是一个新话题。区别于数据要素主要特征或潜在价值的研究,本文针对现有研究缺口,借助企业与用户大数据合作资产理论和文献对话,从行动者网络、数字基础设施和制度建构三个维度剖析数据要素即时价值实现基础,从企业主导和用户主导两种情景阐述数据要素即时价值实现机制,提出企业与用户互动视角下数据要素即时价值实现的理论模型,形成对数据要素时效性价值的基础理论创新。本文以SHEIN案例作为实践参照进行理论解释,通过逻辑推演分析与准案例研究的结合,为直播电商、场景化创新、快时尚商业模式等中国企业前沿实践提供了即时价值视角的理论解释。本文为提升商业系统内的数据要素资源配置效率提供理论基础和指导,也为企业提升数据利用效率,激励用户数据化参与、授权和分享数据策略提供管理启示。  相似文献   

为了更好地促进不同产业集群模式下中小企业的创新发展,依据产业集群产生的动力源类型、来源及其路径,把现有的产业集群发展模式归纳为市场导向、多核式、产业转移、规划引导4种类型。针对不同集群模式下中小企业的赋存与运营特点,将中小企业划分为配套型与市场型2种类型。在界定商业模式创新类型定位的基础上,围绕商业模式创新系统构成要素提出了2种商业模式创新:挖掘型创新和调整型创新。认为配套型宜采用挖掘型创新,市场型宜采用调整型创新。运用所构建的商业模式创新系统,围绕洞察价值、创造价值、传递价值、获取价值商业模式等创新系统构成要素,分别探讨了2种不同类型中小企业商业模式创新的实现路径。研究结果对中小企业摆脱发展困境具有一定的借鉴价值,可为不同产业集群模式内中小企业的商业模式创新提供思路。  相似文献   

在日益激烈的全球竞争中,自主创新已成为企业获取可持续竞争优势的关键途径,但我国本土企业自主创新面临着传统资源要素缺乏、高端创新要素稀缺、内生技术能力不足等制约.通过对浙江企业的案例调查,本文提炼出我国本土企业在全球化背景下突破资源约束的5种典型自主创新路径:基于全球价值链的集群创新、基于资源配置全球化的跨区域合作创新、基于全球利基市场的拓展式创新、基于外源技术高效利用的创新、依托高校及科研院所的产学研联合创新.  相似文献   

产业集群形成与演化的结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用系统科学理论,分别对产业集群基本要素条件阶段、核心要素条件阶段和高端要素条件阶段的结构进行了分析.研究表明,对资源形成的产业集群,应该通过延长产业链条,引导产业集群的升级;对由于某类产品市场形成的产业集群,应该加强地方创新体系的形成,加强产业集群的创新能力;对于由政府引资作用形成的产业集群,应该加大力度培养挑剔的客户群体,加强人力资本供给.  相似文献   

《经济全球化下中小企业集群的创新机制研究》(经济科学出版社,2006年1月版)是冯德连教授主持完成的国家社会科学基金项目(批准号02BJL027)的最终成果。作者系统研究了中小企业集群成长的机理、经济全球化与产业本地化的关系、中小企业集群创新的轮式模型、中小企业集群创新的信任机制、企业之间共生模式创新、中小企业集群与产业结构升级、中小企业集群与产业国际竞争力、高科技中小企业集群创新、传统中小企业集群创新等,这是一部高水平的学术专著。  相似文献   

