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首先通过对linux操作系统的简单介绍,然后详细分析了linux操作系统的启动过程,同时也介绍了启动过程中的相关概念,以期以够起到抛砖引玉的作用.  相似文献   

针对目前国内民用飞机在综合模块化航电系统(IMA)集成应用技术的发展,参考国外民用 飞机航电系统的IMA 体系结构和IMA集成应用技术,结合分区操作系统的特点,给出了在分区操作系统下开发BSP 和AFDX驱动移植的方法。利用这些方法可以构建一种满足民用飞机的通用机载软件开发平台 ,为民用飞机中IMA上的驻留功能软件开发提供基础实验环境和验证平台。  相似文献   

本文将分析在多重启动系统中起重要作用的文件,它们分别是以下几个:BOOT.INI、BOOTFONT.BIN、BOOTSECT.DOS、NTDETECT.COM、NTLDR。其中BOOT.INI是大家非常熟悉的一个配置文件。从这个文件可以选择启动的操作系统是什么?而且还可以通过修改BOOT.INI文件控制启动的方式,如在操作系统说明符后面加上“/fastdetect”参数,可以使用快速自检模式。同样,还有“/nodetect”等参数可供使用。但是,不是说没有这个文件就不能够启动你的操作系统,丢失这个文件的后果就是只能从C盘启动。同时,由于这个文件是完完全全的一个文本类型的文件,我们可以使用任何文本编辑工具编辑这个文件。换句话说,BOOT.INI在多重启动系统中不是最重要的一个文件,也就说不上“备份双系统启动文件只要备份C盘根目录下的BOOT.INI文件就可以了”。熟悉多重启动系统启动模式的朋友们都知道,操作系统的启动流程从NTLDR开始。NTLDR通过读取BOOT.INI文件,确定操作系统启动分区的位置。对于只有一个操作系统的电脑,NTLDR启动NTDETECT.COM开始下一步的启动流程,而对于含有多重启动操作系统的电脑,NTLDR将把BOOT.INI的选择菜单内容显  相似文献   

本文提出一种新的用于LPC语音编码器的BSP激励信号,即根据语音产生的原理,以一个幅度受到二项式调制的正弦波BSP(Binomial Sine Pulse)作为LPC激励源,该二项式反映了激励信号在一个基音周期内的变化趋势。本文同时推导了BSP激励参数的求取和改进方法。实验结果表明,在此基础上构造的BSP语音编解码器具有低复杂度、低时延的优点,同时编码速率在低至2.65kb/s时,具有较高的合成语音质量。  相似文献   

孙弢 《商》2014,(36):201-201
随着ARM芯片以及LINUX操作系统的出现,为嵌入式的发展注入了强劲的活力。本设计实现LINUX操作系统向ARM9平台的移植。U-boot是系统的启动引导程序,要移植LIUNX操作系统,U-boot是必不可少的。LINUX操作系移植成功后,系统还是不能正常启动的,还需要根文件系统(rootfs)支持,这样系统就可以正常启动。但是嵌入式系统往往是为某些特定的功能设计的,所以,系统要想完成某些功能,还需要顶层应用程序的支持。  相似文献   

近期广告主业务交授情况 微软启动最大广告攻势推正版 微软中国将为其操作系统Windows7启动亲民的广告攻势。据了解,这项活动将在包括北京在内的六大城市率先展开,在即将播放的广告片中,  相似文献   

大力开展职业创业教育是知识经济时代社会发展的必然要求。高职学院的创业教育包括树立创业意识、完善创业个性、拓宽创业知识、增强创业能力四大要素。其中,创业素质的提高过程是这四大要素整合提高的过程。创业能力是创业赖以运转、展开的操作系统,是影响和制约创业实践活动最为直接、也最为重要的因素。创业知识是操作系统启动、维持、强化的动力系统,共同影响创业实践活动的运行。  相似文献   

LifeBook N3510是富士通推出的全功能高端笔记本,备了左右可视角度高达130度的15.4寸超炫丽宽屏幕显示屏,同时配置全新视听娱乐功能,方便用户及时欣赏音乐、电影和其它数字媒体娱乐。 无需开机启动Windows XP操作系统,只  相似文献   

W indows以其稳定的性能成为大家首选的操作系统,但在使用过程中你会发现,随着时间的推移,操作系统在速度上越来越慢了。特别是启动速度,常常要等待好长一段时间,甚至一开机就死机的情况时有发生。W indows启动速度缓慢的原因很多,以下笔者根据日常使用中所遇到的问题分析出几种原因,仅供大家参考。1.网卡:网卡的设置非常重要,如果设置不当,会严重影响系统启动速度,甚至会导致系统死机,如果用户设置成“自动获得IP地址”,系统在启动时就会不断地在网络中搜索DH CP服务器,直到获得IP地址,这就直接影响了启动时间,因此,局域网用户最好为自…  相似文献   

