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党的十六届三中全会明确指出,继续实施"走出去"战略,完善对外投资服务体系,赋予企业更大的境外经营管理自主权.从天津滨海新区对外投资的实践看,实施"走出去"战略是顺应国际经济发展趋势的战略选择,是率先基本实现现代化的有效途径,是建设天津现代化国际港口大都市标志性区域的必然要求.  相似文献   

天津滨海新区的开发开放已由天津的城市发展战略上升为国家发展战略,由天津的最大经济增长点进而成为带动整个区域发展的重要力量.在未来十五年的战略机遇期内,滨海新区将继广东深圳、上海浦东之后,成为我国经济的"第三增长极",带动环渤海地区乃至北方的经济发展.  相似文献   

魏然 《港口经济》2007,(12):46-48
天津滨海新区纳入国家总体发展战略,国家"十一五"经济和社会发展规划纲要明确提出推进天津滨海新区开发开放,带动区域经济发展;《国务院推进天津滨海新区开发开放问题意见》,明确了天津滨海新区的功能定位,并将滨海新区作为全国综合配套改革试验区.  相似文献   

党的十六届五中全会通过的《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划的建议》明确指出:"继续发挥经济特区、上海浦东新区的作用,推进天津滨海新区等条件较好地区的开发开放,带动区域经济发展."十届全国人大四次会议提出:"推进天津滨海新区开发开放".这标志着滨海新区纳入国家总体发展战略,进入了新的发展阶段.推进天津滨海新区开发开放,是在新世纪新阶段,党中央、国务院从我国经济社会发展全局出发作出的重要战略部署.为全面落实这一战略部署,按照中共天津市委八届八次全会通过的《中共天津市委关于加快推进滨海新区开发开放的意见》(津党发[2005]18号),编制本纲要.  相似文献   

在党的十六届三中全会到六中全会完整提出了落实科学发展观、构建和谐社会科学体系的大背景下,国务院下发了20号文件,把建设天津滨海新区提升为国家发展战略,这对于滨海新区的开发开放,具有特殊重要的意义,赋予了新区创新发展模式,转变经济增长方式,实现全面、协调和可持续发展的新内涵.今天的滨海新区,不同于上世纪80年代的深圳和90年代的浦东,滨海新区不仅具有作为经济增长极带动天津和周边地区加快发展的重任,还肩负着协调全国区域发展、建设"和谐中国"的历史责任.今天的滨海新区,与深圳和浦东相比,发展的任务更艰巨,发展的内涵更丰富.  相似文献   

编者按:从党的十六届五中全会把加快天津滨海新区开发开放,振兴环渤海区域经济纳入国家发展战略布局以来,滨海新区经历了3年的试验、改革与发展,取得了一系列骄人的成绩,成为带动环渤海区域经济发展的"龙头",同时也促进了环渤海地区逐渐成为我国经济发展的第三增长极.滨海新区的开发建设,是继中国20世纪80年代开发深圳、90年代开发浦东以来成功带动中国经济发展的又一次重大的战略部署.  相似文献   

加快滨海新区建设是决定天津前途命运的"制胜一招",在过去的一些年里,滨海新区的建设速度是比较快的,而如何才能持续地进一步加快滨海新区建设呢?这是一个需要认真思考和研究的问题.当年上海开放开发其浦东新区时,一些有识之士曾把我们天津的滨海新区与浦东比较说,天津的滨海新区比上海的浦东面积大,且比上海的浦东发达.可是没有多久,上海的浦东就迅速地发展了起来,并且使上海成为全国的经济中心.于是有人写文章说,滨海新区应成为天津的浦东,意即要象开放开发浦东那样开放开发滨海新区.是的,我们天津如果真能象上海开放开发浦东那样来开放开发滨海新区,那么我们天津就一定能成为真正的中国北方经济中心.  相似文献   

在孕育希望和生机的天津滨海新区,耸立着一座世界一流的现代化钢城—俗称"大无缝"的天津钢管集团股份有限公司.一条条承载梦想的世界最先进的无缝钢管生产线,傲然屹立在"大无缝"这片沃土上.  相似文献   

以党的十六届五中全会为标志,滨海新区的开发建设已由地区发展战略上升为国家发展战略,成为我国继上海浦东新区第二个综合改革试验区,确立了滨海新区“立足天津、依托京冀、服务环渤海、辐射‘三北’、面向东北亚,努力建设成为高水平的现代制造和研发转化基地,北方国际航运中心  相似文献   

