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We consider an economy with three cities producing different outputs. Two cities produce intermediate goods, a type 1 city producing an intermediate “agricultural” good with capital and labor only, and a type 2 city producing an intermediate “industrial” good with capital, labor, and human capital. A type 3 city produces the final good which is obtained from the two intermediate goods and labor. The asymmetric introduction of human capital allows us to prove that the three cities experience, at equilibrium, heterogeneous endogenous growth rates which are proportional to the growth rate of human capital. We show that the “industrial” type 2 city is characterized by the larger growth rate while the “agricultural” type 1 city experiences the lower growth rate, and thus the type 3 city is characterized by a growth rate which is a convex combination of the two former growth rates. This implies that the relative size in terms of output of the “agricultural” city decreases over time. This property allows us to recover the empirical fact that most non‐agricultural production occurs in growing metropolitan areas. But, simultaneously, as we prove that total labor employed in each city is proportional to the total population, the relative population size distribution of cities is constant over time, as shown in empirical studies.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of population and economic activities has important impacts on both economic growth and the environment. This paper uses a slack‐based measure to estimate the total factor environmental efficiency (TFEE) of 286 Chinese prefectural‐and‐above cities for the period 2002–2013. In particular, the relationship between city size and TFEE is investigated. The findings also show an inverted U‐shaped relationship between TFEE and city size, which implies an optimal city size of 16.68 million residents in China. According to this estimate, most Chinese cities may be undersized due to the migration restrictions of the hukou registration system and, hence, suffer from great environmental efficiency losses. The estimated low average TFEE value of Chinese cities also suggests the large potential for efficiency improvement. Thus, government policies should focus on relaxing migration restrictions and encouraging the development of large cities.  相似文献   

田建春 《科技和产业》2010,10(7):33-36,82
在区域经济学关于城市系统中城市规模分布问题研究的文献中,排序—规模原则占据相当的数量,而学者们所津津乐道的则是所谓的城市规模分布的齐普夫法则。分析表明,齐普夫法则只是描述城市规模分布的一个简单的统计关系,一个可供直接的经验检验的假说命题。迄今为止的有关经验研究,只是部分地支持了齐普夫法则。齐普夫法则及其经验研究的最大弱点,在于缺乏一个经济理论基础。  相似文献   

杨扬  余壮雄  冯柏睿 《南方经济》2022,41(11):109-127
文章采用中国劳动力动态调查数据,基于个体选择的微观机制,考察了出生地规模对个体收入的时间效应、空间异化效应、代际传递效应和迁移效应;从出生地规模这一独特的视角,解释了收入差距持久性的成因。研究发现:出生地作为个体的初始禀赋对个体未来收入存在显著影响,出生地规模越大,个体的未来收入越高;这一效应伴随个体在出生地的成长时长增强,并依据不同城市的特征产生空间异化效应。另外,出生地规模不仅影响了个体的未来收入,也对个体的迁移行为产生了显著的影响;而个体的迁移选择又进一步引起了城市规模分化。具体而言,出生地城市规模越大的个体迁移概率越大,且出生地城市规模越大的个体越趋向迁移到比出生地规模更大的城市;而迁移个体的迁移次数越多,出生地规模的收入效应越强。基于上述出生地规模对收入的正向促进作用和迁移效应,家庭效用最大化的个体将趋于迁往规模更大的城市,这将引起城市规模分化加剧。文章证实了初始禀赋对个体收入影响的长期性和持续性,并为城市规模和个体收入的相关研究提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of China's city size and urban population concentration on city productivity by developing a distinctive index based on global nighttime light data. Using the panel data of 280 prefecture cities from 2004 to 2013 and employing dynamic system generalized method of moments and panel threshold model regression techniques, our results show that city size has a positive impact on city productivity; therefore, cities in China still have the potential to expand. While moderate urban population concentration can benefit city productivity, excessively concentrated urban population distribution may impede the growth of city productivity. We also find that the level of labor income significantly affects the impacts of urban agglomeration on labor productivity. Therefore, our results imply that city development policies should focus more on how to appropriately allocate economic activities and adjust population distribution in urban areas according to different stages of economic development.  相似文献   

