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民营经济在中央政策的指引下,已逐步成为促进社会生产力发展的重要力量.目前民营经济发展规模与发展的质量、结构、效益以及融资体系之间的矛盾比较突出,解决这些矛盾,应该从提高经营者的基本素质,消除内、外资企业的政策差异,完善企业文化建设,建立与民营经济发展相适应的融资体系,加快建立现代化企业管理制度等方面入手.  相似文献   

陈时兴 《浙江经济》2011,(23):38-39
规范发展民间金融的核心问题是制度安排问题,民间金融的健康发展迫切需要政府放开金融市场的进入和退出壁垒,给市场主体充分的自由选择权 民间金融与民营经济相伴相生,是民营经济发展的重要金融支撑。但是,它存在于金融监管体系之外,存在着较大的金融风险。因此,既要充分认识发展民间金融的重要意义,又要加强民间金融政策规制,促进民间金融健康发展。  相似文献   

王晨 《特区经济》2010,(3):128-130
改革开放以来,民营经济的发展为我国的国民经济做出了重大贡献,我国各级政府虽然为民营经济的发展创造了一定的宏观政策环境,但市场准入政策门槛过高、金融信贷政策不平等、法律建设滞后、制度安排不合理、政府服务理念缺失和体系落后业已成为民营经济持续发展的障碍因素。因此,改善民营经济发展的政策环境对于民营经济的良性发展就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

刘浩  田励平 《特区经济》2011,(11):79-81
本文首先阐明了有必要发展壮大秦皇岛市民营经济,然后分析了当前发展民营经济的优势与存在问题,最后从产业结构、信用体系、融资渠道、政策环境等方面提出若干建议。  相似文献   

孙涧桥 《中国经贸》2012,(8):172-172
在市场经济体制中,民营经济发挥着巨大的作用,尤其是在促进经济增长,改善就业方面起着举足轻重的作用。因此,大力促进民营经济的发展是地方政府的首要任务。我们在分析当前民营经济发展的主要特点和政策环境的基础上,剖析地方民营企业发展所面临的困境和问题,并在此基础上提供地方政府促进民营经济健康发展的思路,为大力发展地方民营经济提供政策参考。  相似文献   

刘凝霜  程霖 《改革》2021,(1):36-49
中国共产党自成立以来,就十分重视探索扎根中国实践且有助于推动经济发展和民族复兴的民营经济政策。中国共产党民营经济政策的形成、发展与演变历经新民主主义革命时期(1921—1949年)、社会主义革命和建设时期(1949—1978年)、改革开放和社会主义现代化建设新时期(1978年至今)三个阶段。在系统勾勒其历史变迁路径的基础上,进一步探讨了中国共产党民营经济政策的现实基础和理论来源,同时提炼并总结了民营经济政策中蕴含的理论创新元素,充分展现了中国共产党民营经济政策在突破苏联模式关于社会主义经济建设的理论约束、发展马克思主义经典作家关于社会所有制的设想、探寻国有经济与民营经济协调发展新模式、实现理论与实践紧密结合以推动中国民营经济发展等方面所作出的重要贡献。  相似文献   

唐山市民营经济已经成为带动唐山经济发展的重要支柱力量。本文紧密结合唐山实际,深入剖析民营经济发展和构建现代产业体系要求之间存在的诸如管理理念、产业集中度、资源依赖、融资渠道和投资领域等方面差距,对唐山市民营经济在构建现代产业体系中的角色进行总体定位,并从发展理念定位、特色产业定位和政策环境定位等方面进行具体的发展路径分析。  相似文献   

我国民营企业发展的外部环境分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张显春 《特区经济》2004,(12):79-81
民营经济已成为国民经济重要的组成部分,民营企业为国民经济的持续发展做出了重要贡献,它的外部环境也因之在不断改善的基础上发生重大变化,如国家对民营经济从政策支持开始转向制度保障,国有经济与民营经济从各自发展开始转向优势互补和统一发展,民营经济在国民经济体系中的地位和作用得到充分认识和广泛认可等。但是由于民营企业本身是在一个十分不公平的环境下发展起来的,尽管民营经济已取得如此瞩目的成就和发挥如此大的作用,  相似文献   

