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近年来,中国、俄罗斯、韩国等国家的主权财富基金相继投入到国际金融市场,引起了广泛关注。国际社会对主权财富基金的讨论,折射出西方国家对目前经济全球化发展的深层忧虑。主权财富基金短期内不会成为资本市场的主导力量,西方国家对其专门设限的可能性不大,但从政策走向来看,可能会推出针对性的防范措施。中国宜密切跟踪,未雨绸缪,建立双向的风险防范机制。  相似文献   

何斌  李金生 《特区经济》2010,(9):119-120
21世纪后,全球主权财富基金发展迅速,截止2009年末全球主权财富基金管理的资产规模已高达3.8万亿美元。主权财富基金作为国际金融市场中一支新型的投资力量,对世界和国际金融市场产生了巨大的影响,引起国际社会的广泛关注。我国主权财富基金——中投公司由于成立不久,缺乏海外投资经验,同时还面临西方发达国家对其投资的限制。在这样的背景下,研究我国主权财富基金投资选择具有很强的实际意义。本文在分析我国主权财富基金发展现状基础上,综合考虑我国主权财富基金投资选择的影响因素,提出我国主权财富基金投资选择策略。  相似文献   

近年来,主权财富基金资产规模快速扩张,数量不断上升。该文针对西方社会担忧,即认为在现有的增长速度下,主权财富基金可能会给国际金融市场造成扰动和破坏,进行了学术辨析。文章认为:主权财富基金的快速扩张是与全球性的经济失衡相关联,但其投资目的并非商业利益让位于政治与战略动机。相反是国际金融市场中的稳定力量,西方国家加强对其监管有违公平原则,相反对冲基金有更多的扰动性。  相似文献   

张广裕 《北方经济》2010,(14):46-48
近年来主权财富基金得到了飞速发展,引起国际的广泛关注。随着2007年中投公司(China Investment Corporation)的成立,主权财富基金更是逐渐成为国内热议的话题。然而我国主权财富基金的发展却不是一帆风顺,特别是中投公司投资的黑石公司的股票浮亏80%后,未来我国主权财富基金将如何解决现有问题,不得不引起我们的深思。  相似文献   

中国投资有限责任公司董事长兼首席执行官楼继伟在"主权财富基金国际论坛"上表示,主权财富基金作为国际金融市场和跨国投资的重要参与者,在应对金融危机的进程中发挥了  相似文献   

技术标准意味着财富和国际权力,它不仅是世界高新技术产业竞争的制高点,而且是产业经营的高级形态。围绕技术标准的国际竞争日益成为市场主体间的技术、经济和政治的动态博弈。巨大产业规模、创新研发能力、庞大的市场以及国际间讨价还价能力是制定并拥有技术标准的基本条件。中国技术标准战略具备成功的基本条件并取得初步成效,但同时也面临着市场和标准制定体系两方面的权力结构限制。中国企业在国际技术标准体系中的地位只能通过符合权力结构的长期博弈逐渐得到改善。  相似文献   

主权财富基金的产生和发展与世界经济形势紧密相关,伴随着石油价格的大幅攀升,全球产业结构的深刻调整以及金融全球化的不断深入,特别是在全球经济失衡加剧的情况下,主权财富基金快速发展,基金数量不断增多,资产规模持续扩大。在以欧美国家为主导并奉行自由经济的世界市场,具有政府背景的主权财富基金将对国际资本市场、全球金融体系和世界经济格局产生深远影响。  相似文献   

国际经济法视野中的主权基金   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周昕  向敏 《经济与社会发展》2009,7(7):109-110,134
主权基金是一种全新的专业化、市场化的积极投资模式。从国际经济法视野来看,主权基金对于现代国际经济新秩序的建立发挥着重要作用。主权基金是国际经济法中国家经济主权原则与国际合作发展原则的充分体现,使得全球资本市场更为安全、稳定。从所有权的角度来看,主权基金的兴起也将使世界经济重心从私营部门转向国有部门。因此,主权基金的良性运作与健康发展需要在全世界范围内营造公平互利的法治环境。  相似文献   

软权力因素在国际政治中发挥着重要的作用。软权力是冷战结束后国际政治领域中的一个非常重要的理论。它是针对冷战后期国际格局和国际政治领域权力性质的变化而提出的。随着苏联解体,冷战结束,国际格局的变化和全球一体化趋势加快,软权力因素在国际政治中的影响越来越大。  相似文献   

主权财富基金规模的实际表征:经济要素抑或政府行为   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在综述已有文献的基础上,对影响一国主权财富基金规模的因素进行实证研究。对宏观经济、政治以及基金治理三个方面的分析表明,一国的总储备、能源出口、总储蓄、人均GDP、话语权和问责制、政治稳定程度以及基金的结构、管理、问责制和透明度、建立的时间长度等因素对主权财富基金的规模具有显著影响;而一国的政府效率、监管质量、法制环境、腐败控制以及基金的投资行为等因素对主权财富基金规模的影响不显著。  相似文献   

范铭超 《改革与战略》2010,26(2):170-173
资金总量约在2万亿至3万亿美元的主权基金对美国银行业具有巨大吸引力。尽管出现一些松动的迹象,美国对主权基金投资银行业的法律监管依旧严格。中国应当采取相应的对策以确保中国的主权基金在投资美国银行业时享受合情、合法、合理的待遇。  相似文献   