天津滨海新区设立的初衷是在天津市东部地区新建一个基础设施配套、服务功能齐全、面向新世纪的高度开放的现代化经济新区.但随着我国区域战略布局的进一步展开,滨海新区的开发建设已超出了其原有意义.中共中央关于制定"十一五"规划的建议,将滨海新区的发展纳入国家发展战略,中国经济增长"第三极"初现端倪.天津滨海新区要抓住这个发展的大好时机,充分利用港口优势和所在区域的比较优势,打造中国北方国际航运中心,面向国内国际两个市场,通过生产要素优化配置,推动经济快速发展.因此,科学制定滨海新区的发展战略,发挥滨海新区的潜力,推动北方国际航运中心的建设,带动天津市乃至整个北方地区经济社会的发展具有现实意义.  相似文献   

打造内陆最开放的城市,重庆拥有"两江四岸"等独特资源.2008年市政府工作报告提出,今后重庆的发展要打好山水牌,整体推进长江、嘉陵江"两江四岸"城市规划建设,实施渝中半岛城市形象设计方案,打造亲水近水、观山览水的独特风貌和宜居环境.  相似文献   

曼谷,与世界五大时尚之都伦敦、米兰、巴黎、纽约、东京相比,可以说正在打造进行时,实际上泰国政府从本世纪初就明确、系统的规划曼谷时尚之都的打造.曼谷城市景观呈现代靓丽的同时,又时常可见杂乱破旧;然而,曼谷由于其泰式时尚的多元文化与宽容共生,特别有文化创意,具有独特的难以替代的时尚魅力,在人类城市文明史有着重要的价值,成为世界各地人们热衷的旅游和居住集聚地.  相似文献   

House prices, money, credit, and the macroeconomy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper assesses the links between money, credit, house prices,and economic activity in industrialized countries over the lastthree decades. The analysis is based on a fixed-effects panelvector autoregression, estimated using quarterly data for 17industrialized countries spanning the period 1970–2006.The main results of the analysis are the following. (i) Thereis evidence of a significant multidirectional link between houseprices, monetary variables, and the macroeconomy. (ii) The linkbetween house prices and monetary variables is found to be strongerover a more recent sub-sample from 1985 to 2006. (iii) The effectsof shocks to money and credit are found to be stronger whenhouse prices are booming.  相似文献   

Energy, the Environment, and Innovation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we review the theoretical and empirical literatureon the role of policies in stimulating innovation that is designedto produce greener and more energy-efficient technologies. Firstwe review the theoretical literature on the role of purely environmentalpolicies in inducing firms to undertake environmental innovation.The conclusion is that for a wide range of policies and in awide range of circumstances one cannot prove that these policiesnecessarily induce greater innovation. We then consider theempirical evidence, which suggests that the effect of thesepolicies is weak but that the largest effects come in the longrun when, through learning-by-doing, firms better understandthe scope and potential for new energy-efficient technologies.Finally we consider the design of both environmental and technologypolicies, and show that the interaction of these policies iscomplex and warrants considerable further research.  相似文献   

Stabilization, adjustment, and the poor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper attempts to survey the recent literature on the impact of stabilization and adjustment programs upon the poor and to consider some of the key issues in the context of a particular equity-oriented low-income country. Tanzania. After looking at some of the approaches of earlier studies, this paper analyzes the effects of restructuring policies, macroeconomic restraint, and strategic policy change. The author then reviews available evidence on the recent experience of Tanzania with external shock, efforts at stabilization, and relations with the IMF.In conclusion, the author argues that in order to better understand their impact on poverty we need more detailed analyses of specific countries' experience with different kinds of macroeconomic imbalance and different short- to medium-term policy responses. However, he does indicate with some certainty that when equivalent external blows impact upon very low-income countries, there must be a presumption that, other things being equal (including the distribution of income), the proportion of households and people pushed over the line into “absolute poverty” will be greater than in middle-income countries. The international community should provide external finance to aid these low-income countries in limiting the negative impact on the poorest.  相似文献   

Globalization, Growth, and the Poor   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
This paper discusses the possible causal relationships and empirical associations between globalization and growth, growth and poverty reduction, and, finally, globalization and poverty reduction. We argue that globalization can contribute much to poverty reduction both directly and by accelerating growth. Second, the contributions of redistributive policies are very likely to be less than the contribution of greater access to markets, more competitive insurance and financial markets, and improved institutions to poverty reduction. The potential effect of greater international integration on poverty reduction, however, is limited by domestic policy failures in developing countries and also by continued protectionism, particularly in developed countries.  相似文献   

Large wage differences between countries (“place premiums”) are well documented. Theory suggests that factor price convergence should follow increased migration, capital flows, and commercial integration. All three have increased between the United States and Mexico over the last 25 years. This paper evaluates the degree of wage convergence between these countries during the period 1988 and 2011. We match survey and census data from Mexico and the United States to estimate the change in wage differentials for observationally identical workers over time. We find very little evidence of convergence. What evidence we do find is most likely due to factors unrelated to US–Mexico integration. While migration, trade, and FDI may reduce the US–Mexico wage differential, these effects are small when compared to the overall wage gap.  相似文献   

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