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日内瓦票据法系为了遵循票据行为的独立性原则,认为票据伪造不影响其它真实签章的效力,付款人在付款时只要尽到形式审查义务,善意且无重大过失进行了付款,则发生付款的效力,免除付款人的票据责任.然而,英美法系票据法认为,伪造的签名无效,等于空白,不发生权利转移的效力.  相似文献   

在票据上签名是票据行为有效成立的最基本条件,按照<票据法>第4条规定,在票据上签章的人(包括出票人、持票人和其他票据债务人),依票据上记载的事项承担票据责任.世界各国票据法均规定,在票据上签名的负票据责任.票据行为以债务人负担债务为目的,因此为识别当事人和确定其责任以及鉴定其真伪,票据行为人必须在票据上签名,未在票据上签名的,不负票据责任.票据上的签章,其中以出票人的签名最重要,是票据必须记载的事项,欠缺此项,票据形式要件欠缺,票据无效.如果票据上有伪造的签名,或签名人属无行为能力人或限制行为能力人,则票据实质内容欠缺,须由法律决定其效力.本文就票据签名可能引起的几个问题进行分析.  相似文献   

1995年5月10日公布出台的《票据法》是规范票据行为,保障票据当事人合法权益的一部重要法律。它对维护社会经济秩序,促进社会主义市场经济的发展具有重要意义。所谓票据,在法律上指得是汇票、本票和最常用的支票。 那么,《票据法》究竟在哪几方面起了积极作用呢? 首先,《票据法》对各当事人的各种票据行为进行了规范,确定了票据人的权利和义务。 《票据法》明确指出,票据出票人制作票据应当按照法定条件在票据上签章,并按照所记载的事项承担票据责任,而持票人行使票据权  相似文献   

谢珺 《特区经济》2011,(6):253-255
票据上记载的多个票据债务人承担票据责任的基本外在表现就是签章;各种票据行为中最重要的形式要件也是签章,任何一种票据行为都要由行为人在票据上签章。签章成为票据交易和票据法规制中最基本和最核心的问题。在实践中,经常会发生票据签章行为由他人代理作出的情形。虽然我国《票据法》对该问题有简单规定,但代理票据签章行为必须将民法的基本理论和票据制度结合起来去梳理。  相似文献   

当今世界,经济日渐全球化,经济飞速发展,作为贸易和结算工具的票据,在经济发展中发挥着重要的作用。作为票据法上非票据权利之一的利益偿还请求权,由于在平衡当事人利益方面发挥着非常重要的作用,大陆法系多数国家和地区都在其票据立法中予以规定。我国票据法第18条亦作了类似的规定,但相比较而言,还存在票据权利丧失的原因存在逻辑错误、法言累赘、义务主体的范围及利益偿还的范围不合理、配套立法不完善等问题。文章对我国票据法利益偿还请求权的相关规定提出了一些修改建议,以期从总体上理顺利益偿还请求权制度。  相似文献   

刘弘毅  曲文龙 《魅力中国》2014,(19):301-301
现代票据的产生主要是为了满足商业交易活动中的便捷需求.票据无因性理论的确立是对这一现实需求的最好体现和维护。但我国《票据法》第十条第一款中关于票据行为“有因性”的规定.不仅违背票据无因性的应有之义,也与当前世界各国通行的做法格格不入。由此,我们认为应当对《票据法》相关内容予以修改。  相似文献   

票据是现代社会经济活动中的重要支付手段,商品经济越发展,就越要运用票据工具来结算经济活动中所产生的各种债权债务。如何有效防止因票据丧失带来的经济风险,是现代经济活动中必须解决的一个问题。本文以《票据法》为依据,系统阐述了我国关于票据丧失的补救措施,深入分析了运用法律等手段维护失票人合法权利的必要性和可行性。  相似文献   

近几年来,随着我国社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立和发展,票据已经成为社会主义经济活动中法人、公民以及其他经济组织进行资金清算的重要支付工具。《票据法》、《支付结算办法》等法律、法规的出台,使票据业务得到了大力  相似文献   

票据质押由于是权利质押的一种,所以担保法可以对其进行调整,又鉴于票据的特殊性,票据法同时对其进行调整,这样,票据质押的生效要件在法律规定上出现了冲突。票据质押中的被背书人(质权人)取得的是质权,票据权利人仍然是背书人(出质人),在效力上也就有别于转让背书的效力;关于质权人(被背书人)如何实现质权,应该有区别于一般质权实现的明确而具体的规定。  相似文献   

