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牟新焱 《改革与战略》2009,25(11):66-67
文章指出,建立一个有效的区域货币合作机制,最关键的是保证区域内各目都拥有充分的国际清偿力,其核心之一是作为国际储备基础的本位币选择问题。SDR(特别提款权)的出现给我们提供了一条新的改革思路:这种国际清偿力,不一定来自某个中心国家的货币,也不一定是一系列国家的货币所组成的“篮子”,它可以是一种在关键时刻可以发挥支付功能的“信用”。这种合作形式对缺乏资金且经济基础薄弱的发展中国家而言具有相当大的吸引力。  相似文献   

Many of the conventional ways of using the international financial system as a mechanism for making resource transfers to developing countries require quite fundamental restructuring of that system. Furthermore the relevance of the most notorious plan - the SDR-aid link – has been reduced by the increase in the rate of interest on SDR net use and by the insignificant proportion of reserve growth accounted for by SDRs. The use of interest rate subsidies on IMF finance, in conjunction with reforms to Fund conditionality, offers one practical way of providing an albeit small amount of financial assistance to low income countries. Analysis suggests that such subsidies represent an attractive form of aid and may enhance international financial efficiency.  相似文献   

Excess Liquidity and Inflation Dynamics in China: 1997-2007   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The surge in international capital inflows and the remarkable excess liquidity in China between 1997and 2007are examined in the present paper. It is shown that China's improved position in terms of foreign exchange purchases, ignited by huge foreign capital inflows, has effectively induced excess liquidity in China. More importantly, by developing an econometric madel for inflation and excess liquidity, the present study demonstrates that excess liquidity has imposed significant pressure on inflation in China over the past 10 years. This finding suggests that excess liquidity in China has not only contributed to the rise in stock prices and the real estate market boom, but also affected the consumer goods market. The potential transmission mechanism of liquidity-driven inflation and policy implications of the findings of this study are discussed.  相似文献   

李雅丽 《亚太经济》2007,(4):78-82,26
近年来中国面临着严重的内外经济的失衡,这与美元作为主要的国际储备货币而美国又在90年代以来长期实行的宽松的货币政策不无关系。我国的宏观金融政策应该本着把人民币国际化作为改进现行国际货币体系的出路之一。遵循着这一原则和方向,我国应采取人民币汇率稳中有升、稳步提高基准利率、多渠道管理流动性、积极推进金融创新、建立现代化的金融体系等组合措施,以应对失衡的国际货币体系和失衡的内外经济。  相似文献   

近年来中国面临着严重的内外经济的失衡,这与美元作为主要的国际储备货币而美国又在90年代以来长期实行的宽松的货币政策不无关系。我国的宏观金融政策应该本着把人民币国际化作为改进现行国际货币体系的出路之一。遵循着这一原则和方向,我国应采取人民币汇率稳中有升、稳步提高基准利率、多渠道管理流动性、积极推进金融创新、建立现代化的金融体系等组合措施,以应对失衡的国际货币体系和失衡的内外经济。  相似文献   

The determination and consequences of international liquidity   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Witteveen  H. J. 《De Economist》1995,143(4):419-431
Summary In the 20 years since 1969, international reserves have shown considerable increases, that seem to be far in excess of any long-term global need. This was a consequence of the prominent role that the dollar continued to play in the monetary system, which made it easy for the United States to finance balance of payments deficits in its own currency, increasing the amount of dollars in reserves. In addition the Eurodollar market made international reserves to some extent demand/determined: there was a very elastic supply of liquidity in this market. These developments in international reserves have inflationary consequences. To prevent such consequences in the future, central banks should set up a systematic surveillance system for international liquidity together with the IMF and BIS. An essential instrument in this context would be for the United States to finance its balance of payments deficits in foreign currencies in world capital markets.Keynote speech for the Foundation Robert Triffin Szirak on 17 November 1994 in Brussels.  相似文献   

本文研究发现,将人民币加入SDR货币篮将减少其对主要货币的短期波动性,同时,将人民币加入SDR货币篮将有利于SDR定值的长期稳定性;以SDR对黄金和石油等大宗商品定价可以与以美元定价时相比有效降低大宗商品价格的波动性。因此,国际货币体系需要人民币加入SDR,这将有利于提升我国在国际货币体系改革中的战略主动性。  相似文献   

