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突如其来的金融风暴更突显当今时代不确定的基本特征,变幻莫测的金融经济形势加上国内外同行的激烈竞争,促使商业银行比以往任何时候都更加关注品牌的建设。该文从我国银行业品牌建设在不确定的背景下面临的挑战及机遇着手,对我国银行业在当前不确定的背景下如何进行有效的银行品牌营销展开思考。  相似文献   

中小企业内部融资方式及分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着我国经济的蓬勃发展,中小企业在全国范围内遍地开花,数量猛增.为国家和区域经济带来了不可估量的作用,尤其是在解决就业压力和拉动经济增长方面具有不可低估的作用和影响.2008年是一个不平凡的年份.全球经济都因国际金融动荡而遭受到严重的冲击,突如其来的经济危机使得中小企业融资局面更加严峻.中国中小企业是庞大的世界经济体中最为活跃的细胞,并已成为全球化分工体系中的主要参与者,是我国摆脱金融危机的重要力量.本文主要从留存盈余融资、票据贴现融资、资产典当融资和商业信用融资等方面来说明企业内部融资的方式,并对各融资方式进行分析.  相似文献   

俗话说,华尔街一咳嗽,世界经济就感冒,此话的确不假。近期,突如其来的华尔街金融海啸已经令世界各地高度紧张起来,各国政府纷纷采取救市措施应对,以防止演变成全球性的经济危机。毋庸置疑,这场海啸对我国的经济也产生了影响,尤其是对以外向型经济为主的广东,影响更不可低估。  相似文献   

十多年前,一场突如其来的非典危机,让中国人思考“到底什么才是真正的发展,并使“以人为本”的科学发展观的落实更加紧迫。那场危机之后,中国政府在发展经济的同时更加重视保障改善民生和发展社会事业。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的进一步加深,中国经济同世界经济融为一体的趋势进一步增强.突如其来的美国金融危机必然对中国经济产生重大影响,中国在未来的发展中应如何应对国际经济风暴将备受关注.并且随对中国企业的影响将越来越明显.本文就其对中国中小企业的影响进行分析,并提出来几条合适我国中小企业应对经济危机的对策.  相似文献   

李明 《商场现代化》2008,(3):324-325
<正>为适应企业经济发展的需要,近年来,我国会计改革已迈出了稳健、有序的步伐,并取得了巨大的成就。但随着客观经济环境的变化,会计也应不断改革、发展和完善。尤其我国加入了WTO,说明我国的改革开放将进一步深化,与世界的联系将更加紧密,同时真正地融入了世界经济一体化的潮流。我国经济受到的影响将是巨大的,会计市场也是如此。  相似文献   

2020年初,一场突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情给中国经济带来了非预期性的冲击,但可以肯定的是,疫情对中国经济的影响是局部的、暂时的、阶段性的。变化的是经济发展的节奏,不变的是中国经济长期向好的主旋律和全面建成小康社会的既定目标。本文重点分析了疫情对经济增长的影响、全年经济发展的可能路径以及为打赢疫情防控阻击战可采取的相应措施。  相似文献   

<正>一、2012年外贸形势更加严峻、任务更加艰巨中央经济工作会议对2012年的形势已经做了深入的分析、科学的判断,世界经济形势总体来说十分严峻,不稳定和不确定性在上升,国内的经济发展中不平衡、不协调、不可持续的矛盾和问题仍然很突出。2012年1~2月我国进出口数据也进一步证明了这一判断。1~2月我国的对外贸易进口、出口增长了7.3%,增速大大低于2011年同期,尽管有积极性,但也反映出我国外贸形势的复杂性。我们分析,影响外贸发展的因素是错综复杂的,既  相似文献   

2001年中国经济在世界经济一片萧条的阴影笼罩下,仍保持了7%以上的经济增长,但外需的减弱已明显对我国经济产生不良影响。预计2002年上半年世界经济将更加严峻,对我国经济的冲击也将更加明显……  相似文献   

随着近年来经济的迅速增长,我国稳定的政治环境和经济环境,为我国利用外资创造了良好的条件,而突如其来的金融危机使整个世界的神经都紧张起来,而我国的对外贸易也在这场金融危机中受到严峻的考验。  相似文献   

人民币汇率风险的来临,使我国中小型外贸企业承受着一定的冲击,结合当前形势以及中小型外贸企业的自身特点.分析企业当前所面临的各种外汇风险以及中小型外贸企业管理外汇风险的必要性,对中小型外贸企业的外汇风险管理提出建议.以求有效地规避风险。  相似文献   

During his primary campaign, President Obama took an aggressive stance on trade, suggesting a protectionist drift in U.S. trade policy. However, it seems more likely that policy will focus more on enforcement of existing rights than on protectionist initiatives. The major influences on trade policy are likely to be multilateral approaches to trade problems, broad foreign policy concerns, the impact of trade policy on recovery from the current recession, and global climate change initiatives. Holdover initiatives on the World Trade Organization's Doha round and bilateral agreements will be joined by global climate change as the principal policy issues for the next few years.  相似文献   

At some conceptual level, trade in goods and services are not that much different. However, the speed at which trade and foreign investment in services is growing, along with the fact that the barriers to these activities are quite different from those for trade in goods, prompts us to take a more careful look. The paper begins with a general discussion about the various policies and technological constraints that impact foreign trade and the establishment of foreign commercial presence in intermediate business services. We then discuss which characteristics an accurate modelling approach must capture. Following that, we develop a model that allows for different regimes of trade and/or foreign affiliate production in services using Markusen's knowledge‐capital model. Simulations show that the pattern of service firm headquarters and office locations can differ considerably depending on whether it is trade, investment, or both that are either liberalised or become technologically feasible. Our results find that the welfare and factor‐price consequences are quite similar across the different scenarios.  相似文献   

