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通过大豆粉中脂肪检测能力验证计划的实施,对全国参试的21个省(自治区、直辖市)84家实验室的检测结果进行系统评价和分析,了解和掌握国内实验室该检测领域的技术水平,明确对试验结果产生影响的重要因素。结果显示总体情况较好,满意率为79.8%。  相似文献   

刘国传 《中国检验检疫》2008,(11):I0002-I0003
近日,一条消息在北京检验检疫局内频传,使该局技术人员倍受鼓舞:今年国家认监委组织的22项能力验证计划中,该局申报"繁殖与呼吸综合症ELISA试验"和"纺织品中有毒有害物质:甲醛、禁用偶氮染料的测定"勇夺两魁,同时也开创了该局纺织品领域组织实验室能力验证的新纪元.  相似文献   

刘敏 《国际市场》2011,(8):68-71
赞比亚执行货物进口检验计划赞比亚近日宣布,即日起执行货物出口前符合性验证程序(Pre-exprot Verification of Conformity,简称PVoC)计划,以防止劣质和不符合标准的商品进入本国市场。根据公布的PVoC计划,首批列入检验目标的商品包括玩具、食品、纺织品、鞋类、汽车零部件、医疗产品、二手产品及家具等。  相似文献   

本文在介绍能力验证概念、作用的基础上,对我国能力验证工作的发展进行了简要的介绍。重点论述了能力验证计划提供者的建设意义、能力要求和建设思路。  相似文献   

关键链法作为一种新兴的项目进度管控方法,弥补了关键路径法和计划评审技术的诸多不足,在大型复杂项目中发挥的作用日益显著。而设置大小合理的缓冲一直是该领域亟待解决的热点问题。本文对影响项目进度的不确定因素进行归结,提出了基于熵权—TOPSIS的缓冲设置新方法,即通过建立工序不确定性量化模型,得出工序的不确定系数,以此作为关键链缓冲设置的依据。最终通过实例验证了该方法的科学性与可操作性。  相似文献   

刘薇 《中国市场》2008,(38):64-65
<正>广州国际玩具礼品城,是李嘉诚的长江实业在内地投资的第一个商业项目。该城于2005年开业,从开业至今的三年里,一直很沉寂,人气明显不足。据最新情况了解,经过广州市区专业市场搬迁的瓶颈、政府扶持阶段之后,广州国际玩具礼品城二、三期将于今年内启动,并且进行了全新的规划定位,预计该项目进入收官阶段,总投资将达到30亿元。  相似文献   

<正>湖北省发展改革委进一步创新项目稽察工作一、创新稽察内容一是加强专项稽察,稽察重心从以抽查单个项目为主向专项稽察转变。围绕全委中心工作,除了按照年度稽察计划开展常规性的项目稽察工作以外,进一步加强与相关业务处室的沟通协作,逐步开展重点领域、重点任务、重点项目的专项稽察。初步考虑,2015年拟联合投资处开展2011—2014年全省预算内投资计划执行情况或国有工矿棚户区改造专  相似文献   

随着数码产品的崛起,传统玩具市场逐渐萎缩,智能、成人等高附加值玩具日渐成为国际市场上的"新宠"。广东高乐玩具股份有限公司作为我国玩具行业中电子、电动塑胶玩具出口的龙头企业,因持有自主品牌,坚持自主研发,客户网络遍布全球,在玩具行业中具有一定的核心竞争力。目前,部分大型玩具企业已领先一步进入网络游戏、影视动漫等领域,实现企业的转型升级,导致玩具行业的内部竞争愈演愈烈。针对这一实际情况,基于国际贸易及国际市场营销等相关理论,文章以高乐公司为例,从其出口贸易现状入手,分析该公司玩具出口中存在的主要问题,进而提出扩大出口及实现更大盈利的对策建议。  相似文献   

根据教育部《关于实施卓越工程师教育培养计划的若干意见》精神,皖南医学院制定并实行了"卓越药师人才教育培养计划",据此介绍了该计划的实施情况,提出项目实施存在的问题,对项目未来发展进行了思考。  相似文献   

图示法是明晰表达统计信息的重要手段,指导能力验证计划实施的各类程序文件均强调了图形显示在能力验证报告中的重要性,并指出"应尽可能用图表来显示统计信息".本文较系统地报道了图示法在能力验证报告中的应用.  相似文献   

