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《论话·阳货篇第十七》原文:子之武城,闻弦歌之声。夫予莞尔而笑曰:“割鸡焉用牛刀?”子游对曰:“昔者偃也闻诸夫子曰:‘君子学道则爱人,小人学道则易使也。’”子曰:“二三子,偃之言是也!前言戏之耳。”When Confucius went to the walled town of Wu,he heard the sound of stringed instruments and singing.Confucius said with a gentle smile:“To kill a  相似文献   

I. Introduction When Indian Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh announced in 2005 that Mumbai will be like Shanghai for India, a trigger was fired. Little did he know that his statement would be taken out of context and interpreted differently than what he had meant. Since then, the term “Shanghaing Mumbai” has caught on in the city development discussions in India.The Chief Minister of Maharashtra said that he would do his best to fulfil the dream of making Mumbai into a World Class Ci…  相似文献   

I. IntroductionAs Douglas North once said, "Institutions are the rules of the game in a society. The beginning of wisdom is to understand how the game is played." In the same way, it is vital to understand the international experience and rules of a financial system when a country tries to advance financial reform. International experience shows that the development  相似文献   

《论语·颜渊篇第十二》原文:子曰:"君子成人之姜,不成人之恶。小人反是。"Confucius said:"The superior man calls attention to the good points in others;he does not call attention to their defects.The petty man does just the reverse of this."译文:君子成全别人的好事,不帮助别人做坏事。小人恰恰相反。谈古论今:"君子成人之美",这句话在中国人的用语中可说是耳熟能详。假如你想求人帮忙,你可以用这句话来恭维他,人家帮了忙还挺高兴;假如你帮了别人的  相似文献   

Thecurrentmanagementdirectionistocom-bineflexibilitywithstrictness,andrespecteachemployee.BIt is a pain in the neck for many bosses when isa good employee inform you late that he leaving.The bigger pain,though,is how to keep the loy-alty of hardworking employees,especially howto maximize the performance of human resourcemanagement in a joint venture.It’s said that HUAWO,as the joint venturebetween VOLVO and CNHTC,had a staff turn-over of1%last year,i.e.,1of all the99employ-ees left for …  相似文献   

Celestial burial is one of the popular ways for the Tibetan people in China's Tibetan-inhabited area to bury the dead. In May, 1996, I was lucky to see its entire process. Celestial burial was carried out on the special terrace on a hill. A master in charge of celestial burial started to limb, behead the dead body and viscerate, then skinned the head and chopped all parts of the body into pieces, which were blended with roasted qingke barley flour. After that, the master spreaded the blended pieces on the terrace to feed vultures waiting impatiently around. In this way, the dead was said to release souls from purgatory. This is sacred and also the most unique folklore in the Tibetan-inhabited area.  相似文献   

Economists talk about China's future
He Qiang, professor of Central University of Finance and Economics, believes that economic indicators will be from high to low in short-term and that is normal. And he advises that China's policy maintains stability in the last few months, the government shouldn't change its policy accroding to a temporary quarter fluctuations. He said, the stability development of following two years is important to the future.  相似文献   

I. IntroductionIn the early 1990s, China extensively examined experiences of other countries and conducteda widespread discussion on the choice of models for establishing a social security system,weighing the pros and cons of many proposals. After that, a basic consensus was reachedamong people from all walks of life: China must adopt the partially funded pension modelthat combines social pooling funds with individual accounts an arrangement that adaptsto Chinas specific situation. That prin…  相似文献   

"子曰:君子怀德,小人怀土;君子怀刑,小人怀惠";"子曰:德之不修,学之不讲,闻义不能徙,不善不能改,是吾忧也"……每天晨读课上,曲阜市的中小学校传来朗朗的诵读孔子诗文的声音,这是曲阜市加强中小学生思想道德教育的一项重要内容.  相似文献   

The Serra da Estrela Tourism Region (SETR), gifted of unique landscape conditions, of singular natural resources, filled with culture and history, has become an attractive leisure and recreation region. Considering its tourism potential, we have seen a development of the tourism activities on that region, making necessary a study of the presence of derivative offering components, mainly on the tourism hotels level. Considering the crucial strategic role that this activity has on the region, and since there are only a few follow-up studies of the activity development, the present research aims to contribute for the knowledge of the relevant tourism hotels units reality in the SETR. In this sense, the authors intend to analyze the different strategies that are being taken in the region, by this sort of companies and, to identify the existence (or not) of company groups that carry on similar strategies--strategic groups. To reach such goals, an empirical study was developed, based upon the information obtained from the statistical analysis of questionnaires applied to the hotels unit's managers. The results allowed concluding that the hotels units enforce combined strategies, instead of a single specific strategy. It was also possible to identify the existence of different strategic groups that use similar competitive strategies. From this process, it also resulted that the companies that operate in this sector consider that strategy assumes a determinative role for the success of their activity.  相似文献   

It is said it is amateurish enthusiasm for the sport that products real sporting spirit.Football is the number one sport in China with millions of fans.However,it seems in China not many people actually play it.Amateur football players are relatively rare people playing football only as a hobby and enjoyment.Furthermore,they are a group that receives little attention.Do you know there are some amateur footballers in Jinan?Most people didn’t know that including me.However,there are a group …  相似文献   

