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床前明月光,疑是地上霜。 举头望明月,低头思故乡。 这首《静夜思》沉浸着李白的思乡之痛,但李白的故乡在何方呢?往事越千年,今天,四川江油、湖北安陆、甘肃天水、吉尔吉斯斯坦的托克马克市,纷纷自称是李白的故乡,点燃了李白故里争夺战。  相似文献   

冯雯雯 《魅力中国》2010,(36):85-86
在贱视赘婿的封建社会,李白一生曾两次以入赘的方式进相门做女婿却心无芥蒂,本文试从唐代社会的婚嫁标准;李白的教育成长环境;李白的理想抱负三方面分析其中的原因。  相似文献   

巴蜀文化对李白浪漫主义诗风形成的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文研究分析认为,李白的诗歌,其最大的特色就是浪漫主义.巴蜀文化是我国重要的区域文化,其中尤以神秘、神圣、智慧、浪漫、和谐五大特色文化属性最具代表性.李白生长在四川,盛唐巴蜀地区这一大的社会文化环境对李白的诗歌影响巨大,分析其浪漫主义诗风的形成与巴蜀文化的关系,无疑会有助于人们更好地掌握李白的诗歌.  相似文献   

江油市李白文化旅游资源开发现状及其发展策略初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者通过分析江油市李白文化旅游资源开发的现状,发现阻碍李白文化旅游发展的一些关键环节。作者针对相关的问题,给出了解决方案,以供旅游资源开发管理者参考。  相似文献   

李白是我国盛唐时期的著名诗人,为人豪迈洒脱,狂放不羁。他壮志报国,却一生流离;他纵情于酒,却因酒而逝。酒是李白一生中的不可或缺,它激发了诗人的创作,抒发了诗人的情怀,掩饰着诗人落寞。李白因酒而名,因诗而名,是痛饮狂歌的有着赤子心性的"谪仙人"。  相似文献   

李白胸怀“愿为辅弼”的政治理想,却在追求理想的过程中屡次受挫,直至晚年因入永王李磷幕而身陷图圉之苦,并遭受流放之罪。在这段人生经历中,无论获罪被流放,还是在流放中所表现出的悲苦情怀,以及遇赦放还的乐观入世都向我们昭显了李白对政治理想的执着与深情,也反映了李白诗歌创作风格向现实的转变。  相似文献   

在中国文学发展史上,写月写得最多的是李白,在他现存的千余首诗中,就有430多首提到了月亮;写月写得最好的也还是李白,他笔下的明月为盛唐诗坛增添了无尽的光彩。月在李白笔下被构建成了广泛而多样的意象,这些意象,有儿童般的天真;有气盛之年的豪情;有耄耋老人的沧桑;又甚至显示了一种朴素温馨、近乎女性的柔情。仔细研读李白的咏月诗,粗略地把他笔下丰富的月亮内容抽象地概括为自然、情爱、边塞、时间四种意象四种类型。  相似文献   

谭书琼 《魅力中国》2010,(29):245-245,243
李白是我国盛唐时代思想文化所哺育出来的时代骄子,是我国继屈原之后最伟大的浪漫主义诗人。他的诗想象丰富,奇思纵横,气势恢弘,豪放飘逸,既感情奔放,似江河奔腾,又自然清新,如云卷风清。他的诗任情率真,发自至情,有写得纵放恣肆,挥洒自如,呈现出一种天马行空无拘无束的自由美。  相似文献   

本文研究分析了唐朝伟大的诗人李白与朋友的交游。李白在与诗人朋友的交往中更显得情趣相投,如杜甫、孟浩然、王昌龄等人。他们交流思想,碰撞才情,在唱和答赠中表现出盛唐诗人张扬疏放的自由性情和执着乐观的政治追求,展示着盛唐诗人的情感面貌。  相似文献   

安陆和江油到底谁才是"李白故里",使用"李白故里"的提法究竟是不是侵权,成了许多人都很关心的问题。"李白故里"之争其实包含了两个层面的内容。从很早开始,江油就通过多种途径着力渲染对李白的"专有权",比如请领导人题字,申请"李白故里"的注册商标,  相似文献   

Though the large basic needs literature has clarified some issues related to anti-poverty strategies, it has also raised others. This paper identifies some of these unsettled questions: (1) who is to determine basic needs? (2) do basic needs refer to the conditions for a full, long and healthy life or to a specific bundle of goods and services that are deemed to provide opportunity for these conditions? (3) what is the purpose of participation? what form should it take? how does a right to participate (if it exists) relate to the political/administrative structures necessary for efficient implementation of basic needs approach? (4) what is the relationship between the redistribution approach to development and the basic needs approach? does the basic needs approach require fundamental systemic change, or is it a palliative? (5) what is the relation between meeting basic needs as an end in itself and as an instrument for developing human resources? (6) in what manner should international support for basic needs approaches be mobilized? (7) what is the relation between poverty eradication and reducing income inequalities?  相似文献   

