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本文从传统小说理论、西方现代小说理论、当代小说理论三个方面探析了沈从文小说理论对中国小说理论的开拓意义和价值:沈从文的小说理论是对传统小说理论的突破,成就了现代小说理论的辉煌;沈从文的小说理论大大推进了小说理论的现代化进程;对中国整个乡土小说创作、小说理论产生深远的影响.  相似文献   

元小说是作家以小说的形式对小说艺术进行自我反思的结果 ,其叙事手段多种多样。美国著名作家库尔特·冯尼格的《五号屠场》是一部典型的通过“露迹”的叙事手段进行创作的元小说。  相似文献   

张栋 《魅力中国》2014,(19):138-138
小说以刻画人物形象为中心,通过故事情节和环境描写来反映社会生活,是一个时期人民精神状态、社会风情风貌的重要体现,是一种重要的文学形式。小说来源于生活,是对现实生活的提炼,小说多采用形象与象征手法表达主题,语言上则大多讽刺、幽默。汉语小说内容精彩、佳作众多,本文试从翻译策略及基本内容两个方面。分析汉语小说的英译。  相似文献   

任聪颖 《魅力中国》2010,(29):251-251
《昕夕闲谈》是我国近代第一部翻译小说,译者蠡勺居士在《小叙》中提出了一种全新的小说观。他既简述了中国小说的流变史,又突出强调了小说的道德教化功能和娱乐功能,并力求提高小说在文学中的地位,发出“谁谓小说为小道哉”的时代呐喊。  相似文献   

《吉姆爷》是康拉德极具代表性的一部作品,被誉为英国文学史上最优秀的长篇小说之一。象征性是康拉德小说中的重要艺术特征,小说中象征手法的运用丰富了小说的内涵,深化了小说的主题。通过对"吉姆爷"和文本细节上的两次"纵身一跳"进行解读可了解其象征手法及意义,进一步探讨小说的主题和思想内涵。  相似文献   

斯蒂芬·克莱恩是19世纪末美国最具有天赋和影响力的小说家之一。他的小说《红色的勇敢勋章》是对战争现实的"忠实客观的反应"、对战争中主体意识和心理活动的深刻探讨,因此被看作是"美国作家第一部伟大的‘现代’战争小说"。为了使小说人物塑造更加形象生动,小说中大量存在二元对立的结构模式。  相似文献   

马丽 《黑河学刊》2011,(6):40-42
萧乾的记者经历尤其是记者期间从事的新闻写作,对其小说特别是后期的小说创作手法有着深刻的影响,可以说后期小说创作融了新闻手段。他注重"小事",以小见大,通过小的故事情节来体现当时社会时代的大背景,大主题;群像式的人物塑造方式,打破以往的典型人物的塑造方式的格局,以一系列的人物特点来展现小说中的人物形象;萧乾采用新闻特写中常用的电影镜头的写法,使小说故事情节充满动态的镜头感。新闻写作的手段对萧乾后期小说的渗入,使得这一时期的小说独具特色。  相似文献   

潘望望 《魅力中国》2011,(8):279-279
在当代文学史上,余华是一位极为重要的作家。他的小说创作可以分为前后两个时期,前期作品具有鲜明的先锋小说特征,后期创作回归现实主义,充满了温情和现实感。纵观余华的整个小说创作,我们可以发现他创作的前后期小说分别在内容上、叙述方式上及主题上有了较大的转变,我们着重从这三个方面来论述余华小说的转型。  相似文献   

徐芳 《重庆与世界》2013,(11):72-76
丝绸之路的开通为陇右文化增添了新的色彩,它是从三秦文化到西域文化整个西北文化带的过渡环节。是中华文化不可缺少的一部分。唐人小说的兴盛便主要得益于当时的文化环境,尤其是陇右文化地域的文化性格:尚武的精神特质、多元文化的开放性特征、质朴的情感特色。陇右文化性格为唐人小说作家的创作以及素材的选择都有一定的影响。陇右文化相互的认同和理解,为唐人小说添上了精彩的一笔,多姿多彩的陇右文化为唐人小说的创作提供大量的素材。陇右文化在唐人小说中的渗透,推动了唐人小说繁荣的脚步,同时也让我们看到了唐人小说所蕴含的陇右文化精神源远流长。  相似文献   

著名作家张贤亮公开说过,我现在早就不看小说了,当记者追问他的真实意思,张贤亮的回答有些雷人:这年头,现实比小说精彩离奇得多,现在最好看的不是小说,是新闻。  相似文献   

From the studies of the history of economic thought, we can learn that many theorems of the modern general equilibrium theory were well anticipated in the classical economics and the economics of the marginal revolution. For example, first, what Johann Heinrich von Thünen (1783–1850) did, in his strange theory of natural wage, can be interpreted as an early, pioneering attempt to use the so-called Negishi method (1960), which is now intensively used for the proof of the existence theorem and the numerical calculation of a general equilibrium. Second, as is well known, no exchanged transactions are permitted out of equilibria in the famous Walrasian tatonnement adjustment process towards market equilibria. Against this, the importance of transactions carried out at disequilibria is emphasized in the studies of the so-called Hahn–Negishi non-tatonnement process (1962). As a matter of fact, in the classical economics, this is exactly what William Thomas Thornton (1813–1380) insisted against the authority of John Stuart Mill (1800–1873). Finally, subjectively perceived (often kinked) demand curves are considered in my proof of the existence of a general equilibrium in the case of monopolistic competition (1961). To my surprise, however, I found later that such demand curves were already hidden in Adam Smith's (1723–1790) consideration of markets and the division of labor, and that the increase of demand never fails to lower the price of goods.  相似文献   

