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一辆GT—R已经足够让人难以自控的想去将它臣服于脚下。而今,三辆同时来到眼前。难免激动得一阵头晕目眩。红蓝自三辆GT—R披着Waid特制战甲格外抖擞,自是从容面对一众欧美豪强。虽然三辆GT—R各有不同性格.但不变的是那一股限里透出的杀气。关于GT—R我们不再需要多说什么,华美的外表,细致的做工部不是它的本质。GT—R只是一台机器,一台创造速度传说的机器。战神就是如此的纯粹。  相似文献   

宾利欧陆GT3赛车全球首发 宾利汽车在2013古德伍德赛车节上隆重发布了全新欧陆GT3赛车。欧陆GT3赛车承袭了嵌封在欧陆系列车型中的非凡潜能与性能基因,以宾利标志性豪华旅行座驾为灵感积淀,成就赛道巅峰新作。宾利汽车董事会成员、负责工程技术的罗尔夫·弗莱彻先生(Mr.RolfFrech)评价说:“全新欧陆GT3赛车深度发掘了欧陆GT车系中久负盛名的非凡动力与极致性能。  相似文献   

机械工业信息化建设的成绩与目标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、机械工业信息化发展的主要成绩:机械工业是我国最早应用微电子技术和计算机的产业部门之一。经过十多年的努力,全行业在推广电子信息技术应用,加快企业技术改造和提高科学管理方面取得显著进步。主要表现在以下几个方面:1.推广电子信息技术应用,加快企业技术改造取得显著进步“八五”期间,推广计算机和电子信息技术应用成为机械企业技术改造的重点。在《机械工业十年规划和“八五”计划纲要》中,明确提出六项重点科技发展任务,包括①开发应用CAD/CAM、MRPII与AS/RS(自动物流管理系统)、GT(成组技术)、CAD与AS/…  相似文献   

最近一段时间以来,关于FIAGT锦标赛与日本GT锦标赛联办的消息炒得沸沸扬扬。尽管没有官方出面正式消息的可靠性,但是从近来FIA GT锦标赛和日本GT锦标赛推广人的两次会晤来看,2006赛季的FIA GT很有可能由国际汽联和日本的JGTC两家合办。JGTC是风行日本多年的GT锦标赛。 2004年11月中旬在中国进行的本赛季最后一站大奖赛,日本JGTC推广人鹿地次郎和大平敏行两人来到珠海会晤了FIA GT推广人斯蒂芬-雷特尔;之后,11月底,斯蒂芬-雷特尔又亲自远赴日本东京,与JGTC进行了会谈。  相似文献   

EPLAN产品现已成为电气设计工业标准的E—CAD系列软件,包括具备2D/3D设计能力用于机械制造领域的LOGOCADTRIGA,用于工厂设计、加工工艺设计领域的PPE等。作为Riual公司的子公司,在世界范围内与电气制造业、汽车制造业、食品加工业以及机械制造业等不同领域的名客户合作,开发出系列智能软件:EPLAN5——已经确立了在E—CAD领域全球标准的地位,强大的界面使交流跨越了国际和行业的界限,而且很多自动化功能可大幅度缩短开发周期。  相似文献   

本报讯记者马鑫北京报道在即将于4月18日召开的第六届北京国际商用车展上,佳通轮胎将向观众展示全系列的卡客车轮胎产品。其中包括长途耐久系列的GT279、GT669、GT988 ,中短途耐久系列的GT879、  相似文献   

60年代诞生的福特 GT 外形低矮,马力强劲,研制的目的就是要在传奇的勒芒赛场上力拔头筹。福特 GT 项目由公司当时的董事长兼首席执行官亨利·福特二世亲自领导实施,目标是改变福特高性能汽车的历史。福特 GT 在耐力赛中击败了诸多强劲对手,在1966年的勒芒24小时耐力赛中将前三位的桂冠收入囊中,并在随后三年中接连夺冠。全新的2005款福特 GT 超级轿车有三种车型。福特 GT40概念车是为迎接福特的百年华诞而研制的,期待会迎来第二个百年更加伟大的年代。这款概念车在2002北美国际汽车展览会上一露面便引起了轰动。该车推出仅45天后,福特便正式宣布了该车的量产计划,又一次震惊了世界。虽然新型量产车和赛车共享福特 GT 名称的神秘,但二者的外形尺  相似文献   

文章介绍了用 BASICA 语言交互式绘制了高分辨率图形。它是公共办事事务和 CAD 辅助设计教学不可缺少部分,且适用机型0520—CH 机,无绘图机。  相似文献   

日本主要合成纤维生产商东丽工业公司周四说,它与杜邦公司签署了合同,获得在日本独家利用美国开发的“3GT聚合物”生产纤维的权利。 用3GT生产的纤维比聚酯和尼龙要柔软,染色过程能够耐高温。该产品被认为是纤维和塑料的下一代材料。 按照该合同,东丽将生产3GT化合物和聚酯,一种弹性增加的纤维。 杜邦已经许可东丽和帝人公司生产纯3GT纤维。 东丽计划9月份在Shizuoka县的Mishima生产厂开始生产,计划在第一个业务年度年产100吨,5年内扩大到2000吨。  相似文献   

从四开单色机到价值数百万的先进设备,济南鲁艺彩色印刷包装有限公司在短短两年里实现了质的飞跃。GT052成为鲁艺的主力设备,产量比过去翻了几番,即使是淡季,GT052仍保持每天近20套版的产量。  相似文献   