Innovative clusters and the industry life cycle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this paper is to link the propensity for innovative activity to spatially cluster to the stage of the industry life cycle. The theory of knowledge spillovers, based on the knowledge production function for innovative activity, suggests that geographic proximity matters the most where tacit knowledge plays an important role in the generation of innovative activity. According to the emerging literature of the industry life cycle, tacit knowledge plays the most important role during the early stages of the industry life cycle. Based on a data base that identifies innovative activity for individual states and specific industries for the United States, the empirical evidence suggests that the propensity for innovative activity is shaped by the stage of the industry life cycle. While the generation of new economic knowledge tends to result in a greater propensity for innovative activity to cluster during the early stages of the industry life cycle, innovative activity tends to be more highly dispersed during the mature and declining stages of the life cycle, particularly after controlling for the extent to which the location of production is geographically concentrated. This may suggest that the positive agglomeration effects during the early stages of the industry life cycle become replaced by congestion effects during the latter stages of the industry life cycle.  相似文献   

创意产业链强调以创意为龙头,以内容为核心,驱动产品的制造,拉动批发和营销。带动后续产品开发,形成上下联动、左右衔接、一次投入、多次产出的链条.其关键战略环节包括内容、渠道、媒体、需求;创意产业集群指创意产业在地域上的集中,它使创意产品的创造、生产、分销和利用得到最优化,并能够显著提升创意产业的竞争力。  相似文献   

随着全球经济格局经历了工业化和信息化之后,现在已经进入低碳化经济时代。低碳经济是立 足于非可再生资源保护和气候条件改善而提出,在当前低碳经济下进行新能源产业集群发展是顺应时代需求。本文首先阐述了低碳经济背景下新能源产业集群的背景和基本内涵,然后再分析新能源产业集群动力机制的外在动力和内源动力,得知社会因素、政治因素是新能源产业集群发展的外在动力,而内在动力主要从运输成本和价值链两方面进行分析,最后从生产要素、产业规模与配套、政府作用3个方面论述新能源产业集群的演化路径。  相似文献   

Innovation management is a subdiscipline of management that studies the rules that govern the generation, diffusion, adoption of innovation, and relationships between innovation inputs and outputs. A great number of innovative products and services depend on software. In the software industry, many small entities act as subcontractors that develop components that are later integrated into larger industrial systems. However, these small entities do not have the resources needed to support long-term R&D activities and they also lack innovation management models which makes the planning and execution of innovation management difficult. These same small enterprises face similar challenges in the software development process. However, the ISO/IEC 29110 standard provides small enterprises with a clear path in implementing a systematic software development process. The planning and execution of innovation management activities may also benefit from a similar approach. This article describes an innovation activity model suited to the characteristics of small entities whose main stream of revenue is software development. Using the existing literature, standards, and the practical experience of companies with a successful history of developing innovative software-based products, this study identifies the activities and practices that lead to the development of innovative products. Interfaces between innovation management activities, software development processes, and work products are also identified.  相似文献   

唐山钢铁产业群发展前景分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
成本是决定钢铁企业生存与发展的关键因素。唐山地区发展钢铁工业有得天独厚的区位和资源优势,出现在这一地区的钢铁产业群是企业追求成本优势的必然产物。随着进口矿比重不断增加,地方政府应以降低物流成本,减少耕地占用,合理使用淡水资源,改善中心城市居住环境等原则为指导,积极引导钢铁产业群向沿海转移,并与港口建设统筹规划,全面提升产业群的国际竞争力。唐山钢铁产业群的发展对传统的均衡区域经济布局理论提出了挑战。  相似文献   

Not long ago, the telecommunications industry was a dusty strategic backwater of little interest, primarily concerned with proprietary technologies and enjoying a protected status. Not any more; the application of silicon and software to telecom has obliterated entry barriers, forced open the market, and, according to Mariann Jelinek, created a whole new strategic situation. Telecom is now a highly competitive, innovative, high-technology industry, with a worldwide market. Professor Jelinek suggests that the key to understanding the shift lies in comprehending the new technologies being applied and understanding their impact on the traditional markets and missions of the firms that use them. The lessons of these changes are important for all managers, especially those in mature industries, since microelectronics and software applications seem to know no industry boundaries. They are invading our lives on all sides.  相似文献   

