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上海市的收入差距:基于泰尔指数分解的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
收入差距目前已经成为上海市不得不着力解决的重大问题之一。基于家庭层面的调研数据,本文发现,2005年上海市的基尼系数(0.414)已经超过了国际公认的警戒线(0.4),工资性收入和消费支出的基尼系数同样反映了本市收入差距较大的现状。泰尔指数分解可将总的收入差距直接分解为组间和组内的差距;本文的分解结果显示,有别于全国的情形,上海市的地区间收入差距并不重要,同样不重要的是城乡差距。因而,相对于平衡地区和城乡发展的政策,上海更应将控制收入差距的重心放在特定家庭和人群上,特别是男性群体之间的差距。此外,单纯的户籍因素对于调控收入差距并不重要。  相似文献   

中国农村居民工资性收入的地区差距:影响因素及路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了中国农村居民工资性收入地区差距的影响因素,量化了它们对工资性收入地区差距的贡献,初步确定了其作用路径。本文的研究发现,中国农村居民工资性收入的地区差距应由各地区农村居民的非农就业机会差距以及农村劳动力的非农劳动报酬差距共同解释,但后者的解释能力更强。本文基于回归方程的分解方法还发现,非国有化是导致中国农村居民工资性收入地区差距的主要原因,而教育相对不重要。全球化和城市化,特别是城市化,主要是通过非农劳动报酬来影响工资性收入的地区差距。教育主要导致了非农劳动报酬的地区差距,人均耕地面积则主要导致了非农就业机会的地区差距。  相似文献   

本文运用2000年、2004年及2006年的中国营养与健康调查数据,采用随机效应工具变量估计法,实证分析收入及收入差距对农民健康的影响,并测算了两者对农民健康地区差异的贡献份额.研究发现:第一,收入与健康存在内生性,随机效应工具变量估计的系数值是随机效应OLS估计的9.5倍,OLS估计低估了收入的影响;第二,东部及中西部地区收入对农民健康有显著的正向影响,收入差距对农民健康的影响呈U型,而考虑到基尼系数临界值大小,其对农民健康影响也呈正相关;第三,随着收入水平的提高,收入及收入差距对农民健康的边际影响递减,中西部地区大大高于东部地区,两者对缩小农民健康地区差异的贡献分别为25.7%和20.2%,而考虑到与收入相关的其它因素,农村收入因素的贡献达45.8%.因此,对于中西部欠发达农村地区来说,提高收入水平仍是提高农民健康的重要手段.  相似文献   

近年来,随着市场化改革的深入,教育与个人收入的关系越来越密切,各地劳动力市场的统计数据显示,不同地区和不同学历教育收入差距在扩大.导致教育收入差距拉大的原因主要是教育投资差异、人力资本积累差距和制度因素.为了缩小教育收入差距引发的经济效应,应采取适当对策,如扩大中西部教育投入、合理分配教育资金以及进行制度创新等.  相似文献   

外国直接投资推动了我国地区经济的发展,已成共识;而地区内城乡收入差距的加大是否也是由外国直接投资引发,则有争议。本文利用山东省的数据,对FDI对山东省城乡收入差距的影响进行了实证分析。实证结果表明,外商直接投资是抑制山东省内城乡收入差距扩大的因素。  相似文献   

运用中国健康与营养调查(CHNS)2006年的数据,这篇论文旨在探讨教育如何影响中国转型期劳动者的收入。从回归结果看,我们发现教育水平只解释了个人收入以及不同群体间收入差距的较小部分。运用分位回归的方法,发现低收入阶层的教育收益率可能更低或不显著,这不利于缩小收入差距和缓解贫困。对于教育而言,不同教育水平的收益率变化比教育水平本身的变化对收入分配有更大的影响,与教育水平相关的劳动时间、就业单位也对收入产生较大的影响。论文的政策含义在于单纯教育扩张并不必然缩小收入差距,要使教育的收益率真正反映生产率的差异,需要改善劳动力市场的扭曲状况、缩小不同部门的工资差异。  相似文献   