邱红 《特区经济》2010,(7):46-48
目前,我国正在兴起一股兴建轨道交通的热潮。而处于城市化进程中的江门市已全面启动了轨道交通项目的兴建工作。文章从理论上阐述了轨道交通与城市化发展的关系,分析了轨道交通对江门城市空间结构和城市功能布局的影响,并通过轨道交通土地使用控制分区与城市空间分区结构模型,提出了优化江门城市形态结构,合理布局城市功能的控制策略。以期为江门进行城市的合理规划和布局提供建议。  相似文献   

无线城市不仅是实现城市信息化的重要环节,也是衡量城市竞争水平、现代化和市政管理效率的重要标志。本文试图探讨无线城市建设中无线基础设施在城市内空间布局规律、集聚规律及其与人口分布的关系。主要结论:第一,从数量等级上看,西安市WLAN热点的分布呈现出"北密南疏,东密西疏,内密外疏""以碑林区为核心,向东北、东南、西南扩散"的总体特征和"圈层式分布"的内部特征;第二,从空间聚集情况看,西安市WLAN热点的高高集聚区集中在市中心,低低集聚区分布在开发程度较低的城市东西部边缘区;第三,通过与人口聚集情况相对比,发现人口高聚集区和WLAN热点高聚集区在中心区相吻合,但是在外围地区,WLAN热点的集聚情况和人口的分布产生了不一致性。  相似文献   

The spatial economy of South African cities is generally believed to be experiencing selective deconcentration, which may exacerbate social inequality because of the physical disconnection between jobs and population. This paper assesses whether the locational pattern of economic activity across Cape Town is following this trajectory, using data from the Regional Service Council levies between 2001 and 2005. One of the main findings is that the city centre and areas close to the centre have maintained their economic dominance, therefore Cape Town remains a monocentric city. Yet the pattern of recent growth is more dispersed than the prior distribution because suburban nodes have gained a disproportionate share of new activity. In addition, the pattern of recent growth is skewed towards the high-income suburbs and away from the Cape Flats where most of the city's poor live. This uneven growth trajectory may be a source of concern for economic, social and environmental reasons.  相似文献   

公共服务设施规划是城市总体规划的重要组成部分,完善的公共服务设施不仅关乎居民的生活品质,更代表一个城市的经济发展水平和城市竞争力。高速城市化背景下,中心城区公共服务设施的自身特点和外部需求发生变化,望城中心城区的公共服务设施的空间分布存在内部分化,导致公共设施服务水平与发展旅游产业、地区服务中心的目标定位相比尚有较大距离。针对当前的具体问题,结合理论研究和实践总结,提出适应望城中心城区发展需要的规划改进策略。  相似文献   

We delineate “cities” independent of administrative boundaries in Japan by using a network theory‐based method and GPS‐based human mobility data. We divide the country into approximately 1 × 1 km2 cells and detect the partition of cells that is optimal from the perspective of information theory. The resulting groups of cells are specified as cities. We find that the combination of two lognormal distributions better fits the city‐size distribution than a distribution with a Pareto upper tail. Moreover, we show that a jump diffusion process is the stochastic process of the city population underlying such a distribution.  相似文献   

通过计算泛长三角地区不同城市规模生产性服务业和制造业的区位熵,对城市规模与两大产业的关系进行了研究,结果表明:超大城市生产性服务业具有明显优势,但制造业水平相对不高;其他规模城市制造业专业化程度高,尤其特大城市比其他规模城市具有更高制造业集聚水平,但其生产性服务业的集聚水平普遍较低。此外,2014年制造业和生产性服务业的发展与城市规模间均有某种对应关系:制造业与城市规模之间大致呈“倒V”型分布;生产性服务业随城市规模递减而减小。  相似文献   

丁增武 《特区经济》2007,226(11):182-183
文化产业是一个高度依赖文化资源的产业。对于合肥这样一个自然资源缺乏、工业基础薄弱而又拥有丰富文化资源的欠发达城市来说,发展文化产业,重塑城市精神,是一条极具现实意义的发展道路。在这方面,同为中部省会城市的长沙可以提供诸多借鉴。  相似文献   

周智生  吴映梅 《改革与战略》2010,26(12):33-35,93
文章以西南边陲的传统工业城市开远为例,基于对其城市功能的历史演进轨迹、当代城市经营的主要指向等问题的研究,指出多元化城市经营以提升城市服务功能既是城市历史发展的重要启示,同时也是诸如开远等西部沿边城市建设在新时期创新发展的必由之路。而在城市转型建设过程中,需要围绕大区域城市功能竞合关系中确立沿边优势和特色,并在城市经营中重点提升城市公共文化服务功能。  相似文献   