In this paper we provide a model of contagion in which countries are linked through the international capital market which allows borrowing and lending for consumption smoothing. Borrowing from the International Monetary Fund also provides a mechanism for countries to smooth consumption intertemporally. Facing a large shock that makes it impossible for a country simultaneously to achieve a desired minimum level of consumption and to service its foreign debt, the country will default. This will put some upward pressure on world interest rates, which raises the debt service costs of other indebted countries and can generate further rounds of defaults. In this environment the Fund has an important systemic function in lending to members to limit the extent of contagion and default. The Fund can be seen as internalizing the externality generated by the contagion that spreads through the channel of the world capital market that links all countries. JEL Classification Numbers: E44, E61, F33, F34  相似文献   

This article describes and analyses the contribution made by the European Social Fund to training and employment initiatives in Britain. It argues that the full potential of the ESF for an innovative exchange of international experience is held back by central government's decision to channel most ESF money through the MSC.  相似文献   

This paper reviews two recent reports on the international monetary system, one by the Group of 10 (industrial countries) and the other by the Group of 24 (developing countries). It contrasts their recommendations for improving policy surveillance by the International Monetary Fund. Its own recommendations include the strengthening of “enhanced surveillance” to make it more formal without making it more onerous, the introduction of “shadow conditionality” to give guidance to governments about their eligibility to draw on the Fund, and the further development of multilateral surveillance along lines proposed at the Tokyo Summit. It would broaden that process, however, by shifting the focus from policy compatibility, defined with reference to exchange-rate behavior, to policy quality, defined with reference to the behavior of global aggregates such as the growth rate of world trade. The paper examines the use of target zones to manage exchange rates and argues that it would not weaken the case for multilateral surveillance, which is needed not only in setting the zones but also to make sure that policies adopted by participating countries do not impart an inflationary or deflationary bias to the international economy.  相似文献   

400年的现代国际体系是一个西方国际体系。历史上由于西方的兴起,欧洲或西方的政治制度、国家利益与霸权排他性地塑造了现代国际体系,深嵌的西方权力一直是该体系最重要的特征之一。现在,随着新兴经济体的群体性崛起,现代国际体系已经进入转型的前奏阶段,"西方的衰落"和"东方的兴起"预示着即将展开的国际体系是一个后西方国际体系。在后西方国际体系中,国际政治权力正在东移,以金砖国家为代表的新兴大国的群体性崛起,标志着东方正在回归国际体系的中心,美国及其西方盟国的群体性衰落,为西方世界向东方世界的权力让渡创造了条件,虽然权力让渡会导致国际体系产生某种紧张状态,但总体上国际体系不会失序,因为新兴经济体的意图在于和平渐进地改变世界权力的结构,同时反体系的革命会造成争霸战争的历史悲剧重演。显而易见,资本主义性质的世界市场仍然是后西方国际体系的一个遗传基质,西方权力持续弱化和东西方地位渐趋平衡将成为后西方国际体系的一个重要特征。世界正在走向一个没有霸权、力量相对均衡的国际秩序。  相似文献   

《World development》2001,29(11):1849-1865
A central issue in the debate about a new international financial architecture has been whether programs of policy reform supported by the International Monetary Fund work. The Fund claims that “on balance” they do, because of their positive effect on the balance of payments. Others claim that programs are ineffective, and suggest that they should be discontinued. This paper reviews the econometric evidence dealing with the macroeconomic effects of IMF programs. It goes on to provide additional evidence and judges success against alternative criteria. Although the record is not good, the paper argues that it would be unwise for the Fund to cease lending and to abandon conditionality altogether. IMF programs need to be redesigned and refocused. The paper concludes by identifying a number of principles that should underpin reform.  相似文献   

郭锐  贾晋平  惠纪文 《特区经济》2009,(12):234-235
在国家战略支持下,主权基金将资金和产业集合能力与区域开发商管理运营能力进行优势互补,通过打造中国式的境外区域发展平台,为入驻企业提供全方位的基础配套和产业配套支持,并入区项目进行资本金注入,推动企业规模化外向型转移。  相似文献   

China has emerged as a major power in the world economy, so it seems natural to consider whether its currency will also have a major role. At present the renminbi is not used internationally. We look at the factors that contribute to the international use of currencies, and focus on the aspects of China's financial system that would have to change before the renminbi emerged as an important regional or world currency. Even with significant reforms, two questions would remain: whether the authorities would want to encourage its international use, and whether an economy with substantial party control could gain international acceptance for its currency.  相似文献   

A series of financial crises in emerging market economies during the 1990s have been a catalyst for efforts to strengthen the international financial system. Indeed, much has been done to strengthen the architecture of the international financial system, both in terms of crisis prevention and crisis management. The powerful G‐7 countries have made it clear that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) plays a significant role in shaping the new global financial architecture. However, is the IMF up to the task? This paper argues that despite its many limitations, the IMF is an important institution that can strengthen the global financial system. The paper begins with a discussion of what the IMF is and what it is not This will help put in perspective the nature, mandate, and role of this much‐misunderstood global institution. The second section reviews some of the recent reforms the IMF has introduced to effectively carry out its new function. While these reforms are hardly revolutionary, they nevertheless, will significantly strengthen both the domestic and international financial system. The third section examines the Achilles heel of the IMF—that its policies promote moral hazard. How effectively have the IMF reforms addressed this? It is argued that although the problems associated with moral hazard can never be fully eliminated, the IMF reforms will greatly mitigate the problem. It is very likely that for the foreseeable future, the IMF will continue to serve as an informal international lender of last resort.  相似文献   

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