I. IntroductionIn a short span of twenty years, China’s electronics industry has developed by leaps andbounds, to become the third largest electronic producer in the world. This amazingdevelopment can be attributed to direct or indirect regulatory policies that the Chinesegovernment has adopted, aiming at improving domestic productivity and expanding marketdemand. In general terms, the electronics industry can be said to be comprised of three sub-sectors: consumer electronics, industrial ele…  相似文献   

Sources from the State Administration of Foreign Exchange said in March that Chinese business entities could price theirforeign contracts in Chinese Renminbi yuan rather than foreign currencies.The administration has issued a circular to allow domestic enterprises the opportunity to participate in foreign trade  相似文献   

姚国娟 《魅力中国》2014,(12):223-223
It was said that the moral education should be the first in teaching.So,when in teaching, teachers must pay more attention to the moral education.English,as one of the main subjects,has the profound thought.Therefore,when we teach,it needs to pay more attention to the permeation of the moral education.Meanwhile,teachers should clear the requests when they permeate the moral education in English teaching,and then put the education for al-round development into every stage of teaching.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of paternalistic leadership style on justice perceptions of the employees. Even though the impact of organizational justice's affect on employee attitudes and behaviors is a huge area of interest, the antecedents of organizational justice perceptions is a topic that needs to be further developed and leadership is one of them. In the previous studies, the impact of transformational and transactional leadership on justice was searched, but the impact of a culturally specific model namely paternalistic leadership hasn't been clearly investigated. This study was conducted in Turkey which respects paternalistic culture with 329 employees working in various sectors in Istanbul. The regression analyses proved that paternalistic leadership has an impact on organizational justice perceptions and organizational citizenship behaviors of the employees. And the mediating affect of organizational justice between paternalistic leadership styles and OCB was also questioned. Research models for the next studies and managerial implications were suggested.  相似文献   

The world faces a double crisis: the food crisis and energy crisis. The agribusiness is at the center of this societal dilemma, involving aspects from the volumes of production and productivity up to the way to produce them. Furthermore, there is a discussion about the need for establishing a trade-off between production of food and energy. A central aspect regarding the way of production is on how existing resources to be used and, especially, when its degradation occurs. These discussions indicate the need for interpretation and for proposition of solutions, under a complex perspective, for this double crisis. Accordingly, this paper proposes a framework for the interpretation of complex problems and for initiatives focused on sustainability that was applied to the context of food, energy and biofuel crisis. The theoretical background comprises two theories. The first is the complexity theory, which enabled the proposition of a system to understand the reality, distinguishing and combining the several existing realities without losing the global notion; The second is the sustainability theory, which enabled the systematization of stages for the planning of more sustainable actions to operate in that context; Lastly, it was possible to infer desirable characteristics that other theories could also be included, aiming to propose solutions that are more appropriated for this specific context.  相似文献   

在《论语》中,有两次关于孔子与其弟子讨论崇德辨惑问题的记载。《颜渊》篇载:"子张问崇德辨惑,子曰:主忠信、徙义,崇德也。爱之欲其生,恶之欲其死,既欲其生,又欲其死,是惑也。""樊迟从游于舞零之下,曰:敢问崇德、修慝、辨惑。子曰:善哉问!先事后得,非崇德与?攻其恶,无攻人之恶,非修慝与?一朝之忿,忘其身以及其亲,非惑与?"子张、樊迟都提出"崇德、辨惑"的问题,这似乎说明:孔子平日经常教导弟子要崇德辨惑,而子张和樊迟有所不解,故又提出来请教。崇德辨惑可以说都是孔子思想的主要内容,崇德是孔子的中心思想,辨惑是孔子的主要思想方法。孔子答子张与樊迟崇德之问,对子张说:"主忠信徙义,崇德也",对樊迟说:"先事后得非崇德与?"这都是针对子张与樊迟的思想情况而讲的,都是因材施教。事实上  相似文献   

We suggested a new factor in group idea generation studies, relay rounds. A relay in idea generation groups was defined as a process in which the next group generates ideas on the basis of previous groups' work. We investigated 55 3-person-groups as subjects and discussed how the quantity of the nominal and unique ideas, the change of the quality of the ideas and satisfaction of the members in these groups were influenced as relay rounds gradually raised from 1 to 11. Then, we tried to find how many relay rounds would allow the best performance. We found that as the number of rely rounds increased, the quantity of a single group's nominal and unique ideas reduced accordingly. However, the overall quantity of nominal and unique ideas and the quality of unique ideas increased while the satisfaction degree of group members didn't change significantly. Results showed that under the situation of this study, a seven-round relay was the best.  相似文献   

Customer classification based on the probability of customer churn was an important content of customer relationship management. The process of customer churn was analyzed by the logistic regression model. And this paper built a customer churn prediction model based on the analysis of customer's transaction data and the behavior pattern. Taking a domestic branch of China Construction Bank as an example, the paper forecast the defection of this commercial bank's VIP customers. And we can find that the method has a high accuracy rate and covering rate, and provide an effective measurement for customer classification.  相似文献   

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