民营经济在确保湖南国民经济适度增长、缓解就业压力、实现湖南省国有经济战略调整、优化湖南省经济结构等方面都发挥着日益重要的作用。近年来湖南省委、省政府把加快民营经济发展置于重要的战略地位,出台了一系列促进民营经济发展的政策措施,但与发达地区相比,发展水平滞后。文章通过分析湖南省民营经济竞争力现状及特点,客观分析了湖南省民营经济发展中存在的问题,提出了发展湖南省民营经济的政策建议。  相似文献   

党的十九大报告指出,经济发展必须贯彻"新发展理念",从"求速度"向"要质量"转变,要支持民营企业发展,激发各类市场主体活力。作为入选首批东北民营经济发展改革试点城市最多的省份,辽宁在探索民营经济高质量发展的道路上责任重大。本文通过分析辽宁民营经济高质量发展诉求,探究"高质量发展"规律,对高质量发展的内在逻辑进行阐释,提出民营企业高质量发展的实现途径和政策建议。有助于完善辽宁民营经济发展促进体系,助力管理体系向公众利益归位。相关政策建议对促进辽宁民营经济高质量发展,帮助民营企业转型升级,优化营商环境,规范民营经济治理,化解经济下行风险,增强经济发展新动能具有政策应用价值。  相似文献   

Through the Asian financial crisis, many key international economic issues have come to the forefront the stability of the international financial system under the IMF, “Asian values”, the universal validity of the Asian Economic Development Model, China's leadership in the regional world economy, Japan's role in the region, and the immunity of Greater China from the current financial crisis. Currently, most Asian countries seem eager to redress structural problems involving the government sector, banking, and corporate governance. In the process of this full scale restructuring, Korea must reevaluate its economic relationship with Central Asia. This paper argues that Korean financial crisis stems basically from the system failure. Furthermore, since a small open economy carries with it intrinsic vulnerabilities, the government should be more careful in securing optimal foreign exchange, opening capital markets based on the economy's absorption capacity. In this respect, the banking industry should be run based on the profitability of capital. Once banking industries are distorted by the practice of government‐led policy loans, it is more difficult to correct those customized distortions. The banking industry should play a larger role as the “brain of the economy”, sensing abnormalities of the economy. Moreover, in today's increasingly interdependent global economic system, no single country can solve its problems without close coordination of its policy with the outside world. An early warning system to signal financial instability would help developing economies in modernizing and strengthening their domestic financial institutions and would also work as a supplement to the IMF standby fund. Also, human resource management has proven too important to be neglected. Central Asia could derive lessons from the above Asian “failure”, not the Asian “miracle”, to avoid inappropriate policies and to deepen its economic development.  相似文献   

郭年顺 《南方经济》2019,38(12):15-32
主流经济学家把改革开放后民营企业的大规模兴起,主要归因为市场经济条件下发挥企业家精神和遵循比较优势的必然结果。但是这无法解释为什么民营企业在兴起之初就广泛和快速地进入到各个工业,尤其是技术和资本密集型工业。基于中国工业史和252家中国最大民营制造业企业创业发展史的历史证据,文章找回"工业体系"这一被主流所忽略的重大历史现象和学术概念,从而首次提出一种理解中国民营企业发展独特性的结构性解释。文章发现:从计划经济时期继承而来的门类齐全和独立完整的工业体系,是解释民营企业创业和发展独特性的关键变量;已有的由国有企业和科研院所组成的工业体系,从市场机会、技术能力和组织资源等方面塑造了民营企业的创业选择和发展路径。所以,中国民营企业的快速发展不是仅凭自由市场就会自动出现的普遍现象,而是在市场条件下充分利用工业体系提供的技术和市场条件才得以出现的特殊现象。  相似文献   

The relationship between government policy and economic development has been a long- standing topic of academic research andpolicy debate. The government of a transitional economy plays an important role in the process of economic development. Over the past three decades, the Chinese economy has been growing very rapidly, in particular because of the rapid development of the private sector. However, the performance of private enterprises is still affected by government policies. In the present paper, we examine the changes in large Chinese private enterprises performance during 2003-2006 and test the determinants of such changes. We conclude that the Chinese Government's discriminating policies against private enterprises are the main cause of the private sector's downturn.  相似文献   