The service industry is of fundamental relevance for the economies of industrialized countries, as the service industry produces the highest growth in the gross domestic product. In this regard, new service development (NSD) represents a critical resource for competitive survival and a decisive factor of growth in the service industry. However, service firms across many industries are increasingly faced with the challenge of determining how best to manage their development of new service offerings. Although researchers have shown growing interest in NSD issues, this area is still underutilized. Furthermore, although the heterogeneity of the service industry has been emphasized for years, the current body of research on NSD mainly focuses on specific service environments, providing data that are often not comparable across different service sectors. Additionally, there is no study to date that comprehensively examines innovation activities and the relevance of service innovations’ success factors within different service industries. The aim of this exploratory study is to establish a more balanced picture of the nature of innovation activities in terms of NSD characteristics and success factors in the heterogeneous service industry. From this perspective, this paper begins with an examination of the factors that contribute to the success of NSD. Based on a meta‐analysis of new service success factor studies, 17 different success determinants are classified and aggregated to service‐related success determinants. Subsequently, a cluster analysis of 1016 service companies is used to identify different service innovation types. For the service sector, four service innovation types are determined: efficient developers, innovative developers, interactive adopters, and standardized adopters. Furthermore, based on interviews with service innovation managers, the previously identified success factors are examined for each innovation type using a standardized survey. Finally, based on the results of this exploratory study, the paper concludes with recommendations for NSD management and research propositions for each service innovation type. These propositions support innovation managers to successfully manage service innovations for the innovation type they are operating in.  相似文献   

Exploring talent flow in Wuhan automotive industry cluster at China   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
In recent 10 years, the city of Wuhan has built a big automotive industry cluster in China. The Wuhan automotive cluster is developing quickly, but scarcity of talent has become the bottleneck for its development. Recruiting talented worker is a significant concern and the influence factors of talent flow have been explored. The questionnaire about influence factors of talent flow are designed and sent to nine core enterprises at Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone. One hundred and seventy five automotive specialists returned the effective answer sheet. In the questionnaire survey, principal components analysis is used to explore the structure of this instrument, which suggests five components: industry cluster characteristic, urban environment, working environment, income and individual factor. The investigation result demonstrates the top three of these components are income, working environment and individual factor.  相似文献   

战略性新兴产业的发展对国民经济和社会发展具有重要的战略意义,目前中国战略性新兴产业仍面临着“高端产业,低端技术”的发展困境,如何突破产业关键技术促进产业健康、可持续发展已成为亟待解决的问题。战略性新兴产业集群创新网络的形成是突破产业关键技术、共性技术及前瞻性技术的核心环节,中国正在兴起的产业技术研究院、航空高技术产业园等跨组织知识集成平台为培育和发展战略性新兴产业集群创新网络提供了重要的支撑平台。本文依托跨组织知识集成平台探究了战略性新兴产业集群创新网络的形成机制,构建了创新主体间的灰靶双边匹配模型,并采用平衡计分法建立了以创新能力为重要衡量标准的综合评价指标体系,最后通过案例进行了分析,证明了其有效性和实用性,可为促进战略性新兴产业集群创新网络的形成提供理论指导。  相似文献   

为了研究电子商务集群模式与销售绩效间的关系,通过调查分析企业进行电子商务集聚的方式对其进行模式划分,主要为第三方电子商务平台、电子商务行业协会、电子商务产业园区、区域电子商务品牌、自建网站等模式;以集聚模式为因子,以销售量为绩效目标,建立绩效分析的指标结构模型,以台州地区110家企业的调研数据为样本,借助AMOS结构模型分析软件对样本数据进行回归分析。结果表明:第三方电子商务平台、区域品牌、行业协会、产业园区对销售量呈正向影响,影响程度依次减弱,而自建网站对销售量的影响不大。研究结果可为优化企业电子商务集群模式,促进销售绩效的提高提供参考,有助于企业采取相应策略以提高经济效益。  相似文献   

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