In many countries, changes in the pattern of working lives and ageing of the population increases the need for professional cleaning in private domestic homes. The objective of this study was to obtain basic knowledge concerning professional home cleaning. The study consisted of two parts. First, cleanability of surfaces contaminated with microbiological and organic soils was examined in the laboratory using cleaning cloths, detergents and rapid detection methods with potential for use in conjunction with professional cleaning in private homes. Second, hygienic conditions in three households were screened using the same rapid detection methods as in the laboratory experiments. According to the laboratory study, the cleaning efficiency of the non‐woven cloth was clearly poorer than that of the cleaning cloths containing microfibers. There were differences between the efficacy of the cleaning agents in removal of protein and microbiological soils. Despite the differences between surface topography observed with scanning electron microscopy, differences between the cleanability of the three examined surface materials (steel and two plastic surfaces) were small. In hygiene monitoring, the highest levels of total aerobic bacterial counts were detected in the plughole of the sink, on the eating table in kitchens and along the edge of the toilet washbowl and the cover of toilet seats. Low amounts of Enterobacteriaceae indicating faecal contamination were detected in the toilet and bathroom after cleaning. Moulds were not detected in any of the three households, and the amounts of yeasts were low. Detection methods, microbiological dipslides and the protein test, were well suited to the laboratory study. Furthermore, they complemented each other in the hygiene monitoring. The information obtained will be used for development of better practices in professional home cleaning. Good quality management in professional home cleaning and the cleanliness of surfaces in homes are important factors affecting comfort and safety.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(7):1152-1177
Economic theories of commercial nonprofits and mutuals usually emphasise the advantages of such organisational forms in reducing agency and monitoring costs in markets that suffer from information asymmetries in exchanges between firms and their customers. This article examines the ability of such transaction cost theories to account for historical variations in the ownership and governance of firms in the US personal finance industry between the early nineteenth century and the Great Depression. It focuses, in particular, on mutual savings banks and their role in the development of the intermediated market for savings accounts. While I find some evidence in support of transaction cost theories of organisational form, I also find that entrepreneurial and socio-political factors played crucial roles in the choice of ownership and governance structures; mutual savings banks predominated in the early years of the industry because the form offered entrepreneurial advantages over investor-owned corporations and because in some states they benefitted from regulatory and political advantages that joint-stock companies lacked. Their relative decline by the early twentieth century was the result of increasing competition in the market for savings deposits, the loosening of regulatory barriers to entry, and changes in public policy that reduced the transaction, innovation and regulatory advantages that the mutual savings bank form had once held. The article draws out the theoretical implications for our understanding of the historical role of nonprofit and mutual firms.  相似文献   


This appraisal considers the role and impact of vocational education and training (VET) in Australia and New Zealand, and suggests directions such policy might take in other Asia-Pacific countries. It identifies key issues and constraints in making VET more responsive to emerging labour market needs in the region as an important factor in sustaining high economic growth. It focuses on the way in which the demands of the government, industry, trainees, and, in particular, shifts in political ideology that have influenced the education and training sectors in both countries. It addresses points of specific relevance for the delivery of VET in the broader Asia-Pacific context and concludes with a consideration of lessons and experiences of Australia and New Zealand with VET that may hold for other countries in the region in formulating priorities and implementing strategies in meeting their current and emerging needs for skills development.  相似文献   

在我国煤炭行业监管体制中,府际基本利益的冲突与部门之间角色利益的冲突日益凸显,从根本上影响了行业监管的集中性、统一性与有效性。为了寻找各自的利益平衡点,必须从公平原则出发有针对性地确立权利、义务、利益相统一原则与权力、职责、利益相匹配原则,在此指导下,需要构建相应的立法协调机制、诉求表达机制、利益补偿机制等利益平衡机制,从而实现各方利益的平衡,理顺现行的监管体制。  相似文献   

The potential of blockchain technology (BCT) to modify and innovates established business structures and frameworks has received widespread attention. Academia and businesses are becoming increasingly curious about how this technology could be used to improve and refine consumer services and operations. Despite the growing popularity of blockchain research in consumer services, there remains a dearth of detailed summaries in the literature. Hence, this bibliometric analysis, combined with a systematic literature review (SLR) using SPAR-4-SLR protocol with the theories, characteristics, contexts, and methods framework (A hybrid review), aims to convey qualitative and quantitative knowledge on the ever-evolving subject of blockchain application in consumer services in an organized manner. Specifically, this article analyses: (1) the current publication trends in studies devoted to blockchain-based applications for consumers, (2) the most important publications and themes of research in this field, (3) the evolution of blockchain in consumer service over the years, and the most current trends in this field, (4) the advantages and challenges of incorporating BCT into consumer services, (5) gaps in the existing literature that future researchers should investigate. In addition, this review also describes the widely used theories, characteristics, and methods in the application of blockchain in consumer service research by examining the most applied theories, methods, constructs, and study contexts and paving the way for new research directions. The review includes 417 documents after searching for scholarly publications in two databases (Web of Science and Scopus) and choosing documents based on their relevance to the stated goals.  相似文献   