浅析基于社会化合作的企业差旅集中管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐瑾  刘悦 《改革与战略》2008,24(11):193-195
差旅集中管理作为一种新兴的差旅管理模式,对国内的许多企业来说还有些陌生,即便有所耳闻也多半是通过旅行社的推介广告。差旅集中管理到底为何物,可以给企业带来怎样的管理效益,其发挥效益的原理何在,文章将从企业的角度出发,对这些问题作些尝试性的分析、探讨。  相似文献   

防御性现实主义:进攻性现实主义时代的悲剧   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者旨在回答一个重要的问题:防御性现实主义在进攻性现实主义时代的命运如何?这个问题可以分解为两个小问题:进攻性现实主义时代下的防御性现实主义国家面临哪些生存压力?这些生存压力对防御性现实主义国家会造成哪些影响?作者认为,在进攻性现实主义时代,防御性现实主义国家面临五种生存压力:防御性现实主义国家是进攻性现实主义国家进攻的诱因;防御性现实主义国家经常遭遇进攻性现实主义国家的攻击;防御性现实主义国家被进攻性现实主义国家包围;防御性现实主义国家几乎无法和进攻性现实主义国家合作;防御性现实主义国家的军力通常在整体上或在关键指标上落后于进攻性现实主义国家。在这些生存压力之下,防御性现实主义国家的生存质量堪忧,在重要的物质利益和国家的自主性两项指标上的表现难如人意。作者采取了案例分析的方法,以中国宋朝和波兰为例,论证了进攻性现实主义时代的防御性现实主义困境。  相似文献   

My discussion of Reichelstein and Sahoo (2018) is organized into three parts. First, what is the context for this work? That is, what are the energy and climate stakes? Second, what does the paper do? I will re‐work the equation defining the components of long‐run marginal cost to better reflect what is actually estimated and to better highlight some important choices about how the different components are modeled. Third, and most importantly, how do the results inform business decisions and policy choices regarding energy and climate? What more do we need?  相似文献   

《World development》2002,30(2):181-205
If human development is “multidimensional” then perhaps we need to discuss what we mean by multidimensional: what is a dimension, and what are the multiple dimensions of interest? This paper develops an account of dimensions of human development, and shows its usefulness and its limitations—both in general and in relation to Amartya Sen's capability approach. The second half of the paper surveys other major “lists” of dimensions that have been published in poverty studies, crosscultural psychology, moral philosophy, quality of life indicators, participatory development, and basic needs, and compares and contrasts them with the account sketched here.  相似文献   

Rebalancing Growth in China:A Three-Handed Approach   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
I. Introduction On 21 July 2005 China began the process of rebalancing its economy. The new exchange rate rule will, over time, reduce the incentive to invest in the export sector. This is the right move for China because there are increasing signs that the economy has proceeded too far?2006 The Authors Journal compilation ?2006 Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences into manufacturing for export markets, to the point that the country’s capital sto…  相似文献   

The modern economist looks at a textbook history of nineteenth-centuryeconomics and wonders what, for the twentieth century, willcorrespond to the chapter titles of 'Malthus', 'Ricardo', 'TheMills', 'Marx', and 'The Rise of Marginalism'. Will monetarismsurvive editing? Will game theory rate its own section? WillKeynes be a hero or a goat? Economists look to the historianand wonders how the historian decides what is important, andhow we go about deciding what will go into a future historybook. Eschewing narratives of progress, this paper surveys alternativehistoriographies for constructing a history of twentieth-centuryeconomics, and suggests that the new discipline of science andtechnology studies provides a number of useful frameworks fortelling the story.  相似文献   

曾冉 《改革与开放》2011,(12):153+155
大学课堂是进行大学教育的重要场所,以何种大学精神指导大学课堂决定了大学能培养出何种人才。在这种精神的指导下,我们的大学课堂应该承担怎样的任务,大学教师又将承担何种职责,这是本文将要解决的问题。  相似文献   

In situations of strategic interaction it is important for agentsto consider not only what their rivals will do, but also whatthey know, what they know about what they know, and so on. Formalmodels of knowledge have been developed to help us keep trackof these levels of knowledge. This paper provides a non-technicalintroduction to one of these models, and investigates its foundations.It is then shown how the model can be used to analyse game-theoreticsolution concepts, in particular Nash equilibrium.  相似文献   

国土部日前透露,国土部、住建部等14个部委正研究制定小产权房的清理整治方案。这个消息传递出一个信号:管理层要动小产权房了,然而,现实却是小产权房在各地依然犹如"雨后春笋"般的出现,是什么使得人们不顾国家的法律法规,依旧"制造小产权房"?国家为何要禁止小产权房?小产权房的发展又将造成怎样的影响?在此笔者作以简浅的分析,并探讨性的提出有关建议,望能为问题的解决做出点许贡献。  相似文献   

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