地区收入差距扩大是居民收入差距扩大在地区分布上的重要表现.文章分析指出我国三大税种--个人所得税、消费税、财产税,对地区收入分配的调节效果弱化,并就如何运用税收工具缩小我国地区收入差距等问题提出了具体建议.  相似文献   

借由Theil指数二阶嵌套分解法所生发出来的收入分配Kuznets进程这一视角,本文发现中国30年改革历程中居民收入差距与城市就业比之间呈现倒U型关系,经济增长亦是导致总体收入差距呈现倒U型关系的主要原因。Theil指数二阶嵌套分解结果显示:城乡之间收入差距始终占据主导地位,各地区之间收入差距显著地大于各地区内部收入差距,在各地区内部收入差距中,无论城市还是农村,沿海地区内部收入差距均最大。因此本文认为,打破城乡劳动力流动的制度障碍和坚持城市化发展战略对于平抑收入差距意义重大。  相似文献   

韩秋  李岩  郑乃仁 《中国经贸》2009,(22):142-142
本文通过对城乡收入差距和教育差距数据进行协整分析,说明收入差距和教育差距之间存在着一个由短期向长期调整的机制。由此得出结论:城乡教育差距对收入差距是有显著影响的。  相似文献   

基于消费角度的城乡收入差距分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在经济的快速发展过程中,消费和收入之间存在着密切的关系。文章运用GE指数及要素分解方法,从消费的角度对收入差距进行分解,分析消费对城乡收入差距的贡献。然后,从居民消费倾向、消费率和消费结构三个方面对城乡收入差距的演变做出进一步的计算分析,从而提出改善居民消费结构、提倡适度消费等缩小城乡收入差距的建议。  相似文献   

刘阳阳  王瑞 《南方经济》2017,36(2):40-61
文章首次从教育选择的角度出发,探讨了人力资本投资与收入差距之间的关系,作者首先建立了教育回报的代际交迭模型,推断出富裕家庭教育回报率高这个事实会拉大社会的贫富差距。作者使用1992年至2009年的中国城镇住户调查数据对理论推论进行了论证,实证结果表明出身"寒门"的子女期望教育回报率更低,这拉大了与富裕家庭群体的收入差距,也是"寒门难出贵子"的原因。自2001年来,家庭因素带来的教育回报差异能够解释19.1%的城镇居民收入差距,引入工具变量的结果表明,真实的情况可能更加严重。作者进一步模拟了"新常态"下的贫富差距状况,结果表明,经济潜在增速下降会使得基尼系数扩大6.1%。  相似文献   

Using the data from the China Family Panel Studies from 2010 to 2018, we find that rising income inequality causes parents to spend more on children’s education, both in school and out of school. The impact of income inequality on out-of-school expenditures is significant at intensive and extensive margins, especially for study-related tutoring participation. Furthermore, we find some empirical evidence suggesting that in response to rising inequality, mothers spend more time on children’s education and there exists a substitution effect between time and money. Further analysis suggests two potential reasons for the rising education spending: (1) a higher income inequality resulting from rising skill premium strengthens parents’ long-lasting cultural attitude towards education to higher levels, inducing them to spend more on educational investment, and (2) a higher income inequality increases the value of higher education, leading to a stronger demand for better educational opportunities, and then, more intense education competition, forcing parents to invest more in education.  相似文献   

The paper empirically examines the effects of trade liberalisation on income inequality in China and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation countries. Panel data analysis is conducted for the period of 1973 to 2012. The results show that liberal trade policies have increased income inequality in these countries. These results are robust to alternative liberalisation measures. The control variables used have differing effects on income distribution. Per capita income has an increasing effect on income inequality, while education, financial development, financial openness, democracy, and government size are shown to reduce income inequality. These outcomes can be expected to have important policy implications for the use of trade liberalisation in these countries.  相似文献   

何燕 《科学决策》2016,(10):20-46
论文利用2003-2008年CGSS的微观个体调查数据,运用回归分解方法对中国农村收入不平等进行分解。首先对收入不平等进行测算,研究发现农村收入极端不平等,并且呈上升趋势。回归分解结果表明,年龄、教育、性别、东部地区虚拟变量、政治地位、婚姻、健康和幸福感是对农村收入不平等的决定要素。其中教育、年龄、性别、东部地区虚拟变量和健康对农村收入不平等的贡献显著。其余变量对农村收入不平等的贡献相对较小,但其对农村收入不平等的影响也不能被忽视。研究结论对政府制定科学合理的收入分配政策和有效调控收入差距具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