王晓叶  连华 《科技和产业》2022,22(10):284-288
简要阐述现今韧性城市理论的发展背景,以云南省昆明市巫家坝片区为例,分析其现状,针对该地区存在的问题,提出因地制宜在区域层面进行韧性城市空间体系构建策略,探讨在实践操作层面的韧性城市建设,以促进城市的可持续发展。  相似文献   

薛乾明 《科技和产业》2023,23(19):128-135
随着信息化、大数据以及数字孪生技术的快速发展,建设智慧城市已经成为国家城乡一体化与协同发展的重要课题,传统的城市空间规划方法已经不适应现代高速发展的城市建设,因此城市转型既是必然要求也是时代所需。通过对数字孪生、智慧城市等文献的梳理,认为在大数据的背景下可以为城市规划提供相应的城市空间规划研究方法,应运而生了一种新的数据思维理念和城市规划方法,并从多个角度分析和解决新形势下的城市问题。因此,以智慧城市规划方法研究为主线,从智慧城市空间规划背景概述、智慧城市规划方法与建设重点以及智慧城市未来可持续发展策略3个框架,对传统城市的框架进行丰富和补充,对新型城镇化建设以及数字城市的发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

文章基于2001~2009年我国266个城市面板数据,引入管理学中的"木桶理论",运用可行的广义最小二乘法(FGLS)研究了海空双港基础设施对城市经济增长的影响。实证研究结果表明,港口基础设施对城市经济增长具有明显的促进作用,海港对城市经济增长的促进作用要大于内河港;拥有民用机场城市的经济增长率要低于无机场的城市,表明民用机场基础设施并不是促进城市经济增长的有利条件,在中西部地区兴建民用机场并不利于缩小区域差距。结果显示,港口基础设施已成为制约我国城市经济增长的"短板"所在,而机场基础设施对城市经济增长的制约作用不明显。  相似文献   

武汉城市圈产业结构调整研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐小波 《特区经济》2009,(6):167-168
随着经济社会的发展,产业结构在推动经济发展和社会进步的作用进一步凸显。调整武汉城市圈产业结构,不仅具有深远的理论意义,而且有着重要的现实意义。它会对湖北产业结构产生深远的影响,也是湖北产业发展的一个机遇。本文在分析武汉城市圈现有产业结构的基础上,提出了相应的产业调整对策。  相似文献   

从泉州市居民地图斑提取居民点分布图,构建居民点空间分布的泰森多边形,统计泉州市8个县市居民点分布的泰森多边形面积的变异系数(CV值),结合人口密度图分析泉州市居民点的空间分布特征,进一步研究高程、坡度、道路3个因素对泉州市居民点空间分布的影响。研究结果显示,石狮市居民点呈随机分布模式,其它7个县市居民点均呈集群分布模式,总体上属于集群分布;居民点趋于分布在高程低,坡度平缓,距离道路较近,交通运输便利的地带。  相似文献   

城市规模分布演进与经济增长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文探讨如下问题,中国城市化推进过程中,如何构建合理的城市体系。我们基于城市经济学的研究路径,对中国过去10年的城市体系演进进行了系统回顾,并运用省区动态面板数据识别了城市规模分布演进影响整个城市体系的外部性进而影响经济增长的机制。本文发现,从整个城市体系的规模分布看,中国的城市体系仍未达到最优分布状态,但正逐步向其趋近。中国城市规模分布体系主要特征为中小城市过多而大城市过少,少数大城市相对规模过大。新的(特)大城市的出现,及各大城市的共同发展,能显著促进区域经济效率。本文的发现为中国未来的城市化途径选择提供了有益见解。  相似文献   

Using a simultaneous equations approach, this paper empirically investigates the impact of two types of public infrastructure, transportation infrastructure and knowledge infrastructure, on industrial geography, regional income disparities, and growth across 286 cities in China. It is found that an improvement in transportation infrastructure that reduces trade costs on goods increases growth and decreases income gap at the expense of increasing industrial agglomeration between cities. Therefore, this paper confirms the existence of a trade‐off between spatial equity (more even spatial distribution of economic activities) and spatial efficiency (higher growth rate). However, for knowledge infrastructure that reduces trade costs on ideas, it is found that it increases growth but also decreases income gap and industrial agglomeration simultaneously. Moreover, the impact of knowledge infrastructure is found to be larger in the case of high labor mobility.  相似文献   

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