田野  张晓波 《世界经济与政治》2012,(1):93-111,158,159
政治经济学文献表明,通过将货币政策交给具有独立性的中央银行来管理,政府可以增强货币政策承诺的可信性。但是,具有独立性的中央银行在政治过程中也构成了一个否决行为体,从而有可能限制国家(政府)的自主性。根据"结构导致的均衡"的分析视角,如果国家偏好与中央银行偏好不一致,何者可以转化为权威性行为将取决于该国的政治制度。在国内政治制度的变革难以实现的情况下,国家可以通过参与国际制度与国际谈判来改变中央银行与政府之间的既有均衡,并使这种均衡朝着增强国家自主性的方向演变。作为世界上独立程度最高的中央银行之一,德国联邦银行担心欧洲货币合作会干扰其维护国内币值稳定的目标,更不愿通过放弃本国货币马克来推进货币一体化。但是,德国联邦政府通过其在国际制度与国际谈判中享有的信息优势与合法性,克服了德国联邦银行对欧洲货币合作的反对,推动建立了欧洲货币体系和欧洲货币联盟。  相似文献   

An unresolved feature of the present international monetary system is the absence of any agreement, formal or informal, as to the appropriate price at which gold held as a reserve asset is to be valued. This omission has become increasingly evident in recent months as the market price of gold has surged to levels 10 times as high as the former official price. While the majority of countries continue to value gold at the former official price, an increasing number have adopted valuations based on the market price. The existing ambigous situation with respect to gold valuation is not a viable one and, if present trends continue, the likely result will be a de facto revaluation of gold reserves at the market price. The quantitative implications of this are enormous, for the effective level of world reserves doubles when gold is valued at the current market price. Such a revaluation of gold would have a large impact on the future evolution of the international monetary system and, in particular, would cast a considerable degree of doubt on the possibility of attaining the internationally agreed goal of making special drawing rights (SDR) the principal reserve asset. In addition, the distribution of the increased international liquidity which has resulted from the rise in the market price of gold has been highly uneven, since world gold reserves are concentrated in a very small number of countries. A number of other countries, notably the non-oil-exporting developing countries, have strong grounds for objecting to the fact that this large increase in international liquidity has occurred as a result of an effective revaluation of gold rather than via increased allocations of SDR.  相似文献   

曲艺 《改革与战略》2012,28(1):39-41
金融危机的不断发生暴露出现行的国际货币体系的诸多弊端和不足,构建超主权国际货币则是国际货币制度改革的方向。汇率的稳定以及国际储备资产价值的稳定对于一国国际经济的发展尤为重要,为此世界各国希望有一种有效的国际储备货币以减轻汇率波动所带来的负面影响,这种国际储备货币便是超主权货币。文章从国际货币体系对国际贸易和国际金融的影响方面进行了探讨,进一步分析了超主权国际货币的构建对世界经济的影响。  相似文献   

Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) have existed for almost 10 years. This paper examines the implications of the SDR facility for LDCs. First, it is shown that the distribution formula for SDRs may be inappropriate. Second, the paper documents the way in which LDCs have used their allocated SDRs. Third, an attempt is made to estimate approximately the value of the benefits derived by LDCs from the SDR scheme. It is shown that the scheme could have been modified to yield further benefits for LDCs.  相似文献   


The huge increase in international reserve holdings by Asian countries since the 1997 crisis has been one of the most important recent developments on the international financial scene. These buildups have contributed substantially to concerns about the creation of excessive global liquidity. How justified these concerns are depends heavily on the extent to which the reserve accumulating countries have been able to sterilize the effects on their domestic monetary aggregates. We use a unified theoretical framework to undertake dynamic estimations of the magnitude of sterilization and offset coefficients (which measure the degree of capital mobility) for a large set of Asian economies. We find that despite substantial capital mobility there has been a high degree of effective sterilization to date.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the influence of international capital flows on housing prices in eight Asian countries, including China. We focus on determining whether exchange rate arrangements and capital regulations influence capital inflows and housing prices. Our results show that an arrangement to restrain the fluctuation of the exchange rate and capital controls has the potential to raise housing prices in Asia. The strong prospect of the Chinese yuan's appreciation also pushed up housing prices in China. Another expected reason for the increase in capital inflows into Asian markets is the expansion of global liquidity. Such capital flows often have a sensitive reaction to market sentiment, and an increase in asset market volatility caused by the liquidity squeeze decreases Asian housing prices. These results suggest the need to review capital controls and future exchange rate system options for Asian countries.  相似文献   

