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陈国平 《光彩》2011,(11):23-23
人类历史上还没有出现过一个依赖炒作投机而实现持续发展的经济体,摒弃了实体经济的坚定支撑,迟早都会内爆这个秋天,地处东南之滨、秋日宛如春光般温润的温州,却此任何一个北国城市都更深切地感受到了肃杀寒气。据《经济观察报》报道,从今年3月至今,温州已有80多家企业发生老板失踪、公司破产、员工讨薪事件。一场由民间借贷风险传导至实业的危机正在爆发,一些人士一度发出警告:若任由危机蔓延,年底前温州将有40%的企业倒闭。  相似文献   

耗资3.8亿元的广州亚运会开闭幕式,仅有5000名国内观众现场目睹,广州觉得"不划算"。为了给广州搭建一个具有世界影响力的演艺平台,培育一个成熟的演出市场,更为了探索出一条大型赛会  相似文献   

夏莹 《光彩》2017,(11)
近日,引领今年文化类节目风潮的《见字如面2》只播放了一期便突遭下架,虽然相关各方并未对此作出解释,但此事仍引发了业界对文化类节目的诸多反思.  相似文献   

This article discusses social aspects of school lunches in Norway. How do 11‐year‐old students experience and perceive their packed lunches and lunch breaks and to what extent is the lunch break a space for children's sociality or an area for teachers’ governmentality? The study is based on 25 focus group discussions and drawing and writing assignments with 165 participants. A large proportion of the students expressed that they appreciated their packed lunches because they could decide for themselves what and how much to eat. Additionally, shortage of time and disturbance and noise in the classroom could ruin a good meal. The main issue that the students raised in relation to our question of sociality was with whom they could sit and eat their packed lunches. This finding underlines the importance of considering the emotional dimensions of eating and that commensal eating is not dependent on sharing the same food. The children experienced that the lunch break was governed by an adult agenda in which they had limited opportunities to create their own spaces.  相似文献   

罗天昊 《大经贸》2011,(3):40-41
高铁开通,天涯咫尺. 新年伊始,广东西部沿海高速铁路(中国东北至三亚的沿海铁路的一段)获批,已正式动工.如能通车,则茂名至广州,将从以前的5至8小时,缩短到不到2小时,而茂名至深圳,则从以前的6至9小时,缩短到大约2小时.未来,这条本来南东北至三亚的沿海铁路彻底竣工之后,茂名至三亚的路程,亦将不到2小时.  相似文献   

Global studies have observed many techniques of manual dishwashing causing different levels of performance and using quite different amounts of water, energy, time and detergent. It is not known, however, if these techniques are pre‐assigned to a person and persist when dishes are washed under different conditions, or are adapted to the specific type of dish‐cleaning process. Here we explored this question in a study with 40 test subjects selected equally from Germany and East European countries by asking them to wash two place settings of dishes with different amounts of soil three times. The results showed that the test subjects did not adapt their washing‐up behaviour to the amount of soil. In general, no significant differences were found in the water, energy and detergent consumption for all test subjects. Only the time used by the German test subjects to wash the fully soiled dishes was significantly longer compared with the dishes with only a quarter the quantity of soil, and no significant difference was observed for all other parts. The only significant difference found between the level of soiling of the dishes was the cleaning result achieved: The less soiled the dishes were, the better the final cleaning result was, and this related to all test subjects. This lends support to the proposition that the consumers did not adapt their washing‐up behaviour to the specific circumstances of the dishwashing job to be done but retained some pre‐assigned behaviour.  相似文献   

2011年3月31日,法国总统萨科齐、国际货币基金组织(IMF)总裁卡恩和经合组织(OECD)秘书长古里亚等国际组织负责人,以及IMF前总裁康德苏与二十国财长、央行行长以及国际经济和货币领域的重要学者齐聚南京,参加二十国集团(G20)国际货币体系改革高级别研讨会。尽管此次会议是非正式的、学术性的,但是,从出席会议的成员规格上和所讨论的会议主题看,具  相似文献   

This paper has three objectives: (1) to survey the relevant literature addressing the (apparent) paradox of Research & Development investments carried out within Small and Medium Enterprises; (2) to provide focused summaries of the articles in this special issue; (3) to draw some general conclusions in terms of policy implications.
Peter VoigtEmail:

Gong  Yanping  Li  Jian  Xie  Julan  Zhang  Long  Lou  Qiuyin 《Journal of Business Ethics》2022,179(2):369-385
Journal of Business Ethics - Green consumption values have been shown to motivate consumers to engage in green consumption practices. However, surprisingly little research has examined how green...  相似文献   

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