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供油泵是电厂生产运行中能耗较大的设备;我公司原来通过控制供油泵出口门后的油泵再循环阀门开度来调节供油流量和压力,不但使大量的能源消耗在泵的再循环阀门前后,而且参与循环油流量的增加也导致油罐油温的快速上升;既浪费了能源,又影响油罐在夏季的安全运行。在燃油系统一台380V、110kW输油泵(油泵型号80AYII50×9)上采用变频调速系统,通过改变供油泵的转速进行流量调节,降低了输油单耗,节约了电能,降低了油罐油温。  相似文献   

本文对过饱和短路漏抗的计算,提出了用饱和迭加的计算方法。文中给出了一般计算公式。最后用一个计算实例具体说明本文的计算方法。并将该计算结果与普通方法的结果相比较。  相似文献   

某AP1000核电厂柴油发电机燃油系统油水分离器滤芯频繁失效,通过对燃油油品分析,以及对滤芯拆解后采用宏观形貌分析、微观分析、能谱成分分析、清洗试验等方法,研究了该油水分离器滤芯频繁失效原因。结果表明,滤芯堵塞杂质大部分为非金属元素C和O,来自于柴油中微量杂质而非管路腐蚀或磨损,滤芯杂质吸附能力约400 g,无法满足燃油系统长时间运行的要求。  相似文献   

本文对三个文献中给出的垂直螺旋机临界转速的不同的计算公式进行了分析和比较,并根据设计实践,对它们的适用性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

1990年,中原油田濮三联合站出矿原油实施标准SY7513—88,其水含量(重%)不大于0.5;饱和蒸汽压在储存温度下低于油田当地大气压,收到了良好的经济效果,每年为国家创经济效益达253.91万元。 在联合站,从接受油、气、水混相液开始,到净化油外输的工艺过程中,影响原油处理后含水指标的主要因素有4个:①破乳剂的加药量;②大罐沉降效果;③电脱水器控制;④工作人员的责任心及业务技术素质。影响净化油饱和蒸汽压的主要因素有两个:一是负压螺杆压缩机的运行情况,二是工作人员责任心及业务技术素质。  相似文献   

四、燃油压力测量仪   燃油压力是决定喷油量的关键因素.燃油压力测量仪是用来测量燃油压力和检查燃油喷射系统的重要工具.在汽车发动机中,节气门喷射式发动机油压为62~69kPa,仅用一个机械式的测量仪(压力范围在6.90~103.45kPa)即可.对于计算机控制的多点喷射式发动机,它的油压通常为206.9~275.9kPa,必须用专用的高压式燃油压力测量仪,它的测量范围一般在6.9~690kPa之间.在多点喷射方式的发动机微机控制系统中,通常在燃油总管上有一个专门用来测燃油压力的检查口,口内设有单向阀,以防尘土进入燃油管路中及高压燃油从检查口中溢出.需要检查油压时,把螺盖卸下,并用相应的接头和软管将测量仪与检查接口连接好,再将接头处拧紧,启动发动机,读取燃油压力测量仪上的数据即可.……  相似文献   

在矿场条件下,混输管路在经济上往往优于用两条管路分别输送输量不大的原油和天然气,因而在油气田的地面集输系统中,混输管路的应用十分广泛。本文讨论了多相混输技术在官2断块油田中的应用。  相似文献   

水力清洗管道技术的工作原理和操作规程,给出大型成套设备润滑系统管路的清洗方法。  相似文献   

本文在文献[1]的基础上,针对多电机拖动大系统,提出了模型参考自动协调(MRAC)系统。对于直流调速问题,给出了二阶模型下的参数计算公式,并进行了实验研究。分析和实验表明,MRAC 系统从根本上提高了拖动大系统的同步性、抗扰性和鲁棒性,大大改善了系统的动态特性。参考模型的引入,使系统的稳速精度进一步提高。系统结构简单,容易调整,能够在工业上进行推广应用。  相似文献   

连铸连轧燃油系统故障率过高,燃油系统工艺特点,对各种故障原因进行分析,给出相应对策,如:改进燃烧器、过滤器,增加乳化器等.  相似文献   

以外压对蒸气压的影响及开尔文方程为理论依据,讨论了外压对弯曲液面蒸气压的影响,其结果与外压对平液面蒸气压的影响相同。讨论了液体内部气泡的蒸气压,给出了气泡内蒸气压的计算公式,并对现实中的实例进行了计算说明。  相似文献   

介绍了以燃料成本确定电厂生产系统经济性能的实用性算法、对电厂经营性能计算方法的分析,实用性算法的建立、实用性算法的分析、实用算法的应用作了较详细的阐述.  相似文献   