票据市场在我国的发展起始于上世纪80年代,最初是企业作为一种延期支付的信用工具而诞生;1996年《票据法》正式实施,票据市场的各项功能逐步健全,步入了发展的初期阶段;2000年11月9日,经中国人民银行批准,  相似文献   

The current social and economic background of China and the development of Chinese financial market decide that, the system innovation of bill market must choose reasonable path, perfect the system arrangement of bill market, innovate the financing instruments of bills, control the market risk, raise the efficiency of market operation, bring the market function of bills into full play, make the bill market really become the effective instrument for the financial institutions and enterprises to finance, and become the carrier for the monetary policy to conduct and promote the standardized and healthy development.  相似文献   

Abstract: The paper reviews trends and developments in the WAEMU government securities markets. Issuance of debt has grown more than tenfold since 2000 in the region, driven by the rapidly growing Treasury bills segment. The elimination of central bank financing of government has been the catalyst of this growth while excess liquidity in the banking system has helped sustain the market. Common institutions, such as a regional central bank and uniformity of issuance and distribution procedures have led to high cross‐border transactions. However, supply and demand conditions are more important than economic fundamentals in determining Treasury bill rates.  相似文献   

A vast economic history literature suggests that medieval institutions supporting contract enforcement were necessary for impersonal exchange to emerge. Yet this literature cannot account for the bill of exchange, an important financial instrument that had positive legal standing in both the medieval Islamic and Christian worlds but remained relegated to personal networks only in the former. This paper suggests that a seemingly innocuous difference - the involvement of currency exchange in European but not Middle Eastern bills, a difference resulting from the secular legalization of interest in Europe - encouraged divergent endogenous processes resulting in these distinct institutional arrangements.  相似文献   

李明康 《特区经济》2014,(5):125-126
自2003年我国中央银行票据开始登上公开市场的舞台,并且逐步发展成为中央银行公开市场操作的主流工具之一。本文主要从央行票据在公开市场操作中的作用、我国流动性过剩、存款准备金等货币政策的局限性和央行票据所承担的新的政策职能的角度来说明因为我国所处特殊经济金融的环境,央行票据作为我国公开市场操作的中长期工具,具有可持续性。最后本文还对完善央行票据制度提出几点政策建议。  相似文献   

This study conducts a survey among households in three cities in Ghana on how water delivery should be managed. The contingent valuation method was used to estimate the willingness to pay for improved water delivery under private sector participation. Results indicate that most households will remain connected to their current water supplies if private sector is engaged to improve water delivery at higher monthly water bills. Given that the mean household monthly water bill of GH¢10.82, the results indicate that there is demand for water quality improvement, and private sector engagement is likely to provide these services. However, this policy measure marginalises the poor in terms of access to water. Therefore, private sector participation in water delivery may require a complementary programme to promote access to water.  相似文献   

Using a generalized method of moments technique for dynamic panels we estimate the acreage response of indica rice production in the U.S. to decoupled payments under the 1996 and 2002 farm bills. We find that these payments exert significant effects on the number of acres planted and, although the response is inelastic, a given change in decoupled payments may have a greater effect on acreage planted than an equal change in payments directly linked to output. Thus, even purely decoupled payments may be vulnerable to WTO sanction or de minimis limits. This research also suggests that the subsidy formula in the proposed 2014 farm bill will have a reduced distortionary effect compared to existing policies.  相似文献   

近年来,在国家宏观经济金融政策的引导下,中小银行票据业务取得快速发展,但随着经济形势的变化,也出现了一些亟待解决的问题。文章分析了中小银行票据经营的现状和存在的问题,并就促进中小银行票据业务发展提出相关对策建议。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of trade finance shocks on real exports by using novel data on two bank-intermediated instruments of trade finance in Korea: foreign trade loans extended by commercial banks and documentary bills purchased by them. Using a vector autoregression (VAR) model, the results show that a negative shock to both instruments adversely affects exports, particularly the exports of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The trade financing condition explains as much as 10–14 % of the variation in exports, which is comparable to the estimates in previous studies. Noteworthy is that the effects of trade finance on SME exports vary upon whether it is pre- or post-shipment financing.  相似文献   

央行票据冲销外汇占款的微观成本在2004—2010年为盈利,从国内角度来说,央行使用央行票据冲销流动性的微观成本高于存款准备金率的微观成本。央行票据和存款准备金率对宏观经济的影响利弊共存,但就冲销流动性的效果而言,央行票据使用更为灵活,存款准备金率的冲销力度更大。  相似文献   

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