Home economics and civics as school subjects in Japan have a common feature, in that both subjects nurture a sense of citizenship at home, in the workplace and in the wider society. In addition, both have the potential to help students recognize the gender bias around them and can empower them to help make a more gender‐equal society. Focusing on this, the purpose of this report was to investigate home economics and civics teachers’ views, in order to analyse the features of the two subjects and the relationship between them. Questionnaires were sent to home economics and civics teachers of all the senior high schools in four prefectures around Japan in October 2001, and 357 samples were analysed. The results were as follows: (a) Home economics teachers and female teachers expressed more interest in lessons on gender than civics teachers and male teachers. Concerning lessons on citizenship, no statistical difference in teachers’ interest was found. (b) Topics on citizenship were learned in the fields of consumer, environment and social welfare issues in both subjects. More lessons were reported to take place in home economics than in civics. (c) In home economics, topics on gender were learned as core issues in the areas of family relations, family law and parenting. On the other hand, in family law, civics, topics on gender were taught as marginal issues in the area of basic human rights and labour issues. (d) Home economics teachers thought the goals of gender education were to empower students to overcome narrow gender roles and to strengthen self‐respect. In contrast, civics teachers thought it would empower a sense of human rights. Concerning citizenship education, teachers of both home economics and civics thought the goals would enable students to recognize social problems as their own issues and try to solve them.  相似文献   

Following Lavelle, Rupp, and Brockner's ( 2007 ) target similarity framework, we propose that perceptions of support and career satisfaction mediate the influence of justice perceptions on citizenship and counterproductive performance. Structural equation modelling results from 356 employees supporting partial mediation. Collectively, the model explained 19% of the variance in perceptions of organizational support, 44% in perceived supervisor support, 33% in career satisfaction, 35% in citizenship performance directed toward the supervisor, 42% in citizenship performance directed toward the organization, 49% in job/task conscientiousness citizenship performance, 9% in counterproductive performance toward the supervisor, and 20% of the variance in counterproductive performance directed toward the organization. We argue that distributive, procedural, informational, and interpersonal dimensions of organizational justice follow different pathways and variously influence organizational outcomes. We discuss the implications of the results for the target similarity framework and more generally for human resources management. Copyright © 2015 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

黑龙江省发展连锁"农家店"问题及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑龙江省在建设"万村千乡"市场工程取得了很大进展的同时,同样存在许多问题。主要是农村购买力水平低,经营管理水平落后,业态单一,布局不合理,人才缺乏,配送中心建设滞后等。应结合黑龙江省农村实际选择合理的商品种类,实施规范化管理,采用现代化管理手段,提高全体员工的素质,加强配送中心建设,推动农村连锁"农家店"的规范化运作和快速发展。  相似文献   

劳资双方具有一种逻辑关系,表现为资本优先,劳资平衡,劳方优先三阶段。当代资本主义正处在劳资平衡的第二历史阶段。社会主义市场经济条件下劳资关系正处在第一历史阶段即将结束,并开始向第二历史阶段过渡时期。在这一过渡时期,政府在节制资本,保护劳工,劳资兼顾方面还存在一系列的难题:政府在节制资本、调控初次分配方面能力有限,保护劳工方面作为不够;工会组织在维护劳工权益方面比较软弱;社会主义民主制度在确保劳工各项权利方面有待进一步完善。由于劳资双方强弱明显,加快了中国社会分配的两极分化,这应引起我们的极端重视。  相似文献   

As an affluent and warm weather country, Australia faced an epidemic of drowning in children under five as the popularity of home pools increased in the late 1960s and early 1970s. In one state child drowning rose by 6.62 per 100,000 in the five years from 1968. Variation across jurisdictions in actions to regulate domestic pools has resulted in Australia representing an unfortunate natural experiment in interventions to prevent child drowning in pools. Mechanisms adopted by various authorities were analysed in detail to identify factors that contributed to success and failure in regulating domestic pools. Despite early identification of the problem and development of what were later demonstrated to be effective interventions, best practice solutions were not established in any jurisdiction until 2002, 25 years after identification of the problem. Key failures in intervention were found to be: failure to act in a timely way, flawed regulation, blockage of timely action and repeal of effective state regulation under political pressure, and blockage of effective standards. Lessons are identified as: inherent weaknesses in the standard setting process, failure of interventions to address major risk categories, failure to act before the hazard grew, failure to consider lesser interventions for tactical reasons, failure to pay attention to advocates, and the need for continuing effort. The paper argues that analysis of the identification of the problem, development of interventions and implementation of mechanisms of prevention illustrate where systemic changes are required and indicate lessons that should be applied in developing and implementing future interventions.  相似文献   

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