针对离子液体具有熔点低,蒸气压低,电化学窗口大,酸性可调节及良好的溶解度、黏度和密度等特点,在详细介绍了离子液体特性的基础上,综述了其在有机合成反应、催化合成和分离过程等方面的应用,并对其发展前景提出了见解。  相似文献   

燃料油氧化脱硫技术进展   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了国内外关于燃料油的选择性氧化脱硫、超声波氧化脱硫、光催化氧化脱硫、光与超声波结合的氧化脱硫、可见光氧化脱硫等几种主要氧化脱硫方法的现状,并描述了燃料油中主要含硫化合物在氧化脱硫中的反应活性及影响因素,同时分析了各种方法的主要优点、缺点和局限性,肯定了燃料油氧化脱硫的发展前景。  相似文献   

Based on a comprehensive literature review and the activities of numerous case study companies, it is argued in this paper that performance measurement in R&D is a fundamental aspect to quality in R&D and to overall business performance. However, it is apparent from the case companies that many companies still struggle with the issue of R&D performance measurement. Excuses for not measuring are easily found, but there are also empirical examples and literature available with suggestions how it can be done. In this article this literature is reviewed and placed within the context of general performance control and contingency theory. Furthermore, the main measurement system design parameters are discussed and some basic system requirements are described as well as several design principles that can be useful for those who accept the challenge of establishing a meaningful measurement system.  相似文献   

车用涡旋空调压缩机含油量优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了车用空调压缩机介质含油量各种热力参数的计算方法,分析了含油量对压缩机性能的影响,运用优化的方法得出了不同工况下介质含油的最佳值,为车用空调压缩机安全经济的运行提供了一个含油量的科学选择方法。  相似文献   

Due to the transition in energy supply from fossil to renewable energy sources, energy storage systems are getting more and more important for the security of power supply. Therefore also the modeling of those storage systems in energy system modeling needs to be further discussed. This paper focuses on the levelized costs of energy storage. In the beginning, the existing approaches of calculating those costs are analyzed in a literature review. It will be shown that all of the approaches calculate the levelized costs on the basis of the energy storages’ lifetime. For the usage in energy system modeling it is mandatory that the calculation can be done for variable and shorter time periods. Therefore this work’s approach calculates the costs based on the time of operation in any period chosen. Additionally, the model can be used for any type of storage system. After introducing the mathematical model, the levelized costs of energy storage will be calculated to illustrate the models properties and then verified with reference load profiles for five different energy storage types. Following this, particular input parameters are varied and sensitivities are pointed out. Most of the programs for power plant dispatch calculations use linear or mixed integer linear programing algorithms. As the calculation of levelized costs of electricity is non-linear, most programs use fixed values during the whole time of simulation. In this article the integration of the presented approach into a linear optimization program via recursive and shifted calculation is elaborated. Results are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Inducing Innovation in the Environmental Technology of Oligopolistic Firms   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This paper characterizes environmental regulations which induce polluting Bertrand competitors to invest efficiently in environmental R&D. Post–innovation benefits to raising rivals' costs provide firms with incentives to innovate. Although optimal behavior cannot be elicited with pollution taxes alone, an optimum can be achieved by combining emission taxes with environmental performance standards that are higher for firms which reveal superior environmental technologies. Faced with this policy, successful innovators voluntarily reveal their technological discovery to the government, despite the apparent regulatory penalty that results. Implications for automotive fuel regulation are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper develops a dynamic, stochastic growth system for money market fund families and tests how search behavior within this system affects fund family exit. The outcome of search behavior is measured as the time-varying parameters of the growth system, estimated by the Kalman filter. The results provide no evidence that the continuously updated coefficients influence the risk of failure. However, the cumulative amount of search generally affects exit positively, consistent with Hannan and Freeman's (1984) structural inertia theory. Founding conditions and money market fund performance are also important predictors of money market fund failure. These findings are discussed in the light of Bowman's (1963) theory of managerial coefficients and its applicability to simple industries like money market funds. The implications for future empirical studies on evolutionary growth systems are also discussed.  相似文献   

通过对发动机润滑系统进行分析,结合发动机的润滑要求,采用蓖麻基癸二酸二辛酯和Ⅲ类油复合作为基础油,加入多种功能型添加剂进行复配,研制新一代环境友好节能减排发动机油。经理化性能指标检测和相关台架及道路试验,所研制发动机油达到了GB 11121-2006中SJ 10W-40汽油机油规格要求,提高发动机节油率以及减少有害气体的排放。  相似文献   

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