This paper presents tests and estimates of the human capital model of income inequality using synthetic cohort data for Thailand: 1992–2011. The model focuses on four primary determinants of income inequality: mean per capita income levels, the variances in years of education, in the number of children, and in the number of earners in the household. All of these factors are important sources of income inequality in Thailand, with relative impacts that differ across demographic groups and types of household structure. An inverted-U relation between mean per capita income levels and inequality is found, reflecting gender differences of the head of household, differences in household composition, and variation in access to finance. Although the human capital model emphasizes education, estimates presented here show other household characteristics, such as number of children and number of earners, can be even more important sources of inequality.  相似文献   

This study empirically established the long-run relationship and causality effects that exist between growth, poverty and inequality. The analysis was carried out on a panel of nine South African provinces from 1995 to 2012. To capture poverty and inequality in a broader context, two measures of poverty (income and non-income) and three measures of inequality (income, education and land) were adopted for the study. The results confirm that there is a long-run relationship between growth, poverty and inequality. Notable results from the causality tests suggest that growth does not promote equal distribution of income in society but as income distribution begins to equalise, economic growth rises. This is regarded as growth–inequality disconnect. The unidirectional causality, which runs from income poverty to income inequality, suggests that a rising level of income poverty will lead to falling income inequality in the society; likewise, income inequality increases as non-income poverty declines.  相似文献   

This paper describes the changes in inequality in South Africa over the post-apartheid period, using income data from 1993 and 2008. Having shown that the data are comparable over time, it then profiles aggregate changes in income inequality, showing that inequality has increased over the post-apartheid period because an increased share of income has gone to the top decile. Social grants have become much more important as sources of income in the lower deciles. However, income source decomposition shows that the labour market has been and remains the main driver of aggregate inequality. Inequality within each racial group has increased and both standard and new methodologies show that the contribution of between-race inequality has decreased. Both aggregate and within-group inequality are responding to rising unemployment and rising earnings inequality. Those who have neither access to social grants nor the education levels necessary to integrate successfully into a harsh labour market are especially vulnerable.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the pattern of assortative marriage in China since 1990 and its impact on income inequality. The results indicate that men in China are increasingly likely to marry women of similar education levels. We calculate the counterfactual income inequality that would prevail if marriages were randomly matched in terms of education. In 2005, China's overall Gini coefficient of household income per capita would decline from 0.512 to 0.476 if marriages were randomly matched. In urban areas, assortative marriage in education increased the Gini coefficients from 0.321 to 0.338 in 2009. The decomposition exercise shows that the rising returns to education contribute most to the increase in income inequality in urban areas between 1990 and 2009, while the change in marriage assortativeness plays a minor role.  相似文献   

In this study we investigate the differences in income inequality among different racial/ethnic groups in the United States using both personal and household income. We find that income inequality is negatively related to the percentage of males but that the impact is muted for blacks as opposed to whites or Hispanics. In addition, we find income inequality among blacks and Hispanics is affected in vastly different ways, due to unemployment, than for whites. Finally, the impacts on inequality from the exclusion of given groups is significantly influenced by education and the percentage of males contributing to household income but not in a uniform manner for whites, blacks, and Hispanics.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to elucidate the long-term impact of basic education on income inequality in Brazil. It does so, first, by examining how investment in basic education affects incomes and, second, by assessing the extent to which government involvement in the financing of education services and the taxing of the returns of education investment contributes to the achievement of a more equitable distribution of income.On the basis of the empirical evidence available in Brazil, it is possible to suggest that: (i) education per se cannot significantly reduce inequality, (ii) government policies in terms of education subsidies and taxes on lifetime earnings do not show a clear redistribution pattern, and (iii) there exist effective policy tools in the area of employment, education wastage, cost recovery practices which could help bridge the gap between rates of return to education and reduce income inequality.  相似文献   

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