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我国为应对全球性经济危机已经开始实施的扩张性财政政策不仅存在传统IS-LM模型分析的直接挤出效应,也存在由我国独有的金融体制、财政体制、国民消费倾向、产业政策和国有企业制度等因素引发的"泛挤出效应",因此,应对的关键不仅在于以货币政策的配合使利率维持在一个较低的水平,更重要的是改善民生促进国内消费,使扩张性的财政政策能够通过消费、投资充分发挥乘数效应。  相似文献   

我国扩张性财政政策中的挤出效应问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
挤出效应是指扩张性的财政政策中,政府支出的增加,引起利率水平的上升,挤出私人投资的现象。本文分析了近几年我国财政政策中的挤出效应现象,指出政府与民争利,与民争投资、供给型挤出效应是我国扩张型财政政策的独特现象。提出了弱化挤出效应的对策。  相似文献   

陈振华 《特区经济》2005,(4):246-247
<正>实施财政政策,通常是为取得对经济活动的导向、协调、控制和稳定等功能,但难免也会产生负面的挤出效应。传统的观点认为,财政政策的挤出效应是政府通过向公众和商业银行借款来实行扩张性财政政策,引起利率上升和借贷资金的竞争,导致民间部门支出减少,从而使财政支出的扩张作用部分或全部被抵消。可以说这对挤出效应是较为狭义的的理解,是对过去资金决定因  相似文献   

中国政府支出调控对居民消费的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
判断以调控政府支出为重点的财政政策是否合理,关键要弄清楚中国的财政支出和居民消费之间的关系。本文运用协整理论、误差修正模型,考察了政府消费与政府投资对居民消费长期均衡和短期的冲击响应;然后根据中国政府财政支出的各要素,分别考察了财政支出要素对居民消费的短期冲击响应,最后基于经验分析结果得出相关结论与政策建议:依靠扩大进出口总额来提高居民消费率的措施将很难奏效;促进居民消费,政府投资的效果要好于政府消费;从短期与长期看,经济建设支出对居民消费具有挤出效应,但作用不大;合理控制行政管理支出;增加对社会发展的投入,改善消费预期,提高消费倾向。  相似文献   

当一国经济衰退时,政府通常会采取扩张性的货币政策和财政政策,来刺激消费和投资以促使经济复苏。美国次贷危机发生后,美联储采取了宽松的货币政策,通过降低联邦利率、增加贴现等手段来刺激消费和投资,仉是货币政策效果并不明艟,美国经济复苏依然乏力。这与货币创造过程发生堵塞、货币倒流造成的艇础货币与M1间的升常现象宵很大关系。  相似文献   

张喜玲  杨振宁 《特区经济》2004,(12):145-146
从西方国家近半个多世纪的实践来看,发挥利率在货币政策操作中的作用是一种主流思想,利率对货币政策意向的传导是通过中央银行操作调控基准利率开始的。基准利率变动首先影响的是短期货币市场利率。在广义金融市场上,短期利率变动可以通过两条渠道来影响长期利率,进而最终影响投资与消费支出:  相似文献   

扩张性财政政策仍有必要 在有效需求不足的条件下,继续采取扩张性财政政策仍有必要,对于缓解居民消费、民间投资不足,将担负着主要作用.实施扩张性财政政策,不但采取政府投资,而且采用提高居民收入、刺激消费等办法,多管齐下,有力地推动了经济回升态势.但是,持续地采用财政政策,往往会面临越来越大的压力.  相似文献   

财政部财政科学研究所副所长白景明5月15日表示--当前我国实行积极的财政政策,财政支出不断扩张对经济的提振作用已经比较充分地显现出来。今年全国一般公共预算支出预算拟安排约17万亿元,占国内生产总值的比例为30%左右,这都将转为当期的消费和投资。因此,财政支出的增长对经济的提振作用是比较明显的,今年前四个月的数据也显示,交通运输方面支出增幅突出,这都将直接拉动就业和投资。预计未来我国还将持续实行积极的财政政策,财政支出仍将不断扩张,将进一步拉动经济的增长。  相似文献   