In this paper, we argue that there is a strong case for considering Keynes, not as an economic scientist in the modern sense of the term, but as a philosopher–economist comparable with Hume, Smith, Mill, and Sidgwick. Although he took his technical economics from Marshall, the use he made of it, and the system he created was impossible to understand apart from his role in the Bloomsbury group, whose values he shared and helped to forge.  相似文献   

Summary J.G.S.J. van Maarseveen's doctoral thesis on N.G. Pierson contains much new and interesting information, based on extended archival research, about Pierson's life till 1877, his personality and his religious, social and political opinions. It discusses his main scientific writings of that period and his involvement in various debates on policy issues. The author pays special attention to Pierson as an adherent of progressive liberalism, akin to that professed by Stuart Mill, which emerged in the Netherlands during the 1860s. Around 1870, according to the author, Pierson veered towards a more conservative attitude. Bespreking van J.G.S.J. van Maarseveen,Nicolaas Gerard Pierson Handelsman Econoom en Bankier Eerste periode 1839–1877, Proefschrift Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 1981. 317 blz.  相似文献   

This paper considers whether or not the poor performance of many African countries can be ascribed to a dependency on primary commodity exports. This is a multidimensional question which concerns the Prebisch‐Singer Hypothesis, commodity price volatility, the dependence of GDP on exports and the commodity price elasticity of exchange rates (the so‐called Dutch disease problem). To consider these questions, the paper uses data on 39 commodities and ten African countries. It finds that relative to the price of manufactured goods there is a downward secular trend in less than half of the commodity prices considered. Nonetheless, most commodity prices are highly volatile. Furthermore, in the case of half of the countries considered GDP is dependent on exports. However, the paper finds limited evidence for Dutch disease.  相似文献   

Based on a random sample from 1 percent population survey data of 2005, this paper studies the impacts of Tangshan Earthquake on the educational attainment and subsequent labor market outcomes of affected cohorts using the methodology of difference-in-differences model and the local average treatment effect interpretation of instrumental variables technique. We find that the schooling years of the cohorts potentially affected by Tangshan Earthquake is 14%–21% of a year of schooling lower than the non-earthquake cohorts, which can be considered as the shortterm educational cost of Tangshan Earthquake. The rate of returns to years of schooling for the earthquake cohorts is 20.93%–27.85%. The earthquake leads 3.51%–4.77% loss of average income through the reduction of schooling years. A loss of 0.30%–0.41% of GDP in 2005 can be attributed to the lower educational attainment of the earthquake cohorts, which can be considered as the long-term educational cost of Tangshan Earthquake.  相似文献   

This paper considers the relationship that exists between two lottery products offered simultaneously in the same state, a smaller lottery game run by the individual state and a larger multi-state game run in coordination with other states. The primary issue is whether the two different products should be considered substitutes or complements for one another. The question is considered from two different perspectives that lead to a conclusion that while the two products do tend to be complements to one another, overall the individually run state lottery games experience a reduction in sales from the presence of the multi-state game.  相似文献   

揭晓 《特区经济》2008,(7):92-93
经济与政治的相互作用是国际体系变革进程的一个基本特征。探讨中国—东盟经济关系也需要综合考虑政治、经济和国家战略等因素的影响,进而才能准确地把握中国—东盟经济关系发展的运行情况,并设法巩固和加强有利因素,减少和避免不利因素的影响。  相似文献   

Conclusions The empirical evidence presented in this paper supports the hypothesis that the level of banking concentration does not have a significant impact on banks' political influence. This average bank size appears to be negatively related lated to political power within the state.Because of the difficulties of defining and measuring political and economic power, the conclusions presented here should be considered to be tentative. However, the results do demonstrate the need for further research in this area.  相似文献   

白晓东 《科技和产业》2011,11(11):113-121
《合同法》中的"交易习惯",是一个弹性概念,在合同事实的认定上,"交易习惯"应视为具有规制意义的事实习惯,此时它只是待证事实;在合同效力的解释上,"交易习惯"可视为"习惯法"。但鉴于"交易习惯"并非立法机关制定的法律,因此,"交易习惯"只能作为"情理"辅助合同条款的解释,而不能作为直接判决根据。我们可以借鉴民国时期有关"交易习惯"判例,通过个案发布的形式,为"交易习惯"审判提供具有指导意义的"规则"。  相似文献   

The economic situation, foreign economic relations, and export/import structure of Southern Russian regions are considered; the author’s opinion on the development of free economic prices in Southern Russiaís resort area is given; this conclusion is justified on the grounds that any trends emerging in the foreign relations of Southern Russian regions must be adjusted to match the targets set for the country as a whole.  相似文献   

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