Over the past 20 years, the use of digital design tools such as Computer‐Aided‐Design (CAD) has increased dramatically. Today, almost no product development project is conducted without the use of CAD models. Major advantages typically ascribed to using CAD include better solutions through broader exploration of the solution space as well as faster and less expensive projects through faster and earlier iterations. This latter effect, the shifting of simulation and testing traditionally accomplished with the help of physical prototypes late in the process—a slow and expensive activity—to doing similar activities with virtual prototypes faster and earlier in the process, has been identified as a key aspect of front‐loading, an activity shift promising to enable superior product development (PD) performance. Given CAD's recent pervasive use, the research questions for this paper became “how has CAD use actually changed the way in which product development is conducted, and through which mechanisms and pathways can CAD impact PD performance, especially with respect to the idea of front‐loading?” This paper addresses these questions by studying in a longitudinal comparison in detail two similar product development projects, one conducted in 2001, the other in 2009. The projects were carefully selected to isolate the substantially higher levels of CAD use of the second project while controlling for most other input factors that influence project performance. The project with substantially higher use of CAD exhibited significant improvements in prototyping costs but only marginal changes in project time and project engineering labor cost relative to the project with lower CAD use. In‐depth intra‐project analysis on the phase level reveals that the use of CAD affected how the product development was executed, with both positive and negative consequences. In addition to, and separate from positive aspects of front‐loading, unintended consequences in the form of back‐loading work are also observed. Back‐loading can occur in two places in the product development process: First, the availability of CAD systems can cause an early jump into detail design, effectively shortcutting concept development. Second, the ability to relatively quickly conduct small changes virtually to the design can erode process discipline; late changes are made simply because they are possible. Both of these effects back‐load work in the opposite direction of the positive front‐loading. The theoretical implications of our observations are discussed, and a simple framework to convert our findings into managerial advice is proposed.  相似文献   

We evaluate the role of brand and technology switching costs in the US soybean seed industry using a unique dataset of actual seed purchases by about 28,000 farmers from 1996 to 2016. Using a random coefficients logit model of demand, we estimate brand and technology switching costs, characterize the distributions of buyers’ willingness to pay for seed brands and the glyphosate tolerance (GT) trait, and assess the implications of brand and technology switching costs for farmers’ welfare, technology adoption, firm profits, and firm market shares. We find that farmers are willing to pay large premiums for brand labels, and even larger premiums for the GT trait, although there is considerable heterogeneity in these values. Switching costs play an important role in the soybean seed industry. Eliminating these costs would significantly increase buyers’ welfare, reduce seed prices and firm profits, decrease adoption of the GT trait, and impact industry consolidation by expanding smaller firms’ market shares.  相似文献   

CAD (Computer Aided Design) has now become an integral part of Technology Education. The recent introduction of highly sophisticated, low-cost CAD software and CAM hardware capable of running on desktop computers has accelerated this trend. There is now quite widespread introduction of solid modeling CAD software into secondary schools but how much is really known about the processes of learning and teaching CAD, particularly solid modeling? This paper will discuss current practice in CAD teaching and the way this relates to solid modeling. It will discuss the findings of current research with particular emphasis on the difference between command knowledge and strategic knowledge and how this relates to the development of CAD expertise. Command knowledge is referred to as knowledge of the commands (algorithms or tools) and the procedures to use those tools within CAD software while strategic knowledge is concerned with knowledge of the alternate methods by which a specific task may be achieved and the process by which a choice may be made. The results of a recent experimental study into the teaching of CAD expertise will then be outlined and the implications for the teaching and learning process will be discussed.  相似文献   

通过文献搜集和实地调研等方法进行相关研究,得出服装CAD课程的教学现状种种不足,在此基础上,提出通过其软硬件建设、师资队伍建设以及网络课堂建设等三个方面完善服装CAD课程建设工作,并从教学内容、教学方法以及教学评估等方面对服装CAD课程进行教学改革尝试,以期更好地促进服装CAD课程的教学完善。  相似文献   

机械CAD/CAM的现状与发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
回顾和总结了机械CAD/CAM近三十年的发展历程,概述了国内外CAD/CAM的研究与应用现状,介绍了几个较为著名的 CAD/CAM软件,对未来 CAD/CAM的发展进行了论述。  相似文献   

在测绘过程中,将CAD技术运用于地理地形绘图中,能够大大提高绘图效率。在地理制图测绘中,三维CAD可以对地质测绘的结果通过相关的绘图软件进行编辑处理,然后用绘图的方式把最终结果输出,在整个地质勘探的过程中是一个不可或缺的环节,经过CAD处理以后能够将复杂的地形地势的绘制简单化,降低绘图过程中可能出现的失误。但由于三维CAD没有普及,运用在地理测绘中,出现了许多问题,本文对这些问题进行了总结,并提出了有效地解决方案。  相似文献   

服装CAD中存在许多常用部件,针对这些部件开发服装CAD图形库和图块功能可以提高制图的效率,并且图块功能是CAD软件中的重要功能之一。本文结合服装纸样工程的实际情况,提出一种服装纸样图例库建立和图块功能的可行方法,并应用VisualC++开发了此功能,在实际运用中良好运行。  相似文献   

International Journal of Technology and Design Education - As the literature points out the lack of efficient use of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) in design curricula, we aimed to align a CAD course...  相似文献   

二维零件数控火焰切割的自动编程   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提出了一种由AutoCAD二维图形直接生成数控火焰切割机加工代码的方法,为从CAD到CAM提出了一种简单有效而且实用的途径。  相似文献   

CAD has been described as a'Trojan horse'through which drawing office work will be deskilled. This article rebuts the crude Tayloris-ation thesis which underlines such views and offers an alternative analysis of the effects of CAD .  相似文献   

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