苏娜 《江苏商论》2011,(11):82-84,88
随着国内外发展环境的变化,我国开放型经济面临的瓶颈约束日益明显,区域发展不协调、一体化水平不高等问题愈发突出。推动内陆欠发达地区开放型经济发展、形成合理的区域发展格局是我国开放布局的重要目标。地处内陆腹地的中部地区要改变开放型经济发展滞后的状况,实现本地区经济崛起,必须确立新的发展思路,寻求新的发展路径。  相似文献   

在经济运行过程中汇率、利率和物价三者关系紧密、相互影响,对经济的运行具有重大的意义。汇率的低估会引发物价上升,而实际汇率又由物价所决定。利率的变化对即期和远期的汇率也会产生重大的影响。我国的通货膨胀不仅应当通过抬高利率来抑制,更重要的应该通过对人民币正确估值,合理变动人民币汇率来解决。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impact of foreign and domestic ownership on the exit rates of privatized state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in transitional countries. The exit of privatized SOEs can have a profound impact on employment and on the development of local economies of transitional countries. An oligopoly model that incorporates country-level trade costs and individual SOE's productivity is developed to assess the exit of SOEs under either foreign or domestic ownership. The model shows that market competition between firms can lead to liquidation of the SOE by a domestic firm when trade costs increase. When the productivity of SOE is high, neither foreign nor domestic firm will liquidate. The predictions of the model are tested using firm-level privatization data from Central and Eastern Europe. By controlling for productivity, trade costs, and other attributes of SOEs after privatization, it is found that foreign ownership significantly reduces the probability of SOE's exit as compared to domestic ownership. Furthermore, there is evidence that as trade costs increase, the exit probability of domestically owned SOEs increases and the exit probability of foreign-owned SOEs declines.  相似文献   

我国对外贸易商品结构和方式与经济增长的相关性比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
改革开放以来,我国的对外贸易和经济增长都取得了令人瞩目的成就,但不同的对外贸易商品结构和方式对我国经济增长的影响是不同的。本文运用协整和格兰杰因果检验方法对我国的进出口贸易、投入品和消费品贸易、一般贸易和加工贸易与我国经济增长的相关关系进行了比较分析。结果表明:第一,我国的对外贸易、进口贸易、出口贸易都与经济增长呈正相关关系,但进口贸易对经济增长的推动作用更大,而且进口还是推动我国出口的重要原因;第二,我国投入品的进口和出口以及消费品的出口都与经济增长呈正相关关系,但投入品的进口对经济增长的推动作用更大,而消费品的进口对经济增长有负面影响;第三,我国一般贸易和加工贸易都与经济增长呈正相关关系,但一般贸易对经济增长的推动作用比加工贸易要显著得多。  相似文献   

Credit constraints, equity market liberalizations and international trade   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper provides evidence that credit constraints are an important determinant of international trade flows. I exploit shocks to the availability of external finance and examine the impact of equity market liberalizations on the export behavior of 91 countries in the 1980-1997 period. I show that liberalizations increase exports disproportionately more in financially vulnerable sectors that require more outside finance or employ fewer collateralizable assets. This result is not driven by cross-country differences in factor endowments and is independent of simultaneous trade policy reforms. Moreover, it obtains with equal strength in the full panel of countries as well as in both panel and event-study analyses of countries which removed capital controls during the sample period. Finally, the effects of liberalizations are more pronounced in economies with initially less active stock markets, indicating that foreign equity flows may substitute for an underdeveloped domestic financial system. Similarly, opening equity markets has a greater impact in the presence of higher trade costs caused by restrictive trade policies.  相似文献   

江苏对外经贸发展的政策调整与法制建设思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乔生  陶绪翔 《财贸研究》2006,17(5):61-65
我国加入WTO之后,江苏对外经贸发展获得了良好的外部环境,但还存在着促进性制度供给不足、产品缺乏自主知识产权、外贸依存度增长过快、环境整治中庸保守等问题。在我国加入WTO过渡期即将结束,省域经济持续发展的今天,亟需适当调整江苏的对外经贸政策,建立促进对外经贸发展的制度体系,强化企业知识产权创造价值,降低外贸依存度过高之风险。  相似文献   

This paper explains why trade‐policy makers may prefer reciprocal trade negotiations (RTN) to unilateral tariff reductions (UTR) for economic reasons. It answers puzzles like ‘Why WTO reciprocity?’ and strengthens the unnecessarily weak case made for the WTO by those who downplay or dismiss benefits from foreign tariff reductions (FTR). RTN is superior to UTR because it provides economic benefits that UTR cannot – namely, FTR benefits which are clearer than potentially important UTR benefits: Whereas each policy offers efficiency gains, any terms‐of‐trade effect of UTR generally detracts from these gains, while any terms‐of‐trade effect of FTR is typically beneficial (especially for a small price‐taking country) with this benefit augmenting FTR's efficiency gains. Moreover, benefits from reductions in foreign barriers may come from several sources; they are not solely the result of terms‐of‐trade improvement – or economies of scale (the two benefits already noted in the literature, though often dismissed). For example, with foreign NTB elimination, possible home benefits are shown even with rising costs and terms‐of‐trade deterioration. RTN is also superior to UTR because, by eliminating protection in either NTB or tariff form, RTN provides an escape from not only a terms‐of‐trade prisoners’ dilemma, but many other previously unrecognised prisoners’ dilemmas, including one in international rent transfers, and several others with no economies‐of‐scale or terms‐of‐trade motivation. Of course, if superior RTN is not an option, UTR may well be desirable. If reciprocity is an option, but only in a narrower CU or FTA form, such reciprocity may still be superior to UTR, or it may be inferior; theory cannot unambiguously rank these.  相似文献   

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