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品牌——我国企业必须重视的策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
品牌作为一种竞争要素已越来越被企业所重视,它扮演着越来越重要的角色.而我国企业品牌的附加价值低,缺乏鲜明的个性,且企业大都没有制定适当的品牌规划,忽视了品牌建设的长期性.因此,品牌建设是我国企业必须重视的策略,它有利于企业的长远利益,将大大增强企业的核心竞争力和提升企业在国际产业链的位置.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the impact of a health insurance reform on health outcomes in urban China. Using the China Health and Nutrition Survey1 we find that this reform increases the rate of health insurance coverage significantly among workers in Non-State Owned Enterprises. The double difference (DD) estimations show that the reform also leads to better health outcomes: workers are less likely to get sick and more likely to use preventive care. Using an instrumental variable (IV) approach to look at the causal effect of health insurance, we find those with health insurance use more preventive care but do not report significantly better health outcomes, an increase in health care utilisation, or an increase in out-of-pocket medical expenditure.  相似文献   

This article explains the current hukou system in China and provides the most recent evidence on the impact of the hukou system on the Chinese labor market and economy. By a comprehensive literature survey, this paper shows that the hukou system plays in two major roles in current China. First, workers with different hukou face different costs of living in cities and have different access to government-provided public services and welfare programs in the urban areas. Migrants with rural and non-local hukou working in the Chinese big cities have no or little access to welfare programs provided by local city governments. Second, there exists labor market discrimination against rural hukou holders in cities, especially in the urban high-wage sector such as state-owned enterprises. The current hukou system has a negative impact on rural-to-urban migration in China as well as on economic efficiency and equality by reducing the expected benefits associated with migration.  相似文献   

This paper studies the relationship between the financial constraints and outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) of Chinese enterprises. First, we construct a theoretical model and develop a series of hypotheses to analyze how productivity and financial constraints influence firms' OFDI decisions. Then we construct a multivariate index to measure internal and external financial constraints. Using Chinese Industrial Enterprises Database as well as the Database of OFDI Firms in China, our empirical finds that both productivity and financial constraints have important impacts on firms' OFDI decisions. In addition, the marginal effect of the financial constraints increases as firms' productivity rises; an effect felt more to the private enterprises than state-owned enterprises. Empirical results also indicate that external financial constraints affect the firms' OFDI decisions more greatly than the internal financial constraints.  相似文献   

浙江省是民营经济大省 ,民营科技企业在浙江省已取得长足的发展 ,但阻碍其民营科技企业进一步发展的许多问题却依然存在 ,亟待解决。其中民营企业的资金供给 ,尤其是申请金融机构贷款的障碍问题就是比较典型的。其中有需求方因素 (企业自身原因 也有来自供给方的因素 (银行的  相似文献   


This study proposes a new approach to analyse the effects of an overlap term on the calculation of the overall Gini coefficient and estimates China’s Gini ratios since the adoption of the economic reform and open-door policies. A decomposition of the Chinese Gini coefficient for 1978–2010 reveals that the key factor contributing to income inequalities is the income disparity between rural and urban inhabitants. We further investigate the features of this income inequality between rural and urban areas and employ statistical approaches to evaluate the effects of urbanisation and rural-to-urban average income on nationwide income inequality. The results show that accelerating the pace of urbanisation is mainly responsible for decreasing China’s income disparity. Drawing on these results, we conclude with suggestions for related policies.  相似文献   

杨波  周丽萍 《世界经济研究》2020,(1):96-106,M0004
文章将东道国交通运输能力和生产率引入理论模型,并基于宏观和微观层面数据,研究东道国交通基础设施对中国企业跨国并购完成率的影响机制,实证结果表明:高交通运输能力国家的企业为中国企业并购所青睐,尤其是水路运输;劳动生产率较高的国家的企业对中国资本吸引力并不显著,但东道国交通运输能力与劳动生产率的双向互动却明显促进了中国企业跨国并购,而且不同行业劳动生产率的调节效应不尽相同,服务业劳动生产率引起的间接调节效应最大,其次是工业,最后是农业。这对于有效促进中国企业成功"出海"并实现全球资本区域结构优化具有现实价值。  相似文献   

人民币国际化趋势日益显现,中国旅游企业跨国投资应当顺应人民币国际化。本文探讨了面向人民币国际化的中国旅游企业跨国投资促进模式,分析了其存在的基础、动力和遭遇的障碍,提出了对应的调控措施。期望通过顺应人民币国际化,促进我国旅游企业跨国投资。  相似文献   

The domestic saving rate in China is the highest in the world and it surpasses the investment share in GDP, which is also very high by international standards. This excessive saving results in a large current account surplus. Understanding why the Chinese save so much is a central issue in the debate on global imbalances. The goal of our paper is to analyse empirically Chinese household saving behaviour taking into account the disparities within the country, at the provincial level and between rural and urban households. We first show that, notwithstanding the rising contribution of government and firms to national savings the real peculiarity lies with Chinese families. We move from Modigliani and Cao's (2004) attempt to explain rising personal saving in China within the life cycle hypothesis and show how a more careful analysis indicates that life-cycle determinants do not suffice, especially in the most recent period. Once we consider regional differences and distinguish urban and rural households using provincial-level data, it becomes clear that additional explanations are needed and that precautionary motives and liquidity constraints are playing an important role. Our results suggest that in order to reduce the propensity to save of Chinese households it is necessary to improve social services provision and to facilitate the access to credit.  相似文献   

随着中国加入世界贸易组织和跨国公司进入中国市场的步伐加快,浙江省民营企业将面临巨大的挑战。而浙江省民营企业如何建立完善的企业激励机制,避免企业人力资源的流失也就被提到了记事日程。文章首先阐述了浙江民营企业激励机制的现状,指出浙江民营企业激励机制改革的必要性  相似文献   