日本扩张性财政政策失效的原因分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
90年代泡沫景气崩溃后,日本政府多次运用扩张性财政政策来刺激经济,却始终没走出泡沫经济的阴影.究其原因,可能是多个方面综合作用的结果。而从投资乘数理论出发,深入分析90年代日本财政政策失效的原因,则主要是因为:公共投资所产生的引致投资没达到预期效果,并对民间投资产生了挤出效应,加之景气预测始终没有形成,致使边际消费倾向低,从而导致公共投资乘数缩小。  相似文献   

我国现行积极财政政策的调整对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来我国积极财政政策的实施状况与效果 自1998年起,我国开始实行积极的财政政策,是主要依靠扩大政府支出来扩大内需的一种扩张性政策.这种扩张性财政政策与一般意义上的扩张性财政政策的区别在于:在增加政府支出的同时,不减税收.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of financial crises-based exchange rate, real interest rate, and personal consumption expenditure on stock market indices and balances of current account in four Asian countries/areas, and the U.S. from 1997 to 2010. Results obtained from Sims's first-order DSGE representation suggest that two policy variables – changes in the exchange rate and changes in the real interest rate lagged by one quarter – act as stabilizers for contemporaneous changes in stock indices for Thailand, Malaysia, and the U.S., but as destabilizers for Taiwan and Hong Kong. However, changes in personal consumption expenditure lagged by one quarter only play a destabilizing role in Hong Kong. For contemporaneous changes in the current account balance, all three policy variables become destabilizers for all five countries except the one-quarter lagged change in real interest rate, which acts as a stabilizer in Malaysia.  相似文献   

在动态随机一般均衡(DSGE)模型中引入财政支出冲击和居民消费习惯,将财政支出分为生产性支出和消费性支出,分别纳入生产函数和总消费函数,通过DSGE模型模拟了财政支出对居民消费、产出、就业、投资等经济变量的动态影响。模拟结果显示财政支出增加对居民消费产生了挤出效应,而对产出、就业等经济变量产生挤入效应。考虑消费习惯后,经济变量对外生冲击的响应呈驼峰状,并且影响程度加大。因此,合理划分政府支出的类型并恰当评估居民的消费习惯对把握财政政策的操作力度甚为重要。  相似文献   

张明源  薛宇择 《南方经济》2020,39(12):38-54
财政政策的最优政策选择问题对于国家宏观调控政策的出台具有指导意义。既往的研究忽略了利用动态一般均衡的方法探求具有双重外部性的基础设施建设支出与结构性减税支出的政策选择问题。本文利用引入基础设施建设支出和结构性减税的新凯恩斯DSGE模型,测算比较基建支出和结构性减税的政策福利效应。研究表明:具有双重外部性的基础设施建设支出不仅可以通过提高生产效率的方式促进产出,还可以通过挤入居民消费的方式加强政策福利效应。经过测算,短期的基建支出乘数大于结构性减税的政策乘数。同时,基建支出长期平均产出乘数小于结构性减税的平均产出乘数。与结构性减税政策相比,增加基建支出对于财政资金有限的政府是短期内更加有效的产出刺激政策,但在长期中,结构性减税政策不仅具有较高的政策效应,还可以从消费、劳动、投资等角度实现结构性政策目标。进一步研究发现,地区经济发展水平的不同会导致各地区的最优政策选择存在差异性:发达地区可以通过结构性税收政策解决结构性问题的同时实现长期经济增长;而欠发达地区则更应该注重运用基础设施建设为主的支出政策以促进经济增长;但随着人口逐渐从欠发达地区流出,提高欠发达地区的基建支出是否是可行之策,还需要考虑区域协调发展等诸多因素。  相似文献   

财政政策是一项重要的宏观经济政策,扩张性的财政政策能扩大总需求,但是也会对私人投资产生挤出效应。挤出效应作为财政政策的一种外部性,有其产生的机制和表现的特征。本文阐述了挤出效应的内涵、产生的机制和宏观特征,然后试图对挤出效应的大小进行度量,并分析了其主要影响因素。  相似文献   

This paper explores how fiscal incentives offered to local governments in China affect investment rates in their jurisdictions. Theoretically, we build a simple fiscal competition model to establish the linkage between local fiscal incentives and expenditure policy and consequently, capital movement. The key prediction of the model, borne out by data from Chinese provinces spanning 2004–2013, is that an increase in the local corporate income tax-sharing ratio, which proxies fiscal incentives offered to local governments, motivates local governments to compete for capital investment through increased public expenditure. Our results contribute to the literature on both fiscal federalism and state capacity by showing that local fiscal incentives significantly shape policy choices and local economic performance. In addition, by exploring fiscal incentives offered to local governments, we offer a novel explanation for the unusually high investment rate in China that has been sustained over a prolonged period.  相似文献   

