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剪子湾是一个非常典型的移民村庄,分析其人口变迁的过程,可为观察与研究城郊农村社会转型尤其是20世纪以来农村城市化进程,提供一个不可多得的标本.采用历史学的实证方法和社会学的田野调查,对剪子湾遗留的地契、清队登记表、口述资料展开了历史考察与成因解释,其中晚清至民国期间的人口发展与变迁是这一考察的核心.剪子湾的人口变迁由特定的经济、政治和社会诸多因素构成,是一个时间和空间上逐渐变化的过程.在来自不同方向的推力和拉力的综合作用下,大批的农民迁移到剪子湾,并由此形成了剪子湾独特的移民文化.  相似文献   

林光祺 《财贸研究》2006,17(2):58-64
中国社会存在着一个关于不同社会群体的权利和义务的基本社会契约,以这种契约的变迁为划分方式,社会保障在中国农村有其非常独特的制度变迁路径。以此为逻辑起点,本项研究通过对农村集体、家庭、土地、政府、市场与社会等诸多保障制度的考察,将建国50多年来的中国农村社会保障制度变迁过程依次划分为集体契约型的隐性“普惠”保障、分权型的显性“利益分割或损益不均”保障和社会契约型的制度化“利益调整重构”保障三个阶段,并对每个阶段农村社会保障制度的体系结构进行相应的制度评估,继而检视中国农村社会保障制度变迁的路径。  相似文献   

卡塔尔一、概况卡塔尔国位于波斯湾西南岸的卡塔尔半岛上,扼波斯湾进入太平洋的海上交通要冲,面积1.03万平方公里,人口21万,其中外国移民和劳动人口16万人,占全国人口总数的68.8%。全境多沙漠,属热带沙漠气候。卡塔尔是石油输出园组织和阿拉伯石油输出国组织的成员国。1977年实现了石油国有化。石油工业比较发达,是国民经济的基础部门。农业比较落后,但沿海捕鱼和珍珠采集业较发达。  相似文献   

劳动力转移是解决我国"三农"问题的主要措施。目前我国农村劳动力转移存在多种方式,其中农村劳动力向小城市或县城转移,是大多数农村人口向城镇转移的主要途径。人口迁移的"推拉理论"是研究流动人口和移民的重要理论之一,农村人口在从农民变成农民工,再变成城镇人口的过程中,是在拉力和推力两种力量的共同作用下完成的。  相似文献   

农村社会养老问题一直以来都是社会关注的焦点,特别是在城镇化与工业化发展过程中,我国农村社会养老问题日渐突出。我国农村社会养老保险经过了一系列变迁过程,正在日趋完善。本文首先对农村社会养老保障水平变迁过程进行分析,然后分析农村养老保障水平变迁的原因,最后提出在农村社会养老保险变迁过程中得到的启示,供有关人员参考。  相似文献   

我国农村非正规金融制度:演进路径与政策规范   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文从制度经济学的视角,分析了我国农村非正规金融与农村经济的诱致性制度变迁过程以及非正规金融与政府管制的强制性制度变迁过程,阐述了农村非正规金融组织形式的变迁过程及我国农村非正规金融制度的演进路径,并在此基础上对如何引导和规范我国农村非正规金融发展提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

一、美国移民政策的历史演变(一)美国移民历史及现行移民政策众所周知,美国是一个传统的移民国家。100年中,美国总共接纳了3350万移民。到1920年,美国人口首次超过1亿。外来移民在历史上为美国的经济发展、科技创新和政治文化建设做出了重大贡献。尽管美国总体上对外来移民持宽容态度,但随着移民数量的增加,新移民与本地居民间出现越来越多的利益冲突,美国政府的移民政策也逐步发生演变。随着限额制的实行,国外出生人口在美国总人口中的比例逐年下降,从1920年的13%降低到20世纪60年代末4%的最低点。但80年代以后移民占人口比例又出现明显上…  相似文献   

厉以宁 《全球化》2017,(2):42-44
中国正处在一个剧烈的变化时期,其中一个变化就是人力资本的革命正在开始。我们以前都听说"中国的人口红利快结束了,中国的改革红利枯竭了",但是现在给我们的感觉是什么呢?一、农村的变化中国正在出现新人口红利。新人口红利来自什么地方?来自农村。我走了几个省考察,现在的农村和以前是不一样的,很多农民办了家庭农场。土地确权以后,特别是土地流转以后,有人办大农场、家庭农场或者转包了人家的土地,或者租了别人的土地。  相似文献   

推动农村水库移民创业,可促进农村水库移民创业致富,这是可持续的长远发展之计。在梳理国内外有关农村水库移民创业相关文献的基础上,认为农村水库移民群体的生存压力、代际特征,以及移民区的资源优势是农村水库移民创业的动因,并从区位优势、基础设施、政策支持方面阐述了良好的创业条件。为促进农村水库移民创业的持续健康发展,从提升移民自身人力资本与社会资本、发挥政府的主导和协调作用、提高金融机构的资金支持三方面提供相应的政策建议,并提出研究启示。  相似文献   

本文通过实地调查,结合问卷法、口述史、深度访谈等调查方法获取资料,对华北农村家庭夫妻权力关系及其变迁进行了系统考察,揭示了传统农村家庭的夫妻权力关系格局在社会转型过程中所发生的变化并分析了其原因,为建构农村家庭和谐夫妻关系和和谐家庭提供了理论了对策参考。  相似文献   

Wage effects of immigration are investigated in a setting with international capital mobility, which eliminates two‐thirds of the native wage effects of immigration. Without international capital mobility, overall gains from migration in the immigration region are only a small fraction of total losses to native workers, but with perfect international capital adjustment, overall gains are larger than total losses to native workers. Two alternative tax policies to eliminate the negative wage effects of immigration on low‐skilled native workers are evaluated.  相似文献   