The question explored in this paper is whether the EMS can continue to perform efficiently and ensure low inflation in an economically and financially integrated area with a high degree of currency substitution. A dilemma may arise: on the one hand, currency substitution should be accommodated to provide market participants with the currency they desire; on the other, currency substitution should not determine an excess of liquidity in the system leading to inflation. These objectives might be difficult to reconcile in a system with decentralized asymmetric monetary policy cooperation such as the EMS and might have adverse consequences for the monetary stability of the system.  相似文献   

袁仕陈  范明 《世界经济研究》2012,(3):28-33,40,87,88
中国央行对货币的控制能力一直是人们关注的焦点之一。普遍的观点是,近年来国际资本流动严重削弱了中国央行控制货币的能力。利用两阶段最小二乘法和递归法,本文的检验结果表明:尽管国际资本对央行净国内资产的抵消系数高达-1.014,但央行的冲销系数也达到了-0.985,这意味着货币供给受到国际资本流动的影响甚微。对广义货币的检验证明了这一点。因此,中国货币供给主要源于央行的国内信贷而非国际资本。  相似文献   

自1960年以来,美元危机就与国际货币体系构成了相互递推演进的格局,共同的演变必将导致美元危机的消失和国际储备货币的多样化,最终形成一种超主权合成货币——特别提款权。只有这样,国际货币体系才能达成一种动态均衡,世界经济才会持续、稳定地向前发展。  相似文献   

国际货币的权力分配随着国际货币体系演进呈现动态变化,近10年变化趋势与人民币的国际地位演进密切相关。本文使用货币共同变动回归方法,对2010-2016年和2016-2019年两个时期内储备货币区规模进行比较,研究不同国家货币与特别提款权(SDR)篮子的联动程度,得出人民币加入SDR前后的国际货币权力变化趋势。研究结果表明,人民币入篮后权力地位上升,国际货币体系从由美元和欧元构成的两极体系过渡到包括人民币在内的三极体系;美元的权力地位虽然有所下滑,将继续在国际货币体系中占据主导地位;欧元的影响力呈现下降趋势,但货币区结构相对稳定。未来人民币应继续扩大在周边地区及"一带一路"沿线的使用范围,增强人民币影响力。  相似文献   

In this article, Maryland's non‐legal‐tender paper money emissions between 1765 and 1775 are reconstructed to determine quantities outstanding and redemption dates, providing a substantial correction to the literature. Over 80 per cent of this paper money's current market value was expected real asset present value and under 20 per cent was liquidity premium. It was primarily a real barter asset and not a fiat currency. The liquidity premium was positively related to the amount of paper money per capita in circulation. This paper money traded below face value due to time‐discounting, rather than depreciation. Past scholars have simply confused depreciation with time‐discounting.  相似文献   

要回归到某种形式的固定汇率制度,需要对国际资本流动进行全面且国际性的管制,乃至各国放弃管理货币制度下行使的金融主权。从经济、政治和政策上考虑,这两种要求都无法实现。欧元、日元、人民币甚至把合成货币(SDR)都考虑在内,也难以想像在可以预测的未来(21世纪中叶为止)能够出现替代美元的货币。美国的对外资产和负债之间有正的投资回报差额,这一差额在长期内将一直存在。只要这种回报差额持续存在,并且对外资产和负债占GDP的比率能够按照一定的速度扩大,那么即便美国的贸易收支逆差占GDP的比率维持在4%左右,其对外纯负债占GDP的比重维持稳定状态的可能性也是很大的。因此,以美元为中心的、由多数主要货币构成的现行浮动汇率制度具有很强的可持续性,以至于完全有可能在今后继续存在。  相似文献   

In the international capital market, interest rates would seem to be natural shock absorbers for balancing currency risk associated with expected inflation or differential taxation. Under a floating exchange rate, however, short-term interest rates in each national money market behave as if caught in a liquidity trap. The problem arises because the domains for national monetary circulation remain somewhat disjoint even though the bond market is fully integrated internationally. The national rate of interest is ncapable of equilibriating the domestic money market on the one hand and the international bond market on the other. The result is excessively high exchange-rate volatility that distorts the flow of international commodity trade and causes cycles of inflation and deflation in open economies.  相似文献   

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