方永灼 《特区经济》2007,(7):283-284
我国在品牌建设方面存在着一些不可忽视的问题,缺乏成熟的、系统的关于品牌价值评价的理论、技术与方法,亦无专业机构从事这方面的研究。品牌价值的评估与研究,属于跨学科的软科学研究领域,属于高端服务领域中的"专门专业"。作为深圳市高端服务的又一创新,品牌价值研究中心的诞生,对推动企业的品牌建设、提升品牌价值,增强企业及地区的综合竞争力将产生积极的作用。  相似文献   


China has the most restricted capital markets in Asia. Constraints on capital freedom have resulted in politicization of investment decisions, corruption, waste of capital, and loss of personal freedom. Ending financial repression in China by liberalizing macro-economic prices and making the Yuan fully convertible would help China become a world-class financial centre. To do so, however, would require widespread privatization and rule of law-both of which would undermine the power of the Chinese Communist Party. The West should be patient with China and recognize that gradual reform and engagement are preferable to destructive protectionism.  相似文献   

根据对第四届中国国际中小企业博览会的中小企业的问卷调查,结合文献研究,以企业扩展的四维模型为分析框架,从资本运作、业务活动、组建方式及空间扩展等四个维度进行深入考察,理论上形成了当前我国中小企业成长的路径特征,并在此基础上就我国中小企业的进一步发展提出讨论。  相似文献   

文章以我国企业转型升级和R&D价值创造为基础,通过问卷调查研究了企业高管的企业家行为与创新利润的关系。分析表明:现阶段企业管理层对创新重视不够,企业高管的企业家行为不足;当前企业获取创新利润的主要创新形式是开发新产品和开拓新市场,但是缺少在原材料的控制、组织创新两个方面的企业家行为;年薪+业绩挂钩、年薪+股权激励是当前企业高管愿意接受的两种创新激励方式。  相似文献   

中国民营企业在非洲的市场进入与直接投资的决定因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过分析中国民营企业在非洲的东道国分布、海外企业的职能和类型,探讨了它们在非洲的市场进入模式。研究发现中国民营企业倾向于投资中国已经密集投资的国家;中国民营企业更多地从事制造业和服务业,而不是农业和采矿业;民营企业因更多选择以子公司的企业类型进入非洲市场而承担更高风险。我们又通过实证研究,比较分析2002~2010年期间,中国民营企业和国有企业在非洲投资的决定因素。研究发现:中国民营企业主要受到市场寻求动机,而不是资源寻求动机的驱动;东道国与中国的文化临近性有助于中国企业向非洲投资;中国企业在非洲是风险偏好者。  相似文献   

Recently, Foreign Invested Enterprises (FIEs) in China have increased their investment in not only production activity but also R&D activity. This paper examines the impact of spillovers from such activities by FIEs on two types of innovations by Chinese domestic firms: Total Factor Productivity (TFP) and invention patent application, using comprehensive industry and province-level data. We evaluate such spillovers according to FIEs' ownership structure, the origin of foreign funds and whether they are from the same industry or from other industries. We find an interesting asymmetry between spillovers to TFP and invention patent applications; while we do not find significant intra-industry spillovers from FIEs but find robust inter-industries spillover related to TFP, we find substantial intra-industry spillovers promoting invention patent applications but no evidence of inter-industries spillovers. Furthermore, whereas spillovers from FIEs to Chinese firms' TFP stem from their production activities, the source of spillovers related to invention patent applications is mostly through their R&D activity. Our findings indicate a need for multidimensional evaluation of the role of FDI in developing countries.  相似文献   

杨志祥 《改革与战略》2008,24(11):64-66
广义上的品牌,其外延包括商标、商号、商业域名、企业徽标、地理标志、装潢、认证类标记等。它和其他知识产权一样都是我国创新型企业的财富源泉和竞争优势。同时,品牌是创新型企业知识产权战略的首选,像中华老字号、地理标志和原产地名称等品牌资源是我国企业跻身国际市场的优势所在。同时,品牌能产生派生效应。品牌和企业的其他知识产权是互动的。品牌统摄着其他知识产权,其原因主要是品牌的生命力超过了其他具体的知识产权,这也是现阶段我国国情所决定的。  相似文献   


China has a relatively young population, but is about to undergo a remarkable demographic transformation. Given the un-sustainability of the old system, the Chinese authorities have initiated a number of pension reforms since the early 1990s. In this paper, based on latest precondition framework, we analyse and conclude that the initial economic and financial conditions within the reform started in China are sufficient to facilitate funding based pension reform.  相似文献   

通过探索我国企业社会责任发展历程,立足于当下发展现状,研究分析国内外现有企业社会责任认证标准及认证情况,发现有必要建立适合于我国国情的企业社会责任认证标准,由政府主导,推动企业积极参与认证,从而提高企业的自律性,实现企业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

熊爱华  张质彬 《南方经济》2020,39(9):86-106
为推动混合所有制改革实现国有企业高质量发展,解决低效率和金融化的问题,文章选择国有制造业上市企业2008-2017年间的样本数据,考察了国有企业混合所有制改革与金融化程度对全要素生产率的交互影响机制。研究发现,引入非国有资本提高了国有企业全要素生产率,却加剧了企业金融化对全要素生产率的挤出效应,在规模较小、盈利能力较弱或市场化水平较低的国有企业中挤出效应更明显。在国有企业混合所有制改革过程中,非国有股东会基于套利目的,带动金融化程度的提升。基于上述研究结果,文章建议进一步完善混合所有制改革制度,改变企业资源配置方式,矫正资源误配格局,在帕累托改进的路径中推进改革,保证国有企业高质量发展。  相似文献   

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