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中国矿业大学国家大学科技园作为苏北地区乃至淮海经济区唯一的国家级大学科技园.以"依托学校资源优势.构筑园区服务体系.融入地方经济建设"为核心理念.已建成占地1 20亩、孵化面积达1 2万平方米的孵化一期园区.引进各类研发机构8家,科技服务机构21家,园区在孵企业达170家.毕业企业35家.其中高新技术企业占1 2.2%.在孵企业共申请专利210项.授权专利138项;2004年以来,累计转化科技成果150余项;获国家重点新产品9项.承担国家火炬计划5项;2007年在孵企业工贸总收入达4.25亿元.上缴利税3600万元;毕业企业年技工贸收入5亿元.  相似文献   

洪必纲 《特区经济》2006,(5):329-330
配额限制的取消有利于我国纺织品贸易的发展,但同时使其直面更激烈的竞争。在国际竞争中我国纺织服装业应当培育自主品牌,参与发达国家的市场竞争;发展“外外贸易”,参与发展中国家的市场竞争。  相似文献   

The article describes the methodology for construction and the main results obtained by implementing a scenario and modeling system intended for generating scenarios and forecasting the long-term performance of the world prices for steel and metallurgical raw materials.  相似文献   

Summary This paper examines the impact of wealth on the demand for money in The Netherlands and Belgium. The empirical analysis reveals a substantial influence of wealth on the demand for money. For The Netherlands, incorporating wealth effects mitigates the volatility of the monetary picture. For Belgium this is not the case, indicating that interest and inflation rates are very important for understanding the monetary developments.We are indebted to Michel Dombrecht of De Nationale Bank van België for providing the data on wealth for Belgium. Helpful comments by Professors S.K. Kuipers and F.C. Palm are gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

崔莉 《特区经济》2002,(1):55-56
据中国老年协会分析,2000年我国60岁以上的老年人口已达到1.3亿,约占总人口的10.2%,世界新增加的老龄人口中有23%来自中国,这使我国提前进入了人口老龄化国家行列,统计表明,我国现有60岁以上的老年人每年以3%的速度增加,80岁以上的老年人以5%的速度增加,这意味着我国每年净增380多万60岁以上的老年人,50多万岁以上的老年人,这个快速增加的庞大老年群体,预示着在市场消费品需求中用于满足老年人的比重将不断增加,老年人所占市场消费份额的比例将越来越大,老年产品的消费总量将不断增加,在我国相对来说,老人在城市晨的比重普遍高于农村,而生活在城市里的老人大多数享有退休金,仅从这一点,有眼光的商家就可敏锐地感受到老年市场的庞大和潜力,同时随着社会经济的发展,老年人的收入普遍提高,以上海为列,退休金在351-600元的中等收入者占到62.4%,收入在600-900元乃至千元以上者占4.5%,180万的4.5%是多少?加上“老有所为”的再就业收入,老年人的购买实力是实实在在的存在的,我国老年人产品与服务的多种需求构成了一个十分丰富多彩的“银色市场”。  相似文献   

新颖性是发明和实用新型专利授权的重要条件,新颖性判断过程中,对现有技术进行认定的时候需要把优先权日作为申请日。在专利代理实务中,申请人往往就同样的发明创造既申请了发明专利,也申请了实用新型专利。这样同样的发明和实用新型专利申请在要求优先权的时候,会因提交过程中是否在请求书中勾取"声明本申请人对同样的发明创造在申请本发明(实用新型)专利的同日申请了实用新型(发明)专利"这一项内容而造成很多的难题。文章针对这一问题进行探讨,提出解决方案和建议。  相似文献   

The proportion of students who enrol for agricultural degrees at black universities??? is low, and only a few females enrol for these degrees. This has severe implications for agricultural development in the less developed areas. In order to increase enrolment for degrees in agriculture, it is suggested that improvements be made in the following: the society's image of agriculture, salaries of qualified agriculturalists, land tenure, vocational guidance at schools, quality of teaching of agriculture at schools, provision of bursaries and availability of jobs for agricultural graduates.  相似文献   

Winning in the battle for jobs is two-fold: making gains in jobs and relief, and making gains in the development of anti-racist revolutionary class consciousness. Marxists and institutionalists have shown theoretically that unemployment is endemic to capitalism. The global experience of the 20th century validates this view. Efforts to ease the negative social effects of unemployment can modestly and temporarily assist distressed unemployed workers and their families, but only when there is a significant grassroots mobilization??at both local and national levels??to struggle for such improvements. Communist organizers have often been the most effective leaders of struggles against unemployment and its effects by relying on mobilizations of unemployed, employed, and unionized workers. Communist organizations have often combined efforts to win ??survival?? reforms (i.e., attempts to keep unemployed workers?? heads above water) with agitation and education about the need to end unemployment permanently with socialist and/or communist revolution. Two examples of these struggles are described: the Unemployed Council of St. Petersburg in 1905?C06 and the unemployed councils initiated by the Communist International (the Comintern) during the early 1930s, with an emphasis on the U.S. experience. Lessons for today??s global struggle against unemployment are drawn from these earlier experiences.  相似文献   

我国投资消费关系失衡的原因和"十二五"调整思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了改革开放以来我国投资消费关系失衡的趋势和特点,认为主要原因是:收入和消费结构不合理,经济发展阶段和发展方式影响,住宅投资和出口生产投资扩大,以及一些统计偏差.以此为基础,文章提出了"十二五"期间调整投资消费关系的一些思路.  相似文献   

In these brief concluding remarks, I confine myself to a few reflections on some of the themes that have been broached today, without much reference to individual authors or comments, as it would be impossible to summarize everything that has been said at this conference about the new architecture of the international monetary system.  相似文献   

Conclusion The human toll of September 11 is immeasurable. Obviously, there was lost human and physical capital, but the implications for the long-term GDP effects may not be significant with respect to reallocation of private sector capital to unproductive uses. In our model, we feel there will be a one time reduction of the capital stock in the private sector that does not have implications for productivity growth, but it will have a permanent effect on the level of productivity. Finally, higher government consumption and gross investment has a similar effect. It lowers the national savings rate, crowds out private investment, leads to capital shallowing, and lowers again the level of productivity rather than the growth of productivity. But still in present value terms, the attacks of September 11 have been a big hit to our well being.  相似文献   

杨意坚 《特区经济》2001,(11):51-52
一、服务行业企业文化定位 服务型企业企业文化定位应该是建立以服务为导向、以顾客为中心的服务文化。分析服务文化的内涵和要求,我认为构建服务文化,进行服务文化管理,应包括服务战略、组织结构、领导班子和员工培训4个方面的内容。……  相似文献   

20年,在历史的长河中,只是弹指一挥间。然而,对《中国资源综合利用》来说,从创办、生存和发展,由人们接受。认识到喜爱,跨越两个世纪,经历了艰难曲折而又不平凡的路程。如今,资源综合利用已被国家提到重要的议程,受到社会的普遍关注。《中国资源综合利用》刊物为全行业的生存与发展,为我国开展资源综合利用不遗余力,摇旗呐喊,作出了积极的不可磨灭的贡献。正如江总书记在“七一”讲话中指出的:“要坚持以科学的理论武装人,以正确的舆论引导人,以高尚的精神塑造人,以优秀的作品鼓舞人”。《中国资源综合利用》正是沿着“以…  相似文献   

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