The paper provides some estimates of the sources of Indonesia's rapid growth in the period 1968–81. This rapid growth was partly due to the improvement in the terms of trade, especially because the improvement in the financial position of government raised the investment rate. But part of it was also due to a high rate of technical progress, especially in agriculture, and to the expansionary domestic fiscal policy of government.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a regime-dependent model to estimate fiscal multipliers in the US. Output, consumption and investment are assumed to respond to tax and spending changes in a nonlinear manner. Fiscal multipliers are time-varying because their size and sign depend upon the state of the economy (upturns and downturns). Keynesian effects appear essentially during downturns, while anti-Keynesian effects are observed during expansions. Transfer payments contributes to a higher private consumption when they are given to consumers in bad times. Reducing taxes boosts consumption in good times. Investment responds positively to lower taxes during downturns, but negatively in the upturn regime. Our results thus suggest that Keynesian effects have been associated to expansionary policies during recessions, while anti-Keynesian effects were observed during expansions illustrating situations of expansionary fiscal consolidation. The effectiveness of fiscal positive impulses increases in downturns relative to upturns. A corollary is therefore that austerity measures during recessions would have detrimental effects on the GDP and its components.  相似文献   

本文使用42个发达工业化国家和新兴经济体国家2000~2010年的经济数据,采用面板门槛模型估计不同国家财政政策对经常账户的影响,检验李嘉图等价效应成立的条件。估计结果显示,财政政策与经常账户表现出"双赤字"现象,但政府债务规模对消费与投资的扭曲作用使得财政赤字与经常账户又呈现非线性关系。同时,较高的税负水平对财政政策效果的影响是导致李嘉图等价效应成立的重要条件。本文的结论表明,我国长期实施的扩张性财政政策对经常账户平衡的不利影响已经开始显现。因此,实施审慎的宏观财政政策、降低税负水平对维持经常账户平衡和经济健康发展具有重要的战略意义。  相似文献   

Taiwan's trade surplus reached about one-fifth of GNP by 1986, becoming the source of attention and criticism from the international community. Realizing it is to her own benefit to reduce the surplus, and also in order to ease outside pressure, Taiwan started to take measures of macroeconomic adjustments, including currency appreciation and expansionary fiscal policies. Trade surplus was reduced to 8.1% of GNP by 1989, as a result of increases in domestic demand accompanied by decreases in demand from abroad. At the same time the sectoral structure of Taiwan's economy changed: the share of non-tradable sectors (mainly construction and services) expanded while that of the tradable ones (agriculture and manufacturing) shrank. This paper uses a 27-sector computable general equilibrium model to investigate the comparative statics of changes in Taiwan's fiscal, monetary and exchange rate policies in 1989. Results of the model's counter factual policy simulations indicate expansionary fiscal and monetary policies are effective in reducing the external imbalance. In particular if public investment and money supply were raised by respectively 20% and 10% above the actual values, current account surplus as a percentage of GNP could be reduced from 8.52% to 6.91% in that year, and resources shifts from the tradable to the non-tradable sectors would be strengthened. They also indicate that to achieve a given target of reduction in external imbalance, there are trade-offs between expansionary fiscal policies and currency appreciation and between expansionary monetary policies and currency appreciation. For instance to reduce the current account surplus ratio to 5.04 of GNP, a 15% (10%) increase in public investment (money supply) would have to be accompanied by a 31% (29%) appreciation of the nominal effective exchange rate.  相似文献   

蒋欣吟 《特区经济》2011,(11):283-285
金融危机以来,各国纷纷采取宽松的财政政策来刺激经济,加之欧洲债券危机的影响,我国经济面临非常严峻的考验。我国近14亿居民消费群,转变家庭的消费意识对于扩大内需而言的意义是不言而喻的。本文通过对于我国居民消费潜力的分析,研究我国家庭消费行为以及影响消费者心理意识的因素,浅谈金融危机下家庭消费心理意识对扩大内需的影响?  相似文献   

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