利用NASM和GCC编译器完成源码编写,设计了一个从U盘引导启动的简易个人计算机操作系统,实现了系统在烧录到U盘之后开机自引导启动、基于段地址机制的CPU运行模式转换、基于GDT数据结构的内存读写管理、进程的管理等功能。  相似文献   

Holding 88 percent of train media resources across China, based on "Time Cube", on the 2008 Intermedia Recommendation and Introduction Meeting on December 19, 2007, HTC announced its high-profile strategy of tour marketing and tapping the immeasurable potentials on the train. Meanwhile, HTC officially launched its brand new product Olympic Train on the meeting, providing a fabulous platform for all the brands that are prepared to do a smart marketing on the occasion of 2008 Olympic Games.  相似文献   

In the end of 2007, Air China Limited (hereinafter "Air China") and Shanghai Airlines, formally joined Star Alliance at a ceremony held in the new Terminal Three at Beijing Capital International Airport. With the addition of the two Chinese airlines, Star Alliance now has 19 member carriers operating 17,000 daily flights to 897 destinations in 160 countries.  相似文献   

Under the guidance of the theme slogan of the 29th Olympic Games - One World One Dream, with dream, love and dedication as its theme, the 2008 Music Grand Ceremony & 1000 People Charity Concert on 100 days cotmtdown to Paralympic Gamesis officiaily launched on December 22, 2007. The 2008 Music Grand Ceremony is sponsored by China Disabled Persons' Federation, and co-hosted by National Paralympic Committee of China,  相似文献   

With its headquarters in the historic city of Yangzhou,Jiangsu Muyang Group Co.,Ltd has since its founding in 1967 grown into a well-known group corporation whose activities cover research & development,project design,manufacturing,installation and services in a multitude of industries including feed machinery and engineering,storage engineering,grain machinery and engineering,environmental protection,conveying equipment and automatic control systems.  相似文献   

2007 China Harbor Ten People elected the entrepreneurs who contributed a lot to port economy and enterprises this year trough their talent management.These ten people embody their social responsibility,professional skills,creative ability,and charming personality.Bearing full confidence in China's port economy,the port entrepreneurs are brave enough to explore a brand new area,so as to promote harbor economic development. At the very beginning of 2008,China Shipping Website,Dalian Maritime University,and China Port and Shipping In- stitute jointly select the 2007 China Harbor Ten People,demonstrate port entrepreneurs' stunning minds,disclose their secrets to success,and providing abundant experiences to others in harbor development.The top ten people are various excellence during the ups and downs harbor development.  相似文献   

Aseries of events that occurred in October 2007, are rewriting the history of China's energy industry: November 3 an Energy Law Committee asked the public for suggestions on improvements; forty top experts came together to form the National Energy Expert Advisory Committee on November 6; and the National Oil Reserve Center (NORC)became the nerve centre of oil reserves on November 18. Yet, behind the progress of these recent activities remains the fact that international oil prices still hover around a very high price of US$ 90/barrel, and China's oil imports are close to accounting for half of its total oil reserves.  相似文献   

Since the normalization of the diplomatic ties between China and ) Japan, the bilateral economic relations have deepened continually. According to the statistic of Japan, China passed U.S. to become Japan's top trade partner as well as is the second largest export market for Japan and is the largest import resource for Japan. Japan companies such as Mitsui, Sumitomo, Sony and Panasonic, have set the subsidiaries in China and explored their scales. This year 2008 marks the 30th anniversary of the signing of the ChinaJapan Treaty of Peace and Friendship.  相似文献   

China's textile and apparel industry suffered an unprecedented cold market for exports in the first quarter this year,the result of a few factors including: the appreciating RMB, decreasing export rebate rate,expanding influence of the U.S. subprime crisis, increasing costs of production and rising labor cost.  相似文献   

From the very beginning of the dumpling incident,China has pav great concernontheoroblem and moved rapidly to find the reason and take further actions.Series of investigations carried in both countries by co-organized experts'team received a primary fruit as the true picture of the incident.Each time,China IS sparing no effort responsibly to solve the products quality dilemma,which other countries face in the same.  相似文献   

Contribution to the society Zhang Hao owns great opportunity to store intelligence and knowledge, in her early year.Zhang Hao was graduated from Economic Management Department of People's University in 1983 and later finished her study in Advanced Training Program of CEO of Chinese Direct Selling Enterprises in Peking University.  相似文献   

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