马忠新 《南方经济》2021,40(2):106-122
营商制度环境作为民营经济发展的重要影响因素,离不开营商文化“基因”的历史传承,明清商帮精神的历史传承和开埠通商所带来的外部冲击,是城市营商文化“基因”的重要组成部分。实证研究基于281个地市级以上城市的民营企业发展数据和世界银行的微观企业调查数据,检验了营商制度环境的历史传承及其对民营经济发展规模和质量的影响,结果表明,城市营商制度环境受到开埠通商、明清商帮等历史因素的显著影响;营商制度环境对城市的人均私营和个体企业数量、人均民营上市公司数量、人均民营新三板公司数量等指标均具有显著的正向影响,说明不同发展规模的民营企业均受到营商制度环境的显著影响。同时,营商制度环境也显著影响了各地民营企业创新能力(专利密度)、经营活力(产能利用率)等发展质量指标。增加控制变量或更换变量指标数据,实证结论都十分稳健。文章基于营商文化传承和营商制度变迁,为营商环境研究提供了历史视角,并基于历史工具变量使用IV估计为营商制度环境对民营企业发展的影响提供了更有力的实证证据。研究结论为推动新时代的营商环境改革及推动民营经济高质量发展提供了政策启示。  相似文献   

From its foundation as a private corporation in 1694, the Bank of England extended large amounts of credit to support the British private economy and to support an increasingly centralised British state. The Bank helped the British state reach a position of geopolitical and economic hegemony in the international economic order. In this paper, we deploy recalibrated financial data to analyse an evolving trajectory of connections between the British economy, the state, and the Bank of England. We show how these connections contributed to form an effective and efficient fiscal–naval state and promote the development of a system of financial intermediation for the economy. This symbiotic relationship became stronger after 1793. The evidence that we consider here shows that although the Bank was nominally a private institution and profits were paid to its shareholders, it was playing a public role well before Bagehot's doctrine.  相似文献   

Being the world's largest developing economy, China's successful economic performance since 1978 has had a powerful impact on the global economy. Its open policy features an evolutionary process, involving the gradual liberalization of foreign exchange, international trade and foreign direct investments. This paper evaluates how this evolutionary process has contributed to China's economic success in comparison with the development experiences of the Asian newly industrialized economies (NIEs). It concludes that despite the economic crisis in 1997–98, China and the NIEs represent a successful development model, which is built upon openness and huge investments in physical and human capital.  相似文献   

国家“十三五”规划从战略层面上提出要以坚持发展为第一要务,不断优化经济结构,转变经济发展方式,增强自主创新能力。在新的经济形势下,区域经济亟需加快实现创新驱动发展转型,推进产业转型升级,加快新兴产业和现代服务业发展,形成开放型经济体系。以无锡市为例,通过对无锡产业经济发展现状的深入剖析,结合以色列创新驱动发展成功经验,提出促进无锡区域经济创新发展相关策略。  相似文献   

There has been ongoing interest in China's economic growth. What were the drivers of China's economic growth in past years? What policies were used to promote China's economic growth? Although different lenses may be used to understand and explain China's economic growth, this paper draws on historical, theoretical, and empirical perspectives to discuss the nexus between China's regional policies and economic growth. First, we review the evolution of China's regional policy and the policy's changing emphasis in different development stages, from balanced, unbalanced, and coordinated development to synergistic development. Then we construct a theoretical model to illustrate the impact of regional policy on the local economy and conduct an empirical examination with a case study of regional policy using regression discontinuity design. This paper analyzes the concept of regional policy and the underpinning logic of economic growth and presents practical approaches to formulate a better regional policy framework.  相似文献   

民营企业是我国社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分,它已经成为衡量地区经济发展程度的重要指标,而民营企业的成长环境直接影响民营企业的健康发展,这则要求政府相关部门为民营企业的发展创造良好的外部环境,同时企业自身也应该优化企业内部环境。但是就目前民营企业成长发展的环境而言,还存在着诸多制约和影响民营企业发展的因素。本文以瑞安为例,通过分析制约民营企业成长的环境因素,探讨政府在民营企业成长中的角色定位以及构建可持续发展机制的路径。  相似文献   

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