International study provides many benefits to the countries that host students, to the students’ home countries and to the students themselves. We extend the empirical knowledge regarding flows of international students, using a panel of data that spans 17 years, 26 host countries and 85 countries of origin. We examine the hypothesis that social networks are an important factor motivating study abroad by including lagged variables of the levels and shares of enrolment in the analysis. The analysis shows that they are significant factors: a 1% rise in a host country's share of an origin country's international student “diaspora” is associated with a 0.09%–0.12% rise in the number of students studying in that host from that origin, 5 years later. This is consistent with the literature on the economics of immigration, which finds social networks to be important, and transitory, in inducing immigration. These effects are found in models that control for other factors as well: earnings differentials, quality of higher education system, distance, common language and colonial relationship. The results suggest that one‐off policies to better recruit or attract international students will have ongoing benefits, in terms of follow‐on recruitment of further students by the initial students.  相似文献   

Among the EU member states, increasing immigration has led to a recent debate over changes to European refugee and migration policies. The desire among the poor to escape from a hopeless economic and social situation in their home countries is the most common impetus for their migration. As the EU is the world’s biggest donor of public development aid, new approaches in European development politics are much needed to increase the effectiveness of this aid and to create a sustainable improvement of the economic situation among the poor. This article focuses on a new approach to implement more efficient and cost-effective development strategies that include individual time preference as well as insights from behavioural and experimental economics.  相似文献   

199O年代后期我国省际人口迁移区域模式研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
主要根据 2 0 0 0年人口普查资料 ,多视角地考察了 1990年代后期我国省际人口迁移的区域模式及其特征 ,发现我国中、西部地带人口主要选择迁向东部地带的基本区域模式虽然十分稳定 ,但也发生了一些比较明显的变化 ;1996年人均国民生产总值 80 0 0元和 6 0 0 0元 ,分别是 1990年代后期省际人口迁移比较有意义的人口迁入、迁出收入“门槛”线  相似文献   

To examine the effects of immigration on real wages it is important to focus on the interaction between the labour and intermediate input markets. Immigration can lead to more extensive exploitation of external and internal efficiencies in other input markets, resulting in higher real wages in the destination country.  相似文献   

Manthei  Gerrit 《Intereconomics》2021,56(1):50-58
Intereconomics - Many questions have been raised about the political and economic consequences of the recent surge in refugee immigration in Europe. Can refugee immigration promote long-term per...  相似文献   

目前我国水库移民社会救助虽然取得了一定的成就,已经初步形成了移民灾害救助、移民贫困救助以及特殊移民救助等为基础的社会救助制度体系,但是仍然存在城乡二元区隔、项目较为单一、资金供给与救助需求不相适应、救助对象无法准确确定、救助资金分担不合理、救助理念落后、缺乏统一管理等问题。为了实现水库移民社会救助的科学化、程序化、法制化、社会化,必须进行制度创新,即实现社会救助城乡统筹、项目多元化、科学地制定贫困线标准、确定救助对象、加快社会救助的社会化进程,合理筹集水库移民社会救助资金、转变观念、统一管理、制定并完善相关法律法规、建立监测评估体系。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to use both static and dynamic frameworks to compare the benefits that immigrants draw from the public system with their contributions through the taxes that they pay. The main conclusion of this paper is that the impact of immigration on welfare systems is weak. Thus, if we compare, on a given date, immigrants' global contribution to the public administration budget with the volume of transfers they receive, immigrants appear to be relatively favoured by the redistribution system. At the same time, even if immigrants seem to pay less taxes and receive more transfers than natives, the difference in distribution between the two populations, with a higher concentration of immigrants in the active age groups and a sparser concentration among the net beneficiaries of the social transfer system, leads to a slightly positive long‐term impact of immigration on public finances. However, the impact of immigration remains very slight compared with the global effort that would have to be undertaken to reduce budgetary imbalances.  相似文献   

The fertility declines associated with the final phase of the global demographic transition have led to slower population growth and accelerated ageing in developed countries and in several advanced developing countries. A global demographic and economic model is used to assess the implications of these changes for population sizes, age‐gender distributions, labour force growth and their implications for economic performance. A baseline projection that incorporates declining fertility is compared with a hypothetical constant population growth scenario. The results show that slower population growth and ageing reduces average saving rates in industrial regions, yet global investment demand is also slowed and saving rates rise in developing regions, so there is no net tightening of financial markets. Increased aged labour force participation, considered one solution to the resulting rise in aged dependency in advanced regions, is found to redistribute investment in favour of the industrialised regions and hence to accelerate their per capita income growth, while conferring on the other regions compensatory terms of trade improvements. The alternative of replacement migration is found to require inconceivably large population movements. It also impairs real per capita growth in destination regions but by least in Western Europe, where the terms of trade are improved by the immigration.  相似文献   

金鑫  王一 《北方经贸》2013,(2):40-41
众所周知,当今世界女性消费者已经成为市场上的消费主力军,在购买活动中起着举足轻重的作用。女性的社会消费在当前的消费大潮中正在从温饱型消费向发展型、享受型消费发生着根本性变化。女性作为社会消费的一个特殊群体,有着不同于社会其他消费群体的消费心理和消费行为,其随着社会的发展而发生了重大变化,表现出更趋于个性化和高级化等多方面特点。在目前大部分市场处于饱和、竞争空前激烈的情况下,认真研究并探索现代女性独特消费心理特点以及消费行为的变化,能够为企业制定有效地营销策略,提供有益的建议,成为市场上最具潜力的竞争企业。  相似文献   

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